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How much do you love Raeney?

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Katrina tensed up, the sudden contact from Raeney surprising her. She looked down at the ground, letting her hair fall over her shoulders so that it would somewhat shield her bright red face from his view. "T-Then why are you even here?" She tried, wanting nothing more than to turn in his grasp to where she was facing him and to wrap her arms around him as well. But she couldn't do that. Not until she knew why.

Jess snorted, taking his arm and moving it away from her face before wrapping her arms around it as if it were her new stuffed animal, her head resting against the upper half of his arm. "Fine by me." She said with a yawn, curling up comfortably in the seat before she looked up at him with a grin, not letting his arm go.
Raeney straightened, releasing Katrina. He leaned against the wall, ducking his head so that he didn't have to look at her. "I'm honestly not sure... I was just wondering if or when you'd ever come back, and then I was in your room." A slight blush colored his cheeks for a moment before he stepped past Katrina and stepped out of the house, leaving the door open behind him. "But you obviously do not want my company, so I'll leave."

"You're so selfish," Quill said fondly, yanking his arm away overdramatically. "Get your own pillow." He folded his arms under his head, lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling for a few heartbeats before he closed his eyes.

(So, what's the 3rd rp we're gonna do? You had 2 ideas, if I recall.)
Katrina stared as Raeney walked away, her eyes wide as she watched him go down the driveway. And before she herself even knew what she was doing, she was suddenly running in front of him, stopping him dead in his tracks. "You're the only company I ever want!" She shouted, freezing as she stood in front of him, blocking him from moving any further. "You're... All the company I need.." She whispered before she looked up at him, her face a dark shade of red as she grabbed a hold of his shirt. She tugged him down to where he was level with her, their eyes looking into one another's for a split second before there lips suddenly... Touched.

Jess whined as her makeshift pillow was suddenly taken away from her. "You're so mean..." She murmured, puffing out her cheeks as she crawled into the backseat to where she could have move room to stretch out. "Poopyhead." Was muttered before all went silent.

(So I came up with another idea that i think you'll like cause it's set in medieval times. Okay. There's a kingdom and a hierarchy like in your vampy story thingy, but the groups are different. I'll list them from the higher ups to the lower status people. Royalty (Can be whatever creature as long as they are born into royalty and stuff), Mages and Wizards that are normally advisers of royalty and stuff, dwarfs that are mostly used for making things such as fancy clothing, furniture and armor, normal humans that are always servants and some MAYBE own shops in the village and such, and the lowest of the lows are the elves and hybrids. The elves used to be at the top, but the ruler from a long time ago misused his power and got over run and ever since they are now worse than humans. So, the story is, we can either have the typical, royalty falls in love with servant. OR we can have it to where there are two servants. A boy (Can be hybrid or elf or just human) that has been there his whole life, and then a girl (She's going to be a mix of an Elf and then a fae. So she's very much hated because of the blood in her veins that she couldnt control) and they like help each other through the years and stuff and become really close. But one day the castle is attacked and they have to escape before they're killed and stuff and they get caught and the boy is forced into an army for the uprising and the girl is sold to the highest bidder to either be a servant or a mistress or something. And then they meet again years and years later and they're on opposite sides of the fight and stuff and it's just a real bad mix up XD)
Raeney was startled for a moment, but then he took hold of Katrina's hands where they pressed against his chest and he kissed her back. A neighbor stopped to stare before moving on, wondering why the girl who'd just come back from running away was now making out in public with a very feminine young man. Then a car pulled up beside Raeney and Katrina, and it was the human girl's parents, returning from an unpleasant date night. "What the hell are you doing?!" Katrina's father shouted, swinging open the passenger side door and nearly knocking Raeney over with it. Raeney pulled away from Katrina as her mom also came into view, unease once again in Raeney's gaze as he looked between the three humans. He'd never been out in the open in his endoskeleton form before.

~Timeskip to dinnertime~ Quill stretched out, pushing his reclined seat into Jess's face as she slept. He sat up and allowed the seat to snap back into its automatic vertical position. "Jessicaaaa!" Quill called sweetly, running a hand through his flattened hair as he tried to spike it back up. "Time to get some food, so wake the fuck upppp!"

(There's some unrealistic things in this idea, though I do like it. If you've ever read a medieval-based book, you'd know that dwarves typically live underground in their own society. They are master blacksmiths as a stereotype, and the women are very masculine (some might have beards, although it's not as common as one might think), but they don't consort with pretty much any other race if they can help it. If you go on google and look up "Dwarven Ruins Skyrim" that's an example of what kind of underground caverns they carve out for themselves, minus any monsters or blood the pictures might show. Dwarves build magnificent robots and machinery.

Elves are almost always revered. Even in this story you've made, they would only be able to be repressed if their numbers were severely small. Like, if they were at a risk of endangerment. They are very, very strong and agile and swift. They are cat-like in the way they fight, along with the slightly slanted shape of their eyes. They are thin and willowy, and slightly shorter than humans. They are strong enough to fight 10 trained people though at once, so they would have to be low in numbers to be kept under rule.

My main problem is that you randomly threw a fae in there. In medieval stories, there literally is never a fae, unless there are other super mythical creatures and peoples. Please don't have your character be part fae, because it wouldn't fit in. And I was hoping your girl could be a human so that my guy could be an elf XD I love elves, because they fit me as a person. And it'd be cute if my elf dude was a servant and your girl was royalty, but like, a low royalty. Maybe a daughter of a Baron or a Lord and a Lady. And he was assigned to tend to her when her favorite (can't remember what they're called, but the girl who helps her change clothes and get her hair done up and stuff) gets sick with an ailment that's going around as a fatal virus that only humans can catch. So my guy gets chosen since he can't be a carrier of the disease, and he's the only elf servant in the House, and they have a very awkward relationship, since he has to dress her but not look and stuff, and then there DOES happen to be a sudden attack from some rival kingdom who happened to send in the virus plaguing the land as biological warfare, since the King and Queen there are human. My guy is made to help your girl's family immune for a brief while by cutting himself and then letting his blood get into a cut of their own, because he's immune, right? Then they escape, but they get caught, the girl's father killed, and her mother and herself are supposed to get traded as prostitutes in the other land's brothels, but my guy says he'll give himself up as a manual laborer slave if the two women be spared. And we go from there.)
Katrina jumped and looked to her parents, a dazed look on her face as she was still trying to process the fact that she had just kissed Raeney. She looked from him to her parents before she suddenly took a hold of Raeney's hand. "Come on." She said before she ran off, tugging him a long behind her as her parents shouted for her to stop. "Katrina get back here!" Her father shouted, the man sounding furious. But even though the man was in decent shape, he couldn't keep up with the two teenagers. Katrina led Raeney into the woods behind her house, knowing for a fact that her paretns wouldn't follow her. They were city folk. And there was no way in hell they were going to get their designer clothes ruined by any grass stains. Once the yelling stopped and Katrina and Raeney were deep enough in the forest, she stopped, panting slightly as she looked up at Raeney with a smile. "You came back for me." She said, her tone teasing before she pushed Raeney's back into a tree, having to stand on her toes as she kissed him again, her arms going around his neck.


Jess groaned, throwing her arm up blindly and smacking Quill in the face with the back of her hand. "You know I hate being called that." She muttered, yawning as she sat up, her hair slightly messed up, but she didn't seem to notice or really care. "Let's just get this over with so I can go back to sleeeeep."
Raeney took a few seconds to get his thoughts in order, and he reluctantly stepped to the side, breaking away from Katrina and the tree she'd pinned him against. He glanced in the direction they'd come from. "Your parents are going to be furious," he said pointedly, and then he put his hands in his jeans pockets, closing his eyes as he sorted through his choices of what to do. "I can't stay here. I have to get back to the pizzeria so that I can rest."

(give me a sec... my friends are messaging me)
"I'll come with you." Katrina said, not even taking a second to think it over because she didn't need to think it over. "And don't you dare tell me that I can't. Because I can. And I will. You wanna know why?" She twirled around to where her back was facing him, her hands cupping over her mouth. "Because I love Raeney!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, her voice echoing through the forest before she turned around to look at him once more. "I love you." She whispered, her eyes bright as she gripped onto her shirt. "And I want to be with you.. So please.. Let me be with you."
(Sorry. You already know I have difficulty keeping up with a convo and rping at once... They called me up on discord)
("Chloe, if you in trouble, I got you. But I'm probably in trouble, because I'm not good with females" ~Taylen 2017)
"Girl, fix your weave," Quill said, once again using his gay voice. He reached out and pat down some of Jess's flyaways before once again starting his car and pulling out of the parking lot. "Which restaurant you feel like eating from?"

(ooooo I has an idea!) Raeney stared at Katrina with a mixture of disbelief and worry. "You can't be in love with me. You're not." He started moving towards the edge of the forest. "I'm not human, love. Loving me is something you can't afford." Then he ran out of the forest, faster than Katrina could follow, with her shorter legs and less resistant system. Raeney tried to stop thinking as he ran, and only focused on getting back to the pizzeria. The sun would be rising soon, and he had to be back in his exoskeleton by then.

(Make your charrie for the medieval rp! She's gonna be a low noble, right? From a Baron or a Lord? Choose one XD)
Jess patted down her hair, making sure everything was in the right place before she dived in between the two front seats, her body landing in the floor board in front of the passenger seat. "Annnd I'm stuck." She said, her legs up in the air while the rest of her body was compacted into the small space where feet would normally go.

Katrina watched as Raeney ran out from the forest, in shock that the playboy of all playboys was running away from his problems instead of just flirting his way out of it like he usually did. "After all this time of teasing me and wanting me to love you, after I finally tell you that I do, you just run away?!" She shouted after him, knowing where he was going and knowing she would follow him there. But she still couldn't believe that he had ran in the first place. "Say whatever you want to make yourself feel better, Raeney! But I know what I'm feeling. And what I'm feeling is love! For a big stupid idiot like you!"
Quill grabbed Jess by the calves and pulled her up out of the foot area, dropping her with her face in the seat. "One rule in this car: don't be stupid." He pat her butt as a joke and then leaned away, knowing she was going to try to hurt him. "Don't be stupid!!" he practically shouted.

Raeney slammed through the double doors and skid to a stop in the lobby of the pizzeria. None of the other animatronics were awake and walking around, just as he had expected. Raeney fast-walked down the pitch-black hallways, using his memory of the place to find his way to the storage room where all of the exoskeletons were kept. Every metal shell was gone except for his own, and he hurriedly sat it up and stepped inside of it. He spoke commands to the skeleton, and its voice-recognition controls did as he said. Soon he was completely covered by his exoskeleton, just as the sun breached the horizon.

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