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~He talks of not liking self-absorbed people when he's the one who's more obsessed with himself!~ She thought, glaring over at him. She watched him for a moment before rolling her eyes and laying down on her side, her back facing him. She curled up, her eyes shut tightly. ~I hope we can get this over with quickly..~

~Timeskip to morning~
Alex glanced up as the classroom door swung further open. When he saw Jess, he immediately looked away, but managed not to blush. He appeared nonchalant as he went back to grading some tests. He shuffled the papers. "Good evening, Miss Amberson," he greeted her in a completely professional voice, not even looking up at her.

Rae lifted his gaze to meet Katrina's eyes for a split second, and then he looked away, continuing to fix his bed. His brows drew together in a frustrated expression as he finished and continued glaring down at his unmoving hands. "You always have to ask questions that have no relevance. You wouldn't leave, so what's the point of coming up with alternate realities if we don't live through them?"
During the night, Bren's fingers loosened on the amulet, and it fell from his hand onto the ground, behind a fist-sized rock. His body grew painfully, but he still did not wake, exhausted from his first shift from dragon to human. As dawn's light shone into the cave from the horizon, Bren breathed out a sigh as warmth seeped into his black scales. What he didn't know is that the human girl had become surrounded by his tail, and one of his wings shaded her from the light. Bren's breath ruffled her hair and dress like a light breeze.
Katrina got a Cheshire cat like grin on her face and she innocently clasped her hands behind her back before stepping to where she was right beside him. "You still have to answer the question though~" She cooed in a whisper, her chin resting on his shoulder, having to stand on her toes to do so. "So... Would you?" She asked, repeating her question.

Jess jumped and froze in front of his desk, her wide eyes staring at the ground. She hadn't expected him to talk to her! "G-Good evening M-Mr. Hart." She said, stammering more than she usually did. She blushed a deep red, her knuckles turning white from how tightly she was holding onto her bag. She told herself silently to move, to keep walking to her desk, but all she could do was stand there like a deer in headlights.
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A shudder was sent down Lyra's spine from the sudden breeze that was blown against it. She too hadn't been disturbed by Bren's unexpected shifting, but as the air around her got colder, she began to wake up a bit. She blinked her eyes open, everything around her still blurry as she sat up. She let out a long yawn, both of her hands reaching up to wipe her eyes, having not realized the position she was in. Once she was good and awake, she removed her hands from her eyes and looked around, confused as to why it was still dark around her. She glanced up and tensed at what she saw. She looked around frantically, her eyes wide as she was shocked to see the tail of a dragon wrapped around her. "You shifted back?!" She demanded, trying to find a way out of this situation. She grunted as she tried to push his massive tail away from her, her arms shaking with effort as it was too much for her to even move an inch.
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Alex waited a moment before slowly setting down the stack of papers he held and reluctantly raising his head to meet her gaze. He appeared completely indifferent to the fact that she was the one who had practically sexually assaulted him. He steepled his fingers, laying his arms horizontally across his desk as he looked up at her. "Can I help you, Jess?"

Rae stiffened and ducked away, moving so quickly that Katrina's weight sent her forward and onto the bed without his support as she stood on her toes. Rae peered down at her through half-narrowed eyes, unamused. "If you keep bothering me, the answer will become a yes."
Bren felt pressure against one of his large scales and blinked open both layers of his eyelids. He saw Lyra pushing against his tail and was confused for a second before he realized that he'd transformed during the night. Brenner stood smoothly, lifting his tail and moving it to where it was pressed against the wall behind him. Be looked down at Lyra with drowsy puzzlement.
Jess's face turned an even darker shade of red as she glanced up at him, their eyes accidentally meeting. She shook her head silently, quickly backing away from his desk. In her state of panic, she tripped over her own feet and fell backwards and landed on the floor with a loud crash. She yelped upon impact and stayed on the floor for a moment, in shock that she had fallen right in front of Mr. Hart. ~You're such an idiot!~ She shouted at herself mentally before she scrambled to her feet and fled from the room.

Katrina cried out as she fell onto the bed. She rolled over to where she was supporting herself with her elbows and laying on her back, her legs dangling off the edge of the bed. She couldn't help but laugh at Rae's reaction as she pushed her hair out of her face. "Oh so it was a no then?" She teased, reaching out and grabbing his wrist and yanking on it to where he fell onto the bed next to her, ruining the sheets he had just fixed even more.
The bell rang as Jess was running through the halls, and Quill ran into her on his way to class. As they both nearly fell over, Quill grabbed her shoulder and steadied them both. "Whoa, Jess, what's wrong?"

Rae's breath came out in a rush as he hit the mattress. He stared up at the ceiling with his irritated, pouty expression. "I never said it was a no. And you just fucked up my sheets again..." he grumbled.
Lyra stared up at Bren, her eyes wide as she stumbled to stand. She then came to a realization. "The amulet!" She gasped, looking around with wide eyes. "Where is it? What did you do with it?!" She demanded, spinning in a frantic circle as she tried to spot it from where she was standing. "You had it for ONE night and you've already lost it!" She shouted, holding her head with both hands as she tried not to have a panic attack right in front of him.
Jess pulled away from Quill roughly, her back slamming into the wall behind her while she gasped for breath. "I can't do it!" She tried, looking up at Quill. "I just can't do it! I could barely talk to him without sounding like a mess! And then I tripped and fell right in front of him!" She shouted, face palming angrily. "I'm never going to win him over." She whispered with a groan, hating herself for not being able to go through with their plan.

Katrina couldn't help but laugh before she suddenly climbed on top of Rae, her body hovering above his as she held his wrists down to the mattress, a smirk on her face as she looked down at him. "You never said it was a yes either." She pointed out, still teasing him. She then shrugged at his comment about the sheets. "And they were gonna get messed up sometime today anyway." She added, lowering herself to where her face was an inch from his. "Whatcha gonna do about it?"
Bren, already irritated with the girl, puffed smoke her way as an attempt to tell her to calm down. Then he began pawing around, scouring the ground with his awesome eyesight. He found it within a few seconds and used one claw to tug it out from under the rock. The amulet was still pristine.
Lyra coughed, almost choking on the cloud of smoke she suddenly inhaled before she fell to her knees in relief. "Thank the gods..." She whispered, wanting so badly just to clutch the amulet to her chest and never let it go. But she knew that if she tried to take it now she'd surely be killed where she stood. "I'm sorry." She said after a moment, looking up at Bren. "I just... Don't know what I'd do if it was lost.." She tried before she looked back down at the ground silently.
Quill crossed his arms and gave her a stern look. "You're the most badass little lady I know. You sure as hell can do it, and I'm not going to let you wuss out. I will buy you some cocaine if you need to loosen up a little, because I know some dealers at this school." He raised an eyebrow expectantly.

Rae didn't seem impressed. Then a hint of a smile appeared on his face, just a slight smirk. "The sheets? I'll fix them later. But we've got a problem if you think you're the one in control." Rae smoothly flipped Katrina over and held himself above her to where they weren't touching at all, but they were very close, with his hands pressing into the mattress above each of her shoulders. "I'm just not a submissive kind of guy," he said softly, golden gaze almost playful.
Bren looked away from Lyra and then took the amulet and pressed it against his forearm. He began to transform back into a human, and it was less painful this time, as if the process was a muscle that had to be flexed to get easier to move. When he was fully human, he redid his loincloth. "I understand what you mean, but there's no reason to freak out."
Jess gasped and slapped her right hand across Quill's mouth, her eyes even wider than before. "Y-You can't just offer someone cocaine during the middle of school!!" She shrieked, her eyes darting around the hallway to make sure no one was around before she let her hand fall away from his hand. She looked at him for a moment, a look of shame and disappointment on her face before she let out a long sigh. "I don't know what I'd ever do without you.." She murmured, leaning against him for support. "Alright. Let's do this." She said, obviously not to ecstatic about having to face Mr. Hart again, but she was going to try her best not to let herself or Quill down this time.

Katrina blinked a few times, having to process what just happened before she looked up at Rae, a dark blush spreading across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, the tips of her ears even turning red. "W-Who says I have to be the submissive one then?" She shot back, trying her best to remain calm and keep her cool. She hadn't expected Rae to react like he had. But there was no way in hell she was going to let him win this so easily. She bit her lower lip without realizing it, having been trying to figure out how to get herself back on top since she knew he'd be too heavy for her to flip back over.
"If you cared about that amulet as much as I did, you wouldn't be saying that." She murmured, her eyes dull as she looked back up at him. She sighed and pushed herself up to her feet once more, her movements more calm now. "We need to find you some actual clothes." She said, not wanting to have to look at his half naked form every time she talked to him.
"You can do this, Jess." Quill wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked back to Mr. Hart's class, where Alex had already begun teaching.

"I do. Because I know for a fact you'll like it." Rae chuckled softly and then kissed her throat, right above her collarbone. Katrina had been dancing with the devil for too long, and Rae had finally decided he was going to give her what she'd been trying for all along. Or, at least, tease her with it. He may not have hated her, but it was fun to mess with Katrina and make her squirm.
"What? You don't like how I look?" Brenner's expression was disappointed as he watched her stand. He knew for a fact he didn't used to be ugly in the 1500s, but styles did change, and Bren might not be as attractive to women in the 1800s as he was in his time period, when practically every maiden fawned over him.
Jess scoffed, wondering how Quill could have so much confidence in her when she had none at all. She let him lead her into the classroom silently before she stepped away from him to take her seat, her head down the entire time. She said absolutely nothing as she got out her things, her movements stiff and full of anxiety as she was afraid to do something wrong again in front of everyone.

Katrina opened her mouth, ready to say something in a retort before her body tensed up under his, her hands grasping the sheets tightly, her eyes shutting. She squirmed beneath him just as he wanted to, her racing as she had never thought of him doing something like this. "Since when do I... Listen to you?" She tried, her back arching ever so slightly off the mattress as she considered pushing Rae off of her.
Lyra blushed slightly and whipped around to turn away from him. "A-As if it would matter if I did!" She stammered, flustered by such a question. Did he not realize that she wasn't even able to walk alone with a boy her age!? "I just don't want to be spending my time with a boy who is only wearing makeshift underwear as a fashion statement!" She added, her blush worsening as he was in fact a very attractive person. But she'd rather die than tell him that.
Quill sighed as he saw how defeated Jess was. But he was going to have her do what would eventually make her happy.
~timeskip til the end of class, I guess~

"You say things like that, yet you haven't told me to stop, have you?" Rae trailed his fingers lightly over her stomach, being sure to stop where her shirt rode up. Then he sat back and smiled mischievously at her.
"You are worried about how you will appear to society, even with no one around?" Bren sounded baffled. "How confident can you be?" Then he walked out of the cave, knitting the broken chain of the amulet around his neck to where he was wearing it. "Then where do you suggest we get me clothes, because we're not going to the town at which you live."
Jess let out a breath of relief as the final bell rang, signifying that class was over. She looked to her right, ready to say something to Quill, but she stopped herself when she realized he had already left. "Probably making out somewhere with his newest toy.." She muttered to herself, her gaze traveling to the front of the room to where Mr. Hart stood, it just being the two of them in the room now. "M-Mr. Hart," As she went to stand, her hands grazed across her textbook, causing it and a stack of notes to fall to the ground with a crash. She mentally face palmed before quickly crouching down and beginning to gather her things, a look of embarrassment on her face.

Katrina sat up as well, following Rae's movements while she hastily tugged her shirt down. "I-I was about to!" She protested, her teeth gritting as she tried to make the dark blush on her face less apparent. She panted ever so slightly for breath, her heart still feeling as though it was going to explode at any moment. ~No I wasn't..~ She thought silently, a small smile on her face as she pushed her hair out of her eyes.
"There you go again! Assuming I care what other people think!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air angrily. "I never said one thing about me caring how society sees me! All I said was that I'd rather not have to see more than half of your bare body every time I look at you!" She added, refusing to look at him because she knew that if she did, she'd only have the urge to strangle him. She let out a short breath, trying her best to remain calm. "Let's just find the closest village so we can get this over with."

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