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(Ok, I'm going to turn on my phone again and show you my 3rd grade art XD The story is awful, but at least it has crappy pictures to go along with it!)
"Shit! I forgot my bag." Jess realized as she was about to get in the car. "Gimme just a sec. I'll be quick, I swear." She said before she ran back into the school. Just as she was about go back into the library, she froze as she saw Mr. Hart with another woman. Her heart dropped as she saw how happy they looked together. ~You never had a chance.~ She told herself silently before she walked back to Quill's car, her head down. "Nevermind. I don't need it." She murmured as she sat in the car, her eyes staring out the window blankly.

"I loved him, Reuben!" She shouted, her eyes watering. "And I saw him DIE in front of me! I couldn't even look at him! And just hearing his voice made it hurt so much more." She tried, turning away from him and wiping her eyes angrily. "What kind of closure is that?" She demanded before she continued to walk away from him. "I'm just gonna go to Rae's room."
Astrid had to cover her mouth to cover up the cheeky smile that was forming on her face. She tried her best not to laugh at the fact that Fae had practically just told off the man who had objected to her idea, but it was just too amusing. A few giggles here and there escaped her lips before she attempted to compose herself. "T-That settles that then." Was the only thing she could say before she had to bury her face into Fae's arm, her body trembling with laughter.
(I think 1740ish will work, 130 years after the colonists arrived. There would have been some nice towns by now.

Brenner "Bren" Irwin || about 300 years old, which is fairly young for a dragon, but he was cursed at 16. This curse killed him slowly, and then he was rebirthed as a newly hatched dragon from his corpse, just as a phoenix would rise from its own ashes. As a human, he looks about 16 or 17 again by now || shaggy raven black hair that looks violet or dark blue in bright light; has undertones like raven feathers and shades his eyes, being straight || also raven black eyes that match his pupils || nakeyyyy //// Dragon Bren || rather large. His forearm Is about 5-6 foot long. I'd guess that he is about 21 or 22 foot tall at the top of his head, or 14 at the shoulder/back. He is probably about 45-50 foot long, and his wingspan would be rather impressive, maybe 75 foot || scales are raven black like his hair in his human form || eyes are raven black and match his pupils || AS A SOUL-DAMAGED DRAGON: his horns are still black, as are his scales, at the beginning of the transformation to a damaged creature, but his horns will begin to grow out white and his scales will begin to shed to show white scales. His eyes are the only instantaneous change, where the black iris shrinks so small that only the pupil can be seen besides the white of the eye)
Alex heard the door open and close and jumped back from Gale, having been about to kiss her. He glanced at the glass door and saw Jess walking away. He cleared his throat and straightened his sleeve cuffs for about the fourth time that night. (This is still night school, right?) "I have to be getting home, Gale. It was nice seeing you," he bade her before following Jess out. She was already in Quill's car by the time Alex got out, and he sighed, putting his hands in his sweater pockets before ducking his head and making his way to his own car.

Rueben thought he could feel his heart breaking. Then he remembered that he didn't have a heart, and he shouldn't feel emotions at all. He bit his bottom lip and steeled himself before walking back to his own room. He shouldn't love Katrina. She was a human, and she'd never felt anything for him anyways...

Rae glanced up from his book when Katrina entered his room. "What's up?" he asked, trying to nicely ask why the hell she was bothering him. And then he saw the tears in her eyes and inhaled slowly, sitting up straighter and pulling his legs beneath himself as he sat atop the straight, pristine covers. "Something happen?"
(Lyra Allard || 15 years old [to make the whole, can't walk with a boy a BIIIIG deal] || Pale brown hair that curls ever so slightly at the ends. Goes to mid back, maybe a little shorter that's almost always styled to her mother's liking yet she'll take it down practically every time || Eyes are a pale green || Skin is pale and fair. BASICALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT HER IS PALE || Attire is like the dress we discussed blah blah blah || Lyra isn't exactly rebellious because she's too much of a wuss to be, but she's very adventurous and is almost never where she's supposed to be. She tries her best to interact with the lower leveled children, but she's a complete outcast because of her title. Though she could just use her powers to make them like her, she wants them to like her for who she is. Not because she forced them to. Because of that, her adventures always consist of her being alone and that causes her to get lost a lot and bleh bleh bleh. She's almost fearless [except when it comes to standing up to her father], extremely stubborn, and tends to see the bright side of things even when the world around her is completely dark. And she is very sharp witted)
Jess turned her head away as soon as she saw Alex step outside, her eyes dulling. "Drive." She told Quill before she curled up in the passenger seat, her eyes shutting tightly.

Katrina glanced up at Rae from the doorway, her body leaning against the wooden frame. "I just..." She trailed off, her eyes falling to the floor. "Saw a ghost." She whispered, saying the same thing she had to Reuben before she stepped inside Rae's room, her foot kicking the door shut behind her. "I'm gonna stay in here for a while." She said, knowing if she asked for permission, he'd just say no. So might as well just do it anyway. She fell onto the bed beside him with a long sigh, her shoulders brushing against his lower back as her head rested against the small of it. (Like they're sitting back to back with their backs literally touching, but he's sitting and she's laying) She reached over and took the book from him, her index finger keeping his place as she flipped through it. "Whatcha readin'?"
Brenner was an evil creature, and he hated himself for it. But it was who he was, and so he embraced what it was that he loathed. He was the spawn of whatever antichrist there was that existed, and it was all because of damned sorceress many, many years ago who cursed him to be this way. Brenner heard the startled gasp of a human and blinked his second eyelid, clearing his thoughts. He saw a middle-aged man standing beside a nearby tree staring up at him with a mixture of terror and awe. Brenner let out a reptilian laugh that sounded more than a choked roar and plucked up the man, holding him between two of his talons. The human pushed at his claws and shouted, but Brenner leaned his head close, breathing warm air onto the man. He felt a warm liquid trickle between his scales and made a low sound of disgust, pinching his claws together the slightest bit. The human struggled to breathe without impaling himself.

"I've got information a magnificent beast like you could use!" the man shouted, and Brenner froze from lifting the human to his mouth. He made a growl-like sound that rumbled in his enormous chest, causing the trees around them to lose a few leaves with the vibration. The man nodded. "Yes, yes! There is an amulet, a magic amulet in the town to the east! A young woman wears it, and it is magic, it is! It can help you! I know you're a cursed one, Irwin!" Brenner's eyes widened and he felt a sudden surge of anger. Smoke began to billow from his nostrils in thick, dark coils. The human's fear showed on his face.

"Oh, God save me!" he shouted, and Brenner squeezed his talons together, impaling the man. The dragon heard a satisfying popping sound as the human's torso imploded with the large amount of pressure. Before too much blood could get away, Brenner tossed the man into his mouth and swallowed him whole.
"Wait... but I thought..." Quill glanced between Jess and Mr. Hart as the man made his way to a different car. "You like him, though! And he looked like he was trying to find you!"

"This'll surprise you, but Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors, but she's the only romantic writer I've ever read by choice." Rae looked over his shoulder at her, checking that she didn't look at him with surprise. If she did, he'd have his best disinterested expression, or maybe he'd just look indifferent.
"Lyra Adelaide Allard you'd best get yourself out of that tree before your father sees you!" Screeched a plump young woman who was wearing what looked like to be pounds of jewelry along with layers and layers of fancy cloth that seemed to just barely cover her massive chest that was practically spilling out of the dress she was wearing.

"She sounds more and more like a banshee everyday.." Lyra muttered to herself as she held herself up on a sturdy tree limb. "You see, dear 'mother'," Lyra started, shouting to the woman so she could hear. "It's quite easy to get up a tree..." She trailed off, a groan sounding shortly after. "But it's no simple task to get down one!" She tried, lowering her body to the nearest branch as she tried not to ruin the extremely poofy dress she was wearing.

The woman who Lyra had called her 'mother' crossed her arms with a huff, not even attempting to help the girl down. The lady was actually Lyra's step mother that her father had married just after her mother's mysterious death. The two of them just tolerated each other, the woman there for the money only. But Lyra didn't mind just as long as the woman didn't bother her.
Jess glanced back at Mr. Hart as he continued to walk away, her teeth digging into her lower lip. "I can't just..." She trailed off before she groaned and quickly undid her seat belt. "Don't wait up for me!" She said before she jumped out of Quill's car and ran after Mr. Hart. "Mr. Hart!" Jess tried as she caught up with the man, practically running into him, but stopping herself just an inch or so away, her chest rising and falling quickly as she panted lightly.

"Oh man. I haven't read this in ages..." She murmured, continuing the flip through the pages, going to the best romance scenes she could remember the pages of. "I'm a hopeless romantic." She explained after a moment of reading as she glanced over at him, their eyes meeting. "And this book was one of the first books I read that was deemed as a romance novel. It's a really good one." She said with a smile before she handed the open book back to him, it being opened to the page he was at. "But I didn't think you were into that kinda stuff."
Brenner flicked out his forked tongue and tasted the air, checking that there were no other humans who had seen him. When there were none, he felt disappointment. Such a small hors d'oeuvre only made him hungrier, and now Bren was antsy with frustration. He lifted into the air, looking down on his cave. It was surrounded only by dense forest, human civilization not to be seen even on the horizon. Brenner felt free here, unbothered by most other creatures, but now he was searching for something to eat, which was always difficult for something his size. A nearby sea is where he flew to, and then he dived under the water, using his massive wings to push himself down, down. His second eyelid protected his eyes from the saltwater, and it took a few seconds for him to reach the seabed. And then he was hunting fish, scooping them up easily with one shift of a wing to push him along in the water.

Once he'd eaten his fill, Brenner launched himself up, breaking the water's surface and springing into the air with amazing grace from such a large creature. He landed softly on the loose soil surrounding the sea and shook himself, resembling a polished onyx in the midday sun. Then Bren was in the air again, for the first time in ages headed to civilization. He had a mission to find this amulet.
Alexander looked startled as his eyes traveled from Jess's eyes to her shoes and back up. "Do you need more help with your studies?" he asked, keeping his face stoic and pale, making sure that he didn't blush or look away. "If so, we'll have to schedule it for before finals, which are just next week..."

Rae almost pouted, shifting his gaze to stare grumpily at the wall across the room. "I told you, the only romance I have read is Jane Austen. I'm not completely pitiful like that, but I'm not super angry all the time like you guys think I am. It's just that you are all so annoying." He dog-eared the page he was on and dropped the book down on his bed. "Just like you're being now, claiming that I'm a hopeless romantic like you..."
Lyra continued to slowly make her way down the branches of the tree, her arms trembling lightly with exhaustion as she had no upper body strength left. Once she was close enough to the ground, she launched herself off the branch she had been standing on and slammed into the dirt with a thud. The woman, whose name was Lady Gwendolyn, ran to Lyra's side and roughly yanked her to her feet by her arm. "Look at you! You've made yourself into a mess!" She shouted, trying to dust off the expensive dress the best she could. She got most of the dirt off, a few patches being left at the edge of the skirt, but they didn't have time to make Lyra completely spotless. "Come along now. Your father is awaiting your presence for dinner." She said briskly before leading the girl towards a large manor down the road.

Once inside, Lyra found herself sitting at a long dinner table, her seat being right next to her father's as he sat at the head of the table. "You are late." He said bluntly as he chewed on a chicken leg. "And dirty." He added, raising his glass to take a sip of some dark red wine.

"Sorry father.." Lyra murmured, staring at her hands as they rested politely in her lap. "I fell. From a tree." She explained, glancing up to Lady Gwendolyn who sat across from her. The woman narrowed her eyes at the girl in disgust before filling her plate with food.
"You wouldn't be reading Jane Austen if you weren't~" Katrina teased, pushing against Rae's back lightly before she sat up, her arm now touching his, their fingers almost touching one another's. "And if you actually thought I was really annoying, you wouldn't have let me stay in your room for this long." She added with a grin, knowing that he had to at least somewhat enjoy her company. It was better than him being all alone.

Jess opened her mouth to say something, but it closed after a moment, her hands clenching into loose fists. "Please..." She tried, her eyes meeting his. "Treat me as an adult. Just this once..." She whispered, her arms crossing across her stomach nervously. "I'm not a child, Mr. Hart. Hell, you're only a few years older than me. So you should know that I'm not just a kid anymore." She looked away from him, a small blush forming on her face. "What I did... In the library.. It... It wasn't just some prank to me. For me... It was... Something real. And I.. I know you felt something too. You must have. So we can't just pretend.. That it never happened. Because it did. And I know really know how to explain this but..." She trailed off, her hands gripping her shirt tightly. "I feel something with you. Something I can't feel with anyone else. And I don't know what to do. I-I know I'm not supposed to feel this way for my 'teacher'. But it just.. Happened."
Brenner recalled from the days when he'd been human that the only people to have jewelry were the rich women who lived in large homes. The first large house he came upon he landed on the roof, disregarding the fearful screams of the humans below. Bren dug his claws into the bottom of the roof and beat his wings, tearing it off and flinging it onto a smaller house, crushing the building and whatever people living within.

Bren glanced over the people in the larger home and saw that none of them wore jewelry, so he lifted to the next. He repeated this process until he was at the second to last large house. Humans began shooting at Brenner with crossbows, which were contraptions he'd never seen, but they were silent and didn't hurt his ears anymore than the shouting did. Bren swept his tail down and over the crowd that had gathered to try and attack him, killing and injuring the majority of them, while only a few leapt to safety.

Brenner tore the roof off of this newest house and saw two women sitting, eating with a man. Bren reached in and went to grab the plump older woman who wore many necklaces, but then he cringed back. Something about her didn't feel right. But when he reached for the girl, Brenner felt a surge of satisfaction, and he rose into the air. He then heard a loud noise--a gunshot--and jerked in midair before clawing at the sides of his head, where his ear holes were. Bren dropped the human he held for a second before he caught her again and held her loosely. (He's holding her like that certain way where if you bend over and let your arms go down, where your wrists are pressed together and your fingers are curling. That's what he's holding her like, what your hands are doing.)
"I'm trying not to hurt your feelings. You were on the verge of crying when you walked in here, and I hate when people cry. They look so ugly, and sound weird too." Rae crossed his arms indignantly and rolled his eyes when she smiled at him. "You just like to expect what you want of people. And that's also annoying."

Alex stared at Jess with wide hazel eyes. His lips parted slightly and inhaled softly as if he were preparing to say something, but then he stepped away and jogged to his car. He got in and took deep breaths before resting his head on the steering wheel. Did a 17 year old just confess her love for me? he thought, puzzled.
Lyra screamed as she was suddenly lifted into air by a huge beast. She went to stand so that she could process what was happening, but her legs felt weak and she only fell to her knees. She screamed again when she saw the world below her get smaller and smaller. She slowly glanced up to see what had taken her, and when her eyes scanned across the large dragon, everything around her wet dark as she passed out from shock.
"Whaaaatever you say, Raemond." She said cheekily, her head resting on his shoulder. "You're really nice, you know." She murmured, her eyes closing with a sigh. "Even when you don't try to be."

Jess stared after Mr. Hart, her eyes wide as she hadn't expected him to run away like an embarrassed little girl. She groaned and covered her face, her cheeks turning a deep red as she tried her best not to cry. "I knew I shouldn't have done that." She said to herself in complete and utter embarrassment before she ran across the parking lot, heading towards the main road so that she could get back to Quill's place as quickly as possible, him having left a while ago when she had told him to. ~I'm such an idiot. What did I expect him to do? Feel the same way?~ She demanded herself silently as she ran down the sidewalk as fast as she could, not wanting to be seen by anyone.
Within a full two minutes, Brenner was landing just outside his cave, dropping the human he held so that he could land easily. He brought his head close to her and huffed into her face, hoping that it would wake her up. He didn't want to have to carry her in.
Lyra gasped awake as a gust of hot wind blew against her body. She sat up, eyes wide as she stared into the face of the dragon in front of her. She scrambled to her feet and stumbled away from the massive beast, her heart racing as she looked for a way to escape. "Somebody help me please!" She shouted, running out towards the land just outside the cave entrance.
Rae snorted, and when Katrina closed her eyes, he pinched her nose hard, holding it so that she'd be surprised and forced to breathe through her mouth. "Yes, I'm very nice," he repeated sarcastically.

Alex, after a while of sitting in silence, started his car and drove home.

Quill took a smoke break outside and saw Jess running towards his apartment. He stood, an eyebrow raised. "Whoa, whoa, Jess, what happened? No offense, but you look like crap."
Brenner leapt over the girl, blotting out the sun for a moment as he landed in front of her. He spun on his front feet and crouched in front of her, almost like a dog would do, except for the fact that he snarled, smoke puffing from his nostrils again. He couldn't speak as a dragon, because his tongue and lungs weren't made for it. He didn't know how to write or read, so he jerked his head in the direction of his cave before looking back at the girl pointedly.
Katrina jumped slightly, coughing before she shoved Rae's hand away, gasping through breath as she could breathe through her nose again. "Lemme rephrase." She said after a moment, rubbing her nose. "You're sometimes nice." She muttered, glancing up at Rae as she continued to rub her nose sore nose.

"What do you think happened?" She demanded breathlessly before she ran into the complex, the door to his apartment swinging open with a creak and slamming shut within seconds. She went into the only bedroom there was and shut the door behind her, locking it before she fell onto the bed with a long scream of frustration.
Rae smiled, once again showing off his one gold canine. "At least you're not trying to make me seem better than I am anymore." He lay back on his bed, folding his arms beneath his head as he studied the ceiling. "A guy reads one romance novel and everyone thinks he's sweet..." he grumbled.

Quill dropped his cigarette and crushed it beneath his shoe before following Jess back in. He was preparing to make a period joke before thinking better of it. She'd probably shoot him. "Uh, do you wanna talk about it?" he called, uncomfortable. He wasn't a good BFF in this type of situation.

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