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Fandom A RP

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Katrina closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before she leaned up and kissed Reuben once more, this time being more needy and wanting as she pushed him onto the bed, her body going on top of his. "I'm sorry.." She whispered before she tugged the dress Raena had given her in one graceful motion and leaned down to kiss him again, giving neither of them any time to breathe before they got started. AAAAAND TIMESKIP TO AFTER AND KATY KAT IS ASLEEP IN REUBEN'S BED XD
"I wish I was just dead already so I didn't have to deal with living in this kind of world.." Holly muttered before she got up, grabbing the bag she had packed and going out the back door. She sighed as she slung the bag over her shoulder, the sudden burst of light blinding her for a moment. And then there was a scream. (Couldn't help myself XD)
(I have to get in the shower. So just reply whenever you can and i'll do the same and stuff. I have a friend coming over tonight and then we're hanging out the majority of tomorrow. So i'll just be off and on till she goes home. Talk to ya laterrrr! :P:))
(XD I don't understand why you find him so disgusting! He's adorable!) Reuben sat on the foot of his bed, fully-clothed and wearing a sad expression as he admired the sleeping form of Katrina. He thought about waking her but couldn't stand to bring her back to reality. The pain in her eyes the night before didn't plague her as she slept so peacefully, and to shock her with the memory of what hurt her so would only be torturous. Reuben couldn't do such a thing to the human. He... loved her.

(You always do the easiest, most typical things XD) Samuel spun in the direction of the scream and sighed loudly. This again? he said in his head, briefly reflecting back on his first time meeting Holly. Speaking of Holly... Samuel stepped out from behind the wall and into view of Holly. "You need to go back to the treehouse. Angel will be waiting for us there, but you must tell him that I am investigating the scream," Samuel directed Holly, and then he was off, running into the alley behind him.

(Tell your friend I said hi :) And also, could you go down to the bottom of this webpage you're viewing this on and click the box that says "default" and then select "the night life." It'll make your screen theme change, but it'll be easier for us to choose colors for the rps because we'll have matching screens and will both be able to see whatever the other person puts. Because if you have a light screen and I have a dark screen, you'll put dark colors that I won't be able to see, and reverse. For example, the purple of the rp above is hard for me to read, but probably easy for you to read. Now, putting that aside, I'll start the 2 new rps.)

Alexander Hart walked into his first class ever that he wasn't himself attending. He glanced around the room with slightly widened eyes. "I'm a little late; sorry about that." He set down some teacher copies of the class's textbooks and stood in the front of the classroom, his voice quivering nervously with the next words he spoke. "I'm Mr. Hart--" he paused to clear his throat and sound more confident in himself-- "And I'll be your teacher for the last few months of the school year." One of the girls in the back of the class muffled their voice and said, "I can already tell I'm going to heart Mr. Hart. Do you have a girlfriend?" Alex blushed slightly and seemed uncomfortable as he straightened his button-up.

"Eh, no, not at this time." Then he turned away and got the roster. "So anyway, I'll be taking roll in a moment."

(It's white ^^ so you can't see it unless you're on The Night Life theme, just btw. And I'm going to watch Your Name before I start the 2nd rp)
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(I had to go and help my bro-in-law and sis paint their house and then I had to go run errands with my mom. Sorry about that XD)
(Honey, I've had this set on the night life ever since I joined XD and my friend say hi back)
(Oh my god. We're psychicly-linked emos! And why didn't you CLAAAARIFY? I'll rewrite that when I'm done with Your Name. IT'S SO GOOD XD Just respond to everything else)
(I guess I should've clarified but, holly was the one that screamed. I was gonna make it to where ther was just a scarecrow in the backyard and she just freaked out over nothing)
(Well pretend that he leapt out and was like "WHAT IS IT? I'M FRICKIN READY WITH MY KUNGFU MOVES HIYA" but toned down a little, ya Know? XD)
(Rosie i need you to tell me the end of the movie because the website I used keeps crashing my computer and I don't want a virus. I got to the part where the guy sees a girl with a ribbon in her hair in the subway and stops the car to run after her.)
(He follows her and then she sees him and they act like they don't know each other but as they pass each other he's like "Um... excuse me... do we know each other?" And she says she was thinking the same thing and she starts crying and then they both ask at the same time "what's your name" and then it ends and it's beautiful XD)
Katrina hummed softly in her sleep, her body turning to where she was laying on her back, the blankets just barely able to cover her bare body as she stretched her out her arms over her head. Once she was done stretching in her only half awake state, one of her arms went across her stomach and the other going behind her head as she yawned, still not realizing what had happened the night before as her covered feet brushed against Reuben's thigh. (What happened?)

Holly jumped and let out another scream as Samuel suddenly bolted out in front of her, causing her to chuck the hefty bag right at him. "Don't scare me like that you idiot!" She shouted, her heart having stopped for a moment. "I got scared by this dumb scarecrow. I thought it was a crockpot but.. Now I see that it obviously isn't one." She said as she went over to the scarecrow and kicked the stick that was holding it up, causing it to lean over ever so slightly before it just suddenly fell to the ground. "Why are you even here anyway? Were you seriously following me?" She demanded, going to Samuel and staring into his eyes, a glare on her face. (Look, i changed the purple to make it easier for you to see XD)

Jess glanced over at the girl that had asked such an airhead kind of a question before sighing and laying her head back down on the desk like she had been before the new teacher had walked in. She let out a long yawn and was about to return to her cat nap before she felt a sudden pinch on her shoulder. "Jesus christ!" She shouted, sitting up right within seconds and furiously rubbing her arm where she had been pinched, glaring at the boy who had done it. Everyone in the room looked back at her and she covered her eyes with her hand, but continued to give death stares to the boy beside her. "Nice going, Quill." She muttered, having known the boy ever since she was born. They were childhood friends, but sometimes he could be a little much.

(I'm participating in my friend' s quinceanera, and today I went to her practice. I had to dance with someone and he chose to tell everyone "She's not moving in Spanish but not tell me or even ask someone to tell me. I'm not fluent, but o understand bits and pieces, so I heard ella and knew he was talking about me, but I didn't know what about. Then because I was one of the 2 white people ((I'm half, but I look very white)) everyone was targeting me like "do you understand?" I'll post screenshots of texts that are more in-depth later.)
(Ill respond sooner or later because im supposed to be helping paint my sister's house again)
(Don't be upset. You didn't respond practically at all last night because you were busy...)
(I'm not upset? I'm just sad that you're sad. Seriously. Just respond whenever)

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