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Jess looked up at Alex and returned the soft smile, her cheeks and nose still a bit red, but it was mostly from the cold. "Nice weather, huh?" She asked before she visibly cringed and covered her face. "Oh god. I'm so boring that I have to revert to talking about the weather." She groaned, embarrassed that she was this horrible at small talk.

"You're the one wasting time! We have to get everyone out! Please Reuben. I can't loose anyone else." Katrina tried, holding onto him tighter as she kept her back pressed into the concrete wall.
Lyra couldn't help but grin as well before catching her jacket. "Oh why thank you, kind sir. I am forever in your debt!" She gasped, fanning herself dramatically as she bat her eyelashes. She went over to a nearby tree and stood behind it's large trunk so that she could get undressed without Brenner seeing. After a few moments, she came out from behind the tree, now fully dressed in her new and bloody outfit. "It's a little big, but it's much better than this god awful dress." She said, tossing the fancy article of clothing onto the woman's body. "Should we take this bag with us? Maybe there will be something useful in it." She questioned, picking up the bag and taking a look at the contents inside.
Alex laughed. "Well, I'm boring enough to keep the conversation going. So, yes, nice weather. I happen to like autumn." He nudged her lightly with his elbow and walked into the park.

"Katrina, we're not real... We're machines with differing faces and voices, so we might seem human but we're not. Our personalities are imported from save files." Reuben lifted a hand to Katrina's face and gently lay it against her cheek. "There are others exactly like us; maybe with different names who make different memories, but we're just...." Reuben broke off, and his eyebrows drew together in a sad, almost puppy-like expression. "We're not real," he said softly before kissing her. There was a sudden flash of light behind him, and he teleported, wrapping an arm around Katrina's waist to make sure she would be with him when he did. They reformed at a safe distance from the destroyed pizzeria, and before Katrina could even open her eyes, Reuben used his last bit of will to say it: "Even if I'm fake, I still love you." Then his touch dropped from Katrina's waist and cheek, and he collapsed at her feet. He was downturned, so that the extent of the damage to his back was visible, but his face wasn't. Reuben's clothes were burnt off of his back, legs, and arms, and the synthetic flesh beneath was singed, curling and blackened. Wires were visible, shortaging and sparking. Oil seeped from Reuben's body, leaving a dark stain atop the grass.
"Depends on what it's got. You see anything of value?" Bren paid Lyra little attention as he again picked up the dagger that lay in the grass. He wiped it clean on the extravagant dress Lyra had tossed away.
Jess followed after Alex, making sure to keep a safe distance from him as she didn't know if he wanted her touching him or not. She crossed one arm across her stomach to where it could hold onto the other one as she walked so that her hand wouldn't brush against his accidentally. "Winter is my favorite." She explained, looking around at the trees, a small smile on her face as she admired the warm colors of the leaves. "Especially when it snows. The snow just leaves everything in a white blankness. And once it melts, it let's everything have a fresh start and be reborn once again. It's beautiful, really."

Katrina blinked her eyes open and let out a horrified scream as she looked down at Reuben. "Reuben? Reuben!?" She shouted, dropping to her knees and sliding an arm under his neck to lift him up. She cupped his cheek, tears rolling down her face as she looked at the state he was in. "Reuben please! You can't leave me!" She cried out, pressing her forehead against his and letting her tears drop onto his face as she began rocking back and forth uncontrollably. "I love you Reuben! Please don't leave me!" She shouted before she kissed him, her eyes shut tightly as she wished this was all just a nightmare that she'd wake up from any minute now.
"Not really.. It's mostly just more clothes and some jewelry." She observed, putting the bag back down beside the woman. "Should we start heading back?" She asked, walking over to Brenner and standing beside him. "We're beginning to loose daylight." She added, glancing up at the sky before letting out a yawn.
"There's beauty in all seasons. I could go into a lecture, but I think we've both had enough of that these last few weeks." Alex glanced over at Jess and noticed her awkward position. He thought about taking her hand but decided it wasn't the right time.

(I can't do anything here. All of my FNAF characters are dead XD)
"We could continue to that town you pointed out. I'm sure we could make it there by tomorrow if we kept on, stopping to rest for only a few hours." He glanced down at their bloodied clothes. "Besides, it'll be more comfortable to sleep once we wash our clothing. Otherwise the blood will get hard."
"Oh don't remind me." Jess said, letting out a laugh as she rubbed her face with both of her hands, just the thought of all the lectures they had been through giving her a migraine. She sighed, letting her hands fall back down to side before she looked around the park. She hadn't been here since she was a kid with Quill. So it was like she was taking in the beautiful for the first time all over again. "I don't remember a pond being here.," she murmured, looking to the pond in confusion before glancing over to Alex. "Think there might be any mermaids in there? Or buried treasure? There might even be the remains of pirate ships ooOOooOo~" she said, wiggling her fingers at Alex in a "spooky" way before laughing, a bright smile on her face.

~Timeskip for this rp that somehow corresponds with the other one so Quill and Katrina become a thiiiing XD~

Katina sat in a small cafe that was in the outskirts of town, her eyes bloodshot and dark rims of exhausted framing the bottom of them. She hadn't slept in days or had even eaten anything. All she could do was keep running what had happened in her mind over and over again, silently suffering as she tried to figure out someway she could've made things different. She sat in the very back of the cafe, a small suitcase by her feet that had some clothes in it that had been in her car when the explosion happened. She stared out the window beside her, her face expressionless as she was still trying to process the fact that everyone was dead.
Lyra groaned, dramatically letting her body go limp as she dropped to the ground. "But alas, I cannot go any further!" She wailed, putting the back of her hand to her forehead as if she had a deadly fever. She looked up at Bren, wondering if he was enjoying her back before she "fainted". She laid on her back, her head turned the side and her tongue sticking out as she tried to appear dead. "I'm dead." She whispered, her eyes closed as she tried her best not to crack a smile.
(I thought it would be cute if a breeze came in and Jess shivered... so if you do that, I has an idea :3) Alex smiled at Jess for a moment before he glanced back over to the pond. "I would bet on the mermaids. I know a lot of fishy people who hang around here." He realized how crap of a joke that was a blushed a light pink from his nose to the tips of his ears. Alex ducked his head slightly and hunched his shoulders a bit. "So... How has class been since you got another real teacher?" He could bet that the guys didn't care, but the girls were likely disappointed their eye candy wasn't there anymore. A lot of them had let their grades drop a bit, since they spent more time staring at him than actually listening to when he taught.

Quill walked into the cafe to get himself and his boyfriend some coffee, since it was getting cool now as summer faded. He noticed Katrina sitting alone, her clothes rumpled and her features drawn. He'd been through his fair share of depressive episodes, so he decided to maybe try and council her through it. Quill slid the chair opposite of her out and turned it around, sitting down with his legs on either side of the back.

"You look down. Would you like some company?" he asked, in a rather hesitant tone of voice compared to his typical demeanor.
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Bren rolled his eyes and exhaled loudly. "Stop this idiocy. You're most obviously not dead, and to throw yourself to the ground could one day end with you getting injured for no good reason." Brenner started walking away, listening with his slightly enhanced human senses for the sounds of running water. The scent of damp earth was what reached him first, since smell is the most advanced sense for a human. "If you wish to wash, follow me," Bren called over his shoulder before jogging off into the dense woods.
Jess shrugged, her arms crossing over her stomach as she thought about it for a moment. "The new teacher is... okay.." she tried, not wanting to sound harsh, but she just had to voice her opinion on the situation. "He's a really nice man and all, but he's so old fashioned! He doesn't understand my point of view or my work at all. And what does he do when he can't understand something? He either gives me a zero or demands that I write it over and make it 'more generic and like everyone else'! It's infuriating!" She ranted on for a moment before she blushed and looked away from Alex, a bit embarrassed that she had gotten so worked up. "Sorry.." she said, letting out a nervous laugh. "I just had to rant to someone that would actually understand." While she was explaining herself, a shudder went down her spine and her whole body trembled as a breeze passed in between the two of them. She tightened her grip on her arm as she attempted to keep warm.

Katrina slowly looked over to Quill, her expression not changing for even a millisecond before she turned back towards the window. "What do you think?" She muttered, her knees going up to her chest and her arms wrapping around her legs. She stayed silent for a moment, but when Quill didn't get up and walk away, she sighed. "I'm really not in a the mood for this, Quill."
Lyra let out a long whine before she reluctantly got up and followed after Bren, a pout on her face. "You have no sense of humor.." she muttered, wishing he would just smile at least once or SOMETHING. "You're going to have a permanent scowl on your face if you keep this up!" She shouted, staying a few lengths behind him.
Alex seemed a bit taken aback by how frustrated Jess was. "What is it that he wants you to make more 'generalized?' If it's an essay or something that should keep a formal military style, I understand what he's doing. But if you're given something creative--" Alex broke off as he noticed her shiver. He instinctively shifted closer and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to his side. He looked down at her, blushing as he realized what he'd done.

"The way you're sitting is disrespectful to the owners of the establishment," he noted in an emotionless voice. Then he sighed and leaned forward, propping an elbow on the table. "I'm not here to patronize you. I thought you needed someone to talk to." He glanced away, almost bashfully. "I know I'm probably the last person you want to vent to, but it doesn't look like anyone else is here for your sake." Quill looked back at her face, his expression open as if he truly were prepared to listen to Katrina.
Jess was about to answer Alex's question before he had suddenly wrapped his arm around her. A dark red hue spreading across her face. Though she was thankful for the warmth, she hadn't expected Alex to react the way he had. She glanced up at him, and when she saw how he himself was blushing, she nuzzled her face into his shirt so that he couldn't see it. Her heart seemed to be racing a mile a minute, as if she were about to have a heart attack. "T-thank you." She tried, her voice hardly audible. "You're really.. Warm..." she added, grasping onto his shirt for support so that her legs wouldn't give out.

Katrina dropped her legs back down to the ground without a word, the bottom of her shoes slapping against the wood floor. She held onto the bottom of her seat as hard as she could, her posture now stiff and unmoving as she was restraining herself from diving over the table and strangling him. "I don't need to vent and I don't need anyone, got that? So just waltz back over to your little boy toy over there and stop trying to be so damn heroic! I'm not a damsel in distress and I don't need some knight in shining armor to save me!" She snapped, glaring at Quill from across the table before her eyes dropped to floor. "I'm so sick of everyone trying to save me. Why can't you just save yourself and leave me alone?! Why can't you just worry about your own life instead of mine? Yours is just as important as mine! And yet you still.. you still wasted everything on me!" She shouted, not noticing the tears streaming down her face and falling on her lap. She stiffened once she realized all she had said. She reached up and hastily wiped the tears from tears from her cheeks, a confused expression on her face. She glanced around the cafe and almost stopped breathing as she saw that everyone was staring at her with wide eyes. "I.. Need to go.." she whispered before grabbing her bag and running out of the cafe.
Alex laughed softly. "I would hope so... You'd probably turn me away if I wasn't." He glanced at the ground as they just stood there, in a sort of embrace. The cool autumn breeze raining multicolored leaves down on them.

Quill barely had a second to breathe before he was out of his chair and running after her. He caught Katrina by the wrist out in the parking lot. As she instinctively turned to yell at him, Quill spoke first, his voice a low and worrisome whisper. "Those words weren't for me, were they?"
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"Well, at least then no one will bother me. If I looked nice and smiled all the time, you irritating humans would attempt to speak to me." Bren continued walking, taking every barefoot step with ease as he leapt over fallen tree limbs and roots. The pine needles crunched softly under his calloused heels, and even in the blood-stiffened clothes he wore his movements were lithe. He abruptly stopped in a small clearing, where a stream carved a path through the leaves and compact soil.
"Nah... even if you weren't warm, I wouldn't turn you away." She said, pulling away slightly to look up at him and flash him a cheeky grin. She then looked around the park and realized it was full of people and she suddenly stepped away from him completely, her eyes wide. "We... shouldn't." She tried, staring at her feet as she silently screamed at herself for ruining the moment. "I mean.. I want to.. but... you don't want anyone to see us like this.."

Katrina stared at Quill, her mouth half open as she had been prepared to start screaming at him again. She attempted to turn away from him, and yank her wrist free, but when her body didn't budge away from his, she gave up on trying to run away from him. She looked at him for a long moment through narrowed eyes, tear after tear still rolling down her face. "They all died... and it was.. all my fault." She whispered before she let her forehead drop onto his shoulder, her arms wrapping around him tightly as she cried into his shirt, her body shaking like an autumn leaf on a windy day that was just about to break off and fall to the ground helplessly. "I couldn't do anything to stop it.."
"Well you always have a frown on your face and you're so rude to me, but that doesn't stop me from talking to you!" She pointed out as she caught up to him, her hand holding onto his upper arm while she followed his lead. "Where to now?" She questioned, looking at the stream with amazement.
Alex bit the corner of his bottom lip and stepped back, leaving a respectful amount of distance between them. "Yeah that's... smart." There was an awkward, tense silence between them just before the wind kicked up and it seemed to drop a few degrees. A solitary snowflake floated between them.

Quill held her tightly. "Who? Died...? How?" He wondered if she was talking about those 2 guys she'd come to school with once.
Bren turned to Lyra and smiled brightly, somehow transforming his dark features and solemn expression into something unnaturally beautiful. "We're going to bathe!" he replied before pulling his arm from her grip and wading into the stream. It covered his ankles and continued up to his knees as he continued further, stripping himself of his shirt on the way to the deepest water.
Jess looked down at the snowflake and carefully lifted her hands up, it gently falling onto the palm of her right hand. It stayed there for a few seconds before it melted, the snowflake now a small dot of water. She let her hands drop as she looked up, snowflake after snowflake falling to the ground now. It had begun slow at first. But as the minutes ticked by, more and more snow was covering the ground in little patches. "It's.. Never snowed here before..." Jess whispered, looking to Alex with eyes wide with wonder before she began to shiver again, each breath she let out making a cloud in front of her mouth. She smiled up at him, her arms wrapping around herself as her teeth chattered. "I don't want to be smart anymore." She tried, wanting to close the space between them and never open it back up again.

Katrina didn't answer. All she could do was shake her head and continue crying, her spirit completely broken inside. She wanted nothing more than to just let out her emotions and have someone hold her as her heart shattered into a million pieces. ~Timeskip to I dunno when XD~
Lyra snorted in amusement and sat on the edge of the bank, her toes barely dipping into the water. "I hope you get bitten by the leeches!" She called to him, hesitant about getting in the water so voluntarily. She blushed lightly as he removed his shirt, her head turning away slightly as if to give him privacy.
"Well, if anyone asks, I'm your brother," Alex said, only partially joking. Then he closed the distance and led Jess to a nearby bench as all of the park's other visitors started back to the parking area. Alex waited until they were out of sight to pull Jess gently to where she was leaning against him, his arm around her shoulders.

(How about Katrina spends the night at Quill's place because she blew off her parents to live at the pizzeria, but now that it's destroyed she has nowhere to go. And Jess can bring home Alex to warm up, and there can be a ton of drama as they get jealous that the other person spends more time with someone else... And then Quill's boy toy also shows and he gets blown off too XD)

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