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"If my life were as pampered as you think it so, then I'd have no reason to speak foul of it, would I?" She retorted, her voice not one of anger, but one of pure distress and loneliness. She kept her back to him as she pulled up the long sleeve she was wearing, showing him her bare shoulder and upper arm. A large bruise was located on majority of her shoulder, the shade of the purple being so dark it was almost black.

"And I guess you believe this is yet another privilege of my pampered life." She murmured, her hand trembling as even touching the area around the bruise stung her sensitive skin. She let the sleeve go, letting it slide down her arm and go down to her hand, the bruise hidden from underneath the satin. She said nothing else as she sat back down in front of her looking glass, knowing the next step was going to be the flashy makeup she was required to wear, even though she was barely out of the stages of childhood.
"All the more fun to mess with." She said with a grin before she turned towards Quill, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "You're such a meanie sometimes. But I love you anyway." She murmured, her eyes closing while she waited for their food to be given to them.

Katrina glanced up at the man and stood, her hands clasping behind her back sweetly. "I work here actually. And I'm supposed to be here, just to make sure everything is alright with the animatronics. I have to open up the shop anyway, so I thought I'd watch you work your magic." She said with a bright smile, stepping out of his way so he could lead her to wherever Raeney was.
"Milady, you must know that I can do nothing of what distresses you..." Glingaer said, sitting Astrid back down. He picked up the jar of powder nearby and began to rub it into her skin with gentle strokes as he knelt before her. Fae carefully made sure the powder was in one even layer over her face, and then he moved onto the rouge set to the side. He picked up the small bowl of pink-tinted rosewater and began applying it onto Astrid's cheeks. Then Fae moved onto the final step of Astrid's makeup, and he raised his fingers to apply rouge to her lips. At the first tough, he hesitated and glanced up into her eyes for a split second before he continued and finished her makeup.

"Have you any preference to how your hair should be styled?" he asked, taking out her hair tie.
Astrid stared into the mirror as if she were looking at herself. But in reality, she was looking at nothing at all. She was only dreaming with her eyes open. She absolutely despised the way she looked with makeup on her face. So she would almost always never look in the mirror when it was on.

"Jesamine always put it in a braid going over my shoulder.. She would always say, 'not yet a lady but no longer a child.' I suppose she just meant it made me look a bit older than what I am but it would not actually age me." She shrugged, finally bringing herself out of her trance like state to look up at the boy standing behind her. "What do you think would look best?" She questioned, genuinely wanting his opinion as she had never had one of her own when it came to these kind of things.
"Without me, you'd be nothing," he teased in a mock-snotty voice. He pat the top of her head lightly, and then their food was set in front of them. "Let's get outta here," Quill said, picking up the food and standing.

The electrician shrugged and led her to Foxy's stage, where the purposely torn-up fake fur on its legs and arms cast strange shadows on the ground when the lights turned on. Foxy stood with its mouth agape and its hook out. The electrician began tinkering with the animatronic and grunted, meaning Foxy was in functioning condition. He moved onto Ballora's stage, where the purple-haired ballerina stood in her dancing position, a peaceful smile on her face.
Fae lowered his eyes as he had been conformed to do, but another smile made its way onto his lips. "It may come as a surprise to you, Milady, but this is my first try at being a lady in waiting. I know not of many styles or how they appear to nobility. But I will do your braid, if you wish."
Jess stood as well, the food being snatched from Quill's hand. "Mine!" She shouted before she sprinted out of the restaurant, a wide smile on her face as she laughed, trying to get into Quill's car, but it was locked. "Damn it!" She cursed, looking around for a place to hide. There was only one place she could go... "Bushes!" She squealed, diving into the bushes and crouching down so that she couldn't be seen, the food being cradled in her arms like a child as she hid from Quill, her so called 'hiding spot' being located right in front of Mr. Hart's car.

Katrina stared at Foxy, the color scheme of the animatronic making her think of Rae. She grinned, her eyes mischievous looking as she took Foxy's hook, and angled it to where it was poking him in the nose, as if he was picking it with the sharp object. She couldn't help but laugh a bit, knowing that if Rae really was in there, he couldn't do anything because he'd give away his secret. "That's payback for dropping me." She whispered before she quickly followed after the electrician.

Astrid looked away from Fae, hating how every time she would look at him, he would look away. She knew that's how things were meant to be, but it didn't mean she had to like it. "If you hadn't of told me, I would've never known." She said, a small smile forming on her face as she gave him the compliment. "A braid would be just grand, thank you." She added, her fingers combing through her hair to get rid of any tangles. "I would do it myself, but Jesamine never got the chance to teach me."
Alex blinked and rolled down the window, leaning out to peer down at the bushes just as Quill came running out of the restaurant. "Miss Amberson, what are you doing?!" Alex exclaimed, and Quill heard. He came over and reached into the bushes, grabbing his friend by the arm and pulling her out. He used his free hand to make a circle beside his temple in the universal sign for crazy. Alex stared and sat back down in the driver's seat, rolling back up the tinted windows.

Rae waited until the pair had left his stage before he dropped his arm, mentally insulting and cursing out Katrina.

The electrician quickly finished with Ballora, then went through the quadruplets' animatronics' checks. He moved on, then, to where Marionette was. The Marionette wasn't very popular, but he shared a stage with Freddy. The electrician checked both of them before moving on again.
"Would you like me to instruct you how to do it at a later date, Milady?" Fae asked. "I would teach you now, but we've little time left." Just as he said that, a servant called through the cracked-open door that guests were arriving and Astrid were to come down soon.

Fae hurriedly separated the Baron's daughter's hair into three and braided it over her shoulder, tying it off at the end with her hair tie. He stepped back and bowed, waiting for her to leave first, since nobility were always supposed to walk a few steps ahead of their help.
Jess only continued to laugh, waving sweetly in the direction of Alex's car before she got into Quill's. "That's not fair! You would've never found me if it wasn't for Mr. Hart screaming at me!" She said, knowing that her hiding spot was the best of the best. "You cheated."

Katrina blushed as she passed by the stage with the Marionette on it, knowing for a fact it was Reuben. She looked up at him for a moment, giving a smile before she followed the man into yet another room. "It's good that everything's working." She said trying her best to make small talk instead of just following the man around.
"Of course I did. Do you think I'm a badass because I follow the rules?" Quill once again began driving. "No. Because that is just crazy-talk. Then again, it does sound a lot like you." He smiled sweetly at her.

The man grunted again, not much for small talk. Then he moved to Funtime Foxy's stage. The pink and white wolf was missing an ear and had a gouge in its forehead, chipping off some paint. The electrician put his hands in fists on his hips. "Well, someone aught to put their foot in their mouth," the man said, giving Katrina a pointed look. "I'll have to be getting a replacement for this one."
Astrid played with the braid for a moment, admiring how well it was done before she stood. She went to walk past the boy as he bowed, but she stopped and went back to him. She made him straighten up, her hands brushing against his skin gently before she embraced him tightly. "I give my thanks to you yet again." She whispered, her body trembling as she held onto the boy, having never hugged a man before as her father was far from affectionate. "Jesamine would've been proud to call you her successor." She added before she pulled away, she herself bowing completely to him. Something that a human never did. "I shall see you here again this evening." She said quickly, a smile on her face before she fled the room, knowing full and well what punishment she would receive if she were late.
Jess punched Quill in the arm, a smile on her face. ~Timeskip to next day during class~

Jess stood in front of Mr. Hart's desk, the extra credit assignment in her hand. "Just as promised." She said with a grin, her head tipping to one side as if the assignment was a piece of cake. Which it was, but it had kept her up almost all night, so there were visible bags under her eyes.

Katrina looked a bit taken aback, but she tried not to freak out. "I can call the boss about it when I open up. Thank you for coming in today." She said, motioning to the front door. "If you don't mind, I really have to get everything ready. Ya know, heat up the ovens, cook the pizzas, hang up decorations." She said with a laugh as she tied up her hair, making it look as if she were actually going to start working. "I assure you that I'll swing it by the boss to get a replacement as soon as he wakes up. He really doesn't like to be bothered any earlier than 8:00." she added, it only being 6 in the morning now.
Fae stared after the Baron's daughter in utter disbelief. He felt guilty, as if he'd done something wrong by letting Astrid hug and bow to him. If the Baron knew what had happened, he would kill Fae, and Glingaer knew that much too well. He hurriedly left the room, wanting to retreat back to the servants' quarters, but the lady in waiting that he was replacing happened to also act as a server during the Baroness's planned dinner parties. Fae quickly changed into more formal clothes and went out to the kitchen to help.
Astrid went into the dining hall, having to push her way through the growing crowds to get to her parents that were taking center stage at the other side of the room. Once she got over to them, her mother yanked her to the side to get a good look at her. "Mediocre." The woman hissed, disgust obvious in her voice before she shoved Astrid back to where she was standing beside her father. "Stand straight, and silence yourself. Not one world or I'll have you sleeping in the stables." Her mother snarled in her ear before she went to go socialize with the nobles that began pouring in through the front entrance. Astrid stared at the ground, her eyes blank as she kept her mouth shut just as her mother said to.
Alex took the assignment and placed it aside on his desk. "I'll have the grade in by this afternoon," he said. He was about to dismiss her, but then he saw how tired she looked. "Miss Amberson, I gave you two days to complete the paper so that you wouldn't have to do it all in one night." Concern was plain on his face. "I know what it's like to have to skip out on sleep to finish homework, so I tried to give you time to avoid that."

The electrician gave Katrina a strange look. "Kid, I know my job. Your boss and I are friends, so we've long decided how I am to do what I do with the electronics." He took a dolly from the corner of the room and brought it over, shifting it to where Funtime Foxy was on it. The electrician kicked up the dolly and started carting it away, to the scooping room.
Jess gave a sheepish shrug, her and Mr. Hart being the only two people in the room as she had come in early to give it to him. "I have terrible memory.. So I was afraid I would forget the assignment, as stupid as that sounds." She said, laughing in embarrassment before she rubbed her eyes tiredly. "But I'll be fine, really. It's not like that was my first time ever having an all nighter." She added, a yawn escaping her mouth just as she said that.

Katrina ran after the man, her hand holding onto the animatronic's helplessly, not caring what the man though. "Are you sure you just can't wait until tomorrow? The kids are gonna be showing up any minute and they'll miss him! Please just come back tomorrow." Katrina tried, her hand gripping the furry over sized hand as tightly as she could, her eyes welling up with tears. "Can't you fix him or something? Why do you have to just throw him out? It's not right!"

Glingaer got some wine and opened it before moving into the dining hall and filling each of the gold goblets to the brim. He immediately got some surprised and angry looks as the Baroness's guests began taking their seats around the table. Fae ignored the looks as best he could, and he pretended that he couldn't hear the criticisms once they started coming.

"Why is there an elf serving us?!" As Fae moved to pour the last glass of wine, a Lord knocked the half-filled goblet over. It splashed onto Glingaer, who lifted the goblet and set it back upright.

"My apologies, Lords and Ladies," he said softly, ignoring the wine that was seeping into his finest tunic. The Lord who had knocked over the goblet sneered at Fae.

"At least you've trained it well. It acts like a dog, just as the filthy creature rightfully should." Fae bowed respectfully before ducking back into the kitchen to dispose of the empty bottle he'd been carrying.
Alex glanced at the untouched cup of coffee on the corner of his desk. He sighed and handed it to Jess. "I'm actually not a big coffee drinker, so maybe it would help you more than it would me."

The electrician grumbled under his breath about teenagers and their weird hobbies. "Girlie, I'm just doing my job. I'll have a new Funtime Foxy up within 30 minutes, I swear." He walked into the scooping room, which was a freakily dark room with a conveyer belt and a large contraption. The electrician sat Funtime Foxy on the conveyer belt, right under the contraption, and he began to wind up a crank nearby.

"If you're all that close to the animatronic, I recommend looking away," the electrician said, and just then, as the crank whirred, a soft whisper came from the direction of Funtime Foxy: "
I'm sorry." Then the scooper was coming down with a loud crack, faster than the eye could track it, and the pink and white fox animatronic was a flattened mash of metal with black oil seeping out, forming a puddle.

"Now, girlie, I'll be uploading the original programming of our here Funtime Foxy into a new, spiffy-lookin' version," the electrician said, and he pressed a few buttons. A perfect copy of Funtime Foxy's form came out of a panel in the wall, and then the electrician pressed another button, and it was updated with the original programming. Funtime Foxy waved and asked if anyone wanted some pizza, and then it went quiet. "See?" the electrician asked. "Good as new."
Astrid stared in shock as the lords and ladies continued to make to make they're rude and spiteful comments. She clenched her fists together, her body shaking with anger as she tried to control her temper. But it was all too much for her to hold in. "You're the ones acting as if you're a dog." She muttered, loud enough for them to hear and the entire group of nobles to freeze and glare over at her. "And you have no right to call him such a thing when your mouths are filthier than he could ever be. Your mothers should have washed them with soap. And your mother should have also taught you how to treat another living being." She added, looking up to the nobles, fear obvious in her eyes, but her anger was more apparent at the moment. "You should feel privileged that such a boy would serve you. And you should thank him instead of turning your noses up like you're any better than he is. If I were him, I wouldn't even spit in your faces. It would be a waste of saliva." She added, making everyone in the entire dining hall go silent. And what finally broke that silence was the sound of someone getting slapped.

Astrid cried out as she collapsed to the ground, her cheek turning a deep shade of red from the impact her father's hand had on it. She winced as the man grabbed her by the braid, yanking it upwards to where she was standing once more.

"I give my deepest apologies. My daughter has come down with the same fever her lady in waiting had contracted. She doesn't know what she's saying." The man said in a voice so sweet it was sickening. He grabbed Astrid by the arm, shoving her to where she was bowing. "Apologize you disrespectful swine." The man growled in her ear before smiling to his guests.

"I give my deepest apologies." She said, only repeating what her father had said as tears fell to the ground, her body shaking as her father dragged her back into the kitchen.
Fae was using raggedy towels to absorb some of the wine dampening his clothes when the Baron entered the kitchen, dragging his daughter by the arm. Glingaer bowed along with the other servants before he noticed the tears on Astrid's face. He straightened abruptly, lips parting and eyes growing wide. He looked five years old, just then. His expression turned worried, and he went to take a step forward, but one of the human servants beside him grabbed his wrist, holding him back. Fae fell back into line, dropping his eyes as he waited for the Baron to attack him for "turning his daughter against him" or "showing his face in the dining hall with so many nobles in view."
Katrina fell to her knees, her eyes completely blank and the size of saucers as tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably. "Y-You... Killed him.." She whispered, her hands covering her ears. "You killed him! There was a person in there and you killed him! What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screamed, her voice full of so much pain as all she could hear in her ears were the sounds of metal being crunched. "Get out! Just get out! GET OUT! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!!" She wailed, falling onto her side and curling up as she tried to get the sounds out of her head. But they just kept replaying over and over and the face he gave her and the words he said just keep repeating over and over again. "Get out of my head!!!!" She screamed, her voice raw as she hadn't realized she had been screaming the whole time. She couldn't breathe. Everything around her was constricting. There was nothing left. Everything was gone. Raeney was gone. He was gone. And then suddenly everything went black as she passed out.

Jess looked at the coffee for a moment before drinking it gratefully. Once she finished, she gave back the mug, the back of her hand wiping off a bit of the coffee that had gotten on her upper lip. "That was amazing, thank you." She said, her eyes already starting to brighten from the caffeine that was now flowing in her veins. "I guess this means I'm your favorite student now, huh? Since you just shared your coffee with me and all." She said, nudging him with her bare shoulder (She's wearing a tanktop) as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Reuben suddenly appeared with Rae, his hand on the shorter animatronic's shoulder. He released Rae, who grabbed the electrician and squeezed his throat once, in a hard pulse. The human crumpled, severely injured but not dead. Reuben, on the other hand, lifted Katrina into his arms, black tears streaking his face. He'd done this to Raeney...

The new Funtime Foxy began making mechanical sounds, and a new Raeney stepped out. He stared at the girl in Reuben's arms.
"Who's that?" he asked, and Reuben shook his head vigorously.

"Leave her alone. Just don't talk to her, ever," Reuben replied, and he disappeared with Katrina, bringing her to Raena's room. Rae hugged the new Raeney.

"You were scooped, Raeney. You're the newest replacement," Rae explained, letting Raeney go. Raeney nodded, as if it weren't a big deal. And it wasn't, to the animatronics. This is just what happened. It was normal.

Alex's brows furrowed and he looked down at his hands, fighting off a blush that just wouldn't be stopped. "You just looked like you needed it," he muttered. "Now, why don't you go take your seat, Miss Amberson." The bell rang a moment later, and Alex was shuffling through the papers on his desk as students began coming in.
The Baron threw Astrid to the ground, not caring what happened to the girl at this point. He hadn't noticed Fae, but at this point, if Fae was standing right in front of him he wouldn't have noticed because all of his anger was directed towards the daughter he had never wanted. "How dare you ridicule me like that?" He snarled, kicking the girl in the stomach, causing her to scream in pain. He could care less whether he broke one of her ribs. Or if he broke anything of hers for that matter. She was his personal punching bag. So he could have his way with her. All the servants stood silently, the men avoiding their eyes and the women crying silently. None of them would stand up to the Baron, every single one of them knowing that they would be in the same position as Astrid if they did. "Did you think you would just get away with it? Consequence free?" He demanded, grabbing her roughly by the arms and slamming her against the wall, causing the air to be knocked out of her. "If you ever try something like this again.... You'll wish that in this moment in time.. I would've put you out of your misery." He whispered, his voice ice cold before he dropped Astrid as if she were a rag doll and stormed out of the room so he could entertain his guests.

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