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How much do you love Raeney?

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Tori looked at Myra as if she were mentally stunted. "Uh, no! We've got like 5 guest beds, so you can take one of those, or you can share a bed with me. Or one of these idiots," she added, gesturing to Zach and Jacob, who were now 'hugging it out,' as Jacob called it. Jacob was actually just squeezing the hell out of his best friend without Zachary's consent.

"Now he's being a pervert?" Rae turned around to face Katrina, his expression showing skepticism. "You must be fibbing, because this guy's always a perv." Rae smiled, unable to keep himself from doing so. "Sorry, I shouldn't be joking. But really, this is none of my business." Rae started side-stepping towards the exit. "If you want someone to keep Raeney from you, call for Reuben. He's got a thing for you, Katrina, so he's sure to show."

Daryn shrunk back into his cell. "I don't know. My family's never come to visit before," he said angrily. Then he looked up at Marilyn with hope in his gaze. "But I wouldn't mind if you requested a visit with me. I haven't been out of this room in three years."

(WAT no XD They're in a sewer but almost out. They can climb out of the manhole they're nearing and make it to the petrified tree they were originally heading for.) Samuel slapped Angel in the side of the head, but not very hard. "Stupido," he growled, and Angel rubbed his head. He said nothing until a ray of dim light shone into his eyes from above. He looked up and saw a manhole cover with a single pinprick of light coming through.

"I think we've found our exit," Angel announced.
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"I'll just take a guest bed then, thanks." She said quickly, her face flushing again at the thought of sleeping with a member of the opposite sex.

"Reuben does not!" Katrina tried, grabbing onto Rae's arm and pulling him back in front of her. "And since you're already here there's no need to bother him!" She added, now holding onto Rae's shirt along with his arm to make sure he didn't go anywhere. "So it looks like you're going to be my shield for the time being."

Marilyn flinched as she heard her uncle lay on the horn. "I'm coming!" She shouted down the hall before she turned back to Daryn. "I'll come back tomorrow. At 1:00 sharp. Be there. Unless you've got something else planned then." She said, the same cheeky grin on her face before she stuck her hand back in between the bars and waved. "Later Crazy Pants!" She said before she pulled away from the door, disappearing from Daryn's view and running out the front entrance to meet her uncle at his car.

(i'm keeping mine purple. so HAH XD) Holly followed Angel's gaze and nodded. "That's definitely it." She agreed before she looked to Angel. "Give me a boost?" She asked, taking off her jacket and tossing it into the sewer water, it having been practically ripped to shreds anyway. And at least now she had more mobility without it constricting her arms.
Jacob shrugged while he kept Zach locked in his arms. "Suit yourself. I'm quite the cuddler." He grinned and let Zach go.

Rae sighed overdramatically. "Why do the gods hate me so?" Raeney made a face.

"You always avoid me, Katrina. Why deny your true thoughts? I know for a fact how your body responds when I'm around, yet you pretend that you don't feel attracted to me!" Rae held up his hands, eyes going wide.

"Okay, I do not want to hear about y'all relationship problems... If one of you is insufficient in bed, I don't need to be here or figure out which one of you is lacking." He pulled half-heartedly to try and get away from Katrina, but she held on.

Once the girl was gone, Daryn lay flat on the ground where he had been standing. "Crazy Pants is my new nickname. Americans aren't very creative," he said to himself, and then an ethereal slap ran along his cheek, startling him. "Cherry?" he announced, and then he recalled that Cherry was from northern England, not the Americas. He sighed and allowed himself to doze off on the dirty white-tiled floor. Maybe he'd get lucky and a brain-eating insect would make its way through his ear to find its next meal. Daryn wouldn't mind too much.

Angel kneeled down, grimacing as his sodden pants squelched with whatever had been floating in that disgusting water. He cupped his hands and tensed, prepared to boost Holly. "You gotta be quick up there, chica," he warned her.

(Do you like my drawings? I think there's quite a development XD I'm going to go to bed in a sec, so one more reply before I knock the hell out.)
(XD I'm really, really freakin' tired, and I have an important final tomorrow. I'm a procrastinator, so I'm planning to study for it tomorrow in the hours before the exam, and I need to be fully alert for that time XD)
(UUUGH okay let me reply real quick then you reply and then you go to bed XD)
"And that's exactly why I'm saying no." Myra said, turning her head away from the two boys as she smiled, finding all of this to be very amusing. "So I guess you'll just have to cuddle with him as a substitute."

Katrina gave a horrified look to both Rae and Raeney. She quickly let go of Rae in order to punch his upper arm as hard as she could. "W-We haven't even slept together! S-So just shut up about it!" She shouted, her face as red as it could possibly get at this point. But as Raeney continued on his little speech, she ran over to him and slapped both of her hands across his mouth, their bodies inches from each other's. "And you! Just... Stop talking!!" She tried, her eyes showing that she was both flustered and panicking at the same time.

Marilyn sighed as she sat silently in the car as her uncle ranted about how long she took to come outside, saying she could've gotten the both of them into serious trouble. "Sorry. It won't happen again." She said, not even looking at him as she closed her eyes, just wanting it to be tomorrow already.
~Timeskip~ Marilyn stepped up to the front desk and glanced around, afraid her uncle come here looking for her since she had sneaked out of the house earlier that day. "I'm here to see Daryn London." She said calmly, trying to keep an adult like manner so the woman sitting behind the desk wouldn't be skeptical about her coming in.

"You callin' me fat?" She asked before she suddenly stepped up onto his hands, not giving him any warning at all as payback for saying that. She reached up and slowly but surely pushed the manhole out of the way just enough to where her slim body could slip through the opening. She pushed herself up a bit more to where she could grab onto the ledge and haul herself up. "This isn't... As easy.. As it looks.. Ya know!" She said through gritted teeth as she just had to lift her entire body weight up before she disappeared through the opening and was up on the surface.
Zach flashed Myra a look of horror before running up the stairs so fast Tori and Jacob were afraid he didn't come tumbling back down. Then the two started laughing. Jacob pretend-shuddered. "That guy gets super emotional when he sleeps. You'd swear he was a fifteen year old girl." Then he stretched. "But I'll be getting to my own room." Jacob went up the stairs much slower than Zach did, and Tori bade Myra goodnight after closing the fire off with some shutters that would let its ashes only filter out the chimney. Tori led Myra to a guest bedroom before taking her own room. There was silence, but not for long.

Both Rae and Raeney seemed surprised that Katrina would willingly come into such close proximity with the most flirtatious of the triplets. Raeney reached up and gingerly curled his fingers around the human's wrists, pulling her hands slowly away from his mouth.

The woman, bored, nodded and handed Marilyn a visitor's pass before going back to checking FaceBook on the desktop in front of her. Daryn lay napping on his bed when the guards came to fetch him, and he yawned loudly before stretching and walking out with the pair of bulky men.

"There any robots in sight?" Angel called up tentatively. If there did happen to be some Speeds or Crockpots out, he didn't want to alert them with his voice. Angel glanced at Samuel, who gratefully took the invitation to be boosted. Samuel pulled himself up carefully, doing his best to not disturb the wound slicing between his ribs. Angel--the poor guy--had to climb up on his own.
(XDD BE QUIET XD Not very long. Hurry up and reply, and if you've got something posted by the time I finish my bedtime ritual, I'll reply. Ritual as in chapstick, using bathroom, putting down hair, etc.)
Myra sighed as she laid in the bed she had been given, her eyes staring into the ceiling above her as she laid in silence. She was exhausted, but she didn't want to sleep. It just felt.. Weird... To sleep in the same house as people she had never met before. She closed her eyes for a moment before she quickly opened them, her heart racing as she felt as if there was someone watching her, but there was no one in the room except her. (Not referring for anything to happen if you dont want it to, but i get like that sometimes so i just thought i should add it XD)

Katrina froze, not realizing the predicament she had put herself in before she was already in it. "O-Or you could just let go..." She said, her wide blue eyes staring up at Raeney as she gave her wrist a tug, trying to pull away from him. "Ah.. Rae.. A-A little help..." She tried, glancing back at him helplessly.

Marilyn went into the visitors room and sat at the table that was closest to the window, and the farthest from any guards, her eyes dull and having bags under them as she hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. But that wasn't going to stop her from seeing Crazy Pants. He was just so... Interesting. She just really wanted to find out more about him.

"It's all clear." She observed as she stood up, her hands reaching down and grabbing Samuel by the shoulders carefully so she could help him up as well. "We should try to find an empty house or something near by. Just so we can camp out there for the night. The sun's already starting to go down." She advised, motioning towards the ever so slowly descending sun.
(I'm a good friend so I waited XD || And as for the Zach and Jacob and them rp, I had an idea. That's why I had them go to sleep so early.) That same scrabbling sound from earlier moved beneath the floorboards, even though this was the second floor. Jacob had said there were probably mice, and that made sense, but then again this scrabbling came with a feeling of abnormal agitation. The sounds of tiny claws traveled from right beside Myra's bed to the doorway, where the locked door creaked softly as if something were lightly pushing against it.

"Rae doesn't listen to me. Call Reuben," Rae said, a testy look in his eyes. Raeney glanced at his brother with disgust. Of course the wannabe-pirate will tell her to call Princeton, Raeney thought irritably. He bent and whispered in Katrina's ear, "Call for Reuben, and our time together will include pain with pleasure. Not all good pain, either."

Daryn entered the room, flanked by the two guards. "Okay, Beef-Man and Beef-Man 2.0, I'll be fine on ,y own from here on out." The two guards' expressions didn't change the slightest. "Alright, perhaps not," Daryn voiced for himself. He turned to see Marilyn and smiled at her. "'Ello, chap," he greeted the girl, laying on the accent extra thick. He'd heard Americans found it amusing.

"The petrified tree's not too far," Samuel protested, his stubbornness too much for even Angel to challenge.

"Lead the way then, amigo," Angel muttered, trailing after his two companions that way he could keep watch over the two of them.

Myra sat up quickly and stared at the door, her eyes wide and full of fear. "U-Um... J-Jacob...!" Myra called out helplessly, her entire body tensing up as she didn't let her eyes move from the door. "Jacob! Tori! Zach!" She tried, her voice shaking as her skin suddenly paled.

Katrina tensed and froze, her entire body freezing up as Raeney's voice in her ear sent a chill down her spine. And not a good one. "P-Please Raeney.. L-let me go." She tried, putting her hand over Raeney's and trying to loosen his grip on her wrist. "You're hurting me." She quickly added, hoping that would make him let go. She closed her eyes tightly as she continued to try and yank her wrist out of his grasp, her head screaming at her to call for Reuben, but she was terrified at what Raeney might do to her and him if she did.

"Ello sir Crazy Pants." Marilyn said in an utterly terrible representation of an English accent that even made herself laugh. She then glanced to the guards and stood up. "We'll be fine, really. He's my brother." She said, giving an innocent smile to both of the guards. "Can't a girl have some alone time with her brother that she hasn't seen in so long?" She pleaded, her eyes doing all the begging for her as she peered up at the men.

Holly face-palmed before following after Samuel. "You're so stubborn sometimes, it kills me." She muttered, keeping close to him in case he stumbled and lost his balance. "It doesn't matter how far away the tree is. You need rest, Samuel."
Tori, Zach, and Jacob couldn't hear Myra through the thick walls. The scratching became louder when Myra called for her new friends, as if the "mice" didn't like how she was trying to escape them. Then the sounds abruptly stopped. A word softly echoed down from the ceiling: "Basement in a small reptilian voice.

Raeney's grip tightened until the pain and fear in Katrina's face triggered something in Rae. He moved over and grabbed his brother by the throat. "Let her go. You know it's an unfair fight," Rae said low enough for it to be considered a growl. Raeney's gold eyes narrowed, and he refused to release Katrina for a count of seven seconds before he finally did. Rae dropped his own arm and backed away, knowing better than to get a big head from this small win. Raeney may not be able to beat Rae in a physical fight, but the flirtatious triplet was cunning. He could easily outwit his siblings any day.

Rae glanced at Katrina. "You should go," he said, more kindly than he had spoken to Raeney. Before Katrina could respond in any way, Raeney grabbed Rae's shirt and swept the other boy's legs out from under him. Raeney knelt on Rae's chest, keeping him from breathing easily.
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Myra practically vibrated the bed she was curled up on from how badly she was shaking. She hadn't been this scared a few hours ago when it was still daylight and everyone was awake. But now that everyone was asleep and it was almost pitch black around her... She was completely terrified. She threw the sheets and comforter over her head and covered her ears, her eyes shut tightly while she hid under the covers, as if they would protect her. "Tori! Jacob!" Myra screamed, the sudden silence except for the faint whispering making her heart almost stop completely.

Katrina was about to thank Rae and make a break for it, but she only had enough time to gasp before Rae and Raeney were suddenly on the floor. She tried to back away, but only managed to trip on her own feet and fall backwards to the floor. She winced at the harsh impact she had before she scrambled over to Raeney and Rae, practically crawling. "Raeney- Raeney stop it!" She tried, going up behind him and grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling as hard as she could. (Which he wouldn't budge. Obviously XD) "Raeney get off of him!"
There was silence. (Make her go to the basement. Either that night or the next day.)

Raeney didn't say a word, instead punching Rae in the face twice. He knew of a way to get his brother to stay away for a while, but each of the animatronics had their switch in a different location. "Where's the switch?" Raeney whispered, unaffected by the human girl's protests.

Rae shoved at Raeney, but his twin angled his weight further onto Rae's chest. Rae coughed, leaving his lungs less room to expand as Raeney pinned his arms. "Tell me, Rae, and I'll stop," Raeney said sweetly.
(How did I just KNOW you were on? XD and respond to the other two you slacker)
(MHM. are you on your laptop? I'm not on mine yet, but if you're on yours then I'll get on mine)
The guard raised a grow. "From this boy's documents, we know that he shares no blood relations to you, Miss Grey. And it's not safe even for family to be alone with the mental."

Darn fumed, his cheeks turning pink as he ducked his head. "Mental, mental," he repeated in an unstable voice. The guard didn't pay him any attention. "We're all nuts like a Nutter Butter!" He giggled, putting on a show for the guard. If he didn't call himself sane and acted resigned, they would think him safe to be around.

"Don't worry, they already gave me my meds." Daryn smiled loopily, as if he were minutes away from passing out.

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