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How much do you love Raeney?

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Reuben hesitantly lay one hand over her covered feet. He felt such affection for this human that he was surprised he hadn't killed Raeney in an attempt to capture her attentions. He sighed.

Samuel narrowed his eyes right back. "Yes, I was. I have long known that you tend to draw unwanted attention, just as you have done now. In this sort of situation, one does not scream when startled. It only puts you in more trouble." He pulled her by the wrist into the alley he'd just jumped out from as the clanking sounded down the street, getting closer. "Am I wrong?" he whispered. (Thaaank you XD)

(I'm guessing I should rp as Quill. What personality should I give him?)
(Kelly doesnt seem like she cared that much. and that kinda pisses me off. I'm sorry you had to deal with that)
(And you just have to rp as quill for this scene. i wont make you do it all the time. but jess can have a girl best friend that looks however you want her to so you can finally have a girl to rp as XD)
(Kelly's kind of indifferent to a lot of things. Of course, she wouldn't get it because she's from El Salvador and is fluent in Spanish. I've been raised really white, save for being able to understand some Spanish and use the accent, along with be able to use the Cajun accent and handle spice. She doesn't mean to make me feel bad or anything, and I'm doing the quinceanera for her because she's my friend and I know that this is a really big thing because I'm having one too, and she's one of my people for it. I'm still pretty bitter towards Jackson, but I'm feeling better now that I've had an iced coffee, 2 good cries, and a listen to "Rolex" by Ayo and Teo. || I just wanna be Quill. I personally prefer being guys XD It sucks to be a girl, tbh)
Quill grinned at his friend. "Thank you. I pride myself on my ability to make you scream." His eyes widened and he smothered some laughter with his hand. "That's what he said," he added, the words hard to make out.

Alex glanced up only for a moment before he began listing off students. "Jessica Amberson?" he said first, looking for a raised hand in case she decided not to announce herself verbally.
Holly listened for a moment and internally groaned when she heard the clanking. "You aren't.." She muttered, yanking her wrist free from his grasp and putting some space between them. "But I wish you at least had the decency to say, 'Holly, you're a dumbass who gets herself into trouble, is always too loud, and is no use to the team. Therefore, I'll come with you to search the houses.' Instead of just following me without a word like a CREEPER!" She retorted as she went to the backyard she had been in seconds before, grabbing the bag she had thrown. "Let's just get back to the stupid tree house." She murmured, waiting by the bottom of the hill for Samuel, her back towards him. (You should just become trans already, you non-rping women woman XD)

Katrina couldn't help but giggle childishly as Reuben's touch tickled the sensitive nerves of her feet. She pushed herself up into a sitting position, her hair falling over her shoulders and framing her face as she rubbed her eyes tiredly. "That tickles." She said drowsily before she opened her eyes to look up at Reuben. And as soon as her eyes met him, flashbacks of the night before came crashing down in her mind, her heart sinking to her stomach. "Oh my god.." She whispered, holding her head as she tried to put two and two together, her eyes watering. "Oh...My god.." She just kept repeating those same three words, her mind not being able to manage much more then that small vocabulary at the moment.

Jess punched Quill as hard as she could in the upper arm before she quickly faced forward, raising her hands. "It's Jess." She corrected before she went back to play fighting with Quill, barely able to contain her own laughter as he continued to make his terrible jokes. "You wish you could make me scream." She said with a smirk, her eyes bright with amusement. Quill was the only one who could make her step out of her shell like this. Without him, she was just the quiet girl in the back of the room that spoke to no one. But with him... She was just as bad as he was.
(XD It sucks that I think being a girl is awful, but I don't feel trans. I think I hate myself or something) Samuel followed Holly, irritated with her attitude. "Every time I go along to help you, you complain," he said softly, and then he glanced quickly over his shoulder just in time to see a Speed spot them and turn to go after them. "Run!" he told her, pushing her forward and picking up his pace into a quick jog, not trusting himself to run without once again opening his wound.

Reuben's eyes grew wide and his expression worried. "I'm sorry, Miss. I meant not to wake you... I wanted you to sleep without the worries plaguing you in consciousness." He stood, taking back his hand. His clasped both hands behind his back and appeared almost ready to cry. "I-I'll leave you... I know you must be unhappy to see me..."

Quill fake gagged. "I would rather not have to face your saggy grandma tits," he said, smiling at Jess. "I'd want to gouge my own eyes out. Oo, or better, stare into the sun while squeezing a lemon into my own eyes."

Alex heard that last part and immediately stopped listening.
Teenagers are weirder than I remember, he thought to himself before calling out the next name. "Brian Anglin." Quill raised his hand.

"The one and only! I go by Quill, though," Quill announced rather loudly before sticking his tongue out at Jess.
(You switched the colors XDD and dont hate yourself. YOU GOTTA LOVE YO SELF) "Because you treat me like a child!" Holly retorted before she grabbed onto Samuel's arm as he began running, her being just a bit ahead of him since she didn't have a wound to worry about. "But this was kinda my fault... So sorry for that!" She tried as she ran up the hill, trying to get across to the field to the tree as fast as she could without leaving Samuel behind or tugging too hard so she wouldn't hurt him.

Katrina buried her face into her knees, her body trembling as sobs overtook her. ~What have I done?~ She screamed silently. ~I wish I could take it back. Please god... Just take it back..~ She couldn't believe she had done such a thing to herself... To Reuben.. All for what? Because she was feeling lonely? That wasn't a good enough excuse to take Reuben's virginity. And it sure as hell wasn't a good enough reason to take her own along with his.

"'Saggy grandma tits'!?" Jess demanded, having an appalled expression on her face as she reached over and snatched Quill's ear, yanking it as hard as she could and holding on like a mother would. "I'm a size B! This shit doesn't sag when it's that small!" She said, half yelling and half whispering. "And you know you'd love it." She added in a seductive whisper, licking her index finger to her other hand and giving Quill a wet willy before releasing his now red earlobe, having to cover her mouth as she laughed uncontrollably.
(Brian "Quill" Anglin || Male || 17 || 5'8" || dresses punk/biker-like and acts tough || brown hair with dark ginger highlights; wears it medium length and kind of mussed/messily spiked up with gel || plain blue eyes || pale || wears a white T-shirt that the teachers can mistake for the white button-up SUPPOSED to be worn, baggy black school pants, a black leather jacket, black combat boots (real army ones), chains attached to his pockets and jacket sleeves, and an ear piercing on one ear where the metal chain hangs from the top of the ear to the lobe. You know what I'm talking about)
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(Whoops! XD) The Speed was gaining as they reached the petrified tree, where Angel had his head stuck out of one of the windows. "What'd you guys do?!" he exclaimed, and Samuel made Holly climb up first.

"Distract it, Angel!" Samuel shouted up to his friend, and Angel snapped a thin stone twig from above his head and flung it at the robot, producing a dull clanging sound. The Speed looked up and lifted its arm. The arm rearranged itself into a crossbow that loosed a bolt at Angel, who just barely jumped back into the treehouse to avoid being shot in the eye and pronounced dead. "
Ay Dios mio! They got an upgrade!"

Before Reuben transported, he said softly, "I will get Raena, Miss..." and then he exploded into a million black particles. A few seconds later, Raena came barging in.

"Oh, darling, what happened? Reuben said you needed me." She saw Katrina crying and rushed over, taking the human into her arms. "Shh, shh... Just tell me what's wrong..."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I prefer my women with at least a C cup. Then when we're having a little fun, at least I have something to preoccupy my hands... and mouth." Quill started rubbing his ear against his hand. "And that is disgusting, Jess. Probably got some brain-eating bacteria in your spit, and now I'm going to turn stupid." He blinked dramatically as if he were about to faint. "Oh no, it's starting! You've infected me with your idiocy."
Holly tossed the bag up into the treehouse before she started climbing, her teeth gritted as she hauled herself inside and scrambled to close the windows. "I'm pretty sure one of those upgrades is being faster!" She said breathlessly as she sat beside Angel, her chest heaving. "Come on Samuel!" She shouted, crawling back over to the entrance and peering down at him, her arm reaching out to pull him up.

"Reuben and I... We.." She trailed off as she looked up at Raena, her eyes red. She couldn't continue as she wrapped her arms around Raena, tears falling down her cheeks as she buried her face into her shoulder. "I didn't mean to..." She whispered helplessly, her body shaking uncontrollably.

"You had your own idiocy long before I ever had the chance to infect you." Jess said with a snort before she pinched Quill's arm, getting him back for before. "And stop hating on the twins!" She said, cupping her boobs right in front of him. "They're perfect just the way they are! They don't have to be giant MELONS to please a guy." She said, holding her breasts like they were her children. "It's okay sweeties. Don't listen to the big bad pervert." She whispered sweetly before glaring up at Quill, a few laughs escaping her mouth before she completely lost it, the two of them causing a scene at the back of the room.

Samuel started climbing, but the Speed grabbed his foot. Samuel held to the rope ladder as tight as possible and kicked the speed in its metal head with his free foot, knocking it over. He made it into the treehouse just in time for the next crossbow bolt it shot to miss him by an inch. He flopped onto the wooden floor, panting. "That's really not good. Who's upgrading these things?!"

Raena hugged Katrina tightly for a moment before pulling back, wiping the tears from the human's face with her knuckles. "It'll be alright, darling. Just take a few deep breaths and we can talk about this."

Alex flushed, eyebrows drawing together in an angry expression that made him look positively adorable. The "Quill" kid was obviously going to be a troublemaker. Alexander could tell just by the boy's terrible posture and the way he both spoke and held himself. His clothing choice didn't help his case, either. "Excuse me, but could you quiet down?" Alex said sternly, and Quill snorted. Before he could say something, the same airhead from earlier did it for him.

"Aw, is Mr. Hart angry?" Alex glared out into the back of the classroom.

"You've got little time before you're graduating high school. If I end up having to report you, you'll not be getting into a very good college. I'm doing this so that I can finish college because I'm a determined student."

"More like stuck-up. With a stick up your ass," a football player said, also from the back. The class burst into laughter.
Holly kicked the small little wooden door shut before laying across the floor panting. "Whoever it is, they're doing a great job." She said with a sigh, her body relaxing as she heard the clanking stop. And that either meant it was waiting them out, or the stupid thing just left. Either way, at least it was quiet. "I got some stuff from the houses that are just past the field. Clothes, food, medication and first aid stuff." She said after a moment, looking over at Samuel and Angel from the floor.

"There's nothing to talk about!" Katrina tried, pulling away from Raena. "Me and Reuben... Did it... I wish I could take it back but I.. Can't. And now he's gonna hate me and so's Raeney and this is all my fault because I'm so stupid!"

Jess crumpled up a piece of paper and chucked it at the football player, it hitting him in the back of the head. "Hey, shut up." She said, her voice emotionless and serious sounding. "Just because he's actually trying to be something more than the hometown drunk doesn't mean you get to talk to him like that, asshole." She said, glaring at the boy and the cheerleader who was apparently his sidekick in all of this. "He's still a teacher. Even if he is still in college. So at least attempt to act like your mother taught you some manners." She added before crossing her arms, her head turning back towards the window she was sitting beside. Sure Jess was all fun and games around Quill. But if there was a problem, she was the one to take care of it. She'd always been like that. And whoever didn't listen to her would pay for it since Quill was like her bodyguard from hell. Disrespect her, deal with him. Though she could obviously take care of herself, it was nice to have him around to help her sometimes.
"That's good, because we might be here a while," Angel said forlornly. He sighed and leaned back against the wall. "I wonder how the others are doing back in the Hideout..."

Ashley sat at the edge of Tera's bed in the infirmary, waiting for her to wake up. He began picking dirt out from under his short nails, bored out of his mind. (Do I need to post what last went down in the Hideout?)

Raena frowned and looked up at Katrina with her big brown eyes. "Why did you do it?" she asked softly. She was like the psychiatrist down in the pizzeria's maze of a basement. "You can't have had no reason."

Alex blinked at the girl sitting beside Quill. "Thank you, Miss Amberson," he said timidly, surprise obvious in his voice. (What subject is this?? XD) Then he picked up his teacher textbooks. "Now, let's begin. Turn to page 204 in your own texts."
(There was a leak of some kind of gas, and it was toxic, so the Constructs got everyone out of the Hideout. Ashley used a little invention of his own that looked like a tea bag that absorbed the poisonous air, and then he welded the busted pipe. But yet, she did collapse. Now everyone's back in, and the Caretakers have been tending to Tera.)
"I thought... Since everyone was so against Raeney... He'd give up trying to be with me. And I was just... So scared of that and Reuben was the only one there. One thing led to another and... I wish I could take it back..." She whispered, looking up at Raena. "But now everyone will hate me... You're even going to hate me. Because Raeney's your brother."

(Uuuumm.... ENGLISH? XD) Jess propped her head up with her right hand, using the middle finger of that same hand to flip Mr. Hart off before she opened her book silently and turned to the page with a bored expression on her face. She scribbled a note on the edge of her desk and stretched her leg out to where she could kick Quill in the ankle, getting his attention and motioning to the scribbles once he looked up. 'Wanna skip after this period? I'm just not feelin' it today' was what she had written down, her eyes meeting his after he read it, her own pleading as she lifted up both of her hands in a praying motion. "Pleaaaaase?" She asked in a whisper, her lower lip sticking out. There were only a few rare occasions in the year where Jess had ever wanted to skip. And all those times Quill had been happy to accompany her. But lately they had to be careful since Quill was close to being suspended.

"They're all probably wondering where in the hell we are." Holly said, curling up and closing her eyes with a yawn.

Tera groaned as she sat up slowly, her head pounding. "God that hurts.." She muttered, pulling the wet washcloth off her forehead.
Raena scoffed, which seemed very unlike her kind good-girl attitude, but totally matched her scandalous cool-and-sexy outfit. "Raeney is the only person I know who agrees with his decisions." Then she smiled comfortingly at Katrina. "I couldn't hate you, Katy Kat. And almost everyone agrees with what I think."

Quill made a face. "You know I'm toeing the line already, and I was saving my last skip for the end of the year! I wanted to egg all of the cars in the teachers' parking lot!" he whispered.

"At least you're alive," Ashley said monotonously.

Angel grabbed the pack Holly had brought and began sifting through it. "Anyone feeling up for some breakfast?" He tossed two granola bars and a sealed cup of apple sauce between the three of them.
"Mine!" Holly said as she suddenly sat up and grabbed one of the granola bars. She had remembered having one of these of a kid, but she hadn't ever seen once since. She went into her own little area as she snacked on the granola bar, her stomach having been quietly rumbling for the past few hours.

"Yeah.. And I guess that's because of you. So.. Thanks." Tera said, looking up at Ashley as she pushed herself off the bed and stretching, her limbs having become stiff from laying down for so long.

Katrina found comfort in Raena's words, but she still felt like the worst human being on the planet for what she did. "I don't know what to do anymore... I just want to curl up and die." She murmured, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. "More than anything I just want to see Raeney.. But I know I can't do that right now."

Jess pouted and leaned over towards Quill to where she could let her head rest on his shoulders. "Please Quill? I'll even buy us luuuuunch!" She pleaded, not wanting to stay in this hell hole for longer than she had to. "And I promise we won't get caught this time." She added, squeezing his arm. "Pretty please? For me? Your best friend in the whole wide WORLD?"
Samuel took the other granola bar, leaving Angel with the apple sauce. He peeled off the little aluminum cover and drank it as if the plastic bowl were a cup. "You were hyped about that granola," Angel said between draughts.

"Wow. You really must be hurting, because by now you'd normally have jumped me," Ashley teased.

"Why do you want to see Raeney? He's the one who made you hurt like this!" Raena exclaimed, appalled. Katrina might be sweet, but she made some bad decisions.

Quill groaned dramatically. "Fine. But you're going to have to take my place at the end of the year, and record yourself doing my dirty work." Not too much later the bell rang, and Quill slung his bag over his shoulder. "Where are we going, because I'm not skipping just to be bored as fuck."
(Okay, so, what was tera like? and what is her relation to ashley? XD I forgot)
(Angel didn't even wince. Tera was the mental girl who hadn't much body strength compared to the rest of them. He just pushed himself back off the wall and continued walking. || Ashley walked past the sprinting Tera and spun around, watching as she ran away. "The hell?" he whispered.

Tera skidded to a sharp turn and ran back towards Ashley. "ASSSSSSHLLEEEEEEEYYYY!!!!!!" She squealed childishly before she tackled the poor boy, sending them both to the floor as she busted out laughing. Yep. Tera was completely mental.
Holly began to follow him, but stopped a few moments later as she heard someone running down the hall in the same direction of them. "What is-" She was cut off by excessive squealing. "ASSSSHHHLEEEEY! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH IN THOSE FEW, CRUEL MOMENTS THAT WE WERE APART!" Tera yelled before she tackled the poor boy ONCE again. "That...?" Holly finished, eyes wide.

Ashley hit the ground. "Owwwwww," he moaned, lifting his head off the ground. "Get off, Tera, pleaseeeee?"

"Nope! I love you too much to do that!" Tera said with a grin as she giggled and held him close, her face burying into his chest.
"ASHLEEEEYYYY!!!" Tera squealed as she literally THREW herself over the table and slammed into the boy, knocking him out of his seat and them both falling to the dirt floor. "DID YA MISS MEEEEE?")

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