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Codie and Levi both yawned and went back to bed, but Easton replaced them. "Hey, Max, what do I have to do today?" Easton and Sawyer typically helped Max with the farm on weekends, but this wasn't a regular weekend, now was it?

"I think I look fine, if resembling of a highlighter!" Max let himself get pulled along. "And what's today, other than another day I wish I could sleep in?"

"Be lucky we didn't kill you," Raeney said, and Reuben shoved him.

"Stop it! Be considerate and think of how she must feel!"

"Agreed," Quill said before vigorously scrubbing at his ear with his hand. "Again with the spit-in-or-on-my-ear crap!" He gave Jess a wet willy like she'd done to him earlier, before he covered his own ears in order to deter any return attacks.
(Okay, so one of the stories I'm writing is getting kinda far along by now, but I'm still unsure who I want the main character to end up with. The two guys she has to choose from are Samuel, the dude from the robot rp, but with some changes, and another guy named Arris. arris.jpg.png maybe samuel.jpg I imagine Sam more attractive than this, but this was the closest I could find. Basically, squint to where you've almost got your eyes closed when you're looking at Sam's pic XD Anyways, the girl is named Niva, and she lives very VERY far in the future. So, there's this world war going on, and she is on Sam's team, and he has been her childhood companion, basically, and they trained as warriors together, and they work as a small squadron with Niva's sister, but Niva gets captured. Btw, Sam and Niva were dating. Niva's mind gets erased and she is trained by the opposite side of the war, and Arris is her mentor. She eventually gets her memory back, but by that time a romance has been blooming between Arris and Niva. I skipped a lot of details of this story in this desc, but I need to know: who should she choose?! Sam is Australian and Arris is half Korean, half Romanian. Neither of them have accents as far as I've thought out, but they come from those places.

Arris Nyx || Male || 18 || Espresso with cinnamon undertone || 5’9” || Nut brown eyes || Paleish with clear skin || Tough; blunt; calculating; calm || Half Korean, half Romanian

Samuel Fawke || Male || 17 || Honey with golden brown undertone || 5’11” || Cerulean eyes || Tan with freckles under eyes and along bridge of nose || Lean; semi-temperamental; protective || Australian)
(AND you could do a really nice scene where she pretends to be a traitor but then swtiches back over at the right time and saves sam and stuff)
(Would you be frustrated with me if I posted 2 dif short stories I wrote this year? XD I just want to know what you think about them)
Tabbi internally groaned as she had to deal with more kids. "Ah.. Just do... Everything you normally do!" She said nervously, having not a single clue as to what the young teen was talking about before he ran back to the room she had woken up in. "I'm gonna get dressed. So... Get started without me!" She tried before she slipped into the room, the door slamming behind her as she continued to try and wake herself up.

"Leave looking like a highlighter to the ACTUAL highlighters!" The girl shouted before pulling Tabitha in close to her. "And how have you already forgotten what today is?! Today is field day! Remember?? We signed up for basically all the committees to help out and get everything ready!" She added before jogging across the street. "And thanks to you, everyone is gonna be completely pissed off at us for being late!"

Katrina closed her eyes, trying her best to pretend that Reuben and Raeney weren't there. That she was home in her own bed and that her mother would be coming to wake her up soon for school. "I wish I could just die at this point... Make things easier for everyone.." She muttered, her voice a bit muffled by the mattress.

Jess laughed, rubbing her ear vigorously, tempted to get him back. But she really did need that extra credit. "To be continued!" She said before she crawled out of Quill's lap, getting out on the passenger side. When she reached back inside to grab her bag, she looked over at Quill. "Hey, my parents are out of town again. Another 'business trip that they couldn't pass up'. You mind me spending the week at your place?"

(How long are these quote on quote 'short stories'? XD)
A "Falling For Nightmares" Prequel: Short Story

This is going to be a quite intense short story. I've got it planned out so far, but it will likely take awhile. Look out for updates, though. Obsessive stalker-ish romance, blood, insanity, and murder! Like I said, intense. Just by the way, this short story is inspired by the "Cry Baby" CD by Melanie Martinez. Each part is from one of the songs, in the order of the CD's tracks. Check them out! They're pretty catchy.

Part 1/16

"No, I will not go out with you," I say, frowning at Dwayne as his face falls. "If you'd asked a week ago, I would've said yes, but today is not a week ago." Dwayne's dark eyes take up a wet sheen and I scoff. "Are you really about to cry?"

"You loved me a week ago... I've loved you ever since I saw your face; I just couldn't stop thinking about all the ways we might hurt each other if our relationship failed. Please, you've got to give me a chance, Ken!" The way Dwayne's voice softens at my name nearly makes me agree to what he's pleading for. Then I remember how he's denied me for months, and I'm bitter again.

"If you really did feel the same, you should've said something. Now it's too late, and your fault, too." Dwayne's eyelashes gather up moisture, allowing the tears to bead in them before falling. Then fat tears roll over his sculpted cheekbones, down to his chiseled jaw. I can't believe I'm turning down this god of sex appeal.

"Kennedy, please," he whispers, and I shake my head one last time.

"No! I said no! You'll get over it." As I turn to leave, Dwayne's whispered words keep me stuck in place, "I know what you felt like, now. I'm sorry I made you go through that."

"I understand what you're going through, you're right. But that won't change my mind." Tears gather in my eyes and I angrily swipe at my face. Dwayne's soft sobs turn into giggles, and I turn around to see him completely dissolved into laughter, tears continuously streaking down his face. The small, invisible hairs covering every inch of my body stand on end as his eyes fall on me, lacking all emotion as Dwayne grins at me.

"You understand, you say? I gave up my friends for you. My life. I'll need a replacement... and you'll be my new life, Ken..." Dwayne's voice no longer sweetens as it gets to my name, instead becoming insanely creepy. I take a step back as he rises fluidly to his feet, and in a fraction of a second his hands are wrapped around my throat, calloused and warm. He throws me to the ground, and my brain feels like a scrambled egg when my skull snaps back against the pavement surrounding the old stone fountain in front of our school. When Dwayne starts dragging me closer to the fountain, I panic and begin to kick at him, blood audibly pounding through my ears as its flow is cut off at my throat.

"I love you, Ken," I barely hear Dwayne say over the throbbing in my ears. I gasp when my whole head is submerged in the icy cold water of the fountain. What little substance able to make it through my windpipe happens to be water, and I can't even cough up what I've swallowed. My sinuses burn as more filthy liquid rushes into my nose. Dwayne pulls me back out and I try to inhale.

"Do you love me back?" I hear, partially cut off as I am pushed under again. I let out a loud sob, bubbles tickling my chin as they escape to the surface, into the air that I crave so intensely. Out of the water, again, Dwayne repeats himself, "Do you love me back? Oh, my little cry baby..." My bleary eyes catch his fond smile before I'm back underwater. My vision disappears in patches, leaving only smudges of black to creep in, and the impending darkness only frightens me more as I realize I'm dying.

"Do you love me?" Dwayne says, and this time I nod before I'm submerged again. Dwayne lets out a relieved chuckle, and then he releases me. I cough up water and gulp in air, curling up in a fetal position. I don't even care that my skirt has hiked up to my hips.

"Are you going to tell anyone about this, Kennedy?" Dwayne asks, back to the timid boy that I'd only ever known him to be before now. I know that I can't tell him yes, or worse will happen to me. Dwayne won't let me go. I shake my head, and my neck feels like rubber, making me look like a bobblehead as Dwayne pulls me into a sitting position and rests my cheek on his chest. He strokes my hair, and I don't even have the energy to shiver with disgust.

"Good, Ken. I always knew you were a smart girl," he coos in my ear, and more tears drop onto my soaked blouse. "Cry baby, don't drown in your tears..." Dwayne kisses one of them away and I can only cry harder.

Part 2/16

I fold my hands in my lap and keep a fake smile on my face as Dwayne talks to my mom about how "in love" we are. She takes every single falsity he says with eagerness and swallows it, only further entangling me in this mess. I'm unable to believe that she would take my word over his, since he's convinced her that he is the perfect boyfriend for me. It's all I can do to not scream and run as fast as I can to get away from him.

"Kennedy, bring your brother and sister down here. Lately, you've been so happy that I'd like to take a picture of you all," Mom says to me, and I nod before sluggishly climbing the stairs. Every day that I live with this burden on my chest of what Dwayne has done to me and still plans to do to me makes me less and less happy, despite what my mom thinks. I open my brother's door at the top of the staircase.

"Hey, Jace—" I falter as a wave of strange-smelling smoke hits me like suckerpunch. My little brother is seated on the edge of his bed, half of a joint in his hand as he stares at me with huge blue eyes.

"Don't tell Mom," he whispers, and I can hear the tension in his voice, as if he's about to break into tears as I shut the door. I offer a weak smile and move over to stand beside him, ruffling his fluffy black hair. Jace is barely twelve and smoking weed. He hasn't even hit puberty yet.

"I won't, Jace. Just... don't let your habits hurt you, alright?" I say, trying not to breathe in the dense smoke. My brother looks up at me with wonder, like I've always been so straight-laced until now. I was. At least, until Dwayne. "Now, open your window and come downstairs. Mom wants to take a picture." I wait for Jace to ask me why I'm so cool about this and why I know to air out the room, but he doesn't, instead going down to meet our mother, abnormally docile. I knock on my sister Ruth's door, and she opens it to glare at me. Ruth has always been moody, just like Mom.

"What do you want?" Ruth growls, running her fingers through the neon green stripe in the bangs of her black pixie cut. She used to have long hair, but a few days ago she cut it all off and dyed part of it green in preparation for her 15th birthday.

"Come down. Mom's taking a picture of us." When we get to the family room, Mom assaults Dwayne, Ruth, Jace, and I with a camera, spending over five minutes yelling at us to stay still while the shutter snaps again and again.

"Alright, baby, that's enough," my dad says, stepping into view and setting a hand on my mom's shoulder. I pretend-gag in the direction of Jace, who giggles. He swears he's so grown up, but he laughs about everything immature. I love my baby bro.

"Fine, whatever," my mom growls, sounding irritated, but she glances over her shoulder at my dad and, as he bends down to kiss her forehead, a faint smile touches her lips. They were highschool sweethearts, and they're still pretty damn sweet to each other, almost two decades after meeting for the first time as juniors in the same class.

"Let's go, then," Dwayne says to me. He smiles at my parents. "Goodnight, you two. I'll be sure to have Kennedy home by midnight." My mom nods and plugs the camera into the computer on the other side of the room, pulling up the pictures. Dwayne grabs my hand and tugs me out the door before I can burst into tears or stab him with the pin of my corsage. I keep my eyes dry by telling myself that my makeup took forever.

"We're not actually going to prom," Dwayne states monotonously once we're on the next block, and I blink at him.

"What do you mean?" Sudden anger rises up within me. "I spent over two hundred dollars on this dress! To get my hair done was over fifty!" I shout, and Dwayne digs his fingernails into the soft underside of my wrist, causing me to bend slightly at the waist and let out a choked cry.

"Not my problem. Tonight I need to explain something to you." I wince as he relaxes his grip and my blood rushes to the places his fingerprints seemed to burn into my skin. "Shut up and follow me." I trail after Dwayne, setting up walls between my mind and the real world. I don't know what to expect from him, and that makes me afraid.

"Look," he whispers in my ear once we're hidden behind a tree at the edge of my front yard. I take in a breath and my lungs stop functioning, freezing the oxygen in my lungs. I see my best friend, Kyra, pressing my dad up against the outer wall of my house, trailing one hand over his chest. My dad doesn't seem comfortable with the situation as Kyra stretches up to kiss him, and he gently but firmly pushes her away. "Come on," Dwayne's voice breaks through my tumultuous thoughts and I follow him, feeling empty as a shell. I barely recognize that he's brought me through the back door until we're standing in the middle of the kitchen and he is locking all exits.

"What..." I drop off, squeezing my eyes closed.

"You've been thinking about getting "help" lately," Dwayne tells me. The fact that it's not a question makes me tense, and I hesitantly open my eyes again. Dwayne's dark eyes are all I can see, framed by a few inches of dark skin around them.

"What makes you think that...?" I ask, and Dwayne pulls back, grimacing. He traces the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip and I feel simultaneously terrified and turned on. That tiny part of me that still is crushing on him after all he's done to me is growing, and I'm worried that I'm going insane like Dwayne obviously has.

"Don't try to play me," Dwayne demands in a low voice. His words become sweet and soft, as if he's just realizing how fragile I am, "You can't get away from me, Ken. You need to see that." Dwayne steps back and clasps his hands behind his back, pacing across the room with long, slow steps. He pivots on his heel and returns to where he'd been standing a moment before.

"I'm smarter than anyone realized, my love. Ever since I found out myself how much I'm capable of, I can't stop taking advantage of it. For example, you can't ever leave because I've made sure that you won't be able to." Dwayne exhales hard, grinning, and his breath ends with a soft squeak, like a mad scientist's giggle. He continues pacing. "Your friend there made my job easier, though, I have to admit. Kyra distracts your dad by advancing on him like a—I believe Urban Dictionary calls them "gerbils". That's the first step to keeping your parents oblivious and preoccupied, and then if they solve that problem, your brother is smoking cannabis. He will keep them busy for longer.

"And if you're feeling motivated to solve every problem this household has, stop that right now. I've got something set up for if you even try it. For the sake of your family, don't." Dwayne grins darkly, and I let out a loud sob. Just as the sound passes my lips, Dwayne claps a hand over my mouth and slams me back into the floor-to-ceiling cabinets with a dull thud. The TV in the living room is too loud for my family to hear, I can tell, and the doors are still locked. I let out another muffled sob.

"Shut up!" Dwayne snaps, and when I keep shaking and crying, he bends closer and captures my mouth in a kiss. The tears come faster, but that piece of me entranced by him kisses Dwayne back. I try to force it away, and I bite down on his lip. Dwayne snarls like a wild animal and slaps me across the face. My own lip splits and blood splatters across the wallpaper, leaving a piece of the wall shining in the lights. The wallpaper glistens, don't let them see what goes on in the kitchen, I think, vaguely recalling a song with those lyrics.

"Quiet, my crybaby... Disregard the pain." Dwayne leads me out the back door again, and in a moment he's got me blindfolded and in a vehicle. He starts driving, and I don't have the energy to even be afraid anymore. I lay my head back on the headrest and let myself doze off. I think that, before I completely sink into unconsciousness, the driver says, "Dwayne, don't be so cruel with your dolls. Your playhouse is filled with things no one else sees, including your love. Show Ken that love, if no one else; she's already part of the dollhouse."

There's no point in fighting.

Part 3/16

(XDD You're so overdramatic. This is what you signed up for almost 5 years ago when you become friends with a writer)
(it's really good! but i would definitely shoot you if you made me read all of it XD now reply to your friend of almost five years before i die)
Easton stared for a moment before going off to feed the animals, waking up Sawyer and convincing the younger boy to help.

"What's field day?" Max asked, completely genuine in his question. He began breathing hard because this body wasn't the most athletic. This girl needs to spend a week on the farm... he thought.

"Raena would become depressed. You're the closest to a sister she's ever had," Raeney replied with disgust.

"I'd not want to live if you were dead," Reuben said timidly. "Life with us isn't so bad, Miss... We're just an acquired taste, I assure you."

Quill spread his arms wide. "Honey, does it look like I've got some hottie taking up my time and place? No. So of course you can stay over," he said, using the most stereotypically gay voice he could muster. "Now, go on and work on getting good grades, you overachieving bitch. Always trying to show up me and my fellow peasants." Quill kicked the seat back and opened the windows, putting on a pair of sunglasses. "I'll be here. Lonely as hell."

(Are you trying to make me cry? cause i feel like thats whats happening right now XD)

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