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"You bring me to anger." Bren's voice was abnormally monotonous, and there was a beat of silence before he shrugged and his expression went back to its gloomy, mildly irritated look. His voice went back to normal, too. "Perhaps I'm unused to human company after all this time." He turned away and tried not to let Lyra see him shudder. That was the strangest feeling, what had just happened. It was like his mind had gone blank of anything but his perpetual aggression. His expression and voice may have changed back, but his eyes still bore that hint of steel near their centers as he squeezed them shut.
Alex blushed again at the look on her face, and he found himself staring for a moment before he cleared his throat and abruptly stood from the bench, his shirt pulling loose from her fingers. He awkwardly tightened the strings of his hood, shading his pinkened features. "Should we walk around?" he mumbled.

Quill was getting ready to say something back about actually being kind of short, but when Katrina rocked the slightest bit back, he moved forward and rested his hands on the curve of her waist and hip, gently steadying her. He froze, realizing his natural flirtatiousness had just forced him to be instinctually touchy. Quill hesitantly stepped away. "Eh... sorry."
Lyra dropped her hands and waded away from Bren, her eyes wide. "I'm sorry... I... Didn't mean to purposely upset you. I was just.. Trying to have fun." She tried, her voice full of hurt and of fear. During the entire time they had been stuck with each other, he had never acted in such a way. "I'll go ahead and be drying off." She murmured after anmoment before she stepped out of the river and slipped the dress she had been wearing back on in one quick and smooth movement.
Bren stood after a few heartbeats, trying to calm himself. Something felt terribly wrong, and his every muscle felt weak. "You should know by now that I'm easily upset," he said, glad he sounded more normal than he felt. He walked to the edge of the water, pulling on his trousers first. He hesitated when faced by the shirt, and so he just went without. He ran a hand through his damp hair, the ends curling slightly against his forehead, neck, and temples
Jess nodded and stood as well, her arms clasping behind her back as if to keep herself from giving into the feeling that she desperately wanted to touch him. "Y-yeah. We should." She looked over at him, her eyes slightly shaded over. She tried to get the dirty images of what they could be doing instead of walking out of her head as she flashed Alex a small smile. ~God he's so attractive.~ She thought silently, catching herself staring and forcing her eyes to look away.

Katrina remained completely still for a long moment before she cleared her throat. "I-It's cool." She stuttered, her skin still feeling the heat of his hands on her waist. Once she grabbed the bowl, she set it off to the side and began to climb down carefully. She dropped back down to the floor and stumbled backwards a few steps until her back was pressing against Quill's chest. She squeaked and whipped around to face him, their noses only a few inches apart and almost touching. "S-Sorry." She whispered, too embarrassed to move.
Alex felt like he was being scrutinized like a culinary masterpiece is judged. He felt like Jess was looking at him so intimately they might as well have been in his bedroom half-dressed. Alex turned away quickly, looking towards the more tree-crowded area of the park. The tall plants looked majestic in the snow, dark streaks against the pastel sky and white flakes.

Quill turned on the charm and gave her a flirty half-smile before kissing the tip of her nose. Then Quill stepped around her and started pulling ingredients from the cupboards, humming to himself.
Lyra glanced back at Brenner and immediately regretted it as she saw that he was without his shirt. She blushed lightly and averted her eyes from his bare chest. Just because he thought modesty was pointless didn't mean she'd stare at him when he was half naked. "Do you think we'll be able to make it to the village before nightfall? We could get a hotel room for the night with the money that was in the bag before heading back to the mountain." She questioned, picking up the bag full of trinkets and a few silver coins scatted throughout it.
Jess followed Alex's gaze and watched all of the people running and playing in the snow. She sighed and linked her arm with his, a forced smile on her face. "Come along, brother." She said before starting to walk down the sidewalk, their linked arms making Alex follow after her. "So what's it like in college? Is it really any different than high school?" She asked, trying to give them something somewhat interesting to talk about.

Katrina blinked and stared at the wall in front of her for a moment before furiously rubbing her nose with her sleeve, making the tip of it a rosy red color like she had been out in the snow for hours. "So what's your boyfriend going to think of you living with not one, but two girls?" She asked, as if trying to remind him that he identified as gay and that he was flirting a lot more than a homosexual boy should with a girl. She took a cutting knife from the wooden holder and began cutting vegetables beside him, her movements fast and precise as she had been cooking on her own for more than half of her life.
"He knows about Jess. If you're asking because you're thinking I'm being unfaithful, he knew I was bisexual from the start. Besides, he knows I find it hard to be tied down to one person." Quill set out his collected ingredients and began preparing the pasta.

"There's a lot less hormones, first of all," Alex replied. A little voice in his head said, At least you thought. Alex went silent, swallowing hard. But then he continued after a few deep breaths. "There's a lot more work, which is also more difficult, and there's less people who will care what you do. The teachers don't baby anyone at all." Alexander sighed. "I know that firsthand."
"If we keep walking, it's doubtful. We need to go faster, or we'll be sleeping in the forest." Bren realized that his knees kept threatening to give out and sighed deeply. "On second thought, how about we make camp Here? There's water, and where there's water, plants and animals will collect." He shuddered visibly and sat down heavily at the base of a nearby tree, leaning back against it.
"So you're basically a player. But an even worse player than all of the other ones because you're bi!" Katrina snorted, amused by her little joke even though she was completely serious. She gathered all of the tomatoes she had just chopped up and dropped it into the bowl she had grabbed. Then she started on the peppers. "I hope you're into spicy food." She glanced over at Quill as she continued cutting. She was about to call his a pansy if he didn't, but she suddenly cried out as she sliced one of her fingers. She dropped the knife on the floor and held jumped away as it clattered beside her feet. She held her right hand tightly with her left, blood dripping through her tightly clenched fingers. "Son of a bitch!" She shouted, hopping around in pain as she tried to keep her eyes from watering.

"I'm actually pretty excited for college. Even though it is a lot harder." Jess said, brushing her hair out of her face. "I don't know how I'll be able to go though." She murmured, a sigh escaping her lips. "I've been living with Quill for the past three years because my parents practically disowned me. It was ths whole big misunderstanding and now I don't have any way to put myself through college. I've got a job at a cafe, but the pay I get isn't going to be anywhere close to how much money I'm going to need." She explained, her arm slipping away from his and falling down to her side. "I'm going to have to find my own apartment soon because I can't just keep leaning on a Quill for the rest of my life. And I have no idea how I'm going to pay for that either. So I'm basically screwed." She added, a smile on her face as she laughed light heartedly, making a joke out of her problem.
Quill looked up and saw her hopping around. He grabbed some gauze from across the kitchen, having prepared the room for the few times when Jess tried to cook. She was awful at it, and therefore always cut herself.

"Maybe you should pay attention to the knife next time instead of staring at me," Quill said lightheartedly, taking her by the wrist and wrapping her cut finger tightly.

Alex frowned, noticing her sad tone of voice. "College will put you through major debt. Maybe staying with your friend could save you money, unless you think you can support yourself and also pay for room and board? That's what I'm doing."
Katrina winced and attempted to yank her hand away, but Quill's grip on her wrist was too tight for her to pull away. "I wasn't staring!" She retorted before biting her lower lip and tensing up. "Ow ow ow ow!!!" She whimpered as he wrapping gauze and bandage over the cut. "Hurting hurting hurting hurting!" She stepped backwards, still trying to free herself from his torture on her finger. She always had a high pain tolerance, but when it came to little cuts like this, she couldn't handle it.

Jess only shrugged. "Staying with Quill would definitely be easier. But I don't know if he wants me there anymore." She murmured, her eyes dropped to the ground. "We've.. Drifted, ya know? We used to be so close... But then he obviously doesn't approve of us." She motioned between the two of them. "And I told him how hypocritical that was since he could go out and find anyone he wanted and sleep with them within 24 hours of knowing them. Everything between us is just.. a little crazy at the moment."
"That's fine by me.. But are you alright? Your face is pale." Lyra went over to Brenner and helped him stand steadily. "And you're burning up." She observed, heat radiating off his body in waves. "Maybe we should try to make it to the village. They'll be a doctor there, they could help you." She tried, a worried expression on her face as she looked over at him.
Bren pulled away, leaning against the tree now as he stood. "I'll be fine," he snapped, though his voice didn't hold the power it normally did. He pushed his damp hair from his face, causing it to stick up and matt. "We should just stay here for the night, alright?"
Quill refused to let her go until he finished wrapping her finger. He stepped away and put back up the First Aid supplies, washing his hands next of any blood that might have gotten on him. Then he calmly continued working on cooking. "You were totally staring."

Alex nodded as though he had any experience--even though he didn't. But he knew what it felt like to not have many friends. "If you are meant to be friends, little things like who dates who won't matter."
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Lyra's eyes traveled up and down his body as she saw how weak he really was. She nodded silently and turned away from him, her hands rubbing her face as she thought this was her chance. With him being as powerless as he was, she could easily escape. And if she was able to get her mother's amulet back, she doubted Brenner would be any more of a threat than he was now, even if he was in his dragon form. "Y-You should rest. We'll leave at first light. Till then.. Just.. Regain your strength." She tried, turning back towards him, hoping he'd be asleep before too long so she could disappear into the night.
"In your dreams, player boy." Katrina retorted, smacking him lightly on the back of the head before hesitantly beginning to chop up the vegetables again. She made sure to keep her eyes on the knife instead of apparently 'staring' at Quill. "We should invite your boyfriend to dinner. That way, you two'll be occupied and I can eat in peace." She suggested, a sarcastic tone in her voice, but she really did think it would be nice for Quill to invite his significant other to dinner so he could at least attempt to become serious with their relationship.

Jess nodded and rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah.." she agreed softly, not really listening as she was stressing about how she'd tell Quill about her and Alex actually becoming a thing. "So ah.. Ice cream?" She asked, looking over at Alex with a cheesy grin. "Unless you're not man enough to handle it in the cold."
Before long, Brenner's breathing had slowed and he'd lost consciousness in the way of fainting more than actual sleep. Lyra's amulet hung from around his neck, lying slack against his bare chest. He was leaning against the same tree he'd propped himself against earlier, and he was sitting up with his head against the trunk. Bren's pale skin glistened with perspiration from his fever, which had gotten worse since sunset. He was out cold.
Quill glanced at Katrina, raising a brow. "He's rather withdrawn when it comes to being around other people, but I'll invite him." While he let the pasta boil, Quill pulled his phone from his back pocket and texted his boyfriend about it. A few seconds later, there was a buzz and Quill announced that they were going to all have dinner together.

"So," he began. "Why were you so broken down earlier?" Quill leaned against the counter next to Katrina, his voice having been low so as not to make her bristle at his words.

Alex was about to challenge her, but then he looked away, smiling sheepishly. "I'm actually lactose intolerant." Then he abruptly laced his fingers with hers and brought her hand to his mouth, kissing her knuckles lightly. "But I'll buy you as much ice cream as you want. You've gotta eat for two, so let's see how much you can handle." Alex's smile turned mischievous as he glanced back at Jess, releasing her hand.
Lyra crouched down in front of Brenner, her eyes narrow and concentrated and she thought about how she was going to get the amulet back. She sat there for what seemed like forever, her entire body stiff and still as if she were too afraid to even try to reach for the priceless trinket around his neck. She crept over to his sleeping form, her face inches from his as she kept her eyes on his closed ones, her hands trembling as they began to untie the amulet from Bren as carefully as she could. If he woke up now, he'd always be on guard and there would never be a chance like this to get her precious possession back. Once the string was completely unknotted, she swiftly and quickly lifted the amulet from off his skin and braced herself as she knew Brenner would grow at least 10x his size and turn into his beastly form. She darted behind a giant boulder, the amulet being held tightly to her chest, her eyes shut as she prepared herself to be torched any second now.
Jess blushed a deep red as she glanced at her hand that he had just kissed, a bit flustered at the sudden act of affection. But then her competitor side kicked in as she scoffed and rolled up her sleeves to show her "muscles". "You see these jelly worms? You think I get these from not eating a crap ton of icecream? Bah. Think again!" She retorted with the same smile he had on his own face. She then got a sorrowful expression and she reached up to pat Alex on the shoulder. "And don't worry. I won't judge you for not being able to eat icecream." She teased, obviously judging him. A 'loser' was even coughed out before she grinned innocently.

Katrina stiffened, but simply shrugged a moment later, trying to keep focus on her vegetables. "It was nothing. Just period hormones, ya know? We don't have to talk about it." She said, not comfortable with talking about what had happened and what she had seen in the week's past. "So when's everyone coming over for dinner? I need to get changed and probably shower before meeting the girl I'm gonna be living with for a while. And meeting your boyfriend that I'm most likely going to be seeing a lot of."
Bren didn't transform at first. He almost appeared stuck in his human body, still unconscious. But then a visible shudder racked his body and he groaned. His eyes opened and the gray at the center of them almost seemed to be glowing, bleeding into the black of his irises a bit more. Brenner's gaze scanned over the trees, fruitless in their search for Lyra. At least, until he lifted his face slightly and scented the air, his lips parting. His eyes landed on the girl and narrowed, a malicious fury in them. Then Brenner twitched violently and he began the transformation into a dragon. In that form, his eyes were still beginning to turn gray, and a few small scales at the tips of his wings and tail were also the color of tempered metal. Bren stepped over to Lyra and growled softly, dipping his face down to hers.
Alex's expression changed to show indignance and he stepped away from Jess, crossing his arms and peering at her with amusement. "It's not my choice! But yeah, I'm kind of a loser." He laughed and started off towards the nearest ice cream shop, which was actually part of the park.

"An hour? Maybe two? Jess kinda has her own interpretation of the times set for events. My boyfriend on the other hand should be here in exactly an hour, because he's a bit of a goody goody."
Lyra flinched as she felt a gust of hot air blow against her face. She hesitantly opened her eyes and peeked up at Brenner, the amulet not visible from his view because she was clenching it so tightly in her hands. She pushed herself up and away from the rock so she could stand, her hands now clasped behind her back as she forced out a nervous laugh. "Y-You see... This is just.. a really big misunderstand. I just thought that.." she trailed off, swallowing hard as she couldn't think of an excuse quick enough. She cleared her throat and lifted her head up as if she were going to say something. But instead of sticking around to get roasted by his dragon fire, she took off towards the cover of the trees so that she wouldn't be an easy target just sitting out in the open for him.

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