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Jess trailed after him, a peaceful and just overall happy expression on her face. "But you're my loser. So that makes it okay." She said, patting his back in a teasing manner. "But I'm not your loser. Cause I'm not a loser." She added with a cheeky grin. "So you've got to come up with something that you can call me."

Katrina nodded and leaned against the counter for a moment, calculating when she would get in true shower and how long it would take to get out and get completely ready. "I'll go ahead and wash up now then. Where's your bathroom at? And the towels and everything." She asked, standing straight once more and taking her hair down, her fingers running through it. She hadn't washed it in a day or two, but it still had managed not to look greasy.
Bren snarled and leapt forward, ducking his head so that trees cracked and fell before him as he used his shoulders and skull to shatter them. He would have preferred to char Lyra, but if he started a forest fire he'd melt the amulet and get himself found in his dragon form by the nearby villages. Brenner took one more step and snatched Lyra up, his large talons pinning her in against his razor-edged scales.
"I could refer to you by surname and treat you as nothing more than a student, if you'd prefer that." Alex flashed Jess a smile that appeared innocent, but his eyes were amused. "I'm not sure you would like that very much, Miss Amberson."

Quill gestured for Katrina to follow, and he started down a hallway. He pointed to a bathroom and then walked into the next room, leaving the door ajar as he searched for clothes that would fit her. Jess's clothes would be too short, since Katrina was kinda tall for a girl. Quill sighed and then went into a different room and got some of his own clothes. "It'll be big, but it's better than anything too small," Quill said when he handed her the bundle of cloth.
Lyra cried out and remained as still as possible as she was afraid that any sort of movement would cause herself more pain. She had her hands in front of her, as if she were trying to push herself away, but her upper body strength wasn't even up to par with Brenner's when he was in his human form, let alone his dragon one. But what she didn't realize is that her amulet was still in her right hand, it now being held up between her and Brenner, her hand pressing it into his scales.
"I could also do that, Mr (his last name cause I forgot XD). And treat you like I do every other teacher and just hate your guts." Jess replied, flashing a somewhat innocent smile back at him. "Or maybe you'd like that because you have a teacher kink? Who knows? Maybe you like it when I call you Mr (last name). And maybe you like it when you have to... teach me certain things." She added, lifting one of her eyebrows suggestively as if she were implying him teaching her something that definitely wasn't taught in school.

Katrina took the clothes gratefully and nodded. "Yeah, thanks. T-thank you." She corrected herself, trying to sound as polite as possible because he really didn't have to do any of this for her. And it meant a lot that he was. She smiled at him before going into the bathroom, the door closing behind her and the shower being turned on shortly after, the sound of water hitting the floor of the bathtub ringing throughout the apartment.
Brenner's large form shuddered violently and his talons twitched open, leaving Lyra to fall two stories down. While gravity took a hold of the girl, Bren's body shrank and changed. Lyra was lucky enough that she landed on his wing as it continued shrinking, and that skin had replaced his hard scales. Lyra rolled off of Bren's wing to hit the ground fairly lightly, and Brenner stumbled slightly with her weight, placing him above her. Bren resumed his totally human form, holding himself above Lyra as best he could. He was pressed against her more than he wanted to be, but his arms were quaking too fiercely to hold him completely suspended. Bren gazed down at Lyra, breathing roughly, their faces only an inch or two apart as Bren's dark hair shaded his graying eyes. He could only stay this way if the amulet was touching him, and surprisingly it still was. Lyra's hand was captured between them, her palm pressing the amulet against Bren's bare chest. His fluttering heartbeat could be felt against her fingertips.
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Lyra stared up at Brenner, her eyes wide as her own heartbeat was beating faster than what was considered normal. It was partly because she had seen her life practically flash before her eyes, but it was mostly because Brenner was on top of her and she was touching his naked chest. Her face flushed a dark pink as her gaze met his. She quickly turned her head to the side, her teeth digging into her lower lip as she began to close her hand around the amulet. But she instantly thought better of it and relaxed to where the amulet was completely touching him and pressed into his chest. "I'm... Sorry. I-I don't know what I was thinking." She tried, referring to attempting to take the amulet in the first place. She looked back up at him to see what expression he had on his face, their noses actually touching this time and she flinched, thinking her touch would disgust him even further than she already thought he was, and pressed the back of her head as far into the ground as she could, her blush worsening.
Brenner noticed how Lyra's formal upbringing had taught her to be embarrassed by any male being close to her, and how he seemed to be influencing her to be flustered and vulnerable. He smiled to himself and leaned closer, whispering into her ear. "You were thinking you could take the amulet away without repercussions?" he asked, allowing his lips to brush her neck.
Lyra sucked in a breath and held it, her entire body tense as she closed her eyes tightly, his whisper sending a shudder throughout her body. She flinched and cried out slightly as she felt his lips brush against the sensitive skin of her neck. "I-I don't know..!" She tried, barely able to utter any words and form legitimate sentences. "It won't happen again. I... Promise!" She added, her hand pressing the amulet into his skin harder than she had been before in a weak attempt to get some distance between them. She had never done such a thing with a boy, or had been even close to doing anything of the sort with one. She had always been by herself and had always always been taught that boys were simply temptations of the mind that you had to brush off. But this one... She just couldn't seem to shake off. He was able to fluster her with a simple look. So she was practically helpless at this point.
Brenner, having lost a bit of his original human thoughts since his partially becoming a dragon, chuckled and then licked her neck gently, in one long stroke from her collarbone to her jaw. It was an act that was animalistic and yet also very human and somewhat felt sexual. Then he managed to lift himself off of her, but not before he pulled the amulet from between her fingers. He stood above her for a moment, looking smug, and then backed away.
Alex was totally ready to play this game. He wouldn't be a loser, and Jess would regret picking with him. He raised his own eyebrow. "I could get a nice metal ruler and discipline you whenever I deem necessary," he suggested.

~timeskip to about 15 min later, when Boy Toy shows up early~ Quill greets his boyfriend with a kiss on the forehead and then leads him into the living room to wait for Katrina to finish showering. (I'm just gonna refer to him as this: )Boy Toy shifted uneasily. He was nervous to meet this new person, and also found himself kinda jealous that she would be around Quill so much. Quill wasn't known to be the most loyal, and Boy Toy couldn't help worrying even though he knew he should trust his significant other...
Lyra lifted her hand and placed it on her neck, her blush as dark as it could get, her wide eyes looking up at him as she had never EVER done anything so sensual with ANYONE. She blinked a few times before she scrambled to her feet, her hand rubbing her neck furiously. "T-That wasn't funny." She grumbled, her heart still racing a mile a minute in her chest. She couldn't help but feel a bit sad at the fact that his actions had no meaning behind them. It was all because he wanted the amulet back. Her hand lingered on her neck for a moment, her fingertips just barely touching her skin as she stared off into nothing. Her pupils faded out of focus before dialating once more. "I'm going to sleep." She said suddenly, glancing over at him before going to the tree where he had been sleeping and curling up by the trunk. Angry murmurs were heard from her, such things being said as "stupid dragon" and "moronic boy" and so on.
Bren snorted as he heard Lyra's words with his inhuman senses. He knotted the amulet around his neck once more before lying near the tree closest to the one she was at. It was a chilly night, but Brenner had the inner fire of a dragon even in this form, and his body heat was like a furnace. He couldn t feel a thing.
Lyra curled up as tightly as she could, even pulling her dress over her knees and holding the skirt of it down with her feet in an attempt to keep her body heat inside the makeshift blanket. Her teeth chattered lightly as she closed her eyes, trying her best to not feel the chill biting at her skin. She opened one eye and glanced over at Brenner, and then glared at him as she realized that he was not feeling the effects of the cold. "Hmph." She muttered before turning away from him, deciding that she'd deal with keeping herself warm on her own. She sat there in silence for a good long while, her entire body trembling as she refused to lay with him even if it meant she could be warm. After almost an hour had passed, she had decided that she had enough of the freezing winds. She'd throw her pride away for just a night if it meant she wouldn't be turned into a ice sculpture by morning. "Brenner?" She called out in a hushed whisper, hoping he had already drifted off into a deep sleep by now.
"And you'd get a nice little smack in the face with that metal ruler if you tried to 'discipline' me with it." She retorted, raising an eyebrow at him, as if daring him to continue before she grinned and began to laugh. "In all seriousness now, I really don't think I'm into kinky stuff like that. I mean, feeling pain while trying to do something pleasurable just seems... Stupid.. Ya know? If you're trying to feel good, why would you cause yourself pain?" She added, a look of confusion now on her face as she was genuinely curious. "But I'd be willing to try it if you wanted to." She said quickly, joking yet being serious at the same time. "I'd try anything for you Mr. (last name)." Now obviously just teasing the poor boy.

Katrina stepped out of the bathroom, a towel in hand as she rang out her wet hair. She was wearing nothing but one of Quill's shirts that happened to be quite too big. "You were right about your clothes being big on me. But I didn't think you meant they'd be this big. I mean, I thought we were talking about slightly baggy. But this," She gestured to his shirt that almost reached her knees. "Is just a little excessive don't you think?" She asked, laughing lightly as it looked like something a morbidly obese person would be wearing. She glanced up and froze as she saw a boy she had never seen before sitting on the couch instead of Quill. "He said.. You weren't gonna.." She trailed off before quickly wrapping the towel around her waist so it would cover her legs. "Quill!!!" She shouted, giving a nervous smile to the boy before retreating into the bathroom in a heap of embarrassment.
Brenner's lack of a response seemed to signal that, yes, he was asleep, but in actuality he was only partially unconscious. He lay on his side, arms tucked against his chest, breathing softly.
Alex was ready to win something with her. He kept the joke going on, but made his voice low and husky. "Pain is pleasure if you do it the right way. I could show you a whole new world..." Alex let the words hang in the air for a moment before breaking into song, quietly singing A Whole New World from Aladdin.

Quill glanced at Boy Toy, who nodded in affirmation that he should follow Katrina. Quill got up and met Katrina in the bathroom, chuckling to himself. "You alright? I gave you pants, too, ya know."
Lyra remained still and listened to the sound of Brenner's breathing. She gritted her teeth as she reluctantly crawled over to him, making sure not to snap any twigs under her hands and knees that might wake him. "Brenner?" She whispered as she was only a half a foot away from him. When he didn't answer for the second time, she held her breath as she carefully and very slowly lifted his arms to where she could slip under them. She had made the mistake of crawling in with her body facing his, but she couldn't correct it now since she couldn't risk him waking at a time like this. She let his arms go, one of them under her waist, and the other one resting on it. She couldn't help but wonder what he would think in the morning, but she'd have to push the thought to the back of her mind for now as she warmth that was now engulfing her body made her fall asleep almost instantly, one of her arms under her head to be used as a pillow and the other one between them holding his shirt as if to make sure he didn't float away in the night.
Jess stared at him, flustered beyond belief before she shoved him. "Ha ha sooo funny." She said sarcastically, her hands smoothing down her hair nervously. She sighed and shook her head, a small smile forming. "You're such an idiot." She murmured, not ring able to contain her light laughter. "You did not just quote Aladdin!"

"Yes I know! But you said he wasn't gonna be here for an hour! It's been FIFTEEN minutes TOPS since you texted him!" Katrina yelled in a whisper, dropping the towel and grabbing the pants Quill had given her. She stepped into them and began tugging them up her legs, almost falling over as she did so, but managed to catch herself by grabbing onto the counter. "You could've said something!!" She added, pulling them up all the way, having to lift Quill's shirt to do the zipper and button, her grey and blue underwear being visible for a split second before she dropped the shirt back down. "Now he's gonna think we did something." She groaned, rubbing her temples.
In his half-conscious state, Bren shifted when his arms were moved, and when Lyra set them back down, Brenner exhaled slowly. He wrapped his arms together around her waist and pulled her close, against his chest as he slept. ~timeskip to morning~
Alex grinned at Jess, continuing on to sing the girl part of the song. His voice went up an octave and began to squeak, and he could only keep it up for a few more lines before he coughed and started laughing. "Your expression was wonderful!"

"No he won't," Quill said, amusement easy to read on his face. When Katrina lifted the shirt, his eyes flickered between her bared hips and her face. He wet his bottom lip and took a step closer to the door, able to feel a warm tingle rush through his body. Be faithful for once, man! he thought, scolding himself. But he couldn t help the fact that his easy going expression had changed into something darker.
Jess scoffed, her arms crossing. "Thanks for making my ears bleed." She said, still grinning slightly before she froze. She quickly felt for her phone and pulled it from her back pocket, checking her messages. "Dammit! I knew I felt it vibrate earlier." She grumbled, seeing a message from Quill that had been sent over an hour ago about him wanting her to come to dinner. "Quill wanted me back at his place 10 minutes ago.." she sighed, putting her phone away and looking at Alex, a sad expression on her face as she didn't want their little first date to come to an end so suddenly.

"Well it would've been nice to have a little warning." She retorted, slightly annoyed by the whole ordeal. She grabbed her bra that was on the counter, it matching her underwear surprisingly. Katrina didn't seem like the type of girl to care about matching her undergarments. But today she had managed to. She slipped it under Quill's shirt that she was wearing and fastened the clips from under it, the shirt only rising to her midsection. "Is the food ready yet? The food isn't even close to being ready is it?" She questioned, now becoming anxious about how nothing was ready and how awkward it would be to just sit there waiting for the food to be done.
Lyra slowly and reluctantly woke up in the morning, her eyes having to blink a few time before she was fully aware of her surroundings. She gasped as she realized that she was still laying beside Brenner with him having his arms wrapped around her lower waist. She almost let out a squeak of embarrassment, but she held it in as she tried to figure out someway to shimmy free from his grasp. ~Curse this stupid dragon!~ she thought, not knowing how she could possibly get free without waking him.
Bren could hear and feel the quickening of her heart, and the sudden onrush of her scent with the warmth that suddenly came over her managed to wake him. He nuzzled his face into the back of her neck, tipping his chin up slightly to mutter, "Someone's up early." His morning voice was rough and soft, rustling the hairs laying across her cheek. Bren didn't even seem to care that his arms were around her.
Alex's face fell. He pushed back his hood and ran his hand through his hair. "Oh. Well I guess I'll have to take you out for ice cream another time." He flashed her a half-hearted smile to replace the solemn expression that had come over him. "What's his address? I'll drive you there."

Quill swallowed hard and only managed to shake his head slightly. He watched as the oversized shirt slipped from one of Katrina's shoulders as she fastened her bra, lips parted with intrigue. Quill hadn't felt quite so attracted to anyone before, at least for a girl. He typically saw people as items rather than actual conscious beings, but he wasn't feeling only sexual desires when he looked at Katrina. He also felt the overwhelming need to act romantically and show her true affection.

Okay, so he was feeling a few sexual desires at the moment. But that was mostly because seeing his SO (significant other) in his clothes always made him feel strangely pleased. And Katrina made them look really good.

Quill stepped forward and ran two fingers down Katrina's bare stomach, where her shirt was hiked up. His hand migrated to her waist, and he pulled her close in one smooth movement, bending down to kiss her naked shoulder. He left another kiss on her collarbone before biting his lip and stepping back, realizing that what he'd done was wrong.

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