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Alex had stood and moved over to Jess to help her, but she had already straightened by the time he had reached her. He met her eyes, chin tilted down as he stared, surprised by how close they suddenly were. "I-I apologize," Alex muttered, stumbling back as he attempted to get away. His façade that he'd kept up that morning crumbled and he blushed a light pink as he accidentally knocked back one of the desks and nearly toppled over.

"Oh, you were?" Rae said teasingly, grinning at her. "Your loud heartbeat says otherwise. You were excited to see what I was going to do." He looked almost smug.
Bren rolled his eyes. "Won't the townspeople be confused once they see a young woman of obviously high standing accompanying a half-dressed man? It'll be strange just to see me by myself, anyways." He walked under the cover of the trees, expecting Lyra to follow him. "Couldn't we just find some wayfarer and kill him? Take his clothes?"
Jess dropped her things and scrambled over to Mr. Hart just as he was about to fall and grabbed onto his shirt, yanking him forward to where they were suddenly pressed up against one another. Her cheeks were suddenly a deep red once more as she let go of him and quickly backed away, almost tripping on her things she had dropped in order to keep him from falling. "I-I'm sorry!" She squeaked, completely flustered at this point as held onto her desk for support, her legs feeling as though they were about to give out. "Y-You were gonna fall and I just thought I should help you but then we got really close again and you don't want that and I..." She tensed as she realized as she had been rambling. "S-Sorry.." She repeated, her eyes focused on the ground.

Katrina puffed out her rosy cheeks and shoved Rae off the bed roughly. "S-Shut up! No I wasn't!" She muttered, crossing her arms as she looked up at the ceiling, refusing to look at Rae at his new position on the floor.
Lyra followed after Bren and smacked the back of his head. "No killing people." She said, her voice stern like a parent that was scolding their child. "And hopefully by the time we get to a village, it'll be dark so no one will pay us any attention." She added, a small yawn escaping her lips as she walked beside Bren. "Besides, I'd like to get out of this cursed dress as soon as possible. It's so tight I can hardly breathe! And trying to get around in it is no easy task."
"Miss Amberson... this is very awkward," he anxiously pushed back his bangs and bit his bottom lip for a heartbeat before speaking again. "You've got makeup...?" He was prepared to tell her that her lipstick had smeared, but his words failed him and he stepped forward without thinking, lifting his hand and gently wiping away the smudge with his thumb. His thumb brushed her lip and he suddenly realized what he was doing. "I-I didn't...!" Alex spun away and moved behind his desk, face red. The tardy bell rang, and his shoulders relaxed with obvious relief. "You're late to your next class, Jess."

Rae lay splayed out in the middle of the floor, his head snapping back. Luckily, he had a metal plate installed in the back of his skull, and so he wouldn't become damaged and have to be scooped. "Flustered?" he asked before sitting up, rubbing a hand through his hair to check that no synthetic skin had been torn by the rough concrete floor.
Jess stared at Mr. Hart with eyes the size of saucers. Her hand went up to her mouth, her fingers brushing across her lips where his had before she squeaked and hastily gathered her things. "R-Right. S-Sorry. Thanks.. I.. G-Gotta go bye!" She stammered before she ran out of the room, practically leaving a dust cloud behind her at how fast she left. ~Timeskip to whenever idk~

"Not at all." Katrina said, glancing down at him for a moment to see if he was alright. Once she knew he was fine, she made a face at him, her tongue sticking out before she looked back up at the ceiling with a 'hmph'. She stayed silent for a moment before her shoulders slowly slumped and she leaned over towards Rae, her hands gripping the edge of the bed so that she wouldn't fall on him. "Did that.. Mean anything to you?" She questioned, her eyes meeting his, her expression full of nervous curiosity. "What you just did... Did it mean anything to you at all?"
Brenner tilted his head unconsciously, making himself appear almost adorable. "Just take it off, then. Don't you have a shift beneath?" He looked up to the canopy, having forgotten how beautiful the trees looked from the ground. "You couldn't possibly be wearing a gown with nothing under... unless that's the style now?"
Lyra's eyes widened and she looked at Bren as if he were a mad man. "D-Don't be absurd! Of course I'm wearing something under this!" She stammered, a light blush on her cheeks as she was embarrassed by both the thought of taking off her dress and of not having anything on under it. "But.. Style's have changed. I don't know what women in your time used to wear, but our underthings are... Revealing to say the least." She tried, not knowing how to explain without flustering herself even more. "S-So I'll just wait to find something else more suitable to wear."
~timeskip to last day of school~ Alex ejected the movie disk from his laptop and clicked it into its case right as his first hour was about to conclude and leave him for the last time. "I hope all of you have a wonderful summer. This is, after all, your last summer as a high school student. This time next year, you'll be readying to go to college, and that's when the real stress starts." The bell rang and Alex sighed, pulling a different movie from one of his desk's drawers.

Rae's expression was guarded as he looked up at Katrina for a beat of silence. "I can't say that it did," is all he said, and then he stood, turning away and continuing to rub the back of his head as he shifted the things on his desk.
"That must be awful," Bren said in a very nonchalant voice. He obviously didn't feel any sentiment. "It's much nicer to feel the breeze on bare skin and to walk over the leaves and grass with bare feet." Brenner smiled for the first time since he'd changed into a human, and it was a strange sensation, the muscles in his face shifting. He jumped easily over a large tree root and rested his hand on the thick trunk, waiting for Lyra to catch up.
Jess stood and slung her bag over her shoulder, it being the only thing she had brought to school since she knew that she wasn't going to have to do anything in any of her classes. She glanced over to Quill and winked at him. "I'll meet ya in gym." She said, giving him a thumbs up before she made her way to Mr. Hart's desk. She sucked in a deep breath as she stood in front of him, trying to remain as calm as humanly possible. "Mr. Hart. Can I.. Can we talk? I-It doesn't have to be right now because of class and stuff.. But.. Sometime today...?" She tried, her feet shuffling nervously as she glanced up at him.

Katrina slipped off the bed and tiptoed over to Rae, a smug smile now on her face as she clasped her hands behind her back once more. "So that means you can't say that it didn't either." She teased, ducking under Rae's arm to where she was standing in front of him in the small space between him and his desk. "Which means it had to have meant something to you.." She whispered, her hands grasping onto the bottom of Rae's shirt, while her forehead rested against his chest.
Alex appeared both concerned and uncomfortable at the same time. "You can find me in my classroom during lunch. But you don't want to be late to your second hour on the last day of school." He gestured towards the exit and went back to sifting through his desk drawer.

Rae snorted and shifted away from Katrina. "You honestly read way too much into everything. Now, why don't you go to the kitchen and call up Reuben to make you something?" He then took off his shirt in a smooth movement, turning to face away from Katrina as he looked for a clean shirt that wouldn't be scuffed from his fall onto the concrete.
"Bare skin is practically a crime in my village." She said, stepping carefully over the tree root and standing beside Bren. "So I've never experienced a summer's breeze without anything but my neck and face showing." She said with a sigh, letting her hair down and out of the binds her sorry excuse for a step mother had put it in. "And I've definitely never gone anywhere without having some kind of footwear on. My father would have me executed if I did." She added, tying her hair up in a simple ponytail.
"You're quite overdramatic. Your father and stepmother are neither here. Do what you want, so long as it does not cause me concern or get on my nerves." Bren continued on, unable to help himself from feeling lighthearted here in the dense forest as a human, surrounded by nothing but vegetation, clear sky, and the occasional bird or rodent. He hadn't felt this unencumbered in centuries, and it was all that he had wished for.
"Thanks!" She said before she ducked out of the classroom, a smile on her face. ~This is it. No backing out today.~ She told herself determinedly.

-Timeskip to lunch-

Jess knocked on the door to Mr. Hart's classroom, softly, her hand trembling as she pushed it open slightly. "Mr. Hart?" She asked, peering inside the room hesitantly.

"So then it meant nothing to you? Nothing at all?" She questioned, her hands reaching behind her so that she could hold onto the edge of his desk. "I don't want to be left in the dark, Rae." She tried, her gaze dropping to the floor in an act of shyness as she hadn't seen him shirtless before. "I'm tired of having my emotions toyed with.. I just... Want something real. But if you don't want that with me then tell me! Don't leave me to figure it out by myself.. Just tell me what you want!" She shouted, her eyes shut tightly.
Alex was at his desk like always, but this time he had an unwrapped Subway sandwich that had hardly been touched sitting where his paperwork normally was. He had his hands folded on the desktop and had been zoned out, staring at his interlaced fingers as he thought of random things like his dry cleaning and the latest book his favorite author had published. He heard his title as a teacher and was snapped back into reality. Alex started, blinking at Jess as if he'd forgotten she was coming. And then he cleared his throat and stood, moving around his desk and perching on the edge of it so that they were eye-to-eye and could speak like professionals. "You wanted to speak with me?" Alex leaned slightly away from her, but unnoticeably. He was unconsciously doing it as he recalled her forcing herself on him.

Rae stood straight again, a clean red T-shirt just like the one he'd taken off. The muscles in his shoulders were tense as he balled the shirt in his fists, holding it in front of his stomach as he kept his back to Katrina. "That's exactly the problem! I don't know what I want, and that's why everything is so confusing and fucking awful." He bit his lip and half-turned, to where he still had to look over his shoulder at her.

"I get that you're hurt about the Raeney you know being destroyed, but to use Rueben and me to fill the hole...! Fuck! You scream at my brother and tell yourself he did something wrong or whatever, and he's unhappy because of it!" Rae started to raise his voice and turned fully to face Katrina. He still held his shirt tightly in front of him, his hands knotted in the fabric. "Then you make Reuben feel bad because he tries to help. And you fucking expect
me to distract you from all that you've done wrong."

"Reuben loves you, Katrina. I know you can see that, because you're not that stupid to be blind to it. But to move on to me..." Rae shook his head almost as if disgusted, and he moved past her to the door. "I do care for you, but when you act like a total heartless bitch like you have been, I feel like I'm just giving in to everything you've done to wreck our lives." Rae stormed out, leaving the door ajar and tugging on his shirt as he walked down the hall, a ball of pent up anger.
"I just..." she trailed off as she walked into the room and sat down at the desk closest to Mr. Hart, her eyes dropping to the floor. "I just wanted to apologize. For what I did... and said that day in the library.." she started, casting a quick glance up to Mr. Hart before she suddenly stood and went over to the window, a small blush on her face as she clasped her hands behind her back nervously. "I shouldn't have done it. It was sudden, immature, and completely inappropriate." She murmured, her voice full of pain as she stared out the window, her back to Alex now. "And even though I shouldn't have done it... I don't... Regret it. Not for one second." She said, looking over her shoulder at him, a smile on her face. "Now granted, I should've asked for your permission. But it just... Happened. Because I have feelings for you Mr. Hart. Feelings that.. I don't have for anyone else. And I want... I need to know how you feel about me. No running away this time."

Katrina stared at the space where Rae had been standing, her eyes wide as tears suddenly rolled down her cheeks. Her heart felt as though it was breaking into a million tiny pieces every time she breathed. His words echoed in her mind over and over again, his voice in her head making the world around her shatter right before her eyes. She looked around Rae's room, her hands going over her mouth to muffle her cries as she tried to process what had just happened. "Rae..." she tried, her voice barely audible. "Rae!" She said, her voice now a whisper. "Rae!" She called, now shouting as she ran into the hallway after him. She stopped and held onto the wall, her legs trembling. "Rae I didn't... I didn't mean to make everything go so wrong! If I could take it back, I would. I'd take it all back! I would've never fallen in love with you, or Raeney. And I never would've let Reuben fall in love with me. I wouldn't have let any of this happen! But I can't take it back. And you have no idea how much that kills me! I'm sorry Rae. I'm so sorry!" She screamed, sliding to the floor and sitting on her knees as she cried. "I'm so so sorry..."
"Such a thing is easier said than done." She pointed out, trying her best to keep up with Bren's quick strides, his legs being longer than hers. "What about your family? Where do they live?" She asked, curious about who he was and how he ended up in the situation he was in. "And is your original form human? Or a dragon?"
"I don't know you as anything but a student. An impulsive teenager." Alex bit his lip and stared down at his feet, hoping he wouldn't regret his next words. "But, even though I could potentially be arrested for saying this, I wouldn't be opposed to getting to know you..."

Rae stopped abruptly, eyes widening as he realized what he'd said and took in what Katrina was telling him. He hesitantly turned to see her crying on the ground and on impulse, he knelt in front of her and pulled her into his arms.
"My family is most definitely dead," Bren replied without any feeling to his words. "And my original form was human many years ago, but my body deteriorated and I was reborn as a dragon. I suppose the human part of me lingered throughout my time as a beast." He didn't seem much to care about how he had come to be such a strange creature, both in body and mind, but he was perfectly fine with who he was by now.
Jess gasped and jumped in the air happily, a cheesy grin on her face. "Really?!" She squeaked happily before she cleared her throat, trying to seem as mature as possible. "I-I mean... I'd really like that." She said, looking up at him, keeping in her giggles of happiness. Then suddenly the bell rang, signifying that lunch was over. "T-thanks for talking to me Mr. Hart! I-I'll see you later!" She tried before running out of the room right as his next class started to show up. Only a minute, maybe less had passed before Jess had slipped back into his room, a dark blush on her face as she had just realized something. "S-since it's summer and all... We won't be able to talk or anything at school so... would you.. m-maybe want to... exchange numbers?" She asked, shyly holding up her phone. "I-It's only because we can't see each other at school!" She quickly added, not wanting it to seem like he wanted his number like they were already a couple.

Katrina stiffened at Rae's touch, her body remaining completely still before she wrapped her arms around him, her face burying into the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry Rae... I'm so sorry..." she whispered, her hands gripping his shirt tightly as she held him close. "I'd take it back if I could... I swear that I would.." she tried, thinking that he wished that he had never cared for her at all. "If it'd make you happy I'd take it back.."
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"I'm sorry.." she tried, remaining silent for a moment in respect of his deceased family members. "You sound as though turning into a dragon hasn't phased you at all." She observed, looking over at him. "But you'd rather be in human form, right? You wouldn't be looking for a way to stay human if you didn't mind being a dragon."
"Being a dragon isn't unpleasant. As all things, it has it's perks. My favorite part of being a large reptile is that feeling of superiority. Nothing can kill something like that." Bren didn't mention anything about being human. He actually didn't know which form he wanted more.
Rae held Katrina close, unsure of what to do. "I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I was deafened by my anger, so I didn't realize what I was saying." He sighed. "I do... care for you, though. That's the only thing I don't regret saying..."

Alex blushed and hesitantly took Jess's phone. "A-Alright." He quickly keyed in his phone number and named himself on the device Alex. He didn't realize this would be when Jess learned his first name. Alex handed back her phone with a shy smile. "Get to class, Jess."
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Lyra only nodded awkwardly, having no experiences of being a dragon. She went to say something about him being human, but she gasped. "Look! There's some light shinning on top of the mountain!" She said, touching Bren's shoulder and turning him towards where she was looking. "It must be a village. If anything else, a campsite. Whatever it is, there's people up there. With clothes."

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