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"Because you don't belong in here. Obviously.'' She said bluntly, her right hand going to her hair and tucking it behind her ear. "I believe you when you say you aren't crazy. But you're definitely a bit messed up in the head. And that can happen from being locked up for something you're not. There's a difference in being sent here for being crazy, and being sent here because you're thought to be crazy. And I really believe that you're the second of the two."

Myra jumped and screamed as she whipped around to face Zach, her eyes wide. She stared at him for a moment, her chest heaving as she tried to get her heart to start working again. "Jesus Christ!" She shouted, placing her hand over her heart to see if it was even still beating. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just as long as some creep stops creeping up on me!!" She said, letting out a huff as she tried to calm down. "There were scratching noises again. And they led me down here. I was just trying to see if I could find the source of the noises."

(Well crap XD ignore that part then about them bein' bros. and oh my god thats so cute reuben XDD) Katrina threw the shirt angrily across the room, it hitting the back wall before she took the jacket from Reuben and put it on, making sure to keep the front closed. "You can look now." She said after a moment, her eyes dropping to the floor as she wiped the tears away from her cheeks, her face getting hot with embarrassment as she hated herself for ever thinking being around Raeney was a good idea. "I hate this place... I hate him." She whispered, her voice trembling.

"That's why I said I'd haunt you while we're all in the afterlife, genius!" She retorted before jogging after them. "Oh... Great.. A treehouse. Because that's DEFINITELY safer than an ACTUAL HOUSE." She added in an extremely sarcastic tone.
"Then why'd I get sent here first of all, hmm?" Daryn wasn't trying to scare Marilyn away, but he wanted to know the girl was serious. If she couldn't figure him completely sane, she must be planning something he wouldn't appreciate. "I wouldn't think that the good people of Britain would send a perfectly fine teenage boy to an asylum."

"Probably mice," Zach said, choosing to ignore her calling him a creep. She seemed to be biased against him because she'd shown up unconscious in his car. Sure, it was uncommon, but he didn't know how she got there.

(I low-key love Reuben. I'm still confused of how you don't like him anymore XD) Reuben and Rae turned back to face Katrina. Reuben smiled sadly. "We're not all bad..." he said, trying to soften what he was about to say, but Rae beat him to it.

"But even if we were, you can't leave. You're too wrapped up in our lives by now to go back out into the human world." Rae crossed his arms, somehow looking both less tough and more so than he did with his jacket on. (Make her realize they keep saying human, as if they're not human. Ooooo plot twists XD)

Samuel rolled his eyes and stiffly climbed the tree using the rope ladder hanging onto one of the higher branches. "It's safer if they can't reach it, and the tree's made of solid stone." He scooted to the back of the tree house, having to crawl. Angel let Holly go first, still keeping watch.
"You're here because you're different. You probably did something that the 'good people of Britain' didn't understand. And we all know how those good people are. If they can't understand something, why not just throw it away and allow it to rot? Out of sight, out of mind, am I right?" She said, staring into Daryn, her entire body having not moved this entire time. "You may act crazy, Mr. Crazy Pants. But I know that you're not."

"So mice can talk now?" She asked, referring to the voices whispering for her to go to the basement that he hadn't heard. She watched him for a moment before she sighed. "Sorry. It probably was just mice. I'll go back to my room now." She said, slipping past him and starting to go back up the stairs.

(I'm getting myself to like him XD) Katrina glanced up at Rae. "This is borderline kidnapping you know." She pointed out, looking from Rae and then to Reuben. "And why do you keeping saying 'human world' like you're not even human yourself? It's really starting to creep me out." She said, wrapping the left opening flap of the jacket across the right so she wasn't exposing herself.

Holly glanced up at the treehouse entrance and then to Angel, wanting him to go first. But when he didn't budge she groaned and went up before him into the small box built up in the tree. "Yeah well... I'd rather be in a big house on the ground than be stuck in a small box not on the ground." She muttered, crawling through the small entrance and almost running into Samuel. "What if I said I was claustrophobic?"
Daryn glared. "I still believe you know very little about me, but aid comes scarce these days. So. What's the plan?" Just then, the guards came back in, panting and red-faced but alert.

"Time's up here," one said, and the other started steering Marilyn out of the room, while the other took Daryn by the arm and led him to his cell.

"Uh, yeah... It's late." Zach followed Myra up, only changing paths when his room came up. "Goodnight."

"What you don't know won't hurt you," Rae said, before sighing. "There is a zipper, Katrina."

"It could hurt her," Reuben said softly, taking Rae aside.

"She'll be fine as long as we keep Raeney away from her." Rae turned to Katrina. "How about I bring you to my sister's room so that you can pick out some clothes? She's taller than you, so things might be a little big, but Raena's your best shot."

"Then I'd tell you to deal," Samuel retorted, swinging open the nearby window's shutters. Air washed over them, taking away the scent of dust.

Angel climbed up and lay down on his back near the exit. The layout was about 7×7 foot, and therefore just big enough for Angel to stretch across the bottom without Samuel kicking him. That left a bit of room for Holly, along with another window to herself.

"I'm exhausted, so keep the bickering to a minimum, por favor," Angel muttered.
"Same time tomorrow!" Marilyn shouted as the guard led her away. "I'll be waiting for you!"

"Night..." Myra said awkwardly before she went back to her own room, the door quickly closing behind her. "Dammit... I did all of that for nothing.." She whispered to herself before she climbed back in bed, her thoughts of what was down in the basement making her restless for the entirety of the night.

Katrina, flustered at this point, took a hold of the zipper on the jacket and quickly zipped up the article of clothing, her head down. "Sure, I guess." She said, refusing to look at either of them as she walked out of the room, waiting out in the hallway. ~I just want to go home..~ She thought, looking down the dark hallways in despair.

"Más de la mitad del tiempo, todos estamos discutiendo por ti o por él." Holly muttered back, laying down and curling up into a ball to keep herself warm. (I know the translation is off, but you get the jist of what she's trying to say i guess XD She basically said it's either his fault or samuels that they're always bickering) She stared at the window above her, her eyes dull as her mind kept going over all that had happened that day. "I wish we could just live a life without having to worry about all of this other shit..." She whispered before she closed her eyes.
Daryn chuckled to himself as he was shoved back into his cell. Brianna showed up, arms crossed. (You can rp as Brianna too if you want. She's kinda slow but like her thought process. She's smart and sassy otherwise, but also kinda sweet.)

The next morning the scent of good rose from the kitchen to the second floor bedrooms, and Jacob and Zach practically ran downstairs.

Rae led Katrina down deeper into the depths of the pizzeria basement before knocking on the door to one room. "Katrina needs clothes!" he shouted and the door opened.

"Come on in," Raena said with a smile, and as Rae tried to do as she said, Raeney shook a finger at him. "Not you." She shut the door in his face. "So, Katy Kat, What's your style?"

"Those years are long past us," Samuel said softly, almost sympathetically. He could relate to what she wanted, as he wishes for normalcy everyday.

God, he couldn't wait to get back to the hideout. Ashley was like a booster shot of morale, and Samuel was starting to feel the withdrawals.
(I'm probably going to go to sleep soon because my mom isn't responding to my texts, and my phone's about to die. Plus, the internet's still not working, so I can't study for my finals... I'm screwed man.)
(I'm sorry.. But yeah, go to sleep whenever you need to. even though i dont want you to go! I shall deal with it XD)
(XD I'm literally at 4% my dude. I'm going to see if maybe I can wake up early to study or something. Idk. I'm so tired XD)
(There's a chance my mom will wake me up at 10 or something if she has the internet working so that I can get a little studying in. If you're up, which I have no doubt you will be, check for me occasionally. I guess. XD)
"I cannot believe you made me do such a thing." Brianna said, tapping her foot in annoyance as she at least expected a halfhearted apology. But when she didn't get one, she sighed and went to the other side of the blank room so she could be as far away as possible from Daryn. "And for what? For a girl you don't even know!" She added, sitting down Indian style on the floor, her nose turned upwards with a 'hmph'.

Myra and Tori were located in the kitchen, Tori at the stove and Myra sitting on the counter. "Slow down or you'll wake the nonexistent neighborhood." Myra warned, holding up a hot spatula menacingly. "Is everything almost done?" She asked, glancing to Tori as she hopped off the counter.

"Right now? Any style is my style." She said with a sigh as she took off the jacket, just needing clothes. She didn't care what kind, so she thought she'd let Raena dress her up however she wanted. She turned away from the girl, crossing her arms across her chest out of shyness. Even though they were both girls, she wasn't at all confident about her body. But as she stood with her back faced to the girl, she didn't realize she had dark bruises dotted across her spine and shoulders.

"Yeah... Guess they are.." She murmured before she curled up more tightly and attempted to fall asleep. "I wonder what we would be like if the world hadn't fallen apart." She said, thinking out loud before she slipped into an unconscious state.
"She wanted to talk to me. I didn't know about what, Brianna, but it turns out that she--" Daryn paused, glancing past the barred window into the hallway. "Wants to help me escape," he whispered.

"Just about," Tori said, before loading four plates with food. (You describe it because idk Myra's religion, which could define if she likes pork or hates it.)

"What happened here?" Raena asked, lightly poking one of the bruises. She turned to the closet and began sorting for some smaller clothes, expecting an answer.

Samuel went to answer, but then he heard her deepening breaths and sighed before dozing off himself. ~timsekip to morning~
Brianna looked at him as though he were actually crazy for once. "Ha ha, very funny." She said, standing up. "If you didn't want to tell me what you talked about, fine. But at least don't lie." She said before she vanished without another word.

(Myra's Indian, but she was born in America and stuff so she doesn't really have a specific religion. since she didn't live with her parents, they weren't able to tell her about everything and stuff. So she eats alllll the pork she wants XD) Myra took two of the plates that were full of your typical breakfast. A couple of pancakes, a bit of eggs, three or four slices of bacon and two sausage links. "I haven't made breakfast like this in forever." Myra said with a smile as she set two of the four plates down on the table, quickly stepping away from them before she or ran over by the two boys.

Katrina gave a small yelp and winced when Raena poked a tender spot on her back. "Huh?" She asked, going over to the full length mirror at the other side of the room and staring at her back in horror. "Raeney..." she whispered, her hand trembling as she reached back and touched one of the bigger bruises on her shoulder. "R-Raeney happened I guess." She said, louder for Raena to hear now before she laughed lightly, as if she weren't scared out of her mind.

(Why is it that I wanna do the stereotypical thing of where Holly wakes up and she's cuddling with Sammy boy? Or angel XD whichever one you'd think would react the funniest.)
Daryn was silent for a moment as he took in her words, but then he shouted, "BRIANNA!!" He flopped onto his bed, then, fully aware that ghosts couldn't hear anything but their full name if they weren't within the vicinity.

Zach, surprisingly, sat down very proper and folded a paper towel, laying it onto his lap. He began cutting the pancakes into small bite-sized pieces before adding a very modest amount of syrup. Jacob didn't seem confused by this, and neither did Tori. It was normal for Zach to act different than usual to them.

Jacob, on the other hand, immediately began to stuff his face. Not literally, but almost.

"I can smell your fear, darling," Raena said softly, unknowing that her brothers hadn't explained what they were to this human. In Raena's mind, if she were going to live with them, Katrina should at least know about who she was living with.

Raena pulled out a navy blue dress and held it in front of her for a moment. It was made of stretchy, form-fitting material at the top, with a loose A-line bottom. It had no sleeves, but covered the chest like a turtleneck sweater would, except for having an actual sleeve for the neck. It more resembled a collar or choker (the accessory not a torture tool XD). The dress reached mid-thigh on Raena, but it would be almost at the knees on Katrina.

"I absolutely adore this dress," Raena said with a happy sigh. "But it would do wonders for your coloring! Please tell me you'll wear it?" Raena gazed at Katrina with large, sweet golden brown eyes.

(XD Do it! Samuel would blush and refuse to say anything, but Angel would panic and start swearing in Spanish.)
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(I'm sorry!! I had plans and I'm still out and about but I'll try to reply now XD on my little phone)
(And I can't decide between Sammy and Angel for her to wake up with!!! Cause I remember why I want Angel and holly to be a thing XD cause he's emotionally distant XD)
~Timeskip to morning~ Marilyn sighed as she sat at the kitchen table, her head in her hands as she listened to her uncle tell her off about sneaking out the day before. "It won't happen again." She said dully before she got up. "But I've got plans with a friend, okay? I'll be back before dinner." She said before she quickly ducked out the front door, her bag in hand. "Love you Uncle {his name cause I forgot XD}!" She shouted as she ran down the sidewalk, not looking back as she didn't want him to catch up with her if he was chasing after her.

Myra smiled lightly and sat down across from Zach, remaining quiet for most of the breakfast as she just wanted to eat quickly so she could check up on how the weather was outside. "Do you think the snow has lightened up any?" She asked as she took her empty plate to the sink and rinsed it off.

Katrina looked at the dress for a long while, her eyebrows raised in a hesitant look. "I don't know... I've never been one to wear dresses..." she tried, looking to Raena. But when she saw the look on the girl's face, she sighed and took the dress from her. "Alright alright. Just don't look at me like that." She said grumpily before she pulled the dress over her head and slipped it on. "Happy?" She asked as she pulled the dress down, letting the skirt of the dress flow to her knees.

Holly groaned in annoyance as she began to wake up from her deep slumber. She turned over to her left side, having been laying on her right, and sighed as she felt a sudden warmth wash over her body. She rested her head on the soft pillow beside her, feeling the blankets of her bed wrap around her.... Wait a minute. She wasn't in her bed. And she sure as hell didn't have any pillows or blankets around her. She jolted awake, her eyes blinking open as she tried to take in her surroundings. What she had thought to be a pillow, was the chest of Angel. And the so called blankets were his arms that were wrapped tightly around her waist, pulling her closer to his warm body. She stared at the boy, a dark blush spreading across her face as she just laid there, too shocked and flustered to move away.


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