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Astrid looked at him for a moment before she turned away, hurt. ~He obviously didn't think about you. You meant nothing to him. You were just a burden that he was forced to take care of.~ She told herself silently. "R-Right." she stammered, trying her best to hide the sadness in her voice. "I apologize for saying such things. I must be coming down with a fever." She said, using the same excuse her father had to all of his guests before she leaned over and grabbed a blanket she had put on the floor beside her so she could use it as a makeshift towel. She then stepped out of the water and wrapped the blanket around herself in a swift motion, her body being exposed for half a second before it was covered completely by the blanket.
The bell rang as Reuben and Katrina continued on their hunt for Rae, and students came rushing out of classrooms, only to make their job harder.

Saved by the bell, Quill thought, extremely relieved. He wasn't feeling up to defending Jess after how seeing easily angered she was with him today. He left the room quickly, as one of the first five people to exit, leaving Jess behind.
"I trust you've learned to dress yourself by now?" Fae asked in a lighthearted voice, almost as if teasing. "If so, I'll go out and speak to the others." He opened the door and yawned briefly, covering his mouth delicately, almost like a woman, before stepping out.
Katrina stood on her toes, trying her best to peer over the crowd, her eyes narrowed as she tried to find Rae. Once she located him, she separated from Reuben and ducked in between people and once there was an opening, she sprinted towards him. "GOTCHA!" She shouted as she quite literally tackled him, spending them both crashing to the ground with a thud, causing everyone around them to stare.

~Timeskip to next tutoring session~
Jess sighed as she sat beside Alex, her expression bored and uninterested as they had been practicing something she had already gotten to understand for quite a while. "Hey, Mr. Hart?" She glanced over at him, her head propped up by her hand.

Astrid sighed and quickly got herself dressed, her a sad look on her face before she stepped out to join the others, her head down as she stood beside Fae. She said nothing as the men around her continued talking, her mind somewhere else as she tuned everyone out. Her mind kept filling with thoughts of Fae and how he hadn't missed her whatsoever. And once she thought of Fae, she snapped out of her trance like state to look up at him. There was something... different about him. How he moved and how he talked... had changed. Like he was hiding something. She touched his shoulder and made him turn towards her. "Is everything alright? You look... Tense."
Rae sat up abruptly, shoving Katrina off of him and into the wall. He leaned towards her, thinly-veiled fury on his face. "Don't touch me without my permission," he hissed, tilting his chin down to glare down at her. Then he felt her breath skirt across his face and realized how close they were. He blushed slightly and stood, casting one last angry look at her before walking out of the school.

Alex turned to face Jess, an indifferent expression on his face. "Yes, Miss Amberson? Is there something else you do not understand?" He set down his pen, on top of the doodles he'd been spreading across the top of one of his teacher copies for a worksheet.
Fae tensed more under Astrid's touch. He turned to her, trying to seem nonchalant. "I'm perfectly fine, Rhosdes. Why do you worry so?"
Katrina stared after Rae, a dark blush spreading across the entirety of her face. She looked over to Reuben, her eyes wide before she tried to regain her composure. "L-let's just go somewhere private so we can just teleport home." She tried, going over to him and looking around for an empty classroom they could step into.

Jess stared into Mr. Hart's eyes for a long moment before she set her pencil down and turned towards him completely. She said nothing as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her body pulling his towards her own before their lips were suddenly touching one another's in a sudden and beautiful... kiss.
Astrid gritted her teeth and pulled Fae away from everyone else so they could talk without being listened in on. "I might not have meant that much to you, and I know we haven't known each other long, but I can still tell when you're deceiving me, Fae." She retorted, her eyes full of anger as she turned away from him. "Something is obviously worrying that you." She added, her arms crossing. "You're hiding something from me. Something must have happened. Why won't you just tell me?"
Reuben pulled them behind a secluded corner and wrapped his arms around Katrina, pressing close. He checked that no one was within view, and then he teleported, staying completely pressed against Katrina for a full second after they were in the pizzeria before reluctantly letting her go.

Alex froze. As he processed what was happening, he jerked away from Jess and in the process knocked his chair back onto two legs. He yelped as he fell backwards, grabbing onto the table, which, being lighter than it looked, then squealed against the floor and fell on top of him. Alex's glasses went flying and he lay on the floor, wincing.
Fae narrowed his eyes and stepped back, through the room's doorway as the former slave men looked on with shock and confusion. "That's none of your business," Fae said in a low voice. "I need not your help to sort out my own worries."
Katrina sighed as Reuben stepped away from her. And as he did so, she followed him, her head resting against his chest. "Thanks Reuben.." she whispered, her eyes closing as her body took in the heat his gave off. "I didn't want to be stuck in there longer than we had to be."

Jess tried her best to hold in her laughter, a hand going over her mouth while the other lifted the table off of Mr. Hart. "You okay down there, grace?" (If you don't get the grace thing, it's just something you call somebody after they've fallen very UN gracefully XD like he did just then). "That was a quite a tumble." She said innocently, as if she hadn't been the cause of it. She crouched down beside him, a sly look on her face as she took his glasses from off the ground and hid them behind her back.
"Why did you get so uncomfortable? You could have just ignored the human boy requesting sexual relations..." Reuben held her again, sad because she was sad.

Alex blinked open his eyes and blushed furiously. "T-that was very innapropriate behavior!" he exclaimed, flustered beyond belief. "I am your teacher!"
"And I didn't need you to throw away four years of your life for me! But you did! So I think I've got the right to call it my business!" Astrid shouted, whipping around to face him and stepping closer to him, their noses almost touching. "Why can't you just trust me like I trust you? Why must you be so distant to me when all I've ever wanted is to be close to you? Why can't you just acknowledge how I feel towards you?!"
"That's easier said than done..." Katrina murmured before she pulled away from Reuben, a small smile on her face. "But at least we're home now. And Rae will be here soon. So there's nothing left to worry about." She said, her head tipping to one side as she pulled her hair out of her face in a messy bun that was somehow perfect.

"You're technically my student teacher. And I'm a student too. So it's not that big of a deal!" Jess said, keeping her voice as sweet and innocent as possible. "I can't help my feelings for you, Mr. Hart." She cooed before she climbed over him, either of her hands beside his head. "And you know you liked it." She whispered, a sly smile on her face before she giggled. "Juuuust kidding."
Fae made a face of irritation before grabbing Astrid by the wrist and pretty much dragging her across the inn to their room. He closed the lockless door and let her go. "Four years of my life is nothing!" he said in a frighteningly calm voice. "You trust me for no good reason. I've turned against my superiors, killing those who oppose me or even slight me in the least. You act as if I am a weak person who needs your concern when I am not. I am an elf, and I've got the power to do whatever I want with you. I could kill you right now if I chose to." Fae took a step forward, then another and another until Astrid was against the wall. He looked down at her with his inhuman silver eyes. "You should rightfully be afraid."
"Will we be returning to school tomorrow?" Reuben asked, sounding almost hopeful. His plain brown eyes were fixed on Katrina, and he had never seemed more adorably human.

Alex didn't move except to turn his head and make sure that no one was going to come into the library and find a student posed over him like this. "You are underage, Miss Amberson. Even if I were interested in you, I could be charged for engaging in romantic relations with a 17 year old." Alex swallowed hard and glanced up at Jess for a very brief moment before he turned away again, blushing harder.
Astrid clenched her fists until her knuckles turned white, an angry look on her face. "If you could do whatever you wish with me, then why don't you?" She demanded, shoving him to the wall across from them to where she was pinning him against it like she had been her. "And I wouldn't do a thing such as this to a person I was afraid of." She hissed before she stood on her toes and slammed her lips against his, her eyes shutting upon impact, her hands gripping his shirt tightly. All this time, her mind had only been filled with thoughts of him. Of what their life could've been like if the palace had never been attacked. Maybe this could've happened sooner... maybe not. But she was tired of waiting for the right moment to tell him how she felt. She was making the rught moment. And she was making it now.
"Oh so you're saying that you aren't interested in me?" Jess questioned, her body lowering to where it was touching his completely. "If you aren't interested in a little 17 year old like me... Then why are you blushing so hard, Mr. Hart?" She whispered in his ear, her breath tickling it along with his neck before she pulled away slightly to look at his face.

"I don't see why you'd seriously want to. But if you'd really like to, then I'll consider it." She said with a sigh as she rubbed her temples. She then got a mischievous look on her face as she tilted her head back to look at him. "It's because you want to see me in this uniform, right?" She asked, her tone innocent and sultry all at the same time as she played with the short little skirt she was wearing.
Glingaer made a soft, masculine sound low in his throat and reached up, taking Astrid's face in his hands. He switched their positions again and then took her hands from his tunic and pressed them up against the wall as he kissed down her neck. Fae paused where her neckline was before pausing, breathless. "You tempt me, Astrid Terrowin. You have since I first met you, though I didn't know it then. I'll lead you to ruin, I swear it," Fae's voice cracked and he briefly closed his eyes.
Alex gasped sharply, but before he could even attempt to tell Jess to get off, the library doors opened. Quill and a shy geek walked in, stopping in their tracks when they saw what was going on. "It looks like the library's occupied," the geek said softly, taking Quill's hand to lead him back out the door, but Quill stayed put.

"What the hell are you doing, Jess?!" he exclaimed, eyes wide. "And why with Mr. Hart??"

Reuben couldn't help a smile from sneaking onto his face. "It is a perk, yes... But if you didn't want to return to school, you could always wear it around here." Then Rae came in.

"What the fuck was that at the school?!" he snapped. "You should have just punched that horny fucktard of a human in a face!! If you had, no one would have upset you like that!"
Astrid stared at Fae, a deep blush spreading across her freckled cheeks. She hadn't expected him to react like that... At all. She panted for breath slightly, her chest rising and falling at a rapid pace, her heart racing beneath it. "Lead me wherever you wish." She whispered after a moment, her hands twisting slightly in his grasp as they were still being held above her head. "I'd follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked." She added, her eyes remaining on him, her gaze traveling no where else besides the defined features of his face. "Let me tempt you. Let me burden and bother you. Let me care and worry for you. Let me love you as I have for all these years..." she tried, her teeth digging into her lower lip. "Please Fae... Please."
Jess sighed, muttering curses under her breath as she sat up and got off of Mr. Hart, his glasses being returned to him as she stood. "Why not?" She retorted, her arms crossing. "You can fuck any person you want to without me judging you. But as soon as I finally start having feelings for one person, you act like that I'm the biggest slut in the world!" She added, turning away from him angrily and beginning to gather her stuff. "Well at least I'M still a virgin who doesn't just sleep around for the hell of it. I actually want to love someone before I fuck them, Quill."

Karina was about to respond to Reuben's proposition before she jumped when Rae busted in. "It wasn't that big of a deal, Rae.." She tried, her voice showing that it was obviously a big deal, but she didn't want him getting worked up about it. "We're not going back anyway so it's not like it matters that much anymore." She added, leaning against the wall beside Reuben, her shoulder brushing against his everytime she breathed.
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The expression Quill used so often on the people being rude to Jess was suddenly the one he was using looking at her. "You think you're gonna find love in high school, Jessica?" The gay nerd tried to keep Quill from moving, but Quill shouldered past the boy and stopped in front of Jess while his little "boyfriend" helped Alex up. Alex fumbled to put on his glasses.

"Shit, you think I just have sex only for fun?!" Quill seemed almost hurt as he snatched her bag from her hands. "I'm not a man whore, Jess! I'm actually trying to build relationships when I get with people. I just don't try for the petty little I'm too innocent for sex, because hell yeah it's fun, but I want to find someone who likes me for me."

Rae made a face. "We're not going back?" he repeated, disgust coloring his voice. "What if I want to go back? Reuben obviously does too!" Reuben looked away, disappointed with being so easy to read.

"Just because you've had your feelings hurt doesn't mean he and I should have to suffer with you. It was your decision to let that douche play you like that, but I'm not going to be played. And neither is Reuben, because the two of us are GOING tomorrow." Rae crossed his arms, obviously immovable on his decision.
Glingaer took a deep breath, trying to figure out what he should do, but he couldn't help himself. Fae gave into Astrid, leading her to the bed and undressing her agonizingly slow with the most care he could muster. And then he allowed himself to be truly happy for the first time in the last four years.

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