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How much do you love Raeney?

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Lyra slid to a sudden stop, her feet slipping out from under her and causing her to fall right in front of the dragon. She quickly scooted away, her wide eyes watching him in complete and utter fear. She stumbled to her feet and backed away from the beast, her entire body shaking violently as she cast a quick glance back at the cave, not wanting to take her eyes off the dragon for longer than she had to. "Please.. Just take me home! I'll do anything you want! My father can give you whatever you want!" She tried, knowing that if she went into that cave, it was likely that she'd never come out again.
Katrina let her hands fall away from her nose, her eyes trailing across Rae's body before she sudden let her body fall across his stomach, her elbows slamming into his rib cages and stabbing him. "Oh trust me. I'll never think of you as sweet again." She said sweetly as she lay on top of him, making the most innocent face she could.

"Obviously not!" Jess shouted, staring at the ceiling angrily. There was complete silence for a long while before the door in front of Quill suddenly opened. "He ran away." Jess said, now standing in front of her friend, her arms crossing. "HE ran away from ME!" She yelled before she hugged Quill tightly, her body trembling as she held in her tears. "I shouldn't have told him.."
Brenner straightened to his full height and took a threatening step towards her, lowering his head to just a few feet above her. He snarled again, herding her in the direction of the cave. Does she not realize that if I wanted her dead, she'd be dead already? he said in his head, baffled by her stupidity.
Rae placed his hand over Katrina's face and pushed her away like an annoyed older brother would his little sibling. "You think you're so sly, but we don't have nerve endings." He poked her in the side, testing to see if she was ticklish. "But good try."

Quill hugged Jess back, sad to see her have to go through this, even if he did expect that it would turn out bad. "I knew he was a pussy. He just looks like a total geek," Quill said softly. "You can do better than him, Jess..."
As Lyra entered the cave, she screamed at all the bones that were scattered across the floor. She covered her mouth in horror as she had never seen something so terrible in her whole life. She fell to her knees and covered her eyes, trying to shut out of the world around her as she had a literal panic attack. As her bare knees touched the ground, the rock floor around her turned black. (This is her powers kinda surfacing uncontrollably as she freaks out XD)
Katrina went to say something, but only yelped uncontrollably as Rae's finger jabbed into her side. She covered her mouth quickly and leaned away from Rae, her eyes narrowed as she silently dared him try and do it again.

"I don't want someone better than him!" She tried, pushing Quill away from her and wiping her eyes furiously. "He's the only person I've ever felt anything for, Quill... There's no one else that I want."
(Uhhh that's a weird way to introduce her powers XD) Brenner followed the human into his cave, not even moving when the stone beneath her changed from a dark gray to black. The color perfectly matched his scales, and Bren gazed curiously down at his foreleg and foot as they blended in to the ground. Then Brenner recalled that humans needed more light than he to see, and he spun around, barely missing the human with his tail and ran out of the cave. He stopped at the edge of the trees and the reached up and used his weight to tear one dead tree in half. The stump was ragged and the creaking sound was terrible, like a dying animal. Bren broke the tree into pieces and brought one chunk into the cave before breathing fire onto it. It caught immediately, casting an orange glow against the walls.
Rae smiled mischievously and reached out, tickling her. She couldn't do anything to him if he couldn't feel pain, he figured.

Raeney walked in. "Why'd you run from me, Katrina? You must be the first woman to resist my charms," he said in his flirtatious voice before realizing what they were doing. "I didn't know you were so comfortable with a human, brother..." Raeney said, clucking his tongue disapprovingly.

"Then win him over, Jess. I know you can do it," Quill said, trying his best to sound supportive. Sure, he was pretty gay, but that didn't mean he was sympathetic.
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(Too bad it happened XD) Lyra yelped at the sudden burst of light that blinded her even through the cover of her hands. She blinked and looked around, her eyes narrowed as she tried to get used to the brightness. She pushed herself away from the fire, the wave of heat being too much for her. She moved until she was on the complete other side of the cave, her back pressing against the rock wall behind her. She stared at the large dragon, remaining silent as she had no clue as to what she could say to the beast. And as she calmed down a bit, the black spot on the floor slowly faded away, leaving it the dark grey it had once been.
Brenner lay down on his stomach, slowly curling his tail beside him as he admired the human. She was prettier than most, but what interested him most was the pendant resting atop her breasts. It was a five-point star made of dragons, with a small crystal in the center. Surprisingly accurate.

He himself was a regal sight though, his scales dancing with the golden orange of the fire's light and the endless depths of his onyx eyes fixated on her. He kept his gaze on her before hesitantly reaching out with one claw and taking the amulet in his talons. He yanked on it, snapping the chain. As his scales came in contact with it, Brenner felt sudden pain and his scales began to pale, his body to shrink, and his body to contract in pain as he ducked his head with a loud groan that echoed in the cave.
Lyra stared in shock as the once massive dragon continued to shrink until he was the size of a standard person. Once all was quiet, she ever so slowly crawled across the cave floor, trying to find her amulet so that she could escape. But as she got closer to the curled up form, she froze. What was in front of her was no longer a dragon.... Instead there was... A naked boy. She screamed in shock and turned away from the boy, a dark blush on her face. "What in god's name is going on?!" She demanded no one in particular as she covered her eyes in embarrassment. She had never seen a man without his shirt off, let alone completely naked. And she had never seen a dragon turn into a man for that matter. This whole situation was just confusing to her.
Brenner groaned again, but this time it was a higher-pitched sound, and it sounded strange to his less-sensitive ears. Bren slowly sat up, every inch of his skin tingling with pain. He blinked open his eyes and jerked away from the fire, his flesh unused to the warmth. "Wha--" he broke off, eyes going wide as he heard his voice for the first time in 300 years. Brenner looked down at his hand, where he had the dragon amulet clutched in his palm. He had fingers and skin, not just talons and scales. His breathing quickened and he started moving his free hand over his opposite wrist, then up his forearm and bicep and shoulder, stopping at the curve of his neck.

"Who..." Bren coughed, unable to finish his question for the girl, his voice rough with disuse. "Who... are you?" he barely managed, before coughing a few more times. His left hand was still in the curve where his neck met his right shoulder, while he sat on his legs, his other hand pressed in a fist against his heart, the broken chain of the girl's amulet dangling from between his fingers.
Katrina, who had been trying to defend herself against Rae's tickling attacks, quickly shoved him away as Raeney walked in, the smile on her face vanishing instantly. "Well he is. What's it to you?" She demanded coldly, her eyes dropping to the floor as she continued to avoid looking at him. "Can you just fuck off already? I don't want you near me."

"How? You said yourself that it's illegal. There's no way to 'win him over' if he can't even see me as a woman!" She exclaimed, walking past Quill and going to the kitchen so she could get herself something to drink. "He'll probably never even come near me again now.." She murmured sadly, leaning against the counter with a defeated huff.
"How ironic. The thing that captured me is asking who I am." Lyra said, refusing to look back at him as he had no clothes on whatsoever. "My name is Lyra Allard. I'm the daughter of Lord Allard. Now who and what are you? And why have you brought me to this place?" She demanded, taking off the light jacket that went with the dress she was wearing and threw it back at Bren, hoping he'd use it to cover at least a bit of himself.
The rough coat hit Bren in the face though he tried to catch it, his reflexes off. It dropped into his lap, doing unconsciously as Lyra wished. He lay his fist over the cloth, the chain of Lyra's amulet splaying out across the fabric. "I am a dragon.... at least, I was..." he choked out. "I brought you here only to take this." He lifted the amulet up and brought it in front of his face, studying the design.
Raeney frowned. "What did I do to you? I'd hope you didn't hate me before I was scooped, because that would mean I'm losing my skill." He crossed his arms as Rae sat up and glanced between the two uncomfortably. They were fighting again. Great.

Quill sighed and followed Jess. "It won't be illegal in a year. Besides, he has to get close to you, considering he's your teacher. It's not exactly a choice." Quill readied himself to be hit for his bad choice of words. "But in the time you've got, I'm sure you can get him interested. It's not like he's got many girls seriously persuing him..."
Once Lyra had guessed that Bren had covered himself, she glanced behind herself and gasped lightly. She placed her hand over her chest where the amulet had been, having forgotten that he had taken it. "G-Give that back!" She tried, scooting towards him and reaching for the amulet. "Please- it was my mother's!"

Katrina went to shoot back a nasty retort, but the word 'scooped' hung in her mind like a dark cloud. She let her forehead drop onto Rae's shoulder, her hands grasping his sheets tightly and her teeth gritted as she tried to shut out the memory of Raeney practically being murdered in front of her. "Please.." She whispered, not moving herself away from Rae. "Make him leave. I can't... Handle him being here right now."

"He's got that sweet and LEGAL teacher practically throwing herself at him!" She said, making a face of disgust and mimicking what the woman had done coldly. "Oh Mr. Hart. You're so sweet and my age! Why don't we have sex in the library in front of a student to make her jealous! Blah blah blah I'm pretty!" She said in a stupidly girly voice, practically gagging.

Brenner made a low sound that resembled a growl, but wasn't quite as threatening as it would have been if he were still a dragon. Bren squeezed the amulet tighter, turning his knuckles white. "It's the amulet that made me like this," he snarled, a grimace on his face as he tried to appear threatening. "Try to take it and you'll regret it."
Rae met his brother's eyes with a wearisome, questioning look. Raeney sighed dramatically and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Quill appeared taken aback. "Whoa, wait, what? A teacher? Sex in front of a student?!" He blinked at Jess, taking a step back in his surprise. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"It's my mother's." Lyra repeated, her eyes pleading as she stared at the amulet in his hand. "My dead mother." She added, glancing up at Bren, not seeming the least bit afraid of him while he was in this form. But she knew better than to try to grab it from him again. "Just... please... please don't break it.." she tried, knowing that the amulet itself was quite old. And probably extremely fragile. She sighed sadly and sat back, keeping her distance from the dragon boy, making sure that she was close enough to keep an eye on the amulet.
Katrina let out a long, trembling breath before she pulled away from Rae, her hands brushing her hair out of her face. "Thank you.." she whispered, looking up at him and giving a weak smile before she fell back onto his bed, her hands balled up into fists while they covered her eyes. "I wish I had never met him." She murmured, her voice full of pain and regret. If she hadn't of met him, maybe none of this would've never have happened.

"They weren't really going to have sex. Calm your titties." Jess snapped, hopping up onto the counter. "He was just... Really close with a female teacher his age. And it looked like they were about to kiss... Right in front of me.." she murmured, her eyes dulling as she stared off into space. "I felt like I couldn't breathe when I saw that." She whispered, hating the fact that she had seen what she had. It would've been better if she hadn't seen anything at all. At least then she wouldn't be hurting so much.
"I'm not daft enough to destroy the only thing keeping me human!" he hissed. He moved to stand and then fell back down, the jacket still in his lap. Bren winced. "Standing is much harder than I remember it being," he said to himself. His muscles were so weak compared to what he was used to...
"You'd be back at school, leading a normal life." Rae shrugged and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "I get why you would prefer that, but some of us never got the chance." He stood and moved over to the desk in the corner, sitting atop it with his legs crossed at the ankles.

Quill let out a breath of relief. "Well, then there's no problem! They didn't kiss, so you still have a chance at obtaining that geeky hottie." Quill smiled. "And don't you dare say he only sees you as a student. He didn't move away when you guys were super close, did you?" he said smugly, knowing the answer.

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