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As one of the slave traders bent over to grab the first man that fell, Astrid suddenly slid between them, a cloud of dirt blinding the man above her for a split second before she grabbed the man that tripped. "On your feet!" She hissed, yanking him upwards and shoving him forward before she kicked out her leg, it sweeping under the trader and causing him to loose his balance and fall backwards with a crash. Another men went to grab Astrid but she slipped in between his legs. Once behind him, she grabbed onto his pant leg, yanking it as hard as she could and making him fall flat on his face. She then scrambled to her feet and went back to the man that had fell, grabbing onto his arm roughly and pulling him forward as she lead him into the cover of the trees, the two men still left on their feet running after them. Astrid couldn't help but grin as she ran, her heart racing with adrenaline. The once little girl that couldn't fight back was gone. Now the growing woman who wouldn't take anything from anyone was left in her place.
Glingaer quickly snapped the necks of both of the slave traders on the ground, his expression stony and unbothered, and then he trailed after the men Astrid had distracted. Fae caught sight of them and walked up behind them, just as silently as he had with Astrid, and he reached over, pulling one trader's sword from its sheath at the man's hip. Glingaer plunged it through the man's chest, pulling it back out in one smooth motion only to impale the other man on it as well. Both humans crumpled, and Fae stood there, a bloodied sword hanging from his fingers and a look of detachment on his face.
Jessica glanced at Mr. Hart before looking up at the sky, her eyes narrowing as her clothes were already starting to get soaked. She sighed and nodded before she jogged around his car. She quickly got in the passenger seat, her bag getting tossed in the back as she closed the door, her body trembling from the transition from being in the cold rain into suddenly being in a warm car. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience." She said, smiling through chattering teeth at Mr. Hart while she buckled up her seat belt, a light blush on her face as she hated that he felt obligated to take her home just because it was raining.

"Look! I'm in my room." She said, looking at him cutely as she curled up on her bed. "Now keep me company. Please?" She asked sweetly, a pleading look on her face as she bit her lower lip, trying her absolute best to look as adorable as she could. "I'm gonna be bored without anyone to talk to! And lonely!" She added after a moment.
Astrid and the man had circled back around and came out of the tree line where the other two escapees were on the ground panting for breath. She let go of the man before she full on sprinted to where Fae was. She practically crashed into him, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she gasped for breath. She took the sword from Fae and tossed it to the ground before she embraced him once more, her entire body leaning against him as her adrenaline rush was gone. "I thought I'd lost you again." She whispered breathlessly, her legs feeling as though they were going to give out. But she pulled away anyway and looked up at him, an exhausted smile on her face as she pushed her hair out of her face, it being more curlier than it had once been thanks to the humidity. "Are you injured? Does anything hurt?" She questioned, going around him in a circle and inspecting him though she knew he wouldn't let himself get injured so easily. But she couldn't help but worry after all this time.
"Where to?" Alex asked, noticing that Jess was shivering. He turned on the heater, even though he was finding it rather warm.
"A mile straight, second turn on right, third apartment on your left." She said almost instantly, having been to Quill's house so many times that she knew the way like it was the way to her own house. "Thank you again... For everything." She added after a moment, her eyes meeting Mr. Hart's for a split second before she looked out the window.
"No, I'm fine." He gave one last dark look at the fallen slave traders and flipped one over with the toe of his boot. A hole through the man's midsection was clear through, showing a bit of grass that had gotten into the wound on the other side. "Are you?" Fae glanced over Astrid and the three escapees, content to find that they were not fatally injured.
Alex hesitated before he spoke, following Jess's directions. "It's my pleasure, Jess," he said, testing out her first name. It felt weird, seeing as he was supposed to act as her teacher, but she was nearly his age. Talking to her was like talking to a college freshman. It just seemed informal and fairly normal.
"Not a scratch on me." She said, sounding quite proud of herself before she took in Fae's appearance, her eyes full of sorrow and nostalgia. "It feels as though it was only yesterday that we were in the library together." She whispered before she looked down at the ground, her eyes brimming with tears that she wouldn't allow to fall. "I searched for you.. For days that turned to weeks, weeks to months, and as the years passed.. I suspected the worst had come to you. But you're here.. Standing in front of me. Looking as if you're a ghost." She murmured before she looked up at him, a smile still on her face. "We have so much to discuss!"
Jess looked a bit shocked and confused as he called her by her nickname, but she couldn't help but smile. She wished she now knew his name so she could shock him just as he did her, but she'd just have to wait till another time. "I'm so you're favorite student." She teased before she let her head rest against the window, her eyes staring up at the grey skies above them.
"A ghost?" he repeated to himself inquisitively before he managed to smile at Astrid. "Indeed, we do. First I'd like to ask, where did you learn to handle yourself like you did earlier?" One of the former slaves spoke up, then.

"Sorry to interrupt these niceties, but we are supposed to be on the run." Fae nodded and become completely sobered once more.

"Astrid, will you be coming with us?" Fae asked.
Astrid glanced behind her from where she had came before she looked back up at Fae. "There's nothing left for me there. I go where you go." She said with a small smile before her gaze traveled back to the remains of the place she once called her home and her prison. All this time, she hadn't been able to leave her past behind her. And that was all because a piece of it was missing. Now that she had that piece back.. She was finally able to move on. She gave a sigh as she turned back to the group in front of her, a determined expression on her face. "I look forward to journeying with you." She said with a bow, not able to help being formal at a time like this. After all, she had been taught to act like that for majority of her life.
"I like all of my students the same," Alex replied, rolling his eyes as he pulled up to Quill's apartment. "You're all close to being my peers, and I have no reason to dislike any of you. Yet." As he put the car in park, both his and Jess's phones started ringing with the school number. A few moments later, the principal's voice came through the tinny speakers saying, "All afternoon classes have been postponed to tonight. The Oak Senior High School campus has been flooded thanks to the weather, and so all students are to take nightly classes at Lunar High, at least until the water has receded and the damage to OSHS can be repaired."

Alex inhaled deeply, almost as a sigh. "The school flooded rather quickly. It must be in a flood zone." ~timeskip to that evening?? Maybe? XD~

~timeskip to that evening~ Reuben and Rae waited in the lobby of the pizzeria for Katrina to come out. Rae was doing his best to make his uniform comfortable, but it just wasn't working for him. On the other hand, Reuben was straightening his cuffs, happy to be in a disguise. Both he and Rae were wearing colored, unprescribed contacts to keep students from pointing out the strange colors of their natural eyes. Reuben also had some foundation over his cheeks that was supposed to cover up the purple streaks that connected his eyes to his chin.
The three freed slaves stared at Astrid like she was stupid and didn't bow back, but Fae did, responding just as he used to. The human fugitives then gave Glingaer a strange look because he was practically their leader, and he was bowing to this woman. Fae gave the humans a disappointed look, lifting an eyebrow and crossing his arms, and the trio bowed in unison.
Katrina stepped out from the bathroom and did a twirl, showing off the little uniform she was wearing before she laughed. "Man I haven't worn this in ages." She said with a sigh as she played with the plaid skirt she was wearing, the black thigh high socks she was wearing coming up just below it, a bit of her upper thighs able to be seen. She put on a sweater over the blouse she was required to wear, it being adorably over sized on her. "What do ya think?" She asked, striking a pose before she start laughing once more, unable to keep a straight face as she looked to Rae and Reuben. "You two actually look human!"

Jess yawned as she waited for Quill to come down stairs, her eyes dull and tired looking as hadn't known she had to go back to school twice in the same day. "This suuucks!" She shouted, falling back onto the couch and curling up. "I don't wanna go backkkkk..."
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Astrid covered her mouth to hide an amused smile as she snorted. "My apologies. I've forgotten that things aren't as they used to be." She said before she laughed, the expressions they had given having been priceless. She looked to Fae, thankful that she had understood what she had done before she started laughing once more. "My name is Astrid." She said after she finally composed herself, making sure she skipped over her last name just as a precaution. "And you all are?"
Rae grimaced. "Wow, thanks," Rae growled. Reuben smiled, though. "Is that a good thing? Do I look posh?" He ran a hand through the front of his hair, pushing it to the side. "I bet I look posh," he affirmed.

"You should be grateful you were given some time to nap," Quill said, stepping down the majority of the stairs before he hopped from the fourth-to-last one. "I had to do some homework I didn't finish.... Or start," he added.
"Charles," one man said, and another said, "Sadon." The last one stayed silent, and Fae gestured to him. "That's Cornell. He's mute." Cornell shrugged and smiled sheepishly at Astrid.
Katrina laughed brightly at Reuben and then flicked Rae in the nose. "Yes Reuben, you look very posh. Unlike Rae." She teased, glancing between the two of them before she headed towards the front door. "We'd better get going. We don't want you two being late for your first day of school." She said, pushing open the door and holding it for the two of them.

"Unbelievable." Jess said with a groan before she got up and went to the door. "Come on, slacker. I don't wanna be late for school twice in the same day."
Astrid smiled back at Cornell before she looked to the other two, giving a silent nod of respect. She then looked to Fae with an expectant look in her eyes. "Where are we heading?" She questioned, ready to move as soon as they were. The sooner they got out of this place, the better.
Rae rubbed his nose, muttering under his breath. Reuben practically skipped out the door, smiling brightly like a Kindergartener would on their first day of school. Rae followed, a much grumpier Kindergartener. He slapped Reuben in the back of the head, grumbling about how it's not that big a deal and he should calm down. Reuben yelped and pouted the rest of the way out.

Quill snorted and caught up with Jess, opening the door for himself. "You were early this morning, so stop your complaining. I was late, and frankly I don't care."
"There's a nearby town that has yet to receive word of our escape. It will take at least two days for the traders to realize we've gotten rid of their men, and by then we'll have to go into hiding..." Fae began walking. "First we have to reach the town and rest."
Katrina laughed, amused by the two of them before she slipped in between them. "Play nice boys or I won't let you go to school." She said in a motherly tone, her right arm linking with Reuben's left arm, and her left linking with Rae's right arm as if they were in the Wizard of Oz. "And make sure not to scare anyone once we get there, Rae." She added before she glanced to Reuben. "No teleportation either."

Jess shoved Quill playfully before she got into his car. "What do you think the new school is gonna be like? You think there's gonna be any hot guys?" She asked, genuinely curious. Jess had yet to ever get a boyfriend. Though she had a natural charm about her and decent good looks, she just hadn't managed to find the right guy for her.
"What are you talking about? I'm completely approachable. I haven't stabbed you or Reuben yet, have I?" Rae said in a sickeningly sweet voice, not even trying to change his expression from its normal moody look. Reuben smiled again, excited.

"I will not teleport, Miss, just as you wish!"

Quill sighed dreamily. "Boy do I hope there will be. I'm tired of looking at all the haggish men hanging around OSHS. Like, even though I'm always hella horny, their faces are managing to cock-block me. It's insane." He drove towards the night school, wondering to himself if there were going to be a ton of students. Jess was bound to irritate someone and he would have to intimidate them. Maybe even fight them, which he wasn't feeling in the mood for, surprisingly enough.
Astrid nodded in agreement. "To the town then." She said before they started on their journey.

~Timeskip to the inn~

"Unfortunately, we don't have five rooms available." The woman behind the counter responded once Fae asked for five rooms. "We only have two vacant rooms at the moment. Is that a problem?" She asked politely, her eyes traveling across the group.

"We'll take the two rooms." Astrid quickly said, taking out all the money she had and setting it on the counter in a crumpled mess. The woman smiled and nodded, taking the money and straightening it out before handing over two small wooden blocks hung on strings to show that the room was occupied. She stepped back and curtsied respectfully. "Enjoy your stay." She said before she stepped into the room behind her, the door closing, leaving the group of five to sort out the sleeping arrangement. Astrid glanced from Fae to the other men, not knowing how they were going to sort this out.

"We'll take one of the rooms." Charles said, taking one of the blocks from Astrid and grabbing a hold of Sadon and Cornell. "You young'n's can take the other room. Ya'll got lots to talk about." He said before he led himself and the other two away, leaving Astrid and Fae alone.

"I guess that settles that.." Astrid said with a sigh, glancing over to Fae, a light blush on her face as she hadn't ever slept in the same room as a man.

(Sorry, my mom needed me to do the dishes)

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