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Fandom A RP

How much do you love Raeney?

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(But I want boy to love girl! UUUGH THIS IS SO CONFUSING OH MY LORD)
(It's just the start of the story. Every time it says Daryn or Brianna or Marilyn in bolded italics, it's switching to the stated character's point of view. It's easier to read when you know that. I'm thinking that the human girl falls in love with the boy first, but he's in love with the ghost. When the girl helps the boy to escape, they hide in a motel or something, and Daryn's next important thing is to help the ghost, because the longer she's on earth as a bodiless spirit, the more she loses herself. Daryn wants to help the ghost recall how she died, because she wants to know, and when they get justice for her murder--yes, murder--and patch things up with the ghost's family, ghost gets to leave earth. By then, Daryn's kinda over the ghost and falls in love with girl. They get married. Hayden's their youngest grandkid.)
(Also, the main reason the human girl wants to get Daryn out of the asylum is because he's spent 3 years in pure white, boring surroundings by himself with nothing to preoccupy himself. He's been slowly going crazy. That's why his thoughts and stuff in his chapters are hectic.)
(Mk. So she's like a creative little flower child that loves everything about the world and hates that he can't experience any of it?)
(XD Uhhhh, no. If you actually read her dialogue in that long-ass post of mine, she's pretty average, except for some attitude. The charrie profiles are in the post at the top. She helps Daryn escape because he's literally GOING INSANE in the asylum, since he was normal beforehand. He'll end up begging her to help him, he's that desperate. His room is basically a small white-walled room with white tile and a white bed with a white frame and white sheets and a white pillow and white blanket, and the adjoining bathroom is also white-walled and white-floored, along with having a white toilet, white shower (without a tub so that they can't drown), white sink, and a stretchy white towel. This asylum is super paranoid about people committing suicide, so the towels are made of stretchy material, as are the patients' white pants and shirts. They wear slippers without shoelaces and all that stuff is stretchy so people can't hang themselves, and then there are no mirrors and there is a nurse that goes around in the mornings chaperoning people as they brush their teeth, just so that they can't make razors or anything and kill themselves by bleeding out.

We'll start the RP where your charrie is visiting her aunt with her uncle in a visiting room with watching guards. Also, could you please continue the other 3 rps?)
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"Marilyn, dear, you've finally come to see your old auntie!" Marilyn's Aunt Lisle grinned wide at the teenage girl. "Look how big you've gotten, and pretty, too!" Lisle reached to pinch her niece's cheek, but the guards grabbed her arm and pushed it back down. "Oh, you damn hulks! Can't a woman show her family some affection?!" Lisle practically screeched, face turning red. Her eyes went wild for a moment before she saw her husband, and then she started bawling.
(I dont remember the last thing that happened between Katrina and Raelyn... XD)
"Well then you get to lead me around like one." She snapped, hating that she needed help from a guy like him, but she hadn't had any time to tour the island since she had arrived here and she only knew the way to school from her house. So everything around her was completely unfamiliar.

Myra glanced from the floor to the door, her heart rate gradually beginning to slow as everything was silent; but there was still no way she was getting back on the floor. She carefully shifted her body closer to the door to where she could reach over and unlock it while still being on the counter. "I don't know what it is! It sounded like some kind of animal. Just... Help me get down from here!"

Katrina scoffed. "I at least know that you don't give a damn about me. I'm just the new shiny toy on the shelf that you'll play with until you're bored of me and just throw me away like every other girl you've ever slept with." She said, shoving past him and getting the sleeve of his shirt wet. She went to the other side of the bathroom, searching angrily for a towel that was nowhere in sight. "Can you please get me a towel? Or at the very least a change of clothes?" She demanded, her voice sounding more hurt than angry as she faced with her back towards him, her arms crossed as she shivered.

Marilyn sat there silently, her eyes going from her aunt to her uncle as the guards tried to calm down the hysterical woman. "I'll just go get us some drinks." She said, putting a hand on her uncle's shoulder before she quickly got up and ducked out of the room, not wanting to be a part of whatever emotional reunion was about to go down in there.

Hayden took a moment to respond, pressing his lips together before speaking. "Alright..." He gave in with a sigh. "Since we're kind of in this together, I guess I'll be your tour guide. If we're where I think we are, there should be a small coffee shop to the right. It's not difficult to spot out."

Jacob turned the doorknob and stepped into the bathroom. The skittering noise Myra had heard didn't sound again, and Jacob glanced around. "Don't see anything weird," he thought out loud. Then he glanced over to Myra and had to stifle a laugh as he saw her perched on the counter like a bird. He met her eyes as he placed his hands on her waist and helped her down, checking for signs that she wasn't okay with him touching her.

"Oh, calm down, love. You should know what to expect just by looking at me." Raeney stepped out of the shower stall and moved in front of her, walking backwards with his arms spread. "I'm an open book." He winked and spun around, opening the supplies closet to retrieve a towel. Raeney approached Katrina again, a sly smile on his face. He stood only an inch away from her, looking down into her face. "Don't be so touchy." He pressed the towel to her chest before leaning down and kissing her forehead chastely.

One of the guards held out a hand to Marilyn, telling her to stop. "Don't agitate patients by leaving. She wants to see you, so I'll get the drinks," he said in a low voice, being sure that no one could overhear them. He walked out of the room.

"Dave, my sweet! I missed you!" Lisle sounded so heartbroken as she clutched her hands to her heart, fingers knotted together. She sobbed with a smile on her face, as if she had actually missed her husband, and then her facial expression warped into something evil. Lisle bared her teeth like an animal and launched herself at Marilyn's uncle, only to be caught and held back by the remaining guard. "You terrible man! Awful, awful, awful!! I wish I could have killed--" she broke off, suddenly appearing confused as the guard set her back on her feet. "Who did I want to kill?" Lisle lay the back of her hand across her forehead. "Myself? Yeah, that sounds about right..."

"She's not in a good mental state," the only guard said. "You should leave." Lisle spun around in newly born fury and pounded his chest with her fists.

"I'm perfectly fine! You don't know what you're talking about, you-- you brainless hunk of... macho man..." Lisle pressed up against the guard seductively, smiling up at him, and he held her back by an arms-length. He gave Marilyn and her uncle a pointed look.
Audrey still held onto Hayden as she glanced towards her right, her eyes narrowing as she tried to peer through the people to see if she could spot the coffee shop. "I think... I see it...?" She said, tugging him forwards as she started weaving through the crowded sidewalk. "What's the name of it?" She asked, turning back at him for a moment as she walked.

Myra glared at him lightly as he laughed at her, but her anger was short lived as he suddenly had his hands on her waist. Her whole body went stiff as she was ready to slap the living hell out of him, but she calmed herself quickly as she realized she had been the one that asked him to get her down. So she couldn't slap him for that, sadly. "Thank you." She said, stepping away from him as soon as he set her down. She looked at him for a long moment before she looked back down towards the floorboards. "There's something under there. I heard it scratching against the wood. Like it was... Trying to escape."

Katrina's blush flared up once more and she punched Raeney in the chest before quickly stepping away from him. "I-It's kind of hard not to be 'touchy' when someone's playing with your heart every five seconds!" She retorted, ducking into the changing area of the bathroom. "I have to change. Just... Go mess with someone else."

Marilyn gritted her teeth. ~I was trying to leave in the first place..~ she thought angrily before she smacked her Aunt lightly on the back of the head like she always would before she went bonkers. "Play nice." She ordered before she left the room. She sighed as she stood in the hallway alone, her eyes dull. She hated that her aunt was locked up in here, but she knew that this is where she needed to be. "That doesn't mean that I have to like it..." she murmured to herself.
"The Fruit of Celys. It's a stupid name, but they've got some really good coffee," Hayden replied. "There's a little wooden sign hanging above the door with a coffee cup on it." He started walking off to where he thought it would be. "There's some ornate metal tables outside, too. Like, antiques."

Jacob cast a quick glance down at the floor before looking back up at her, one eyebrow raised. "There's probably mice in the basement. No biggie." He held out a hand for her to take, attempting to be charming. "Tori's making hot cocoa. You like whipped cream?"

"Playing with your heart?" Raeney spoke, leaning against the door of the changing area, propping his elbow beside his head against the door. (Ya know what i mean?) "So you admit that you have feelings for me?" He lay his hand flat on the door, palm-down.

"I-I''ll come visit again soon, dear," Uncle Dave said softly. He lifted a hand towards his wife in goodbye, and then the guard was ushering Aunt Lisle away. "I thought maybe she'd be a little better," Dave told his niece, sounding disappointed. "Sorry to have brought you here when she's not in the best mental health..."

Daryn, in his own room--cell--traced a finger over his pillow. He was lying on his stomach in his boring white bed, with nothing but half-formed thoughts knocking around in his brain. "Cherry hates me, Brianna hates me, and that girl thinks I'm crazy," he muttered. His eyes closed and a tear came unbidden. Darn was lying on his side, studying the many threads of his pillowcase, and so the tear made it's way over his temple and dampened a small bit of his green hair. "I wish they'd just leave me a toothbrush this once, so I could end this torment..." (aka shank himself)
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"Okayyyy... Yes! I see it!" She said before she tugged him once more, trying to get in front of the large crowd before jogging across the street to where the entrance of the coffee shop was. "What do you recommend, good sir?" She asked in a sophisticated accent before she let go of his hand.

(Yeah I know whatcha mean XD) "I never said that!" She tried, her voice panicked sounding as she tossed the towel at the door, it making a small thumping sound as it hit the floor. "Get me some clothes to change into! O-Or better yet just go away!" She shouted as she took of her still damp clothes.

"I'm lactose intolerant, thanks." Myra said flatly, glancing at his hand in suspicion before sliding past him. She obviously wasn't lactose intolerant, but there was no way she was going to give into him trying to charm her with his caring personality. She sighed as she took off her heavy layered jacket, a tight fitting low collared turtle neck underneath it. She went back over to the couch where she had been sitting and set down her jacket carefully, not wanting to just set it on the floor.

"Yeah well... People who get sent here don't get better." She said in a monotone voice, avoiding his gaze as she said it. "Can you just go bring the car around? I'll wait in here for you." (aka so she can go look at the crazy stud muffin XD)

"I'm kind of indecisive, and everything's good here," Hayden responded. "Choose something and I'll have it too. Not like I can read the menu, anyway." Hayden pulled his hand out of Audrey's grip. A barista saw Hayden and smiled.

"Hayden Ruiz! It's been a while! A week? Where ya been?" The girl was obviously extroverted, and more than a little interested in the youngest Ruiz boy.

"A week isn't a long time, Meghan," Hayden said, rolling his eyes, but his tone was friendly, lighthearted.

"I don't have clothes you can borrow, but I'll share mine with you," Raeney said, more than a little interested in how this would turn out. Katrina was getting undressed, and she wasn't hiding her attraction to him well at all. Raeney tugged off his own shirt and dropped it over the door. There was something that males enjoyed about seeing their women in an oversized T-shirt. Raeney wasn't human, but neither was he immune to all of the things that humans got to feel.

Myra's actions didn't deter Jacob, however. He was the perfect gentleman, sportsmanly dropping his hand and following her into the living room. "I'll go let Tori know you don't want Rediwhip," he said, but then he looked pointedly at her jacket. "Would you also like me to hang up your coat? I'm trying to be a good host, even if this isn't my house." Jacob smiled at her, completely unaffected by her cold attitude.

(Stud muffin?! XDD) Uncle Dave nodded, too heartbroken to say no to his favorite niece. He left her in the hallway--which was actually against the rules, considering she was a minor. A few rooms away, Daryn sat up abruptly as he heard Dave's footsteps passing the door. He sighed with relief and turned to press his back against the white wall, letting his legs partially hang over the edge of the mattress. "Thank whatever God there is out there that girl hasn't come back to stare at me again..."
I'm not some damn science project! he shouted in his head, and then he noticed another glittery piece of his materialized sanity lying on his blanket. Daryn quickly lifted the weightless fragment and placed it on his tongue, allowing it time to melt away.
(How rude! XD I also have another RP I want us to do, just btw... X3 You up to the challenge?? CUZ I SURE AM!!! XD)

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