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"Don't be disappointed. I'm not exactly the best person you could've chosen," Rae said.

Reuben blushed faintly, but he didn't have such an extreme response as Katrina had expected. He
had had sex with her, so it was a partially pleasant thought. And the intimidating young human proposing a threesome wasn't bad looking at all. Reuben blushed more knowing he was thinking terrible things that being told about such a thing.

Quill smiled mischievously. "It doesn't look like your friend here hates the idea," he said, nodding at Reuben, who turned away immediately, only affirming Quill's words.
~timeskip to morning, when Fae has been recruited~ Glingaer napped in his chair from the night before, exhausted by staying up practically til dawn. He'd only gotten about half an hour's sleep by now.
Katrina stood up, her face redder than it had ever been. "We're not having a threesome with you so just shut up about it!" She shouted, making everyone in the room look at her. She covered her mouth, obviously embarrassed before she quickly ran out of the room, her head feeling as though it was going to explode.

"Yeah yeah.." She murmured before she glanced at the girl who just ran out of the room. "Looks like someone's upset." She said in a blunt tone before she went back to looking at Mr. Hart, trying to figure out what she could do to mess with him this time.
There was a sudden knock on the door and Astrid quickly got up. She opened the door and got out of the way as a pretty good sized tub was brought into the room, it being filled a little bit more than half way with cold water. "I give you my greatest thanks." She said, handing the two men that had carried it in a couple of gold coins she had found before quickly showing them out, the door closing behind her. She then went over to Fae and shook him awake. "Fae, wake up." She whispered, leaning in front of him as she poked his forehead. "Fae, would you like to take a bath first?" She asked as she continued to poke him.
Quill started laughing obnoxiously along with the rest of the class. Mr. Hart stared after the LHS student before sighing. "Give me a moment," he said to his students, and then he walked out. "Miss?" he called out.

Reuben thought about going after Katrina, as did Rae, but the teacher beat them to it. So they just sat in their seats in silence.
Fae woke with a start and stared up at Astrid with wide gray eyes. "Y-Yes?" he spoke, confused for a moment. "Wha-- bathe? No, you may go first. I'd be uncomfortable otherwise." Society always had women do things first, especially bathing, unless it be in a bathhouse. Then it was a free for all. Typically, the only cities with public bathhouses were seedy places anyway.
"Look, I know you're a teacher and all, and I'm sorry to use this kind of language with you, but could you please just fuck off?!" Katrina shouted, not even looking at Mr. Hart before she ducked into the girl's bathroom, the door slamming and locking behind her. She leaned against the door with a sigh, her heart racing as she slid to the floor. ~Just calm down, Katrina. Everything's gonna be okay.~ She told herself silently as she closed her eyes and tried her best to cool off.

Jess slapped Quill's arm, glaring at him. "You're such a dick sometimes." She muttered, angry that he'd do such a thing in front of everyone and cause a scene like that.

"Hey, she's the one that yelled it. I was discreet about it!" Quill frowned at Jess. She was more temperamental than normal today, especially since they'd gotten to class.

Rae watched Mr. Hart come back into the classroom without Katrina and decided to take the matter into his own hands. He stood up and walked out, going to the girls' bathroom. He knew she'd be hiding, because it was all she ever did.
Astrid laughed lightly at how confused he was. "The expressions you make when you are suddenly woken up are the most amusing." She said, poking his cheek playfully. She then went over to the tub and began to get undressed. He had seen her practically naked when they first met, so it didn't really matter to her anymore. And she had been naked in front of plenty of people anyway when she had traveled to larger areas that had bathhouses, so she could really care less at this point.
"Mhm." Was all Jess said as she drew on her desk, her eyes dull and her face expressionless even though she was mentally going insane. Why did she even care that Quill was flirting with another girl? It wasn't like she liked him or anything. ~I must be going crazy.~ She thought to herself before she sighed angrily.

Katrina waited a few minutes before she stood and unlocked the bathroom door, having not hear Rae outside. When she went to step out, she yelped when she suddenly collided with someone. She blushed furiously and took a step back, ready to apologize before she realized it was Rae. "Did you come out here to ask about a threesome too?" She demanded, crossing her arms and refusing to look up at him as she leaned against the wall beside him.
Glingaer--being raised for thirty years as a servant--respectfully looked away, even though Astrid was giving him full view. He closed his eyes again and reclined in his chair, listening to the soft splashing sounds of the tub's water. "You're not very bashful anymore, are you, Rhosdes?"
Quill scoffed at her attitude and went back to being a smug punk guy, just like his norm.

Rae made a face like he couldn't believe she'd even suggest such a disgusting thing. "Of course not. I came to check that you weren't, I dunno, having a panic attack or something. Or an asthma attack, like the first day I met you." He crossed his own arms, peering down at her with plain green eyes. The contacts made him less intimidating than he normally seemed, but the green was a nice contrast to his russet hair.
"Bashful is a word that does not exist when one lives on the streets." Astrid said, though she blushed slightly as she did care just a tiny bit if Fae saw her naked. Why that was.. She didn't even know. She reached out of the tub and grabbed a rag she had gotten from tearing off a bit of her clothes and used it to wipe her body down. She then dipped her head underwater, trying to wash her hair as well as she could without having any soap. Once she tried to wash her back, she realized that her arms weren't long enough to reach all the way behind her. She glanced behind her at Fae, her blush worsening. "F-Fae? Could you.. Assist me in ah... Washing my back?" She questioned, obviously not looking to try anything. She just genuinely wanted to get clean.
Katrina looked up at him and admired how his eyes looked. It was amazing how changing one little thing about someone could alter their appearance entirely. "I-I'm okay." She stammered, glancing away from Rae and taking a step away from him, realizing how close they had been just then. "Thanks for checking on me."

(Don't know what to do with jess so she's just gonna sit there XD)
Fae visibly tensed, but he stood. "I suppose." He opened his eyes but shaded his view with a hand and made his way behind Astrid, taking the bit of cloth she handed to him. He dipped it in the water beside her hip and then squeezed the rag over her back, rinsing away days of grime as she leaned forward to make sure water didn't drip over the side of the tub and onto him. Fae balled up the cloth and began to lightly, gingerly swipe the cloth over her skin.
"If you're okay, then let's go. Reuben's probably worried, and I'm not leaving without you going first. I have to know you're not running or something. Like you tend to do." Rae smirked and reached over, placing his hand between her shoulder blades and steering her towards the exit, almost like a boy would do for his girlfriend: a gesture that, in public, staked a claim.
"Even with you being my 'lady in waiting' you never had to do this for me." She murmured, her hands holding onto the edge of the tub and her head resting on the backs of them, her face flushing more as he touched her. "T-Thank you." She stammered, her old bashfulness returning all at once within an instant. Her body had grown a lot in the past few years. She had even gotten a few inches taller. But she was still the same little girl she was back then. There were even a few scars on her back going from the nape of her neck and scattering all the way down her spine. Besides that and her freckles, her skin was almost like porcelain. Completely flawless.
Katrina's face flushed more and she tensed at his touch. But she did as he said and let him guide her back to the room, her head down once they were back. She quickly went back to her seat and sat down, her eyes staring down at her hands that she had placed in her lap. ~God I hate this place..~ She thought as she could hear people snickering as she sat down.
"To be fair, I was only your lady in waiting for a matter of days," he pointed out. He handed the cloth back to Astrid and sat back, not willing to risk seeing her naked by going back to his chair. "But it's not a problem."
Rae went back to his seat as well, trying his best to ignore the laughter around him. When a particular human began to make a loud remark about Katrina being a whore, Rae stood calmly and walked to the back of the room, where the human sat, and flipped the desk on top of the boy. "How about you shut the hell up?" he snapped at a regular volume, his body language and facial expression reading as bored, but his voice was biting and furious.
Katrina stood and quickly went over to where Rae was, her hand going on his shoulder as she stood in front of him. "Rae calm down, it's fine." She tried, moving her hand from his shoulder to his chest as she gently pushed him backwards, trying to get him away from the boy so he wouldn't do anything stupid. "Please, just leave it alone. It's okay. Let's just go." She pleaded, knowing it was a mistake to come here. "Let's just go." She whispered, trying her best to calm him down.
Astrid turned around in the tub to face Fae, the metal coming up just enough to cover her bare chest. If she were sit up any further though, she would expose herself. "I missed you so much.." She whispered, looking down at the water. "I only knew you for such a short amount of time... Yet you were the person I valued the most." She said, looking up at him, silently wondering if he had even thought about her during all this time.
Reuben helped Katrina in getting Rae away from the human boy. Rae was actually very good at controlling his anger, but he never felt a reason to try. This time, however, he stepped away on his own and stormed out.

"Holy crap. And you thought I had anger issues!" Quill exclaimed in a soft voice, more impressed than startled. Mr. Hart, though, had turned pale. The student teacher moved to where the boy was still pinned under his desk and helped him up, putting the desk back on all four legs. The entire class was silent. Then: "Freak! Go missing and then come back with these nutjobs!" another boy shouted.
"I am glad to hear that..." Fae replied, swallowing hard as he once again avoided looking at her. "Rhosdes, why don't you finish bathing? I'm sure the water is freezing."
Katrina flinched away from everyone's harsh words, her gaze dropping to the ground. "This is why you're better off living in the pizzeria." She murmured to Reuben, her voice full of hurt. "Because once you're out here in the real world, people turn on you for the smallest of things." She then grabbed onto his arm and lead him out of the room, the shouts having gotten worse by the time they were out the door. "Let's just get Rae so we can go home."

"Shut up you jackass!" Jess shouted as she stood up, glaring at everyone that had been yelling. "You think you're so much better than everyone else when you've already repeated this grade twice! So just shut the hell up and mind your own god damn business before I come over there and make you!"

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