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Katrina shoved Rae away teasingly before she let go of Reuben and continued walking. "Just act human. That's all I'm asking for."

~Timeskip to when they get to school~

Katrina sat in her usual seat in the middle of the classroom, quickly motioning for Rae and Reuben to follow her lead so they didn't look so out of place just by standing there in front of everyone. She talked to friends she hadn't seen in a while and acted completely and totally normal like nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Tell me about it." Jess muttered, her eyes rolling as she completely agreed with Quill. "I haven't been able to find one guy that's got good looks and a good personality. It's like that combination doesn't exist anymore." She said with a sigh as she put her feet up on the dashboard, not caring that she was in a skirt. "And I just hope the girls aren't complete bitches." She added, the girls at their school being the worst of the worst.

Fae didn't seem embarrassed or bothered at all. He entered their room and sat in the chair in the corner. "You can sleep in the bed. I've a feeling I won't be resting much, anyways." Glingaer pulled the same stone he'd been playing with that night of the palace attack years ago from his boot. He smoothed his fingers over it, closing his eyes as he began to ponder possible ways to keep them from being caught. "You'd do well to try and sleep now. It's just past dusk."
Rae and Reuben glanced at each other before hesitantly sitting on either side of Katrina. They looked around like they were lost, although Rae was more subtle about it than Reuben was. They got lots of attention for it, but also for their abnormally good looks, especially Rae. But he didn't even notice.

Quill loudly cleared his throat. "Good looks and a good personality right hereee!" he said, taking both hands off the wheel to quickly point at himself before he drove safely again. "And none of the girls can be bitchier than you are right now," he added, making a face at her. "Ignoring His Majesty Hotness right next to you..."
Astrid hung the little block on the handle to the door before she closed it behind her. "You'd do well to do the same." She retorted, knowing that if he wasn't going to be able to sleep, then neither was she. "If I even tried to close my eyes... My head would only be filled with the questions I have for you." She added, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching him as she removed her cloak, exposing the fact that she was wearing clothes fairly similar to his. She thrown out the thought of wearing dresses a long time ago.
Jess snorted and stuck out her tongue to Quill, as if the thought of dating him was sickening. "No thanks." She said before she laughed and leaned on his shoulder. "Juuust kidding." She teased, her eyes closing. "If we're still single by 30, we're marrying each other." She muttered before she pulled away from Quill, a yawn overtaking her.
~Timeskip to when they get to the school~

Katrina glanced over at Reuben and quickly leaned in close to him. "You've gotta at least look like you know what you're doing here." She whispered, looking into his eyes that were now a natural color thanks to the contacts. "And just remember that if you get discovered and kicked out of school, you'll never be able to see me wearing such a sexy school girl's uniform~" She cooed before she kissed him on the cheek teasingly, laughing lightly as she pulled away to see what kind of reaction she'd get from him.
"Well, then. Speak your thoughts, and I'll do my best to answer." Fae opened his eyes and pulled a hair tie very similar to the one he'd put in Astrid's hair four years ago when he readied her for the late Baroness's dinner party. He tied his silvery-white hair back at the nape of his neck. He silently thought about finding someone to cut his hair while they were here. It'd been too long since, and his hair was uncomfortably long.
Quill sat in the seat behind a blonde girl who was between two hot guys. Quill felt himself smile as he imagined a threesome, and then he made sure to clear his mind. Don't need to get aroused in class, he chided himself.

Reuben turned pink, almost the color of Raena's favorite hot pink dress. "Why would you tease me?!" he whispered, covering his face anxiously with one hand. "And I don't know what I'm doing..."
"Why did you sacrifice your own life for me?" She questioned almost immediately, having wanted to know why for so long. "You hadn't even know me a month... And yet you did such a thing to save me. Why?" She added as she got up and sat down on the floor in front of him, her head titling up to look at him, her hair falling over her shoulders and curling around her face.
Katrina laughed harder once she got the reaction she wanted from Reuben, a bright smile on her face as she reached behind her head and tied her hair up in a loose ponytail so it would be out of her face. "Because teasing you is so much fun!" She tried before she propped her head up with hand, her elbow resting on the desk comfortably. "Just do what I do. Don't say anything unless it's to me or Rae and just lay low. Then everything will be fine and you'll be able to see me in my sexy little plaid skirt." She said, continuing to tease him.

Jess took the seat beside Quill, her head laying down on the desk instantly. "Uuuuugh someone get me out of this hell hoooooleee!" She whined, her eyes closing as she was just going to try and get a little power nap in before the teacher showed up.
"I knew that I wouldn't be killed, so I technically was not sacrificing my life. Because I am a man, I was sent to be a laborer. I was quite a catch because I am elven and am stronger and more enduring than any human man." Fae paused. "But as for a reason, I did it because you were kinder than most people I knew. If they took you, you would've been sent to a whorehouse and your kindness would have faded away. They would've broken you.

"Besides, I'd already been in services that made me about as able to think for myself as a legless mutt that had to be carried around. I didn't have anything to lose. And then I'm an elf, and so it would be easier for me to escape, as you've seen." Fae pointed at the door. "Those men? They would've been enslaved their entire lives if I hadn't been there to help them."
"Why should I say nothing, Miss?" Reuben asked, but the threatening-looking human boy behind Katrina interrupted: "That'd be a right shame. You do look hot in that skirt."

Quill ignored Jess to flirt with the blonde girl, winking when she turned around.

Then Alex walked in, setting the paperwork he'd managed to salvage from the flooding on his temporary-but-technically-new desk. "I'm Mr. Hart, a student teacher, and the regular English teacher here went into labor last night, so here I am. Students from Oak Senior, you probably recognize me. The rest of you, I am pleased to make your acquaintance."
Astrid's body shuddered lightly at the thought of being sold into becoming the local wench at a whorehouse. "You save so many people..." She murmured, her voice filled with sorrow. "But when will you let someone save you?" She questioned, asking rhetorically before she went onto her next legitimate question. "Where did you go? What happened during all this time?"
Katrina went to answer Reuben's questioned, but glanced back at the boy behind her and blushed a deep shade of scarlet as their eyes met before she quickly turned around, even the tips of her ears turning red. ~What the hell was that?!~ She demanded herself silently before she laid her head down on the desk, trying to compose herself.

Jess sat up as soon as she heard Mr. Hart's voice her eyes brightening a bit as at least she and Quill could have fun messing with the poor man duirng their time here.
"I don't know exactly where I was taken, only that it was awful being there. We were slaves, you see, so we were treated like it. Because I am an elf, I was unlucky enough to be stuck with the worst labors. I had to carry alone the burden of 10, and if I failed or even appeared to be weaker than they expected, I would be beaten." Fae rolled his stone again (What up music reference XD ROLLING STONES, ya get it XD) before allowing it to stay flat in the palm of his hand. He admired the smooth gray sides, so indifferent to how rough the rest of the world was.

"It is why I feel no remorse over killing the traders. They deserved what they got, in the end."
Reuben leaned over. "Miss, you are blushing fiercely. Are you alright?" he asked softly.

Quill smiled to himself when he saw the blonde turn red. Still got it, he thought smugly.
"Gee Reuben, I hadn't noticed!" Katrina tried, obviously flustered as she sat up. She then flipped out at how close Reuben was, their lips having almost touched before she laid her head back down. "I'm just gonna stay like this for a while." She said, making sure to cover her face from Reuben's view.

Jess smacked Quill on the arm, an annoyed expression on her face. "You haven't been here five minutes and you're already flirting. With a girl for that matter! What happened to 'rainbows and dicks forever'?!" She demanded, obviously a bit angry that he had ignored her.
Astrid nodded silently, her expression not changing for a second as he talked about murdering the men. She too had to throw out her moral compass over the years. It was kill or be killed when you're alone and fending for yourself. She had come to realize that the hard way. "Why didn't you escape sooner? Why did you wait so long to finally make yourself known? Have you any idea what thoughts went in and out of my head? I was so sure that you were dead. But then now of all times you just suddenly come back."
"As you wish..." Reuben replied, relaxing back into his seat. He watched the teacher in the front of the room with interest.

"I've told you, I like dick as much as the next person, but there are those few girls that catch my eye," Quill replied, not very quietly either. "Calm down," he said jokingly, rolling his eyes.
"You now ask for answers that I cannot give you. Sleep, Rhosdes," Fae said softly. "I've tired of conversation. I only wish for silence."
Katrina sat up and looked behind her to stare at Quill, her eyes wide. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came to mind. She just had to quickly turn around cover her face with her hands, fighting to hold in a scream. She glanced to Reuben and grabbed a hold of his jacket sleeve, her hand yanking on it and making him lean over to her. She then out of nowhere kissed him, her lips remaining on his for a moment before she pulled away and glanced back at the boy, as if silently saying 'I'm with him' before she faced forward, a dark blush on her face. Though it wasn't completely true, it wasn't an exact lie either.

"Too bad all the girls that catch your eye are taken." Jess muttered before she got up and sat in the desk to the left of Quill so that she was sitting behind Rae. ~If he's gonna act like a hormonal teenager then so am I.~ she thought as she tapped on Rae's shoulder. "Do you guys go to this school? or did you transfer from somewhere else?" She asked, tipping her head to one side as Rae turned to her.
Astrid went to say something, but she only sighed and got up, going back to the bed. "Goodnight Fae." She murmured, taking off the boots she had stolen a while back before she climbed into bed, her body slipping under the covers gracefully. She lay on her side to where she was facing Fae, a look of sadness on her face until she closed her eyes and tried her best to sleep.
"The guy she just kissed--" Rae pointed at Katrina and Reuben-- "and I are both new. But she goes here." Rae gave the human girl confronting him a look that said he knew what she was doing and wasn't too happy about it.

Quill leaned over again, between the turtleneck-wearing guy and the blonde chick. He pitched his voice low, so that only they could hear him. "You two being in a relationship doesn't make me any less interested. I'm bi and definitely up for a threesome." He leaned back again.

"What's a threesome?" Reuben whispered to Katrina.
Fae rested his head on the wall, shifting to be more comfortable in the chair. He began to doze off sometime later, but then a hand covered his mouth, shocking him into alertness. He was getting ready to fight off his attacker, but then he saw that the person was an elf dressed all in black. The man was holding a finger to his lips and didn't appear aggressive. Glingaer nodded slowly, and the assassin dropped his hand. "I've a proposition..." the strange man whispered.
Jess sighed and leaned away from Rae, seeing that her plan to be a flirtatious airhead had failed. ~And this is why you're single, Jessica.~ She thought to herself angrily before facing forward and looking to Mr. Hart, her head in her hands as she sulked.

Katrina's face turned an all new shade of red as she looked from the boy to Reuben. "I-It's a..." She glared at the boy behind her, hating him for making him explain such a thing to such an innocent person. She leaned in close to Reuben's ear and explained what a threesome was and how it worked, making sure to give all the nice little details just to mess with him before she pulled away. "And it's not gonna happen." She said, mostly addressing the boy behind her as she waited for the innocent reaction she would get from Reuben after some of his innocence just got taken away.
Astrid didn't stir at all in her sleep. The only movements she made were the slight rise and fall of her chest and stomach as she breathed. She didn't hear the sound of footsteps or the whispering as she was in a deep sleep. She hadn't slept in a decent bed for weeks. And she wasn't going to let the opportunity to finally sleep in one go to waste.

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