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Bren sighed wearily. "They won't have any clothes I like..." he complained, but he begrudgingly started walking in the direction of the mountain. "Besides, we'll likely freeze to death before we make it to the town. It's a long way up, especially wearing what we've got on."
For a moment, Katrina didn't even breathe. ~He.. Really cares... For me..?~ she thought to herself as she slowly pulled away and looked up at Rae, her eyes still wide. "But all those things you said.." she tried, pushing herself away from him and standing. She held her head, her eyes shutting tightly. "Everything you said was true, Rae! Every word of it was the truth! Knowing that, you can't possibly care for me. I didn't mean to do it... I really didn't.. but I still did. And I'm a terrible person because of it!" She shouted, turning away from him and trying to walk away. "You'd just be better off having never met me!"

Jess looked down a tree her phone and blushed lightly at the new contact. She slipped the phione into her back pocket and glanced up at Mr. Hart. "Sure thing, Alex." She teased, a burst of giggles escaping her mouth before she ran out of the room. "I'll text you!" She shouted from the halls, her form disappearing around the corner.
"You could..." She trailed off, not knowing how he'd feel about shifting back into his dragon form to fly them there. "N-Nevermind. It was a silly idea." She said, glancing away from him. She didn't want him to think that she was just trying to get the amulet back, she hadn't even thought of trying something. But now that she had, he must've been thinking of it too.
"As you said, we can't change any of it. And I have met you, as has Reuben and Raeney and Raena and all of us here. There's no taking it back." Rae stood but didn't move after her.

~timeskip to the first time Jess calls Alex!~ Alex was just finishing writing a paper for his continuing college courses when he got the call. "How sad is it that I go from the teacher to a student in a week?" he thought out loud. Alex then picked up the phone and saw the unrecognized caller ID. Immediately he knew who it was, and he blushed slightly before clearing his throat and taking the call. "Hello?"
Brenner grunted as the guy way of a lazy answer. Then he actually did speak: "I'm not going back to being a dragon, and I know that's what you're wondering."
Katrina sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, her mind like a pool that was whirling with endless confusion and frustration. "But given the chance to, would you?" She questioned, turning towards Rae for a moment, her hair falling in front of her eyes before she blew it out of the way. "Don't answer that." She said quickly, her attention dropping to the floor. "I'm gonna go home for a while. I've got a couple more boxes to pack." She tried, barely able to utter the words that came from her mouth without breaking down. But she refused to let Rae see her in such a state again. "I'll.. See you later I guess. If you want."

There was a long moment of silence that answered Alex before a small cough of nervousness was heard. "Alex?" A trembling voice came from the other line. "It's Jess." She explained before there was an exasperated sigh. "Sorry.. You probably already knew that." She said awkwardly before there was another small pause. "I was um.. Just wondering if you were maybe free later on today? I-It's perfectly fine if you're not. But I just.. I-I dunno I just... Wanted to see if you wanted to hang out? Or something?" Jess bit her lip and silently face palmed at her own awkwardness. "Is this weird? It's probably weird. I shouldn't have called. I'm probably interrupting your work. I'm sorry." She said quickly, a dark blush on her face. ~Stupid stupid stupid!~ She thought to herself as she just wanted to curl into a ball and die.

Lyra snorted and turned away crossly. "I wasn't wondering that at all." She retorted, shooting a glare over at him before the sound of a twig snapping made her stop. "Did you hear that?" She asked, her gaze darting to all the trees around them, and her back pressing into his arm as she kept close. Just as she said that, a man and a woman stumbled out from the brush in front of them. They were both dressed in tattered yet somehow clean clothing though their skin was covered in dirt and facial paint. The man was holding a large dagger and the woman had a bag slung over her shoulder, it filled to the brim with loot they had picked off of weary travelers. "Look at what we have here.." The man said, his accent slurred and drunken sounding. "Two more easy targets to finish the day off." He growled, his eyes narrowed in excitement as he looked up and down at Lyra like she was a three course meal.
Rae let her leave without a word, only watching her go. He sighed and scrubbed a hand through his hair, creating messy russet spikes. Rae retreated to his own room, a dark cloud seeming to hang over him.

Alex smiled on his side of the phone line as he heard her rambling. He pushed up his glasses (if he doesn't have glasses, let's pretend this didn't happen XD) and stood from his workplace. "Would you mind a walk through the park? The weather's been rather nice lately, and I've spent far too long doing schoolwork today."
Brenner's bored expression and loose stance didn't change in the slightest as the pair stepped out of the brush. "One easy target perhaps, but she's with me this lovely day, so I'd suggest you crawl back into whatever hole you came out of, yeah?" Bren's physical mannerisms made him appear nonchalant, but his black eyes were sharp and intimidating all on their own.
There was a squeal of excitement before a loud crashing noise was heard from Jess's side. She had dropped her phone from how happy she was. She dropped to the floor and grabbed her phone, quickly bringing it back to her ear. "I-I'd love that!" She said, breathless with delight. "Where would you like to meet? A-And what time?" She asked, laying on her stomach and letting her legs kick in the air happily like a stereotypical teenager girl would do when talking to her boyfriend.

~Timeskip to ROMANCE XD~ Katrina grunted as she was able to just barely open the back door to the pizzeria with her foot, her hands occupied with the boxes she was carrying. "Why do I have so much shit?!" She demanded herself as she set down the boxes, a sigh escaping her mouth as she rubbed her sore arms. She looked around, her eyes narrowed as it was pitch black in front of her. "Hello?" She called out, the lights usually on at least in the hallway at this time of night.
Lyra elbowed Brenner in the side, annoyed that he had called her an easy target. But then she held onto his lower arm and stood behind him slightly, knowing in the back of her head that he was right and that she needed him if things went badly. "We haven't got any money. Or anything remotely valuable. So please.. Just let us pass. We don't want any trouble." She tried, glancing from the couple and then to Brenner. The man snorted and twirled the dagger in his hand carelessly. "Well this just won't do..." He said, his voice taunting before he began cackling like a lunatic. "I guess you'll just have to give us something other than money." He muttered, taking a step towards them, the woman staying behind. "Your maidenhead alone would pay a pretty price..." He suggested, his tongue rolling over his lips with a disgusting slurping noise.
Alex was startled by the loud sound but quickly recovered once Jess began speaking again. "Would you be able to meet me at the park across the street from the night school you're currently attending? In, say, an hour? I've got a few things to finish up for my classes tomorrow, but they shouldn't take too long..."

One of the animatronics usually met Katrina just inside the entrance, whether it be the triplets, Reuben, Pandora, the younger children, or the adults, but this night no one was to be seen. There was an eerie silence, and the building seemed to be so completely void of life that it in itself could be dead.
Brenner then stepped in front of Lyra, seemingly unafraid although he had no weapon. "No one will be taking her maidenhead as of this point in time, but I'll admit that I am getting a tad annoyed. If you continue antagonizing my companion, I'm afraid there will still be a price paid, one that would be rather unpleasant for yourself."
"Yes! I'll be there." She said, the pure happiness in her voice apparent as she was grinning like the Cheshire cat himself. "S-See you in an hour then, Mr. Hart." There was a sharp gasp and a slapping noise as she face palmed herself yet again, but obviously a bit harder this time. "I-I meant Alex." She corrected herself, flustered beyond belief. "Sorry... It's just hard to get used to I guess.."

Katrina frowned before reaching out, blindly trying to find the light switch that was located on one of the walls around her. "Thanks for leaving the light on guys! Very much appreciated!" She shouted, slightly annoyed as she almost kept tripping over things scattered around the floor. She let out a breath of relief as her fingers found what she was looking for. As she flipped the switch, the lights above her flickered for a moment before they fully turned on. "Jerks." She muttered, glancing around to see if anyone was hiding in the shadows.

Lyra, knowing that the man didn't stand a chance against Brenner, couldn't help but laugh lightly. "Aw! You called me your companion~" She cooed, teasing him before the man in front of them stomped his foot into the dirt angrily. "You both take me for a fool. Thinking you can win a fight against me when you have no weapons!" He snarled before lashing out at Brenner with his dagger, a fiery anger burning in his eyes.
Alex cringed a bit when Jess called him by his respectful title. It made her seem much younger than him, and he realized how this would be perceived as wrong to many people. Even being as he was, some would think he was trying to just use her for her body, because college guys were supposedly always hunting for girls they could do that to.

The soft buzz of the fluorescents was all that could be heard as a response to Katrina's words. There was nothing to be seen in the hall except for the unnatural cast of the lights, making the walls appear an unattractive gray-brown. Then there was clanking sounds from a nearby room, which wasn't abnormal, considering the animatronics had to loudly shed their exoskeletons. This clanking was unaccompanied, and silence hung in the air for a beat longer before Reuben appeared before Katrina in a cloud of black particles that quickly cleared to reveal his panicked expression. His strange eyes were wide, and his pale face even whiter than normal. "You have to get out," he demanded in a harsh whisper that echoed painfully loud in the empty hallway. "Don't think, just run!"
Brenner was relieved as the man rushed forward, and he quickly disarmed him by sidestepping the blow, grabbing the human's wrist and using his own inertia to send him off balance and to the ground. Bren easily leaned down and grabbed a fist-sized stone before bashing in the back of the human's skull. He took the dagger from the loosening fingers of the man and sauntered carelessly over to the woman, stabbing her in the gut as she was recovering from her surprise.
There was a long moment of just silence before Jess spoke up again. "You don't have to do this you know..." She murmured, her voice having changed drastically as it had been happy and full of excitement only seconds ago, and now it was dull and monotone. "If you're only doing this out of pity for some high school girl couldn't let go of her feelings for her teacher, then we should just stop this now. Because I... Don't want to force you to do anything. No matter how badly I want it.." She tried, her voice cracking a bit. "But I really want this to work..." She whispered before she went quiet again.

Katrina was startled by Reuben's sudden appearance and grabbed onto his upper arms to balance herself as she almost fell over. "What? What are you talking about?" She retorted, her voice and expression showing how confused she was. "I don't understand. What's happening?" She tried, looking up at Reuben, her eyes frantically meeting his.
"Don't think too hard about everything. Just meet me at the park in an hour, alright?" Alex said in a comforting voice before hanging up, and he began getting his papers in order.

"The pizzeria is being demolished today. You need to get out before the bomb goes off." Reuben takes Katrina by the shoulders and leads her towards the exit at a brisk walk, trying to accommodate for her shorter legs.
Lyra stood in the same spot, her eyes wide as she was just as shocked as the lady was. Sure, she knew what the outcome of this whole thing would be, but she didn't think Brenner would've handled it like this. "Couldn't you have solved this another way?" She demanded, stepping around the corpse in front of her and walking over to Brenner angrily. "Perhaps in a peaceful, less GORY way?!" She tried, grabbing Brenner by the shoulders and making him look at her.
Brenner shrugged Lyra off and dropped the dagger. He pushed her hands away from him and then moved back to the man he'd killed, stripping the corpse. "If you'd have preferred I step aside and let you be either raped or sold into sex trafficking, I'll be sure to let you be taken next time."
Jess stayed laying on her floor for the longest time, her phone still being held to her ear before she eventually began to get ready to meet Alex, a gloomy expression on her face. ~Timeskip to their meeting~ Jess stood at the entrance to the park, her hands holding each other, her fingers twirling nervously as she wondered if she was dressed appropriately and if her hair looked alright. A light blush was dusted across her pale cheeks as she was embarrassed for worrying about such trivial things. ~You look fine. Just calm down. Everything is going to fine.~

"Demolished? Bomb?!" Katrina demanded, her eyes wide as she tried to push back against Reuben. "What about everyone else? I can't just leave them!" She tried, dragging her feet across the linoleum floor. "What about you? There's no way in hell I'm leaving here without you." She added, moving herself to where she could press her back into a wall, refusing to move a step closer to the door, her hands still gripping Reuben's arms. "We have to get everyone out! They can't just stay here!"
Lyra blushed slightly before following after Brenner. "You know that isn't what I meant. But you still didn't have to handle the situation like that." She muttered before she let out a sigh. "We at least have clothes now, I guess." She said, trying to sound optimistic as she slowly walked back to the woman and began nervously stripping her like Brenner had done to the man. "You ruined this dress!" She whined, holding the dress up and poking her finger through the hole the dagger had made when Brenner had stabbed her.
Alex showed up wearing his typical blue jeans, brown high tops, and unzipped black hoodie, but his shirt was a T-shirt with a video game design on it. He had his hood up and his hands in the pocket as the wind kicked up. It was late fall, and while it was warm during the day, the breeze strengthened as the evening approached, such as then. It was about 6 o'clock when Alex walked up beside Jess, greeting her with a soft smile.

"Katrina, please, just go!" Reuben's panic became more noticeable as the seconds ticked past. "You're wasting time!!"
Brenner pulled the blood-splattered shirt over his head before flashing Lyra a charmingly mischievous grin. "I made sure to purposely avoid leaving a hole in the chest. You should be grateful I thought about what would make you comfortable." He then put on his new trousers and tossed Lyra's jacket over to her.

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