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How much do you love Raeney?

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Alex looked up with surprise. "Um, it's fine..." he said, actually not blushing for seemingly the first time since he'd been born. Alex sat back in his chair, setting down his pen. "So, Miss Amberson, what do you think you're having the most trouble with?"

Reuben's embrace loosened significantly at her words. "If you're uncomfortable with this being so soon, we don't have to... I'd be perfectly fine with us sitting apart."
Glingaer seemed rather uncomfortable about being asked to speak in the elvish language, since it was illegal to do so, and punishable by death. He glanced around to make sure that no one would overheard. "Rhosdes. It means copper-haired." Fae bit his lip and continued sorting books.

"You cannot tell anyone that I've called you such a thing. I would be cruelly punished, even if it was an accident..." Fae finished shelving books and moved back to where he'd left his selected tome.
Jess laid out some papers with examples of things she didn't understand, her head being propped up by her left hand as she looked up at Mr. Hart. "I guess this, and what we've been going over lately is what I'm the worst at. I understand it sometimes, but sometimes I don't get it at all and it's just really confusing to me." She stretched out her legs that were under the table, her joints becoming stiff. And when her bare knee (shes wearing shorts) brushed against Mr. Hart's clothed one, she blushed and quickly crossed her ankles, the sudden contact having startled her.

Even though Reuben said that, Katrina still held onto him, her head shaking as her blush worsened. "I want to be close... Like this.." She whispered after a moment, her forehead resting against his chest as she kept her eyes covered by her hair so that she didn't have to look at him, her blush spreading to her ears. How could she be so happy with this after loosing something she so desperately wanted? ~There must be something wrong with me..~ She thought sadly. But at this point.. She didn't really care.
Astrid nodded vigorously, a wide smile on her face as she followed after Fae. "I love it." She said, standing in front of him and tipping her head to one side, tears brimming in her eyes as she continued to smile. "I've never heard anything more beautiful." She said before she wiped her eyes quickly, hating that she was getting so worked up over something Fae would see as so irrelevant. "I think this is the happiest I've been in years. And it's all because of you, Fae. You have no idea how much I value you as a person and my one and only friend. Your company and loyalty is something I shall treasure always."
Alex didn't think much of it, and he spent a few minutes actually tutoring Jess before he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's really not that hard to figure out once you know the simpler parts. Then you can figure the rest out by using the simpler bits." He opened one eye. "Excuse me while I go to the restroom. My contacts are bothering me." Alex went to the nearest teacher's restroom and came back out only a minute later, wearing wire frames that looked rather adorable on him.

Raena opened the door hesitantly. "Hey, Reuben, could I maybe have a few minutes to talk to Katrina alone?" she asked, and Reuben glanced at the human girl, checking to see that it was okay with her.
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Jess glanced up for a split second, about to ask another question before she did a double take. She looked at Mr. Hart for a good long minute before she busted out laughing. "Aw you look so cuuuute!! Like a little nerd!" She tried in between laughs, a bright smile on her face as she had never even noticed that Mr. Hart had to wear contacts, let alone glasses. "This is literally the most adorable thing I've seen all day!"

Katrina obviously didn't want Reuben to leave, but she knew whatever Raena had to talk about was serious. She nodded silently as she pulled away from him, her arms pushing herself up in a sitting position as she wiped her eyes and the remainder of tears that stained her cheeks.
Fae blushed slightly and he uncomfortably gripped the back of his neck for a second before dropping his arm. "Milady, don't let anyone hear that... You'll be punished, and I don't want to be the cause of your pain." A sudden loud sound came from outside, along with screams, and Fae tensed. "We must get you back to your chambers! Go there, and I'll see what's going on." He ran out of the library with inhuman speed.
Alex blushed and looked away, frowning. "I'm not a nerd!" he muttered indignantly. He stood there for a second, clasping his hands behind his back as he silently regretted agreeing to tutor Jess. "And you're not here to call me adorable, so get to work learning..." He sat down beside Jess, almost pouting.

Reuben left the room, glancing back at Katrina once. And then Raena closed the door and was sitting beside Katrina on her own bed. "Are you doing okay? I know it can't have been easy seeing him scooped," she said softly, eyes just as wide and innocent as they had always been.
Astrid opened her mouth to call out to Fae, but he was already gone. She ran out of the library and looked around wildly, her eyes full of fear. She jumped as windows shattered behind her. She slowly turned around and froze as she saw at least a dozen men pour into the library, torches and swords in hand. Most of them used their torches to light the books on fire, while others made their way towards the entrance that led out into the hallway where Astrid was. She quickly slammed the two wooden doors before taking off down the hallway, the sounds of women screaming and men shouting filling her ears. "Fae! Fae where are you?!" She screamed, turning down random hallways as she came up to them in her attempts to find her friend, "Fae I'm scared!" She tried, turning around and looking for any signs of him.

"'Fae I'm scared.'" Mocked the voice of a drunk man as he came up from behind Astrid and grabbed her by her hair, his hand going around her throat. "I'll be paid a pretty price for the daughter of the Baron." He snarled in her ear, breathing in the scent of her perfume. Astrid struggled to free herself from the man's grasp, her eyes shut tightly as she screamed for Fae.

"Aw, why can't I call you adorable? Does it embarrass you?" She questioned in innocent tone as she leaned over to him, a sly smile on her face. "Or maybe it flusters you." She added before she carefully snatched the glasses off of Mr. Hart, putting them on herself. And if they already looking amazing on him.. One can already imagine how they looked on her. She bit her lower lip and looked at him through the glasses, giving him the cutest expression she could muster as she tipped her head to one side. "How do I look, Mr. Hart?" She tried, saying his name oh so slowly just to embarrass him further.

Katrina shut her eyes tightly, her fists clenching. "For you.. He's fine. He came back and... Everything's alright. But for me.." She trailed off as she opened her eyes to look up at Raeney, a few more tears rolling down her face. "I watched the boy I love die." She whispered before she completely broke down all over again.

~Timeskip to a week or so later [katrina has just decided to live at the pizzeria permanently]~ Katrina sighed as she laid on Reuben's bed, her eyes closing tiredly as her, Reuben and Rae had just gotten done with moving all of her personal items from home into her own room at the pizzeria. It had taken a few days to pull off since Katrina could only risk going to her house at night, but they had finally managed to get everything. "I'm so exhausted I could fall asleep right now." She whispered, a yawn escaping her lips.
Fae saw knights with foreign crests and colors and immediately started back towards the library, where he was blocked by humans with a crazed look in each of their eyes. He heard his false name being shouted and grew panicked. He started tossing aside the humans as if they weighed only as much as a feather. Glingaer made it to Astrid and his gaze darkened as it landed on the drunkard holding her. The man seemed surprised to see an elf standing before him, splattered with the blood of the men and women who he had unconsciously injured in his getting to Astrid. Glingaer was just about to attack the human man when someone grabbed him, pinning his arms behind his body. Fae struggled to get free, but it was an elven woman holding him, and one much older and therefore stronger than him.

Both his and Astrid's captors led the two out of the flaming library and outside of the Baron's household, where the Baroness and her husband were standing, terror in their eyes. Fae struggled against the woman holding him and she shouted at him in their native language. Her voice and words were a surprising bit of beauty in the chaos all around them. "Stop struggling, boy!" Fae only fought harder, and the woman began to bend his elbow the wrong way, straining the ligaments and bone. Glingaer bit down on the inside of his cheek, drawing blood, but he didn't stop. And then, suddenly, he did.

"Let the Baroness and her daughter go free, and I will come willingly," he hissed in the elven tongue. The woman holding him seemed to be in charge, because she passed on the word in the human language that the Baroness and Astrid were to be unharmed and freed. The drunkard released Astrid, and the Baroness fanned herself with one plump hand, acting as if she were about to swoon. The Baron, on the other hand, turned a preposterous shade of red that resembled a tomato's skin.

"What about me, filthy elf?!" he snarled, sagging jowls flapping like an overweight animal's. Fae glared at the man, and the elven woman nodded once towards the knights holding the Baron. A sword appeared in the Baron's round belly, and a moment later a scarlet stain began to spread from the wound. The knight redrew his blade, sheathing it again, and he let the Baron drop, dead. The Baroness screamed and rushed to her late husband's side. Fae's sharp gaze landed on Astrid as he was pulled away.

"Never give up hope for a happy life, Rhosdes," he shouted, barely audible over the cacophonous din of battle. Then he was forced to turn away, and he was lost in the madness.
(I can't even try to follow that up so i'm just gonna timeskip to when she's 17-18ish)

~Four Years Later~

Among the wreckage of the of the old castle that belonged to the Terrowin family, there stood a cloaked figure. The figure stood in the middle of the rubble that belonged to the infamous castle that had been remembered for burning down entirely in a single night nearly four years ago during an unplanned and unheard of attack. "After all this time... I still come here at this exact time at this exact place... As if he would've come back." Murmured a familiar voice before the figure removed the hood upon their head, a flash of red flowing in the wind.

Astrid stumbled through the destroyed remains of the castle, her eyes dull as she could still hear the screaming ring in her ears. And she could remember the smell of smoke. And how her father's blood stained her hands for weeks. And how Fae's words had stayed in her heart ever since. She went to an area where there was a patch of green grass that was seemingly untouched by the chaos around it and took a seat, her chin resting on her knees as she stared up into the sky. "I have yet to give up hope, Fae." She said to herself, a long sigh escaping her lips as she closed her eyes. "But I will admit.. It's been wavering and fading ever since you left."
"You look like a 17 year old who needs to get back to work," he replied, taking his glasses back and slipping them on. "I commend you on the show of your vocabulary, using a word like flustered. Most teenagers wouldn't even consider using anything similar in normal conversation..." Alex continued, already back in tutor mode.

(Uh she's in Reuben's bed, but she has her own room? Is Reuben with her?? Idk XD)
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(Barons don't have castles. They basically have a mansion and some land to their name.... this neighboring kingdom was attacking the palace harboring the Baron and allowing him his income.)
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(Reuben's in there, yes. She's in there with reuben just cause she's hanging out and stuff. AND FINE THEN THE PALACE HARBORING THEM BURNED DOWN XD SHEESH IM SORRY IM NOT A TOTAL MEDIEVAL NERD LIKE YOUUUUU)
Glingaer stepped out from the cover of the trees and walked up to the redheaded figure in complete silence, his steps quieter than the wind itself on the grass. Glingaer lay a light hand on the human girl's shoulder. "Didn't I tell you never to lose hope?" he spoke softly, afraid she would turn him away. He'd had a rough few years, and this scene before him of the wrecked castle and a forlorn young woman sitting midst the rubble made him nostalgic.
Reuben chuckled softly. "After all the work we put into setting up your room, I think you'd best go sleep in your own bed. Rae won't be happy to know you're napping elsewhere after using up his time like that..."
Astrid stiffened as she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She ducked away from it and whipped around while standing in one swift motion, a dagger suddenly in her hand. She'd had a rough few years as well, her mother having died just a year after the attack, leaving her alone. It wasn't as if she cared that the woman had died, but she still missed the company. Ever since then, she had been fending for herself on the streets of neighboring villages. But every year, she would still return to this place. She stared at Fae, her eyes narrow in suspicion and her body tense as if she were ready to kill him. But as looked into his eyes and took in his facial features, she slowly straightened up, her eyes now wide instead of narrow as she dropped the dagger. "I thought.. You were to be a dead man.." She whispered, her eyes brimming with tears as she stepped over to him, her hand reaching out to touch his face. His features were almost the same as the day he had left her. "But here you are.. Standing before me..." She suddenly stepped closer and hugged him tightly, her face burying itself in the crook of his neck. "I prayed to the gods every morning for this day to come!" She gasped out as she cried tears of joy, her body trembling from pure happiness.
"Such a party pooper..." Jess muttered, going back to having a teenager vocabulary before she started working on the examples he had given her. She was now completely focused on her work. Like a switch had been flipped or something. It may have come as a shock, but Jess was an exceptional student. It was just Quill that made her drift away from her studies. But she always got her grades back up within a month, so she didn't see it as that big of a deal.

"Then I guess you're carrying me there. Cause I'm not movin'." She said, opening her eyes to look up at Reuben with a childish smile on her face as she stretched out her body to take up as much of the bed as she could so it'd be harder for Reuben to move her if he tried.
Glingaer held Astrid tightly for a moment before shouts came from the surrounding woodland. He moved back, stepping away from Astrid just as three human men came bursting from the trees. "Fae, we've been tracked!" one shouted, and Fae reached out, squeezing Astrid's hand.

"I need you to hide until the men following us and my troupe are gone," he said, pushing her down into a hiding spot. Then he caught up to his fellow escapees, nudging them along as they tired from running.

"Fae, we be gettin' you're fast! Keep pushin' me and you'll lose a hand!" Glingaer stopped touching the man who complained, and as the four were disappearing into the other bit of woods, slave masters came, following them.
They spent forty five minutes covering bits and pieces of all lessons Jess had asked to be retaught, and then Alex checked his watch. "Five thirty," he said out loud. They'd been studying for almost 1 and a half hours. "Do you think you're caught up, Miss Amberson?" Alex asked, supposed to go meet a friend at six twenty, and he had planned to change his outfit before then.

Reuben shrugged. "I guess I'll get Rae, then." He stood and moved to shout Rae's name out the door.
Astrid kept herself hidden like Fae had intructed until the shouts died down. She then stood and looked for the dagger she had dropped. Once she found it, she slipped it into her belt before taking off after them, making sure to keep a safe distance so she wasn't seen. She already lost Fae once. She wasn't going to loose him again. She ducked into the tree line, making sure her body was hidden in the shadows of the branches as she followed after the voices of older men cursing, her movements silent and swift as she had picked up a few things from having to live on the streets.
Jess looked at everything she had gotten done for a moment before she looked up at Mr. Hart and nodded. "I'm pretty sure I am." She said, gathering her things together and putting it into her bag. "Thanks again for doing this, Mr. Hart." She waved at him before she left the library, wanting to get out of the school as soon as possible since she knew it was going to take her a while to walk to Quill's house. She sighed as she walked down the steps of the front entrance, her bag going over her shoulder as she started on her long walk.

Katrina quickly sat up and slipped out the door before Reuben, a nervous smile on her face. "I'm going I'm going!" She quickly took off down the hallway to where her room was, the sound of a door slamming resonating before all was silent. Katrina looked around her room, trying to find something heavy. She picked up her suitcase and dropped it on the concrete floor, a loud crash sounding before she screamed dramatically. "Reuben!" She cried out, her voice sounding as if she had hurt herself before she sat on her bed and waiting, a grin on her face.
The same man who had threatened Fae tripped and was overcome by the slave traders, but Glingaer and his other two companions didn't even look back. Living as slaves had tempered them like a weak steel, hardening them into something similar yet entirely tougher. The slave masters began to gain, and Fae tried to usher the two humans faster, but they were exhausted after three nights of being on the run, and they both collapsed within seconds of each other. One of the men was the person who had defended Fae in his first day as a laborer, and so Glingaer stopped abruptly, and the slave masters seem to hesitate. An angry elf was not something they were prepared to deal with, even if he didn't have a weapon.
As Alex got into his car and started the ignition, rain began to leave marks on his windshield. After a moment, it was pouring down raining and he sighed exasperatedly. The universe seems intent on forcing me to spend time with Jessica, he thought. But he drove past the girl and eased the car into an idle. He rolled down the window. "Miss Amberson, would you like a ride? It's coming down quite hard..."

Reuben cracked open the door with worry on his face before he saw Katrina grinning and he narrowed his eyes, suspicious. "What...?" he spoke slowly.

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