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(I've got ideas for a new rp. Three ideas, and you can choose from which one you wanna do and we'll still continue these along with the new one)
Myra took the clothes from Tori and gave her a grateful smile. "Thank you." She said before she glanced around. "Do you want me to take a shower downstairs or just up here?" She asked, looking back to the older girl, not knowing which she would prefer. A shower was a shower to Myra. But Tori might've had a preference on which one she went in.

Katrina sat alone in the room, silently crying for the longest time before she lifted her head and looked around the room, her cheeks flushed and her eyes a bit red from all the crying she had done. "Reuben? Are you there? Can I... Talk to you..?" Katrina tried, standing up from the bed and wiping the tears from her cheeks anxiously so that if Reuben did appear, he wouldn't see the wet streaks going down her face.

(And you need to reply to the other two rps. Unless you don't want to keep continuing them)
(And while I wait for you to be online, i'll go ahead and type out my ideas. XD)
Idea 1: TeacherXstudent thingy. Idk if we've ever done one of these.. If we have, I know it's been a while XD And to make it seem, NOT BAD, it could be a student teacher and a student get together. If you don't know what a student teacher is, it's like a kid in college that has to practice teaching for a certain number of hours to be able to get their teaching degree and stuff. So it would only be a 4 year difference in age. 5 TOPS because idk how you are with age differences XD And the story itself would be really cute ...to me it would be anyway XD and a lot of funny things could happen and it would just be GREAT XD

Idea 2: I watched this anime movie called "Your Name" WATCH. IT. XD The story itself is kinda hard to explain to someone who hasn't seen the movie, so we can just rp the simple jist of the story. Girl in the country side, boy in the city. The girl hates living in the country and wish she had a life in the city. So, one day, she's suddenly in a boy's body in a giant city and the boy is in a girl's body. They switch bodies randomly and just wake up in the other person's body. And this goes on for a looong while to where they leave each other messages in their notepad on each other's phones about what they can and cant do and how to act and stuff and they end up falling in love with each other. well, suddenly, they don't switch anymore. and years go y and stuff and the girl finally builds up the courage and the savings to go to the city where the boy lives and they meet each other when theyre actually themselves for the first time and its GREAT.

Idea 3: New movie called "Space Between us" WATCH. IT. Astronauts go on mars to live there. The woman astronaut is apparently pregnant and has the baby as soon as they land. She dies during child birth blah blah blah, real sad. The baby is a boy and they can't bring him back to earth because his body wouldnt be able to handle the atmosphere so he LIVES ON MARS. And he somehow hacks into a messaging thing (BTW this is like...kinda semi in the future) and finds a girl (while they message and stuff they have like a camera on their faces so they know what each other looks like) and he falls in love for the girl and just says that he has a disease that lets him not go outside and thats why they cant meet. well, this is when he's sixteen so by this time they've figured out how he can go to earth. he does, he escapes from all of the doctors and stuff and goes to find the only girl he's ever talked to his whole life and he finds her and its amazing they fall in love, they travel to find his earth dad but then he gets sick, like almost dies sick, and has to go back to mars and a year passes and the girl comes to mars after training at nasa and stuff and its BEAUTIFUL XD
"There's a bathroom on each floor, plus an extra on the first story. You can take your pick, but there's girl hair care products in this one (the 3rd floor) because I use it." Tori turned off the lights and began ushering Myra out.

There was a beat of silence before anything happened. Then Reuben knocked on the door, even though he could have just appeared inside. His manufacturers had been kind enough to give him some form of teleportation.

"Katrina?" Reuben spoke softly, barely loud enough to hear through the door.

(I was planning on responding to them when I had my laptop and didn't have to scroll up to reread every 10 seconds.)
(As for the first idea: EWW. if you want me to rp something like that, you'll have to do some serious convincing. 2nd idea: I'm cool with it, but I wouldn't be good at being the city dweller because I've always lived in the country. We have chickens in my yard and we raise our own cows XD 3rd idea: no. Cute, but no. I was planning to watch the movie in October, but it hadn't come out yet, and i was depressed for like a week about it. I still havent watched it because I have the book and want to read it first, but I'm reading a super long series right now. Besides, I don't like messing with already-good plots/storylines.)
"I'll just use the one up here then." Myra said, going out into the hallway and looking through an open door that obviously went into the bathroom. "Thank you again, Tori." She said before going into the bathroom, the door closing quietly behind her, the sound of the shower being turned on could be heard from the other side of the door.

And now i don't want katrina to talk to reuben. idk what i was thinking XD I just wanted something to happen because literally everyone is with raeney XD But now idk what to do.

(She could use Reuben as a rebound XD Just cuz. Idk. He becomes devoted to her, she tries to play it off and seek Raeney. Reuben gets angry and butthurt XD)
(That would be a good idea, but no. reuben too ugly for rebound XD And i just really dont like him. he could get butthurt like, you always need me to protexct you and now im not gonna do it anymore. but even me, as creator of katrina, cannot make her fake love reuben cause he nasteh XD sorry ruu ruu)
(I had been waiting for you to finish having Marilyn get to the asylum. Daryn is locked up. He can't do anything. And I'm on the laptop, btw)

"Hey," Samuel said drowsily, voice husky as he turned to face Holly. "I heard some foul language." He had heard cursing in his sleep, but it still took him a while to wake up, making him late to the party.
(Me and my mom are out and about. I'll try to reply and everything is just a little bit. Cause I'll probably have to sit and wait for her for a while.)
(I'll be on my laptop in like 15 mins. So I'll just reply then cause I can't keep scrolling back and forth )
(I'm sorry. My mom has been a bitch to me this entire time and had plans that i didnt even know about and made me come along and she's been screaming at me the whole time so thats been great. But im here now and im really sorry i made you wait)
(So do you wanna do the first and second rp? and i really dont know what to do about katrina and reuben and everything. can we just timeskip to morning and i'll start it and stuff?)
Marilyn went up to the front desk and leaned over it, the same lady being there. "I'm here to see my lover, Daryn." She said, batting her eyes sweetly before she giggled like an airhead cheerleader would. "Could you have them send him out please? Thanks doll." She added before sauntering over to the back table she had sat at the day before and waited for the Daryn to be ushered in, her expression having gone back to one of being bored with the rest of the world.

Holly quickly sat up, her entire face and even her ears turning red as she faced Samuel. "No you didn't! Nothing happened! Why would you even think anything happened since nothing happened? I was asleep the whole time in my little area and..." She trailed off, having realized she had flipped out just a tad. "Nothing happened!" She shouted before she scrambled over to the entrance/exit and slipped outside to where she could get privacy and some fresh air.

(You haven't responded to the myra one so idk what you want me to do XD And still waiting on what to do with katrina and reuben)

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