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How much do you love Raeney?

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"I'm at least trying to find love in highschool, Brian." Jess retorted, grabbing her bag back from him and tossing it away from the two of them, her hands going to her hair as if she were about to pull it out she was so angry. "And I'm not saying I'm 'too good for sex'!" She added, pushing him away from her. "I'm saying that I'm the girl who's never had a guy that's ever wanted to do that with her! You know how shitty that makes me feel, Quill?" She demanded, going back to his nickname.

"Everyday I see some other person practically FAWNING over you, whether it be a guy or a girl. And I just have to sit there knowing that I'll never be good enough to have that! So god forbid I try to love somebody a few years older than me. I'm just tired of all the guys who will never want me!" She shouted before she turned away from him, her body trembling with anger as she got her bag from off the floor. "I'm going home." She stated suddenly before she shoved past him and ran out of the library, leaving Mr. Hart to deal with the two boys.

Katrina groaned, motioning that she wanted to bang her head against the wall. "I didn't know you even wanted to go back you jackass!" She glared over at him, practically ready to strangle him. "So excuse me for not being to tell what you're thinking! I'm not a mind reader, Rae! And even if I was, you never even let me get close enough to even know you!" She added before she went to her room, muttering under her breath.
~the morning after (no pun intended XD)~
Astrid hummed softly as she begin to wake up from her deep and trance like slumber, her body turning to where her head rested against Fae's outstretched arm. She curled up against him, her still bare body touching his as she let her arm go across his waist in a hug like manner. She blinked her eyes open after a moment of getting herself to wake up. And what she saw made her sit up suddenly and caused her face to turn blood red.

She squeaked and brought most of the blankets with her to cover her chest, having realized she wasn't wearing clothes. Memories of the night before washed over her like a wave, her eyes going to Fae and looking at his peaceful face. She smiled softly, her body slowing moving down back towards his as she let her chin rest on his chest as she watched him sleep. "I cannot believe this is actually happening.." she whispered to herself, her hand reaching up and brushing a piece of is hair out of his face.
Alex glanced at Quill with hesitancy. Quill had his fists clenched and looked ready to punch a wall or go shoot up a corner store. "Mister Anglin, should--"

"Shut the fuck up," Quill growled, and he left Mr. Hart and his newest boy toy behind. Quill started after Jess.

Reuben frowned at Rae. "She always gets angry with you," he observed innocently.

"Yeah, well, she can get angry all she wants and I still won't care." Rae also went off to his own room. Reuben sighed.
Fae's lashes fluttered at her touch. He blinked his eyes half open, still partially asleep. He smiled at her softly before reaching up and taking her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked, expressing mild concern for her state, fairly certain she'd just lost her maidenhead to him. He'd heard from women that it was an uncomfortable experience.
Astrid squeezed his hand lightly before she nodded, a smile on her face. "It definitely hurt in the moment." She said, being completely serious yet teasing a bit at the same time. "But it only aches a bit now when I move." She explained, crawling on top of him and laying against his body, a layer of blankets seperating them and another layer being pulled on top of her like some sort of human-elf-blanket sandwich. "What about yourself? Are you feeling alright?" She asked, clearly teasing now as she knew it hadn't hurt him at all to do what they had done, but it was still amusing to ask.
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Jess heard Quill shouting after her, and she slowed her pace until she stopped completely. She kept her back towards him as she waited for him to catch up, her arms crossed. She couldn't stay mad at him forever, but for this moment in time she could be. And she was going to make the most of it and say what she had to say before they made up with each other like they always did.

Once Katrina got in her room, she laid on her bed, her face burying into a pillow with a huff. "Reuben!!!" She shouted against the pillow, her voice not as loud as she had wanted it to be, but he could still hear her. She couldn't deal with Rae's attitude at the moment. So what better way was there to cheer up than by having Reuben brighten her terrible day?
"I'm feeling perfect. Better than I have in a long while," Fae replied, releasing her hand to prop himself up almost in a sitting position and adjust Astrid's legs so that she was straddling him. "And I'm glad you aren't in much pain anymore."
Quill stood in front of Jess. "Okay, so I get how I may have upset you, but I really don't think it's right to try and get with Mr. Hart. He's nearly a college graduate, and we're only juniors. You could both get into a lot of trouble."

Reuben for once did not respond to Katrina's call, instead staying where he was by instruction of one of the other animatronics. Said animatronic walked into Katrina's room instead. Raeney sat on the edge of her bed. "So. I hear your name is Katrina, and you know our secret."
Astrid blushed a bit harder at the change in position, but she got over it after a moment and wrapped her arms around Fae's neck, her forehead resting against his. "I thank the stars every night for them letting me meet you." She whispered, her eyes closing as she gave him a peck on the lips that lasted longer than a normal peck would, Astrid doing that on purpose just to tease him as the kiss had no movement in it before she broke away from him, a sly smile on her face. "I wish last night could have never ended.." she murmured before she scooted closer to him to where her upper half could lean again his, her bare chest touching his as the blankets fell away.
"I'm not trying to get with Mr. Hart just for the hell of it, Quill." She tried, turning around to face him, an angry expression still on her face though it was less furious looking now. "I... Feel something... When I'm with him. Something I could never dream of feeling if I was with a guy from our school." She said, not knowing how she should explain it exactly. "If I had a choice in this, I would choose a guy my age. But I can't help how I feel. It just... Happened. Before I even realized it."

Katrina's entire body went rigid as she kept her face covered by the pillow she was holding. "Get out." She said, her voice cold yet... hurt at the same time. "Get out I don't want you in here!" She shouted, her body trembling as she covered her ears with the pillow, trying to block out his voice as it brought back everything she had been trying to forget. "This is my room. So I get to decide who comes in here. And you're not one of those people! So get the hell out!"
Just then, Cornell opened the door. He blushed furiously and stepped back out again as Fae lifted the blanket to cover more of Astrid. He broke into laughter and gently rolled her off of him as Cornell shut the door. Glingaer began situating himself, putting on his tunic and trousers.
Quill sighed and pushed back the longer part of his hair. "Jess, it's illegal. There's nothing more to it." He appeared worried and almost pitying as he looked at his best friend.

"Calm down," Raeney said with some irritation. "I'm not here to make a move on you, if that's what you think is happening." He didn't move to leave or even contemplate it.
Astrid sat up, a small blush of her own dusting across her face at the fact that they had been caught. She pulled the blanket up with her body and wrapped it around herself as she stood. "I wish you'd stay..." She whispered, letting her forehead rest against his chest as the hand that wasn't holding the blanket around herself took his. "Just a moment longer.." She tried, never wanting this to end. "I'd give anything.. Do anything.. Say anything... So that this.. Could last just a second longer."
"I hear what you're saying, Quill. I swear that I do." Jess groaned, rubbing her face furiously. "But I just.. Don't care." She said, letting her hands fall away from her face so that she could look up at him. "I can't just suddenly stop having feelings for him! That's not how this works and you know that." She tried, looking past him, her eyes going back to the library entrance. "He's not even a real teacher.."

"That's not-!" Katrina cut herself off, her body continuing to stay tense. "I'll leave then." She retorted suddenly before sitting up, the pillow she had been using to cover her face being throw at Raeney. She stood abruptly and made her way to the door in a few quick steps, not even looking at him. It would hurt too much if she did.
Fae smiled softly and held Astrid for but a moment more before he held her at arm-length and looked into her eyes. "We must get ready, Rhosdes Tinu. In not too long the slave masters will have sent men to find me and the others, along with the bodies of the men I killed. We can't linger." Glingaer released her and swept out the room, shutting the door behind him as he went confront the others.
Quill let out a weary sigh and then paused as his newest love interest lay a hand on his shoulder. Quill turned around to face the lanky boy, surprised, and the nerd kissed him quickly before rushing away, a blush coloring his freckled cheeks. Brian Anglin grinned briefly before turning to face Jess. "Putting Mr. Hart aside, I really like him." Quill's eyes followed the nerd.

Raeney caught the pillow and watched Katrina leave with extreme confusion. Reuben was just outside the door, leaning against the opposite wall. He straightened and stepped hesitantly closer to Katrina. "A-Are you alright?" he asked, seeing the shock and grief on her face.
(So we're going to make the new rp characters. Let me grab the 3rd grade stuff and see if we can mix some more together...)
Astrid stared after Fae with a sigh, the blanket dropping to the floor as she wandered around the room for her clothes that had been scattered across it the night before. Once dressed, she quickly gathered the few belongings she had while shuffling out of the room. Once she had joined the group of men, she found herself hiding behind Fae in an act of shyness. After all, Cornell had found them in a rather unexpected position.
"Says the boy who just offered a girl a threesome in first period.." Jess muttered in annoyance, her hand going up to rub her temples while the other grabbed his arm. "C'mon lover boy. Let's get outta here before Mr. Hart catches up with us."

"Just saw a ghost." She said in a monotone voice as she walked away from him. "I'm gonna hang out in your room for a bit, if that's alright." She added as she glanced behind herself to look at him, hoping he'd join her so that she wouldn't be left alone. Also just in case Raeney decided to try and talk to her again.
Fae placed a hand at the small of Astrid's back and moved her gently forward to stand beside him. He leaned closer and said into her ear, "Don't worry. Cornell can't tell anyone what he saw." Cornell stared at the two of them, the blush he wore still a vibrant red, but the other men didn't seem different at all. Of course they wouldn't. Cornell couldn't read or write, and he was mute. He couldn't do much in terms of communication unless it was a yes or no question.

"A'right lovebirds, what's it we're to do? We're wanted men, we are!" one of the slaves said, running one hand over his sun-darkened face. "I can't be goin' back, I tell ye. I'd sooner kill meself than do that."
Astrid's body shuddered lightly, Fae's breath tickling her ear. She glanced up at him for a moment, still a bit hesitant. She knew Cornell wouldn't have told anybody even if he had the opportunity to. But it was still embarrassing. "We could cross the Northern border." She suggested, straightening up a bit, but continuing to let her body rest against Fae's. "Once we cross that, you're not their problem anymore. They couldn't catch you even if they wanted to since we'd be in a new territory with a completely different leader." She explained, glancing between the men.
Quill rolled his eyes and led Jess out of the school and into the parking lot just as Alexander left the library, flushed and messy-haired. He tried to flatten his hair a bit and push it out of his eyes as he took a few deep breaths and attempted to get rid of his blush. But then one of his fellow teachers found him there.

"What's with you, Alex?" the woman asked, flashing him a pretty smile. (oooo we got a challenger XD) Gale was a rather beautiful redhead who was an actual high school teacher at barely twenty four. With only a two-and-a-half year difference between them, Alex found himself drawn to such a similar person. They both majored in English and planned to become professors, though Gale did teach freshmen and not juniors. Alex smiled back at her, glad to see her.

"I tripped over a table in the library while doing some paperwork," he replied, chuckling softly. He dropped his hands and turned to the door, deciding that Jess and Quill had already left. He jumped slightly when Gale approached and fixed his hair better than he'd been able to do.

"Ah, so that's why you look like a lion." Alex blushed again as Gale smiled up at him, her pale blue eyes meeting his.

Reuben paused for a moment, unable to look at her. "I let Raeney go into your room..." He looked up at her pleadingly. "I thought you could use some closure... I didn't realize you would be this upset!"
"But we're registered slaves, milady," one of the other men said with a bit of disgust at seeing her try to add in. "Slave papers go out to surrounding areas in case of escape," he snapped. Fae's silver eyes narrowed and the human man swallowed hard but didn't make any move to apologize.

"We can travel to the north, as Astrid says, but we will not stop only in neighboring lands. We will travel onwards until we're safe in the following territory," Fae said, speaking as the leader of their group.

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