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"First, go get changed into this. And then meet me out front where all the tents are being sent up." The girl said, shoving a bag into Tabitha's hand that had the costume she herself was supposed to wear. But she'd rather be dressed in normal clothes than having Tabbi look like a highlighter wannabe.

(i dont wanna give a revieewwww.... i just told you my favorite parts womannnn)

Katrina glared at Raeney, hating how scornful he was being. ~But he has every right to be..~ She thought sadly before she stood up. "I wouldn't tell anyone. You know I wouldn't." She said, standing in front of him for a moment, their noses almost touching before she pulling away, her arms crossing. "I want to go home." She repeated, her feet shuffling as she waited for their final answers.

"I was just wondering if you had any extra credit that I could do. My grade in here for the final semester isn't.... The best. And that's mostly because I've gotten sick quite a lot in the past month. And I've gotten all of my homework assignments turned in, but the teacher knocked down the grade because they were late since my parents couldn't sign the doctor's note I had. They're out of town a lot so my friend was the only one looking after me." She explained, going over to the desk closest to the door and sitting on the edge of it. "So if there's anything I can do to get my grade up, I'll gladly do it." She said, looking up at him, her eyes pleading even though on the inside she was trying not to laugh her ass off because every time she thought of 'extra credit' her mind kept going back to the disturbing jokes she had made with Quill.

Max found a dressing room and changed quickly, checking his--Tabitha's--butt out. "Girl's like a twig," he said sadly before walking back out and following the random girl's instructions to go to the tents. He found the girl and stopped. "Now what?" he asked her.

"Just go," Reuben said when Raeney turned up his face and stared at a blank space on the wall. "Raeney's too stubborn to tell you that you're free, but he hasn't stopped you."

Alex wet his lips as his brow furrowed slightly. "As you know, this is my first day. I still have a lot to figure out about the current curriculum, and how far you guys have gotten... But I suppose if you turn in a two-page handwritten essay on how to use each of the simpler grammatical marks, what their purposes are, and how their effects can differ, and get it in by Wednesday, I'll bring your grade up a full letter." Alexander felt like he was giving Jess too much slack on this assignment, but he really had very little idea of what would be next in the curriculum. He'd been informed that there was a class open for him just yesterday, and here he was now standing in a classroom that figuratively stank of teenage desperation and hormones lingering from over eighty different students.

"Does that sound like a deal you'd like to take up? Because if you don't do this assignment and you said you would, I'll not be giving you anymore extra opportunities. Is that understood?" Alex crossed his arms, trying to be all teacher-like. He blushed slightly, hating that he was such a geek on the inside.
(rude! XD) "Now you just have to hand out the flyers! Make sure to smile and be welcoming. Especially to all the hot guys." The girl said with a grin, handing Tabitha a giant stack of flyers for her to hand out. "Good luck!"

Katrina glanced up at Raeney, wishing he'd at least say goodbye. She looked to Reuben and flashed him a sad smile before she ran out of the room. She ran through the empty halls for what seemed like forever until she came upon a flight of stairs that led to the outside world. "Goodbye everyone.." She murmured sadly before she was gone.

Jess brightened up as soon as he said that. "I swear I'll do it! I'll even have it in by tomorrow! Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me." She said, genuinely happy as she hopped off the desk, her eyes bright. "You won't regret this." She said, flashing him a bright smile before she ran out of the classroom. All was silent for a few seconds before she jogged back in, stopping right in front of him, their two bodies only an inch or so away as she reached up and pat down his hair. "Your hair was really messed up just then." She said, tipping her head to one side cutely before she headed back towards the door. But then she stopped and glanced behind her. "And, in case you didn't notice, your shirt is inside out, Teach." She added, saluting him as she jogged out of the classroom, heading back out towards the front entrance.
(Hehe XD I couldn't help myself) Max turned away from the girl and fake-gagged. I love handing out fliers to "all the hot guys," he thought, imagining a cutesy giggle after his mental sentence. He walked up to a guy his age and smiled, shoving a flier into his hands without saying a word. His smile would appear forced and almost bitchy from the outside, but Max thought he was doing a good job.

~I do a good job calling up the TimeSkip Gods, while YOU figure out what happens next with Katrina, because you like to leave me in dead ends XD~

Alex's mouth became an O and he flushed a bright red, tugging at the bottom of his button-up. "Why did no one feel it necessary to inform me of this?!" he exclaimed, zipping up his hoodie. He couldn't change in a classroom, and he had no idea where the teacher's restrooms were. Would he be able to use them? He was a student teacher, so which bathroom would Alex be allowed in? He qualified but also fell short of some qualifications for both. Alex covered his face with one hand. "I'm definitely overthinking this," he murmured to himself, and then the bell was ringing, and a new wave of teenagers came rushing in.
(I'm going to sleep because I have a ton of crap to do tomorrow. Tomorrow from about 12:30 to 6:30 I'm going to be pretty busy, but I should be able to check back every few hours. I'm going watch a movie with my aunt, and then going to a fair. After that I might also be going see a different movie with my friend, but that's TBD. G'night!)
(I told you what I'm doing today, so I'll be occasionally checking back. Just watch your anime and every now and again reply XD)
The boy he had handed the paper to gave a nervous smile before quickly going off with his friends, the girl having scared the shit out of him just by shoving a random paper in his face.

~Timeskip to night cause I want them to switch back XD~

Tabbi sighed as she laid down in the sad excuse for a bed that was in the room she had woken up in, her entire body feeling broken as she had just gotten done with getting all the kids to bed. "Whoever you are... I give you my utmost respect..." She said, her voice trembling as she turned onto her side with a groan of pain. "Now please, god, I'd like to go back to my own life now.." She murmured, her eyes closing. And before she knew it, she had passed out.

~A Few Days Later [it's now night time so raeney can be all sneaky sneaky XD]~

Katrina stood alone in her empty house, her parents having gone out for a date night that would probably last well into the next day. Once she had gotten back home a few days before, they acted as though they hadn't even noticed she was gone. But they were always like that.. Distant and uncaring. "They probably had a lot more fun without me here.." She murmured to herself, going up to her room so she could change out of her school clothes. She had stayed after hours at the school until 8:00 at night because she had so much makeup work to catch up on. But she had gotten most of it done by now. She went into her room, pushing the door to where it was open just a bit while she picked out some sleeping clothes to change into. ~Now I wish I had never left...~ Her mind trailing back to Raeney as he would be messing with her right about now. But the whole house was empty and silent.

Jess couldn't help but laugh as she heard Mr. Hart's shouting, a small smile on her face as she walked out of the building. "These last few months are gonna be fun..." She said to herself, her mind filling with all the things she could do to the poor college student to mess with him. Once she got back to Quill's car, she opened the driver side door ever so slowly, making sure she didn't wake him up before she pounced on the sleeping boy. "Guess who's got extra credit work to dooooo!!!" She shouted, bouncing up and down on Quill as she shook him awake none too gently.
Max wasn't even tired by the time he was lying in bed, wide awake. He stared at the ceiling, full of unused energy. He wasn't used to spending his time so leisurely. After two complete hours of wishing he could fall asleep but being unable to, Max finally dozed off.

Raeney opened the door and made it into Katrina's room without making a sound. He sat on the edge of her bed, and the frame freaked softly under his weight.

(I have an idea for later in the FNAF to, just btw.)

Quill responded immediately in a loud voice: "The same inconsiderate SOB who just woke me up!" He lifted his dark brows over his sunglasses at Jess. "And just by the way, I'm not helping you with it."

(No more time XD give me a couple more hours before my next reply. I might still be busy after that, though)
Tabbi gasped awake the next morning, the alarm on her phone waking her up. She looked around, her eyes scanning the room to see if it was actually hers. "Was it.. All just a dream?" She asked herself, rubbing her head with a yawn as she sat up. Only a few moments later, her sister opened the door to her bedroom and gave her a judgmental look. "Thank god you're not touching your boobs today... Weirdo." She said before slamming the door. "Hurry up and get breakfast!" She shouted from down the hall, leaving Tabbi confused. "Touching my... What are you talking about you little brat!?" Tabbi demanded as she stumbled out of bed, running after the little girl and interrogating her.

Katrina jumped at the sound of someone sitting on her bed. She quickly turned around, thinking it was her parents having come back early, but she stared at Raeney in shock, her eyes wide as she was in the middle of taking her shirt off. "Raeney-?" She tried, scrambling to pull her shirt back down, a dark blush on her face. "How did you get in here? The door was locked! How did you even know where my house is? You can't just-!" She cut herself off, covering her face with a long and annoyed sigh, her heart racing as she couldn't believe that he was actually here, sitting in her bedroom.

"Don't worry, I wasn't going to ask you to. I actually want to pass this class." Jess said, snatching his sunglasses from off his face before sliding into the passenger seat, the sunglasses now on her. "Mr. Hart is actually kinda adorable. He's like a little kindergartner on the very first day of school." She said with a grin, remembering how red his face got when she touched him. "We're gonna have a lot of fun messing with this one." She added, glancing over at Quill as she and him ever since grade school had always fucked with their teachers some way or another.
(Ugh i hate myself right now... Cause I'm watching all this sappy shit about long distance best friends meeting and I'm about to cry cause I've known you for five years. FIVE. YEARS. WOMAN! And I really really REALLY hope that you're not some pedophile. Cause I'm meeting you someday. And even if you are a pedophile, i'll love your nasty ass anyway XD UUUUUUGH AISLIN WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELFFFFFF)
("Even if you're a pedophile I'll love your nasty ass anyway" nice to know, but I'm pretty sure I'm not a pedophile. XD I'm just an awkward teenager who acts like a 5 year old. And don't feel bad about it, because I've gotten sappy about that stuff before too XD)
(It's alright XD I've got hope we'll meet each other one day :) but, to cheer you up, I'll have you know that I am leaving the fair)
Max woke up feeling normal again, without any awkward sweat or warmth on his chest. He brought his hand up and lay it across his breastbone, letting out a breath of relief when it was flat.

Easton walked in, startling Max into sitting up. "Sawyer and I only got part of the work done yesterday. What were you doing? You locked yourself in your room and didn't come out until dinner!" Max stared at his brother.

"I didn't..." he couldn't finish, so perplexed. After a moment of silence, Easton gestured to Max's arm.

"What'd you write?" he asked, and Max looked down. I didn't write that, he thought.

Raeney studied Katrina with an expression much like the one Raena used on the human when she wanted something. Raeney's eyes were very unlike how they normally were, instead being unsure and almost round as he looked up at her. His hair was still covering one of his eyes.
Quill rubbed his hands together like a plotting villain. "I need to cook up a scheme...." He gave Jess a pleading look. "And you can pick up some lunch from a restaurant? To go?" He groaned loudly. "I need my beauty sleep! I can't do it myself!!" He started the car with another groan.
Katrina stared at Raeney for the longest time, wishing he would saying something instead of just looking at her like that. She turned away from him, her back facing him as she bit her lower lip, her entire body tense as she thought about everything that had happened, knowing she'd have to decide what she wanted right there and then. "I hate you, you know. You're a pervert who annoys me all the time. You're always running ahead of me and teasing me. It's all your fault! I wouldn't have realized if you just wouldn't have let me leave that I never wanted to be away from you. One moment you're sexually harassing me, and then gone the next... Just what are you thinking? Why is my heart beating so fast? Why do I feel so lonely when you leave me? Why are you... The only one causing me so much confusion?" She demanded, gripping her shirt as she slowly turned around to face him, her cheeks a dark red as she hesitantly looked up at him, waiting for him to say or do anything.

(I really love the movie, it's one of my all time favorites now. But i just dont know how to continue the rp at this point XD)

"Are you seriously gonna make me go into a restaurant alone?" She looked over at him, her wide eyes hidden by his over sized sunglasses. "If we're stopping to get food, you're coming in with me." She said, her tone completely serious as she hated doing things alone. (Can we make it to where it's around lunch time now? So Alex could maybe be in there getting food when Jess is forced to go in alone and they see each other and stuff and it's funny and awkward)
(Okay, so I have an idea... since you're getting super sentimental eight now let's try something. Can you download apps on your phone freely?)

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