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Lyra made faces at Bren, muttering curses of annoyance. She stood and slowly walked over to him, not wanting him to think she was trying anything. She bent down slightly and reached out her hand towards him, a nervous yet kind expression on her face. "L-Let me assist you." She said in a suggestive tone, not wanting him to snap at her. "To at least stand, I mean." She quickly added, knowing he didn't want the help, but also knowing that he needed it.
Jess blushed deeply and smacked Quill's shoulder. "Shut up!" She exclaimed before she quickly went into the living room, wanting to leave the conversation as soon as possible.

~Timeskip to the next night~

"Is wearing makeup really necessary?" Jess demanded, looking at herself in the mirror. She could barely recognize the face that looked back at her as she had never been one to wear makeup. So it was strange to see herself all dolled up for once. She looked quite good with it on, but she never really needed any unless it was to cover up a few spots of acne over the years.

"Sorry Rae..." Was the only thing that was said before everything was silent for a long while. "Do you mind if I sleep in here tonight?" Was the question that suddenly broke the silence. "If I go back to my room, Raeney will only bother me again. And I know he'd at least have some sense not to come back in here." She added, sitting up so that she could give Rae a pleading look. "I promise I'll be good."
"I'm indecent. Surely your father would not approve of you coming into contact with s naked man." Bren smiled up at Lyra brutishly, obviously very full of himself at this point in time.
"I mean, you can take your chances while looking butt ugly, but that's your choice," Quill said flippantly, swiping the last bit of color onto Jess's lips. He had just found a hidden talent for makeup, it seemed.

Rae rolled his eyes, grumbling under his breath as he crossed his arms. "You females like to take advantage of forced chivalry," he muttered. "You take the bed and I guess I'll just stay up reading the rest of Pride and Prejudice." Rae stood again and swiped his book off the bed before returning to his previous spot.
"Well, obviously, my father isn't here." Lyra shot back, a light blush dusting across her cheeks as she turned away. "But whether or not you're able to stand has nothing to do with me. So I'll just leave you to sort it out yourself." She added before she started to walk back across the cave, her arms crossed.
"Such a great pep talk, Quill." Jess said in a sarcastic yet monotone voice as she stood and ran her fingers through her hair nervously. "Can't I just call in sick or something?" She tried, looking over at him with wide, anxious eyes.

Katrina smiled cheekily and slipped under the covers swiftly, having known he'd say yes. "Thanks Raemond." She said oh so sweetly before she curled up in a comfortable position. She stayed quiet for a moment, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. She then sat up and looked over at Rae, a look of gratitude on her face. "But really though... Thank you.." she mumbled, before quickly laying on her side to where she was facing the wall, her eyes shut tightly as she tried to fall asleep as quickly as possible.
"Fine. I don't care if you act like a child; I can do whatever I wish on my own." Bren stood abruptly, swaying as he tried to keep balanced. He held the jacket in front of him with his free hand and took a moment to fasten it around his waist to where he wore what resembled a loincloth, leaving his legs visible but everything else covered below the waist. "I've no need of you now, Lyra."
"You're a fool to think I'd just leave you with my mother's amulet." She snapped, not even thinking before she spoke. She tensed up a bit, having not wanted to say that exactly. "I'm not leaving without it." She said after a moment, turning to face him. "So it appears that we're stuck with each other until we can find some other way for you to keep your human form."
"Definitely not. If you show weakness now, he'll never see you as a potential mate." Quill paused, considering his words. "Scratch that. If you show weakness, he'll know that his fleeing made you uneasy. He won't even get close to you. You have to pretend to be normal." Quill winked and made a meowing sound. "Go get em tiger!"

Rae only glanced over for a moment before being reabsorbed in his book. ~timeskip to morning~
Bren raised one brow mockingly. "A little diplomat, aren't you?" He smiled unkindly, eyes narrowing as he approached Lyra. "You believe you have a choice, but this really isn't the time or place for you to be making demands..." Brenner peered down at her, a cruel expression on his face as he lifted his left hand and ran his fingertips down her cheek, clutching the amulet in his other hand, behind his back. "Your naivete is precious. Only the pampered feel that their words are worth more than others'."
Jess groaned dramatically and let her body fall against Quill's like a dead weight. "I don't wannaaaa!" She whined before she pushed herself up again, using him to steady herself. "I hate you." She muttered, glaring up at him before she grabbed her bag. "If this doesn't work, which it won't you owe me dinner." She said before she left the room. "C'mon!" She shouted from downstairs, already at the front door and holding his keys.

Katrina rolled over, only half awake. She yelped when there was nothing under her and she suddenly dropped onto the hard concrete floor. "Fuuuuuuck." She whined, her voice groggy sounding. She laid on the floor, splayed out like a starfish as she stared up at the ceiling. "That hurt." She said, the fall having obviously not felt too good. She curled up, using the blankets as a cocoon while she rubbed her eyes and tried to wake herself up.
A dark blush found its way onto Lyra's face and she quickly slapped his hand away while taking a step back. "D-don't touch me." She stammered, obviously flustered. She rubbed her cheek furiously, as if his touch was toxic to her porcelain skin. Once she composed herself, she glared daggers at Bren. "And do not forget that the amulet you hold in your slimy fingers is mine. So I think it's you who shouldn't be making demands." She snapped back, her eyes full of anger as that amulet was the only thing she had left of her mother's. She didn't even know where they had buried her. So there was no way in hell she was going to leave without it.
"I'll make demands all I want," he replied, sickeningly sweet. "This is my cave, and you'll do whatever I want, because this amulet--" Bren shook it in front of her-- "is all that's keeping me human."
Quill met Jess at the door. "We all knew I'd be buying your broke ass dinner anyway," he said, snatching the it's from her hand and walking out. "You really need to get a job. Mr. Hart won't be happy to know you're living with a sexy beast like me." At that, Quill skipped to the car, spinning once on the way. He smiled at Jess before laughing like a stereotypical gay guy.

Rae snorted and then sighed. "The bed is there for a reason... And you fucked up my blankets..." He stood from his perch on the edge of hos desk, seemingly having never moved during the day that had passed. "But then again, you fuck up everything. So no surprise."
Lyra gritted her teeth, just barely keeping herself from snatching the amulet from him. She knew she'd be much better off with him in his human form to where he couldn't do much to her. "As I said..." she hissed, her body trembling with anger. "We can work together to find some other way to keep you human. Because I am not leaving without my amulet." She gripped the skirt of her dress tightly, making sure her hands were holding something so that she didn't try to strangle him. "So please, don't make this harder than it has to be."
Bren laughed and turned away from Lyra, moving back up to the fire. "You'll leave if I tell you to leave." He cast a dark look her way. "Humans have been my favorite delicacy for the last 300 years. Do you really want to anger me?" His cruel smile returned. "I feel no remorse for killing them, and I'm sure I wouldn't feel anything after killing you. You're no different from any other self-absorbed rich girl I've met."
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Jess stuck out her tongue to Quill before following him to his car. "Yeah yeah, whaaaatever." She rolled her eyes, a barely noticeable smile on her face as she slipped into the passenger seat. ~Timeskip to the school~ Jess stood at the school entrance, her feet seemingly glued to the cement. "I-I don't think I can do this..." She said, glancing over her shoulder to look at Quill. "I'm just gonna...." She started to walk towards Quill's car, hoping he'd have mercy on her and just take them both home.

"You're extra douchey today." She muttered, balling up the sheets and throwing them at Rae as she stood up, her hands going to her hair to flatten it out. "And it's not even past noon! That's a world record." She added, glaring over at him as she sat on the side of the bed. "Why must you be so horrible all the time?" She demanded, crossing her legs and gripping the side of the mattress. "It's not like I ever did anything to you..."
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"I'll leave when I wish to leave." Lyra shot back, jogging to catch up with him so that they were facing one another once again. "And seeing as your current form is a human, I'm not too worried about being your latest meal." She added, standing in his way with her arms crossed. At this point, all the fear that she had of him was replaced with anger and annoyance. "You know absolutely nothing about me. So what you think you know about me or who I am means nothing. You just assume everything about everyone without knowing a single thing about them!" She exclaimed, exasperated.

"You think you know me because of the clothes I wear and the title I have. Well this may come as a shock to you, but I didn't ask for any of this! I didn't ask to be avoided and isolated from everyone just because they think I'm better than they are! I didn't ask for my title! I didn't ask to have a father who can't even look at me because all he sees is his dead wife when he does! Or to have my mother be replaced by some woman who was only looking to get all of my father's money instead of trying to fix our broken family! I didn't ask for any of it!"
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Quill frowned at Jess and dramatically tucked his keys in an inner pocket of his leather jacket before zipping it up halfway so she couldn't assault him and get it. "C'mon," he said, walking under the awning just as it began to pour. He turned around and glanced at Jess, knowing she wouldn't want to walk home in the rain and sit outside for the next 8 hours.

Rae took the sheets as they flew through the air and he began straightening them out, preparing to put them back on the bed. "I'm not big on conversation or having to deal with people being around me. Get up." He nodded at the side of the room to show her that he wanted her to go there. His golden eyes returned to her and he leaned over the bed, laying out the sheets.
Jess half wailed and half groaned dramatically as she stomped over to Quill like a five year old. She crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks angrily as she glared at the ground childishly. "I hate you." She muttered, shoving him before walking inside, her right hand going over her eyes like the sun was in them in an attempt to hide her face.

"That still doesn't mean you can be a dick whenever you want." Katrina pointed out as she stood out of his way, her back leaning against the wall. "But if you didn't want me around, you could've just said so.." She murmured, her eyes blank as she stared at the wall in front of her.
Bren rolled his eyes. "I believe that I know enough about you just from observing your attitude. Here you are, once again thinking you deserve better than others. I've been a damned dragon! I had no steady diet or others of my kind to speak with, so during winters I would starve and I had to keep myself company for 300 years. It's a miracle I've not gone insane!" Brenner held out his hand to her, opening his fingers and revealing the amulet. "If you want it so bad, take it. But I assure you that you'll be dead by the time you get to that line of trees." He pointed at the trees just outside the cave mouth. "Take your chances if you must."
Quill trailed after Jess, smiling. Then his nerdy eye-candy walked up and wrapped an arm around his waist, kissing his temple. Quill suddenly became the hormonal teenager that most teens kept at bay while in public, and Brian forgot about his bestie, instead suddenly moving to the wall and starting to make out with his current boyfriend. The nerd blushed but let it happen. Quill didn't even notice that other students were staring and murmering about how they wished Quill would pay them that much attention.

"You're better than most people," he said with a sigh as he readjusted the other blankets and tucked in the edges. "Besides, even if I told you to leave, you wouldn't do it anyway."
Lyra stared at the amulet in his hand for what seemed like an eternity. She obviously wanted it back.. It was the only thing she had left of her mother. But she knew what Bren said was true, no matter how much she wanted to deny it. She reached out towards his hand, it looking like she was about to take the amulet from him. But instead, she shoved his hand away from her. "I'm not that stupid." She muttered, turning away from him, her arms crossing across her stomach. "We're going to find another way to keep you human. And whether you like it or not, we're going to do it together. So just TRY not to make our time together anymore worse than it has to be." She said before going over to the fire and sitting beside it silently, her chin resting on her knees.
"You're the one being difficult. I can't stand self-absorbed people." Bren sat against the wall opposite from the fire, feeling the chill of the stone wall against his skin, experiencing cold for the first time in what to him felt like an eternity. "Humble yourself, and we shouldn't have too many problems."
Jess went to yell at Quill, but thought better of it as she knew she'd only be ignored. She sighed and made her way to her first class by herself, her head down as she made her way through the crowded hallway. Once she made it to the right classroom, she stood by the door for the longest time, her heart feeling as though it was going to burst out of her chest. ~What are you waiting for? It's not like he's going to notice you're wearing makeup anyway.~ She told herself silently, hating that she had let Quill talk her into something so stupid. She gripped the strap of her bag tightly before she slipped into the room, trying to get to her seat without being noticed.

"I would've!" She protested, a light blush on her face. ~Since when have I been better than most!?~ She shouted silently, having thought Rae had hated her the most more than anyone. She then remained silent for a moment before she laughed lightly. "No, I wouldn't have.." She said, realizing she would've stayed just to annoy him if he had told her to leave. "But would you tell me to leave? If you knew I would listen?"

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