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How much do you love Raeney?

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(What kind of shirt is Raeney wearing?? I forgot and i am NOT hunting for his description that's over 20 pages back XD)

(T-shirt bleached to a light pastel pink, white tux jacket, bleached blue jeans that are now a light silvery gray, a red bow tie, and white dress shoes. He's taken off his tux jacket by now, and he's handing her the T-shirt. I'm guessing he left the tux jacket and bow tie in his room.)
Audrey was about to say something, but quickly shut her mouth as the girl approached Hayden. She silently tapped him on the shoulder, telling him that she was going to order before she went up to the front counter. ~She was really pretty..~ She thought as her eyes scanned across the drink menu. "Can I get two iced coffees please? With some caramel macchiato creamer if you've got any." She said in a polite tone as she handed the cashier a 20.

"I can hang it up myself, I'm not five." She said, her face slightly flushing as she quickly snatched up her jacket and hung it up on the coat rack by the door. ~I wish he'd just stop trying to be so nice... We're only going to know each other for a few days. So it's not like he has to leave a good impression or anything since we're never going to see each other again.~ She thought, glancing back at him in slight annoyance.

(Thank you XD) ~This shirt looks like it already belongs to a girl...~ She thought as she looked at the light pink shirt that lay on the floor beside the one she had been wearing moments ago. "Thanks.." She said in a sarcastic tone before she picked up the shirt from off the floor, holding it to her chest for a moment as she breathed in the faint cologne smell that was on it. "It smells like you..." She whispered to herself softly, her face turning a deep red as she had realized she had said that out loud. She just prayed to god that he hadn't heard her as she quickly slipped on the shirt, it just barely covering the black boy short style underwear she was wearing. Even though they were soaked, there was no way she was going to take them off. She'd just be asking for trouble by doing that. Though she was asking for it anyway by putting on Raeney's shirt.

Marilyn stood still for a while, waiting until her uncle's shadow faded from around the corner before she quickly retraced her steps, looking for the cell the boy had been in. Once she found the one he was located in, she stood on her toes once more and peered into the plain white room, her eyes going straight to the boy's bright green hair as she stared at him. "Nice hair." She said bluntly, her hands reaching up and laying flat on the door as a way for her to keep her balance while standing on her toes for so long. "I've never seen anyone in here have hair like that. I thought they would've dyed it back by now. Just as another way to fuck with you."
"Alright. Take a seat and we'll get it to you in a moment," the cashier replied, taking the twenty and handing Audrey some change, and Meghan went to the back of the kitchen and began making the beverages. Hayden led Audrey to his favorite booth, sitting down on one side. He wouldn't even order if he heard voices coming from it's direction.

Jacob's smile fell and he seemed a bit hurt, but he nodded and left her in the room, heading to where Tori was just about to put whipped cream in the last of the mugs. "No!" Jacob shouted, startling Tori and making her jump. She accidentally sprayed the Rediwhip all over the front of Jacob's face and shirt, making herself laugh. "Ah, jeez... I was just going to tell you that Myra doesn't like cream..." He then lifted his shirt to his mouth and licked the whipped cream off. "Well, now I have to change." He flipped off Tori, who was still giggling to herself, and crossed the living room again before he jogged up the stairs to one of the guest bedrooms, where he was staying.

Tori headed out into the living room with four mugs and set the only plain one down next to Myra, on the small end table. "No cream, just as you ordered."

"Come out now, love," Raeney crooned. "I can't wait to see you showing all that skin..." He chuckled to himself and moved over to the mirror, glancing at himself. While Katrina was still locked in the dressing room, Raeney lifted the hair he'd been keeping flat across his forehead. A wicked gash had split the synthetic skin just above his eyebrow, baring wires overlapping over bone. Raeney and his people were freaks of nature, both robotic and yet also organisms, but they weren't cyborgs. They weren't alive, and yet they were. Raeney was even puzzled trying to figure himself out.

He dropped the bleached blond strands back over his wound to cover it, bitterly thinking about how Reuben had had the nerve to do such a thing to Raeney's beautiful face. Then he pasted a smile back on and turned around to wait for Katrina to finish up.

Daryn looked up and blinked at the girl with wide eyes, tongue still tingling faintly with the dusty taste of his shattering mind. "Once a month a man comes in to clean us up: trim our hair, shave our faces--if you've got a beard growing in... I asked them to dye my hair last time... There's so much white in here that it can drive a man crazy." Daryn shot to his feet and quickly approached the door, taking the bars in his hands. "That's why they locked me in here--they think I'm crazy. I'm not, I swear." He sounded as if about to burst into tears. "At least I wasn't..." His expression was panicked, and he ducked back into his room, stopping in the center of it with his back to the door, hands in his hair, and his head bowed.

(We can do the rps in intervals of 2 again... but also I have another RP I'd like us to continue. So we could do 2 & 3 shifts, if you're willing... PLLEEEEEEASE XD)
(We can RP 5 at once, where we're switching them like we used to. I'll do 2 and you do 3 responses, and then switch to 3 for me and 2 for you.)
(What's the idea first. And then i'll see if i'm up to the 5 rp thing)
Myra glanced up at Tori and gave a smile, reaching over and carefully taking the mug full of hot cocoa. "Thank you." She said politely before she took a small sip, her whole body jumping a bit as it was still extremely hot. "I like the decoration you gave to his shirt." She said with a sly smile as she laughed a bit to herself, having seen the mess of whipped cream on Jacob's shirt.

"Is that your giiiiirlfriend?" Audrey teased as she sat across from Hayden, a mischievous grin on her face as she placed her hands in her lap. "Even though you couldn't see her, she was real pretty. And I think she's got the hots for youuuu!"

Katrina gritted her teeth in complete and utter embarrassment as she stepped out, both her hands tugging at the front and back of the shirt in hopes of pulling it down more to where it covered more of herself. "Don't you dare say a word." She muttered, her left hand letting go of the back of the shirt to where she could cross it over her chest, not wanting him to notice that she wasn't wearing a bra as that item of clothing had been the most wet and she had left it to hang dry on the doorknob. She avoided Raeney's gaze, absolutely hating the predicament she was in, a dark blush spreading across the entirety of her face.

"If you're not crazy, why did they put you in here?" she asked, dropping down flat footed for a second to give her toes a break before she stood on them once more. "I mean, you don't look crazy. Except for the whole talking to yourself and screaming like a banshee. But you've got to be crazy to be locked up in a place like this."
(Uuuuughhh i don't like that one thoughhh... I mean, i like holly and samuel. and i have no clue why i wanted holly and angel to hook up. but the whole, happy girl always annoying mean guy thing is adorable XD I just dont like the rp.. idk... we could like timeskip or something? i have no clue. but holly and samuel are cute. that's all the good i have to say about that rp)
(It seems like you've changed so much this year... :b7: I loved that RP! What's wrong with robots?)
(It's good... I mean i really like holly and samuel. but i just hate how it's written, and that's just me hating my crappy writing style back then XD But i'll continue it i guess. for holly and samuel)
(:D Thank youuuuuuu! And just because you hate your writing style doesn't mean you should abandon a story! XD Now I kinda want to post a 6th grade thing I wrote just so we can reflect on how cringy I was. Would you like that? :P And I am kinda open to a thing where maybe Holly was split between Angel and Samuel, or maybe she likes Ashley too. Idk. You can make up your mind because I literally suck at anything but writing XD)
Tori flipped her hair dramatically. "I'm quite the fashionista, in case you haven't noticed! It's my pleasure to aid the fashionably impaired," she replied jokingly, making fun of her knee-high fluffy socks with Santa Claus on them and her thermal underwear. She sipped at her cocoa before reflecting back on her words and beginning to giggle. "So, Myra... Sup with you?"

Hayden tried his best to look appalled and horrified, but he actually flushes pink and appears bashful. "No, I'm not in a relationship right now. Meghan of all people would get why I'm hesitant to even date within the next ten years." He suddenly seemed like someone with PTSD, his hands trembling as they rested on the tabletop. Meghan brought over their drinks and flashed a friendly smile at Audrey before getting back to the kitchen.

"Word," he said just to be difficult, and then he grinned stepped close to her. "Oh, don't be shy! I'll gladly embrace all of you, love." (Could we have one of the other R boys show up? You can take your pick ;))

"They don't get it, no one gets it..." Daryn spun around and glared at the girl. "You all point fingers at me because you don't see what I see! I know more than any of you, but just because you're free doesn't mean it's right to make fun of the less lucky!!" Daryn tipped his chin down, appearing more crazy than he had in this entire conversation. "I know for myself that I don't belong in here, but no one believes what they can't see because the human mind is smaller than we like to think it is."
(It's gonna be sammy boi XD I can already feel it. and sure, that'd be funny to read)
(Alright. We can have a little bit of confusion on Holly's part tho because why not. It was your turn to reply on it, so just reply to 3 rps and then post so I can reply. As for now, I'll dig into the deep, dark past of my google drive XD)
(mk. And I want rae to walk in. Do you want me to say he walks in? or just wait and reply and then you make him walk in?)
"Nothing I guess... You?" She asked awkwardly, trying her best to keep up a conversation.

"I know I know. Cause the whole marriage thing. But that doesn't mean that she still can't have a crush on you." Myra pointed out before sipping at her coffee, a bright smile forming on her face. "Oh my god this is so gooooood..." She said, already drinking about half way into her coffee. "That's it. I'm never leaving this place."

Katrina stepped away from Raeney, keeping as much distance between them as possible. "Thanks but... No thanks..." She said, making sure to keep facing him so he wouldn't be able to catch a glimpse of anything showing from the behind. "I think I'll just... Go back to my room now." She said, backing up towards the door until she felt her back press into something warm. She gasped and quickly whipped around to stare at the chest of Rae. "S-Sorry!" She squeaked, her blush worsening.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Crazy Pants..." Marilyn said, grunting as she reached up and stuck her hand out from in between the bars. "Since you're 'not crazy', let's introduce ourselves like non psychotic people would. I'm Marilyn. And you are?"

(oh my god that's so bad!! XDD I can't believe that came from my amazing sparky!! and idk how to reply to the other one since we haven't done it in so long...)
"Wow. Really good at conversation, you are," Tori said before breaking into laughter again. That's when Jacob and Zach came down from upstairs.

"It's coming down really hard out there," Zach said, while Jacob said, "We should probably go to bed. It's getting late, and we should conserve our firewood." They glanced at each other with goofy expressions on their faces. "Mr. Survival Guy, why don't you take a break," Zach suggested, and Jacob snorted, rolling his eyes.

"I'm only doing what a sane person would do." Jacob grinned mischievously before sticking out his arms super awkwardly, locking his elbows. "Wanna be bed buddies? Conserve body heat?" Jacob winked three times dramatically, and Tori threw a couch cushion at him.

"Get a room!" she exclaimed.

Hayden managed a weak smile. "No, that's not why..." he whispered, and then he started drinking some of his coffee and immediately brightened. "See? I told you. Nothing like a little community coffee joint with a stupid name!" (Eh, maybe we should drop this one. I'm not very interested. Back to 4 XD)

Rae raised both eyebrows, glancing between his shirtless brother and the soaking human. "Did I interrupt something?" Raeney scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Of course you did. Like always, you're getting in the way of what I want." Then Raeney smirked. "But now that you're here, you can join us." His feline-like eyes traversed the length of Katrina's body. "Double the pleasure, right, love? Some people would kill to have twins to themselves..."

Daryn continued to glare but shook Marilyn's hand. "I am Daryn Garth London, and I am still not crazy." (I love imagining him with the accent. It's golden XD) "Now, Marilyn, why are you here at Goodheart Asylum making friends with the mentally unstable?" He dropped his hand and pushed some lime green hair out of his eyes.

(Just have Holly go back to Sam and Angel. There's literally nothing else to do XD She should begrudgingly go back because she owes Samuel for saving her life. || And thanks, I think XD I'm pretty sure that I got much better at writing spontaneously from 7th to 8th grade. I only got google drive in 6th grade, so to find older stories, I have to search for them, which I will do and take pictures of to post here.)
(Omg XD I used the word 'spigot' and gave it a fake meaning because in 5th grade I didn't know what it meant XDD And I tried to turn in the story saying 'sleep with' because I didn't know it meant 'have sex with' if taken out of context... No wonder my teacher made me rewrite it XD But I'll post some pics comparing my 6th grade handwriting to now: 14955023787661968810497.jpg 14955023472051447728622.jpg )
(Pfft... you're cursive is so pretty... The only thing i can write in cursive is my name and then 'hello' XD) Myra couldn't help but laugh at the two boys as they continued to joke with each other. But she covered her mouth in hopes of quieting herself. She had always hated her laugh as it was always deemed disrespectful and disruptive with her family back home. So she would always keep herself from laughing as much as possible as she got older. "I could just sleep on the couch if that would make things a little easier for everyone." She suggested, clearing her throat as a small smile still stayed on her face.

Katrina tried to explain to Rae what was going on before she turned bright red and glared at Raeney. "S-Shut up! And stop looking at me like that!" She shouted, ducking behind Rae and using him as a shield from his brother. "Nothing was going on. I slipped and fell into the shower and got my clothes wet. Raeney just gave me his shirt to wear. And now he's being a complete pervert!" She added, peeking out from behind Rae and still glaring at Raeney, her eyes more sly looking than angry.

(And okay. Bye bye Hayden XD)

"You're a strange one, Daryn Garth London. You say you're not crazy one minute, but the next you deem yourself as mentally unstable." Marilyn said, grinning at him cheekily through the bars as she pulled her hand back down to her side. "Anyway, I was here to visit my aunt. But as you can tell from all her screeching, it didn't go very well. She's so calm and collected sometimes... But she can change into wanting to slice your throat within seconds." She explained before she suddenly pulled away from the door, hearing her uncle call for her from down the hallway. "I have to go." She said, going back to the door and standing back on her toes. "Are you allowed to see visitors?" She asked in a demanding tone, trying to be quick as her uncle waited on her.

Holly gritted her teeth, not wanting to turn back, but she knew she owed it to Samuel. "This is so stupid.." She muttered as she went back to them silently, her head down. (Now lets just timeskip a few weeks so we can forget all of this crappy stuff and just kinda start over but not really XD they can be hiding out in a house somewhere with all of them together and stuff)

(Thank you XD I learned how to write cursive in 3rd grade on my own and never really did anything with it until late 8th grade. I literally walked into 9th grade like LET'S WRITE IN CURSIVE FROM NOW ON XD So now I'm looking at all of my old stuff... And I have a folder of art I did over the years... And in 5th grade I drew a freaking dolphin with eyeliner and lipstick... Comparisons of my art: 5th grade person - 20170522_202651.jpg 9th grade person - 20170513_210545.jpg 6th grade outline - 20170522_202640.jpg 9th grade outline - 20170522_202626.jpg )

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