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How much do you love Raeney?

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(oh yes... the famous boob touching everytime they switch XD ill just say a B again. But almost a C. So they're not huge but she obviously isnt flat chested)

(and idk what can happen to make Alex a part of this rp XD it's literally just been quill and jess. which im not upset about, cause it's fun to rp as them being friends and stuff XD But i really dont know how to incorporate Alex)

(She could talk to him about extra credit or tutoring, like, she's been failing for the first part of the semester, so in order to pass her Junior year she needs to get an A. It's still school time, so she could go back. Maybe XD)
Holly hurried after the both of them, the bag she had found slung around her shoulder as she jogged beside Samuel. "Man, it's really coming down." She said, hoisting the bag over her head and using it as some sort of umbrella. "When do you think we'll be back to the hideout?" She asked, glancig over at Samuel and then to Angel, asking either one of them for an estimated time.

Katrina watched Raeney, her eyes showing that she was obviously afraid of him before she reluctantly sat down on the bed, her entire body quivering with fear as she waited for whatever Raeney had to say to her.

After both of the movies had ended, Jess stood with a yawn, her arms going above her head as she stretched. "Could you give me a ride back to school? I'm gonna see if Mr. Hart is still there. I gotta talk to him about some extra credit. I'm going to need a lot of it if I want to pass junior year." She looked back at Quill, a pleading look on her face. "And if you're scared of getting caught you can just drop me off a block away or something and go back home."
(I can relate more with Tabbi's body that any of your other characters because I'm still a 34C XD And now I can incorporate some of the uncomfortable things about it.) Max woke up lying on his side, but with an uncomfortable amount of skin touching itself on his chest. "Why is my chest so warm....?" he murmured, and then he lifted his hand to his chest, only to find something obstructing his hand--except that he could feel what he was touching was his chest. "What.... the fuck...?" Max realized that his voice sounded off and cleared his throat, opening his eyes and sitting up. He blinked at the entirety of the room, confused. This doesn't look like my room, he thought. He glanced down and saw boobs. Like, attached to him.

"Holy shit." He heard his voice again and stopped breathing. He saw a discarded handheld mirror lying on the ground and picked it up. He saw a girl's face reflect back at him and flung the mirror across the room, but he was too weak for it to actually shatter completely. "
WHAT THE FUCK?!" he shouted. (Enter any roomies that are being controlled by you)

"Twenty-ish minutes," Samuel replied, walking briskly. There weren't any robots in sight, to his relief. "But we really need to hurry, because we don't know how long the rain is going to last."

"I'm not human." Raeney watched Katrina with hard golden eyes for any change in expression. "Neither is Reuben, or Rae, or Raena, or any other fucking person you've met so far."

Quill flung his hands up exasperatedly. "The hell, man? We just left like two hours ago!" Then he tilted his head and pressed his lips together. "I'll bring you. But only if you got that gas money." The corners of his mouth twitched as he tried to restrain laughter, but then he chuckled. "Damn. I was really trying to milk you for some cash."
"Tabbitha Esme Holmes! Watch your language!" Tabitha's mother shouted from downstairs before her little sister came in. "Seriously sis, what's gotten into you this..." The little girl trailed off as she looked at her sister, her eyes wide and one hand cupping her boob while the other was waving around crazily. "Morning..." She finished before she just slowly backed out of the room, the door closing behind her. "Mom! I think Tabbi's hormones are flaring up!" The little girl called as she ran downstairs. Yes, the girl who Max had apparently switched bodies with still lived at home. But that was only because it was impossible to find a place within a student's price range in such a crowded city.

"Am I... A dude? Like an actual guy and everything!?" Tabbi questioned, standing in the bathroom alone as her eyes slowly trailed down to between her legs. She turned her head away and closed her eyes tightly as she slipped her hands into her underwear. She screamed when she touched an extra appendage that hadn't been there the night before. "I HAVE A PENIS!!!!"

Holly only nodded, silently following after Samuel, focusing all of her energy on keeping up with the two of them.

Katrina stared at Raeney for a moment, her expression not changing until she suddenly stood up. "Seriously Raeney? You're making jokes at a time like this?" She demanded, glaring at him. "I know I fucked up, okay? But that doesn't mean you get to joke like this after you just found out I lost my virginity!" She shouted, shoving past him and going towards the door. "If you're not going to take this seriously, I'm leaving."

"You're such a dick! Trying to steal money from a poor little girl." Jess said, grabbing Quill's keys. "I guess I'll just drive that nice new car of yours all by myself. I hope I don't get a scratch on it or anything." She said innocently, twirling the keys around her finger as she made her way towards the door, whistling a happy tune.
The eldest of Max's younger siblings--his sister, Bailey--loudly banged on the bathroom door. "That's not just something you yell! I hope it's not a surprise!! Now get out! I have to get ready for my date today!"

"Sorry... Ma?" Max shouted back. He stood and hesitantly walked out of the bedroom. Where would the bathroom be? he wondered, but he saw a cracked-open door with a toilet in the darkness of the room, so he headed in and shut the door. He leaned close to the mirror and started messing with his face and hair. "This is one hella weird dream," he voiced softly. Max glanced again at the toilet. "Ah, crap..." he muttered.

(I have a half-developed idea for this, so we can just drop it for now, and maybe when I'm bored I can develop it further.)

Raeney suddenly let out his aggression and darted in front of the door faster than humanly possible. He grabbed Katrina by the wrist and used it to throw her back into the room, onto the bed. "Don't claim me a liar, love," he practically hissed. A predatory glint appeared in his eyes before he shook his head. He bit his lip hard before turning to the bed and walking near it, kneeling in front of Katrina. "If you don't believe me, at least let me prove myself a truth teller." The way he was looking at her was practically a dare to say no.

Quill sprinted after her, slowing abruptly as he passed her, snatching the key ring from her hand. "Hey, hey, let's not get crazy here." He locked his apartment and then once again got in his car and started it. "But for real, you're taking advantage of me."
(These are Max's siblings in order of birth: Max - 19, Bailey - 16, Easton - 15, Sawyer - 12, and the twins are the 6 year olds Codie & Levi --yes I know you hate the name Levi because of a certain guy with the name XD But I like the name)
Tabbi swung the door opened and stared at the teenage girl in front of her. "I have a penis!" She shouted before tipping her head to one side in confusion. "Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?" She demanded, grabbing the girl by the shoulders and looking into her eyes. "Who am I for that matter?" She added, having no a single clue as to what was going on.

(And oh my god XD the 'ah crap' made me laugh)

Katrina cried out and scrambled to the end of the bed, keeping as much distance between her and Raeney as she could, her eyes wide and full of genuine fear. Fear of him. She held onto the wrist she had grabbed, the skin already turning red from how hard he had grabbed her. She said nothing as she kept her eyes on him, refusing to look away, afraid that if she did, he would try to do something else to her.

"You know you love it." Jess said as she got into the car. "If you didn't, you wouldn't have hung around for so long." She added, a grin on her face as she leaned over close to him. "Want me to sit in your lap on the way there to make it up to ya?" She asked, her eyebrows raised suggestively before she laughed and leaned away, just teasing him as always.
"What--" Bailey pulled away from her brother. "Are you doing drugs or something, Max?" She seemed disappointed. "I thought you were better than that..." Her expression suddenly turned angry, and she shoved him out of the bathroom. "I can't believe you would be a druggie after all this time of telling us that it would ruin our lives!" Bailey slammed the door in her brother's face.

After using the bathroom, Max thoroughly washed his hands. "Considering I'm straight, it's strange how uncomfortable I am with being a girl and having female genitals." He shuddered dramatically before glancing quickly back in the mirror.

"I won't hurt you as long as you stay where you are," Raeney said slowly, and he climbed up onto the bed, moving closer to her atop the comforter on all fours. "I just want to talk to you, love." His eyes were back to normal, if a little wary, seeing if she'd try to run again or hit him.

"Maybe if I could pretend you were a dude." Quill covered his eyes with one hand, driving down the street with the other. He smiled, knowing she'd panic about him not paying attention. He started to swerve on purpose. "On my lap, now, Mr. Hart," he said in a sultry voice, a grin on his face.
"Drugs? Excuse me! But I've never taken any drugs! I saw a guy selling them once... But I ran away and never went down that alleyway again!" Tabbi shouted against the bathroom door before she sighed and looked around. "What in the hell is happening to me?" She asked in a hushed whisper as she wandered around the house, just looking for the front door. Once she found it, she stepped outside and stared at everything in front of her. "OH MY FUCKING GOD WE HAVE COWS FOR NEIGHBORS!!!!" She screeched before he ran back inside, the door slamming behind her.

"Hurry it up in there, Tabbi! You're gonna be late for your morning class!" Tabitha's mother shouted, the woman banging on the other end of the door. "Your sister has already left!" She added before she went back downstairs, leaving Max to figure out what to wear and where to go all on his own.

Katrina flinched as he climbed onto the bed, her hands going out in front of her to keep him away, her eyes shut tightly. Whatever he was, he was definitely not human just like he had said. But then... What in the hell was he? Her heart rate and her breathing quickened as she went over all the worst possibilities there could be.

"Jesus christ shit balls holy cow mother of god fudge nuggets!!!" Jess shouted, scrambling over the arm rest and falling into his lap as she drove the car in the right direction, cars in the other lane honking their horns as they passed. "I hate you so much right now.." She muttered as she continued driving the car, making sure she didn't rest her feet on Quill's so he didn't slam his own down on the gas.
Codie and Levi walked up to their big brother, Max, and looked up at him, rubbing their eyes in sync: Codie rubbing her left and Levi his right, so that they were like one giant toddler. "What's a 'fucking'?" Codie asked. Levi sniffled instead of asking anything. He was tired, and Max had woken them up...

Max swung open the door. "Isn't it Saturday?!" he shouted down the hall before rushing back into the room he'd woken up in and digging through the drawers, searching for a school uniform. When he found none, he guessed that this girl was a college student, and he put on the first things he found: neon yellow yoga pants, a black miniskirt on top of the pants, a hot pink tank top, and a light blue hoodie. He put on some ratty white flats and rushed outside, where he found someone waiting for 'Tabitha'. It was a girl about Max's age, so probably Tabbi's age, too.

"You're late, Tabbi! Now I'm gonna be late!" (Control this girl too please XD I control all the people in Max's life, and you control all of Tabbi's peeps)

"Just listen!" he snapped before calming himself again. Raeney exhaled harshly. "You know this pizzeria's mascots? The animatronic animals? That's us." Raeney moved off the bed again, pacing across the room. "Or, part of us. The 'us' you've seen so far, acting like humans, is the inner skeletons of the metal animal-looking version of our bodies. This form is still false, although it has flesh and blood mixed in with circuit wiring, and it is replaceable." Reuben appeared in the room just then.

"Why do you frighten her like this?" he said softly, his voice giving away his vulnerability when he thought of Katrina. "She likely thinks us monstrosities now, freaking of nature created by man that shouldn't rightfully exist." Reuben glanced back at Katrina, worry in his gaze. "You do think that, don't you, Miss?"

Quill started laughing and kept his eyes covered. "Oh, Mr. Hart, you've got quite a dirty mouth... Why don't you make use of it?" Quill leaned forward and made a slurping sound in Jess's ear before bursting into laughter again.

(I love Quill XDD AND OH MY GOSH I HAD A GREAT IDEA. Could you plllleaaaaase at least once during a situation that would make sense have Tabitha get an awkward boner? XD Like, you know how guys basically could have a stray wind give them a boner just because their body's stupid? You know what I'm talking about, I'm sure! XD)
Tabbi jumped and looked down at the two of them, her eyes wide. "I-I didn't say 'fucking'! Don't say that word! It's bad! I said... Fudging! Yeah! I said fudging because I'm going to go get us some fudge! Wouldn't you like that?" She said, just barely saving herself from teaching these kids how to cuss early on. "If you go back to sleep like good boys and girls, I'll make sure you have a lot of fudge when you wake back up later." She quickly added, not wanting to have to deal with taking care of toddlers.

"And what in the hell are you wearing? Ugh, you're lucky I have a change of clothes today." The girl said, grabbing Tabitha by the arm and dragging her towards the college campus. "I cannot believe you're late the one day it counts. This is the one day where we can actually have fun and you're late!"

Katrina couldn't give an answer to Reuben, her eyes staring off into nothing as she tried to process all that Raeney had just said. It would make sense.. Not really but, this whole time they really hadn't acted human. Only human-like. "I-I don't know anymore.." Katrina whispered, holding her head as if trying to understand all of this was giving her a headache. She looked up, her eyes going from Reuben to Raeney before she laid down face first on Raeney's bed, screaming into the mattress as she wished this was just some bad dream she was having.

Jess's body shuddered in disgust as she reached behind her and shoved Quill's face away from her ear. "Don't tempt me, Quill. If you let me get my head between your legs I'll bite your dick off and then feed it to my dog." She threatened before she pulled into the empty parking lot of a church, it being Monday. Once Jess successfully put the car in park, she somehow managed to twist her body to where she was facing Quill, her hips now straddling his as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You wouldn't want that, would you?" She asked in an innocent tone before she leaned in close to his ear. "Oh Mr. Clayton, call me teacher! Meet me after school in my room so we can talk about some... Extra credit homework assignments.." She whispered in the most seductive voice she could manage before she actually licked Quill's ear. She then busted out laughing and let her head rest on his shoulder. "We're the worst people alive."

(And you didn't even have to ask me about that :3 XD YOU SHOULD KNOW ME BY NOW. IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN EVEN IF YOU DIDNT WANT IT TO)
(Here's a flashback about my innocence: remember the summer after 6th grade when I asked you what straddling meant? XDD When I went into 6th grade I didn't know what sex was... I miss being that innocent)

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