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How much do you love Raeney?

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Jess struggled to get upright, her legs kicking out wildly as she tried to get situated. And during her attempts to sit like a normal person would in the seat, her left foot nailed Quill right in the face. Jess froze and looked up at Quill from her difficult position, her eyes wide before she fell back over, her body shaking with uncontrollable laughter. "Oh my god! That was awesome!" She shouted breathlessly before she continued laughing obnoxiously.

Katrina sighed and continued on her journey to the pizzeria, knowing she couldn't go back to her house to get the car since her parents would be on the lookout for her. "You're such a confusing idiot, Raeney." She muttered to herself as she trudged through the forest, going the long way so she couldn;t be spotted.

Quill covered his cheek with one hand. "Owwww... Definitely not awesome." He glanced at Jess with a hurt expression before he started laughing too. "I told you not to be stupid, and you do this to me!" He rubs his cheek before dropping his hand. His cheekbone and forehead were flushed pink already. Quill pulled onto the road before Jess got to put on her seatbelt. "You still haven't answered me. Where do you feel like eating?"

(There's really nothing I can do here. He's in his exoskeleton)
Glingaer "Fae" Hithfaerdir || Male || 30; looks 15 || 5'7" || servant to the Baron Fergus, Baroness Eloise, and their daughter Astrid || white-silver hair that is cut shaggily; in the future grows to be slightly shorter than shoulder-length and wavy || pale silver eyes with a faint hint of light blue; a bit slanted and elongated (like, thin but not really. Just kind of horizontally a bit longer and kinda thinner vertically than human eyes) || pale || plain beige/light brown tunic that reaches just above knees, regular white leggings, brown peasant's ankle boots, black leather belt cinched loosely around waist || resigned and timid because of how his people are seen as lower than rabid dogs; tends to do what is asked of him without even a word of acceptance; strong-headed even though he stays quiet
Astrid Terrowin || 12 going on 13 || 5'2" || Copper-hair with more red in it than most|| Right eye is a light brown while the left is a pale green || She has extremely pale skin with plenty of very noticeable freckles dusted across her cheeks and nose, but everytime she goes outside or interacts with anyone, she has them covered with a powder that matches her skin because freckles are seen as ugly in the ranks of nobility || Her clothes consist of whatever her parents see fit for whatever event she is attending or whatever daily activity she is doing. She never has free will or control of what she is wearing or what she is even allowed to do. She has to be perfect and a good example for the rest of the world of royalty because her family is lower on the totem pole than most are || Personality: She is quiet, shy, timid and normally keeps to herself, her actual personality having been beat out of her because daughters of a Lord must be perfection and nothing less. On the outside, she seems like a calm and collected girl that will make a great wife of a Lord someday. But on the inside, she's just a scared little girl that's too afraid to do practically anything because she's terrified that she'll mess it up and make a fool out of her parents.
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Jess quickly sat upright and put her seat belt on as he sped up down the road towards where all the restaurants were. "We can just go to Mickey's like we always do." She said with a shrug, trying to keep herself from smiling as she looked at the red footprint that was starting to form on his cheek. Mickey's was just the typical family dinner where the food was always amazing. Her and Quill hadn't been in a few weeks since they had been so caught up with studying for finals and such. But since it was right down the road from the school, it was always easy to go there and get something real quick to go and not be hours and hours away from Quill's apartment.

Katrina burst into the pizzeria from the back door that was always unlocked, her hair now in a loose ponytail that had adorable fly away's that went up in every direction from her running all the way there. "Raeney!" She shouted, her voice echoing down the pitch black hallways. "Raeney please! Just talk to me!" She tried, looking around blindly as her eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness around her. When no one answered her shouts, she cupped her hands around her mouth. "Reuben! Reuben help me please! One last time! And I swear you'll never have to see me again!" She screamed, her eyes filling with tears as she just had to talk to Raeney. He had to hear her out.
"Fae, over here." Glingaer Hithfaerdir did as the superior servant instructed him and lay a cool, damp cloth over the forehead of the Baron's daughter's lady in waiting. His superior was standing outside the room, a kerchief filled with herbs pressed to her mouth and nose. Fae was having to tend to the lady in waiting because he was the only person in the Baron's House who could not get sick from being near the ill.

"Now, give her something to drink," Fae's superior said, and he did as told, tipping a wineskin slightly so that a thin trickle of watered wine passed the lady in waiting's lips. The woman coughed, splattering his face with liquid, and Fae pressed his lips together, disgusted. He swiped a sleeve across his eyes and mouth before giving the lady in waiting more wine. She swallowed this time, but her clammy skin didn't flush healthily as it used to. She's near death. I do not understand why I must tend to a dying woman, Fae thought. Another servant stepped beside the woman outside, looking in with an afeard expression.

"Fae, the Baroness requests that you aid her daughter in getting dressed for dinner," the young man said, and Fae stared, ears twitching down the slightest bit.

"I am to dress her?" he repeated, and the other servant nodded, making a face of irritation.

"Yes, and quickly! The Baroness is hosting a dinner party with a half dozen Lords and their wives! The Honorable Astrid must be dressed extravagantly, and quickly, for Cook is nearly done with his preparations." Fae nodded quickly and stood, moving to the door. The two servants standing there leapt back, seeing as his clothing held the infected woman's spittle. "Change your clothing first! If Astrid gets taken ill, the Baron will have your head for it!" Fae nodded again, and moved off to the servants' quarters.
Quill nodded once and steered off, driving like a madman, as always. "I'll go in with you, but you have to order, because those people always ask tons of questions about what we already said we want." He parked at the edge of the parking lot, stretching before he got out of the car. "You need to learn to go inside restaurants by yourself."

Reuben appeared behind her and to the left, in the shadows. He had his head ducked, ashamed. She only called him when she wanted something that would get her to Raeney... "I'm here, Miss," he said softly, glancing up at her only for a moment before he looked away again. Katrina likely despised the sight of him after what had happened.
Astrid sat in front of the large looking glass that was located in the back of her chambers, her hair pulled away from her face with a bit of thinly stranded rope that would later become a ponytail holder. She stared down at a little glass container, the contents being a loosely packed powder that matched her skin tone, it being made of flour to make it have a flesh color. A small cloth was in her hands, it being stained with the powder since it had been used so many times before. She remained silent as her mother stormed out of the room, she and the old woman having gotten into a quarrel over the reasoning behind having to hide her freckles. The argument itself had involved plenty of screaming and squawking, it leaving Astrid in a state of anger and distress.

"Old hag.." She muttered to herself, her delicate hand going to her eyes and wiping away tears before they had a chance to fall.

"She knows nothing of how hard living my life is." She stood, throwing the cloth on the wooden table that was connected to the looking glass, her body trembling. "I wish time itself would stop. And leave me be in an eternity of nothingness."
"But doing that is so incredibly stressful!" Jess protested as she got out of the car, jogging to keep up with her long legged friend. "Anyway, just think of it as you get to spend more time with me!" She said with a grin before she went inside ahead of Quill, already knowing what the both of them wanted. "I'll take a number 7 and a number 2 please." She leaned over the counter, reaching into her back pocket to get out a 20 she had put in there earlier, having known that her and Quill would've gone to eat.

Katrina jumped and glanced behind her, a relieved expression washing over her face as she ran up to him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. "Oh I've missed you so much.." She whispered, having not seen him in four days. And somehow.. She had missed his gentle smile. "I'm so sorry I always call you to clean up my messes.. But I swear to you that this will be the last time. And that you'll never have to help me again."

Fae, having changed into a tunic perfectly matched to the former one, headed to the Baron's daughter's chambers. He caught sight of the Baroness storming out and Glingaer flattened himself against the wall, respectfully dropping his eyes. The Baroness made a show of disgust at seeing him, screwing up her face and immediately turning away from him. Fae didn't lift his eyes for one moment, having gotten used to this kind of treatment. Once she was far enough down the hallway that he wouldn't have to face her, Fae knocked on the door to Astrid's chambers.
Astrid, having been ready to break the little glass container, froze as she heard a knock on the heavy wooden door. She set the jar of powder down, her arms crossing over her stomach in one swift, self conscious motion, her entire body being covered by the slip she was wearing, but it was so thin and almost transparent that you could practically see everything.

"Come in." She said, being only just loud enough for Fae to hear her frail voice. She turned away from the door, not wanting to face the woman she thought was going to come in. She was always a shy and conservative girl. So it was only natural that she didn't want someone to see her in such a vulnerable state, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink without the help of rosewater.
While Jess was ordering, Quill looked around at the diner, taking in the smell of frying grease. Then he saw a newly familiar ginger sitting at the counter a few yards away. "Oh, hey, Mr. Hart," Quill called out with a mischievous smile, and the student teacher looked over. His eyes widened and he raised a hand in a hello while Quill elbowed Jess to get her attention.

Reuben blushed and the flush stood out against his snow-white skin. He hugged Katrina back hesitantly. "I'll always come when you need my help," he said softly, relieved she didn't hate him.
Jess swatted Quill's elbow away, having been in the middle of paying. Once she got her change back, she turned and looked to wherever Quill was, her eyes widening with delight. "Yo teach!" She cheered, taking Quill's arm and leading him over to the man, knowing full and well that she shouldn't use her teacher's last name. But hey, they were off school grounds and it was after school hours. So what could he really do? "Long time no see, old man." She teased, sitting in the high chair next to him, and Quill sitting beside her. "Whatcha eatin'?" She asked, trying to be as innocent as she could be with Quill being beside.

Katrina stayed in Reuben's arm for a long moment before she pulled away, her side bangs falling into her face as she looked up at him. "Do you have any idea where Raeney is? I need to speak to him."

"Your Honorable Astrid Terrowin," Fae greeted her with a bow. He averted his eyes respectfully as he approached her slowly. "The Baroness has sent me to aid you in your preparations for supper." There was a faint lilt to his voice that was distinctly elven, but otherwise he spoke the most common human tongue perfectly.

Fae passed her and lifted the satin gown from her straw mattress. "I will abstain from looking at you inappropriately, I assure you," he said softly, a light blush spreading up his throat.

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Alex seemed taken aback that they had come over to him. Most teenagers would avoid their teachers, college student or not. "I'm just picking up something to bring back to the school... There's really no time for me to eat here and head back to class on time." He knotted his fingers together in front of him on the countertop. "You're not seniors, so why are the two of you off of the campus?" he asked, looking up at Jess with one brow raised. Quill he expected it from. "Are you skipping?"

Reuben drew back into the shadows, the only thing to be seen his eerily glowing white-blue irises before he closed his eyes. "He is unavailable. The sun is rising... I will have to leave you soon, as well, Miss. We are required to be within our exoskeletons by dawn."
Astrid whipped around to face Fae, her copper hair falling over her shoulders and framing her face. Her eyes wide stared at him, the fact that the irises of her eyes were two completely different colors becoming very apparent at this point in time. She quickly glanced away, her face turning a darker shade of red.

"M-My apologies for staring... I just... Wasn't expecting a man to help with my preparations." She stammered, the girl obviously having been caught off guard by Fae being a member of the opposite sex. She gave him a slight bow of the head, a sign of thanks the elves normally never got from a human. "I give my thanks to you. F-For doing such a thing." She tried, her hands clasping behind her back nervously. Most humans wouldn't have even said a word to an elf, seeing it as a waste of their precious breath. But Astrid... Was still a young child that hadn't been corrupted by the ways of society or by the teachings of her parents. So she saw nothing wrong in speaking to a boy that was practically forced to serve her. It was the least she could do.
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Jess gave a nervous smile and as if on command she began coughing. "No I'm ~cough cough~ going home sick for today. Quill was just taking me home because my parents are out of town. But then we both realized we were really hungry and came here to pick something up." She explained, leaning on Quill and trying to look as sickly as she could.

"Please don't go Reuben! Just take me to him! I really need to talk to him." She tried, following him into the shadows and standing in front of him, the two of them only a few centimeters apart now. She gave him a pleading look, her eyes full of desperation. Her head had to tilt back just for her eyes to meet his, her eyes shining in the darkness. "Please Reuben... Please.." She whispered, her voice trembling just as it had the night they... You get the picture.
Fae smiled faintly even as he kept from looking at the human girl. "I appreciate your consideration," he said, moving back over to her, the dress draped over his forearms. "Would you stand?" he asked of her once he stood beside her. "We've little time before the Baroness calls upon you to join her."
Astrid stood, going to wherever he needed her to go so that they could get this done as quickly as possible. After a few moments, they had finally gotten the dress around her, it covering her shoulders and only leaving her back exposed as they still had to get it laced up.

"I wish I didn't have to attend such a pointless event..." She murmured, her eyes lowering to the ground as she shuffled her feet angrily. "But it's 'my duty as the daughter of a Baron to be an example to everyone lower than me.' Is it so wrong that I wish you and I could just trade places? I would give anything to not have to live this way. It's absolutely miserable!"
When Mr. Hart didn't appear to be convinced, Quill gave him a dark look. The student teacher quickly looked away, biting down on his bottom lip nervously. Sure, he was Quill's senior by four years, but Mr. Hart wasn't big on conflict. "Well, I hope you get better, Miss Amberson," Alex said formally.

Reuben looked down at her with sorrow in his own gaze. "I-I can't, Miss..." He glanced over to the singular window across the room and his eyes suddenly showed panic. He leaned down and kissed Katrina softly for a fraction of a second before he burst into a shower of black particles. He was gone.
Jess didn't even have to look back at Quill to know that he had given the man a dirty look. "Down boy." She said, smacking him in the chest before putting a hand on Mr. Hart's shoulder in a sympathetic motion. "Sorry about him. But I'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell on. Just this once." She said with a smile, her finger going up to her lips as if she was shushing him, her left eye closing in a surprisingly smooth wink.

Katrina stared at the space where Reuben had been, her eyes wide as she traced a finger across her lips, her face turning a dark shade of red. "Oh come on!" She shouted, crouching down as she held her head, trying to get her feelings in order. ~If I love Raeney... Why am I getting so worked up over a kiss?!~ She demanded herself silently, not knowing what to do anymore.
"I ask that you do not speak foul of your life, Milady," he replied in the submissive voice he used around all of his superiors. He pulled together the two loose edges of Astrid's dress and began tightening the laces at the small of her back. "Of any servant to be, Milady would like least to be the dagger-ear," Fae continued, using one of the human slurs for his people. As he continued to tighten the dress's bodice, Fae kept speaking, hoping that the Terrowin would not spread her doubts before the Baron and Baroness.

"You are revered as a beautiful young lady who acts properly. Milady should be glad to be pampered as so." Fae was insanely aware of his fingertips brushing Astrid's skin as he tied off the ends of the laces. He stepped back from her, admiring his handwork.
I've done well for the first elven male lady in waiting, he thought, silently humoring himself.
Just then, Alex's food was set in front of him in a monogrammed container. He nodded at Jess and Quill, flushing as Jess touched him, and he practically fled. "See you two soon," he said in goodbye, and then he was outside and getting into his car.

"He's a weird one," Quill muttered, thinking out loud.

As the sun fully rose, an electrician who was hired to check out the animatronics once a week entered the dark pizzeria to see Katrina on the floor. "Hey, girly, why are you in here?"

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