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How much do you love Raeney?

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(Youre a terrible person XD a warning for the summer: on Saturdays and Sundays I have mid afternoon dance practices for 2 dif quinceaneras. Today's mine, but I still have some time before people start showing up.)
"Who's to say we don't?" Samuel and Angel said at the exact same time. They laughed briefly, and two seconds later Samuel was done changing. He wore an extremely oversized lilac T-shirt and a pair of khaki cargo pants. "I am disappointed in your sense of style," he said begrudgingly, and then he turned so Angel could get changed.

"You wouldn't be friends with me if I wasn't a badass," Quill replied without a moment's pause. He started to drum his fingers on the steering wheel. "That dude really must be a nerd. I've never seen a student teacher, and he's pretty up-tight, too. Especially for a college kid."

(I forgot about that. But I'll do it when my practice is over. You can't start it, because tradition says i must XD)

Raeney sat in his room, once again alone. He was meditating, or at least zoning out in the center of the room.
"I'm soooo sorry that I didn't get you the most fashionable clothes on the planet while I was trying not to get killed." Holly said, rolling her eyes before she glanced behind her. She squeaked when she saw a shirtless Angel getting changed behind her and she quickly whipped around. "He really does have abs!" Was the only thing she could say as she covered her flushed face.

"Touche." Jess said with a smile before she looked out the window, her mind focusing on the cars that they passed by. "And yeah.. He's definitely a nerd..." She murmured before she completely zoned out of the conversation they were having, her mind filling with images of Mr. Hart's face. ~At least he was a kinda cute nerd..~ She thought to herself, her eyes closing peacefully. (O pardon me for trying to stray from tradition XD)

Katrina stopped once she reached Raeney's door, her heart pounding so loudly she could hear it. She hesitantly lifted her hand up and knocked on the door, holding her breath as she pushed it open slightly. "Raeney? Are you in here?" She called out, her voice shaking.
(XD ok. But now on Friday night's I'll be spending the night at Kelly's house (the girl I texted) to get practice in without my partner's criticism)
Angel glanced back at Holly, having heard her squeak of surprise but not the words following it. He continued changing, ending up in a tight black shirt and worn, ripped jeans. Samuel had let his friend have the more flattering clothing. He would have considered taking them, though, if he were a bit shorter and stockier like Angel.

"You can turn back, now," Angel said, flattening his dark curls, which had become frizzy when he pulled the new shirt on.

"I'm going to put on a rom-com if you really don't care," Quill said. He was the most unstereotypical punk you'd ever meet. Quill LOVED rom-coms, and he was super gay. Like, 120% gay. But he wasn't out. Only Jess knew, and that was mainly because she'd been his wingwoman in middle school, and he had to let her know who he was after.

"I am..." Raeney spoke, not opening his eyes or moving to open the door. "But that doesn't mean I welcome your company."
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Holly covered her eyes before she turned around, peeking through the spaces in between her fingers just in case he was still shirtless. But when he obviously wasn't, she let her hands drop into her laps with a grin, a blush still dusted across her pale cheeks. "Nice abs, Angel." She said, laughing to herself for a moment before she rubbed the back of her head, still trying to process the fact that he actually had abs. And nice ones too.

"Okay okay, I care! Anything but that please." Jess said, looking over to Quill with wide eyes before she leaned against the arm rest between them. "We need to find you a boyfriend. Soon. But he has to be really hot. Like... EXTREMELY hot. So that every time I come over I'll have something nice to look at." She added after a moment, sticking her tongue out to Quill like he wasn't hot enough for her.

Katrina flinched at Raeney's words and let her hand fall away from the door as her heart fell to her stomach. "R-Right... I should've known.. I'm... Sorry." She said, shielding her eyes with one hand as they began to brim with tears. "I'll leave you alone then. You're probably really busy." She whispered, stepping out of the doorway and leaning against the wall beside the framing of the door, her hand now covering her mouth to muffle her crying. ~Somebody shoot me already..~ she thought, wishing she could just die rather then having to deal with the pain she was feeling.
"Tu mira?" Angel asked, seeming surprised and a bit uncomfortable with the idea of Holly peeking. "Why..." Angel just shook his head and turned away.

(I've decided that Quill has dated 2 girls in the past. Hes open to all relationships, but he really likes d*** XD) "You better not eye up my future bae. Otherwise I'll have to physically claim him in front of you." He narrowed his eyes at Jess. "But straight girls are pervs. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Raeney, with his overdeveloped and partially cybernetic senses, heard Katrina crying. He grimaced and stood in one fluid motion, lifting himself out of a cross-legged position in a fraction of a second by just standing without shifting his feet. He flung open the door. "If you're going to be pathetic about it, just come in then," he snapped, leaving the door ajar as he returned to his place on the floor, this time his eyes staying open.
Max wiped his hands on his jeans with a weary exhale. His naked upper body shone with a thin layer of sweat and grime. "Finished feeding all the animals, collecting four bales of hay and loading them up on a trailer." Max began checking on his five younger siblings. Three were boys and two were girls, and he took care of all of them. On his own.
"Hey- It's not like I meant to!" Holly tried in between her bursts of laughter. "But I'm glad I did. Those were somethin'!" She said, continuing on with her joking and making herself laugh more than she already was.

"Oh hell yeah." Jess said, laughing at the thought of having to watch Quill do something like that. "That's my ultimate dream in life. To watch two hot guys make out with each other." She said, fist pumping the air and holding a hand over her heart. "For all the pervy girls of the world, I shall fulfill my dream! To honor them!"

Katrina stared at the now wide open door, tears falling down her cheeks. She wiped them off furiously, hating that he had heard her crying before she stepped into his room, her arms reaching backwards to close the door behind her. Once it was, she leaned against it, her hands behind her back. "I don't know what to say, Raeney.." She tried, staring at the floor for the longest time before lifting her head up ever so slightly to focus on him.

Tabbi hummed as she walked out of the last class of the day, her spirits high as it was almost the end of her first year in college. "Hey Tabbs, you coming to the movies with us?" One of her many friends called from behind her. "Hm?" Tabbi glanced behind her and shook her head, an apologetic smile on her face. "Sorry, I've got work today." She said, making the group of girls whine. "Maybe next time, okay? Sorry guys!" She said before she ran off. She really did have work, and she was about to be late for her shift. "He's gonna kill me..." She said to herself as she got to the subway station just as her train was about to leave. "Just barely made it!" She said in relief as she jumped inside, the door closing almost instantly behind her, the other riders giving her strange looks as most of them were full on adults.
"Horny chica," Angel said, not fluent enough in English to phrase it otherwise. He gave her a skeptical look while Samuel leaned over and peeked out the window at a loud rumbling sound. A crossbow bolt quickly shot near his face, and Samuel ducked back in, closing the shutters once more.

"The sky is cloudy. It's about to rain, which means we're going to have time to make it back to the Hideout."

Quill had no real problem with Jess or anyone else being turned on by him, because he himself was not the most innocent at all. "So you admit I'm hot," is all Quill replied with, pulling into a parking space in front of a rather mediocre-looking apartment complex.

He put the car in park and took the keys from the ignition. "Also, if not a rom-com, what genre are we going to watch, then? You're the film connoisseur."

"Why come and find me if you don't know what you want?" Raeney asked, leaning back against his mattress with his blond-to-pink hair hanging in one of his eyes.

Max began tending to his youngest siblings first: the twin girl and boy. They were six, and very hyperactive all the time, but they had learned to take care of themselves better than most kids their age. Max made them their after-school snacks of peanut butter and celery, the vegetable grown by Max in their own garden, and the peanut butter made cheaply by a neighbor. The twins thanked their brother and began to eat, doing their homework with the stubs of #2 pencils they'd been using for an entire year.
"Horny just for youuuu~!" She teased, still laughing before she glanced over at Samuel. "Really? You think so?" She asked, crawling over to him and pulling the arrow out of the wooden wall beside Samuel's face. "Souvenir." She said, twirling the arrow around with a grin.

"Well yeah, duh. Ya big idiot." Jess said in a blunt yet teasing tone as she punched Quill lightly in the arm. "But alas, I'm straight as a board. And you on the other hand, literally broke the board in half." She sighed, barely able to keep herself from smiling. "We should totally become friends with benefits." She added before she got out, closing the passenger door behind her. "And we can watch a rom-com if you really want to."

"I know what I want." Katrina said, looking back down at the floor and shuffling her feet nervously. "I just... Don't know how to get it.." She whispered, her eyes saddening.

(Want me to just timeskip to night? So they can just go to sleep and wake up as each other?)
(How about right before they go to sleep, so that they have a reason for switching? Because I want to have Max wish something)
Tabbi groaned in pain as she laid down on her bed, her back completely bent out of shape from work. "Man this sucks.." She muttered, wishing she just had a simply country life where there were cows for neighbors and there were only dirt roads instead of crowded overpopulated sidewalks. "That would be amazing.." She whispered with a long sigh, her eyes closing as she imagined how easy life would be if she just lived in the middle of nowhere.
"The robots all retreat inside buildings when it rains, otherwise they shortage. Even after all this time, and getting an upgrade to help them kill more survivors of the war, they're still not waterproof." Samuel piled all of the shed sewage clothing near the entrance of the tree house.

Angel stared at Holly, taking her seriously. "You never had interest in me before now."

"It'd be totally cool if we became friends with benefits. As long as I got the benefits and you got the friendship, because, although I am attracted to women sometimes, you're frankly not a good example of what I like to feel up."

Quill smiled and unlocked his ground-level apartment. He walked in a flicked on the lights, making his sparsely-furnished living room visible. The black-out curtains blocked any sunlight coming through the windows.

"There are two brand new movies right now I'm interested in, and one is rom, and the other is com, so we can do a back-to-back thing. Which one first: How to Be a Latin Lover or Everything, Everything?"

Raeney clenched his jaw and stood once more, closing the distance between him and Katrina in one long step. "Let me make this easy for you: you want me, but you're too conflicted to say something. I'm an awful person, and loving me makes you doubt your judgement. But you're upset, so you've obviously done something you aren't happy about. What is it?" Raeney stared down at Katrina, their noses an inch away from touching.

By midnight, Max was exhausted. By one, he was finally done with the day's chores and demands, if only for five hours before he woke again. He lay on his stiff mattress that had only a box spring and no frame. It was the only furnishing in the room besides a window. Max rolled onto his side and faced the window, looking out on the farm and the sky that met the horizon so far out. It was beautiful out here, and so peaceful, but a hard life's work. He wished that he could live easier, live out in the city with his brothers and sisters and have a nice home with plenty of food and comforts all around them. Then he closed his eyes, and Max was soon asleep.
"Oh my god Angel, take a joke!" Holly threw the arrow at Angel lightly, not wanting it to actually hurt him, but she wanted him to take a hint. "I'm obviously not serious."

"Now that's just fucked up! After all the time we've known each other you still won't lay off on the fact that my boobs are AVERAGE instead of porn star sized!" Jess shouted, throwing her bag at Quill, a mischievous look on her face. "I've got bigger boobs than you, so suck it!" She added before she plopped down on the couch. "Let's just get the rom over with so I can enjoy the com."

"Can't you tell?" Katrina muttered, turning her head away from Raeney so that she didn't look him in the eye. "Last time, you could smell Rae on me. And you flipped out then. So I know for a fact that you know what I did." She added, clenching her fists behind her. "Go ahead. Call me all the names you want. Shut me out. Be angry with me. Hit me. Do whatever you want. I deserve it at this point."

After a few hours of laying around on her phone, Tabbi finally fell asleep, her mind full of dreams of the countryside.

~Timeskip to morning~ Tabbi whined as her alarm began to go off loudly in her ear. "But it's Saturday!" A voice shouted, making her sit up quickly, her eyes wide. "Who said that?" Demanded the same voice and Tabbi froze. "Am I... The one talking?" Questioned the manly voice. "Oh my god it is me!" Tabbi quickly got out of bed and looked around, her heart rate quickening as the setting around her was completely unrecognizable. "Where am I? What's going on?!" She demanded, her voice much deeper than it had been the night before. She ran over to the full length mirror in the corner of the small room and stared at herself, the reflection of a boy standing in his underwear looking back at her. "EEK!!" She screeched, jumping back and falling backwards onto the hard floor with a loud crash. ~Oh my god oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD! Come on Tabbs... This is a dream... Just wake up and it'll all be alright.~ She thought to herself silently, her eyes closing as she prayed to god that she just woke up from this nightmare she was having.
Angel caught the bolt and set it down beside him. He said nothing as Samuel began waiting for the sounds of rain to start. ~timeskip to when it's starting to rain~

Samuel hurriedly climbed out of the tree house, taking the dirty clothes and laying them out flat on the grass, separated to that the rain would wash them clean and the wind would dry them, in case they came back here, desperate for sanctuary and clothing.

"Let's go," Samuel directed them as Angel stepped down onto the grass.

(I'm at home again and am going to respond to the other rps on my laptop)
"I don't want boobs, but they look and feel nice if they're a good size," Quill teased, plugging in his FireStick and getting the movie pulled up. He then went to the kitchen and started making bags of popcorn and pouring them into a giant bowl, along with M&Ms and a variety of gummy creatures. He brought them back and sat on the loveseat, putting the bowl on his lap, slightly tilting it so that it was easy for Jess to grab. (You can timeskip until they're done with the movies or something. Or maybe you could have Jess go and do something having to do with Alex. Idk XD)

Raeney wrinkled his nose in a way that made him look both frightening and adorable. He spun around and stood in the middle of the room, tense and with his furious gaze locked on Katrina's face. "I'm not going to do what you're expecting. I'm not going to get angry because you lost your virginity to Reuben," he said in a low, surprisingly calm tone. Everything about his stance said he was obviously upset, but it was easy to tell he wasn't slave to his emotions like he usually acted.

"I have a few things to tell you, Katrina," he said softly, once again skipping over his nickname for the human, proving that he was definitely not happy. He gestured to the bed. "Take a seat. Do not worry, I won't be joining you."

(Um, there's only one mirror in the house, and it's kinda cracked. It's in the bathroom XD Max lives in a farmhouse that he barely makes enough money to afford. I clarified that there was only a mattress, box spring, and window in his bedroom)

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