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This is basically what my girl wears al the time. Minus the stupid had and enough girl hair XD she just wears boyish clothes because she doesn't want to be sought out by anyone because she doesn't do the whole love thing thanks to an experience with a previous "husband" from the town who wasn't happy enough with her looks and left her. And now she's so self conscious and stuff and bleh bleh bleh XD
"You're just saying that so you don't have to take me home RAPIST!" She shouted, pressing her back into the seat and kicking out her legs, landing a few good kicks on the back of his shoulder blade and head. "I would rather freeze than be murdered by you! Now let me outta here!" She yelled, continuing to kick the back of his seat as hard as she could.
(Wait wait wait... She had a husband?? It's not common to marry young! XD Hayden just did it because he wanted to get his sight back as soon as possible. Now he's divorced, blind AND broke!) "Jesus Christ! Stop, or you'll send us off the edge!" Zach cringed away from the girl, pressing himself against his door. "I'm really telling the truth! We're going somewhere with other people, and a rapist wouldn't bring you where anyone else was, right?"
"A rapist could just easily tell his hostage that they're going somewhere where people were just to get the hostage to consent!" She retorted before she countinued to bang on the window. "HELP ME SOMEONE!"
(XD So, engaged.) "My God..." Zach picked up his phone and handed it to the girl. "Now, since I know you're not thinking very clearly, I feel the need to ask that you don't smash my phone. Just call someone, if you really think I like all that untrustworthy, and they'll tell you that it's not safe to be out."

Hayden sat in his first hour, silent. It was the anniversary of his oldest brother's death, and today his family would be visiting old Grandpa Ruiz, also known as Daryn London, the Brit that was thought to be insane for his trait of being able to see and communicate with ghosts. Daryn had fled to Celys Isle with what was now his wife: Marilyn Grey. Hayden's brother, Oscar, now hung around their grandfather's house, because staying with someone who could see you was likely one of the best ways to ward off the insanity that ghosts faced the longer they'd been dead.
Myra looked at the phone, really considering on whether or not she would smash it, but she pushed away the thought as she tossed the phone back at him, it hitting the hand that was holding the steering wheel. "I don't have anyone to call." She muttered, pulling her legs up to her chest as she pushed herself as far as she could into the seat, her eyes full of suspicion. "If you turn out to be a rapist I'll..." she trailed off, speaking in her first language again as she watched him carefully, not wanting to take her eyes off of him in fear that he might try to do something.

(What was the girl's name again?)
(Audrey Patel)

Zach made a soft yelping sound as he almost steered them off of the path and into a 50 meter drop. "I know that you have no reason to trust me, but I don't think I've got the makings for a rapist." He kept silent for a few minutes, and then a building came into view. It was a large log cabin, huge, actually. There was a snow-covered well out in front, surrounded by a circular gravel driveway. Smoke billowed from the chimney. "In case you haven't noticed, there are other cars here." Zach pulled into the driveway and a girl wrapped in a thick wool blanket opened the front door.

"You took forever! Hurry up, Zach!" she shouted, and Zachary went around back, attempting to help the girl Wilson had kidnapped out of the car.
(Is Audrey in school with Hayden? Sorry for asking so many questions. I just don't wanna mess this up for your book XD)

Myra swatted away Zach's hands before she slipped out of the car and ran to the girl at the door, standing behind her, almost as if she were a shield. "H-He kidnapped me!" She stammered through chattering teeth, glaring at Zach from over the girl's shoulder.
(She's a transfer student from Britain. There's honestly only a few things I figured out for it, so do what you normally do. Just make her tough XD You tend go make your characters kinda wussy, even when I'm their desc it says the opposite. She's headstrong and wouldn't be the kind of person to get embarrassed. She just brushes it off.)

Tori raised an eyebrow and fisted her hands, placing them on her hips. "Zach? You kidnapping girls again?" she teased. Then she turned to the new girl. "Why do you say he kidnapped you?"
"This isn't some joke!" Myra snapped, pulling away from the girl as she saw that she wasn't going to be much help. "One minute I was in the convenience store, and then the next, I woke up inside of his car!" She explained, pointing a spiteful finger at Zach before she looked back to the girl. "He KIDNAPPED me." She repeated, frustrated that no one was taking her seriously even though she had every right to be distressed.

As the last bell for the first hour rang, a girl ducked inside the room, only being seen by the few girls scattered across it as she slid slowly into her seat at the very back of the room, her movements tense and cautious as she glanced around the room for a teacher that thankfully had been just a few steps behind her. And just when she thought the coast was clear, the teacher walked in, clearing her throat. "Ms. Patel, late on the first day. Now I know what to expect for the rest of the year." The woman said as she set her supplies down, the girls around her snickering as they could all easily tease the new girl as she was fresh meat.
"I didn't kidnap you!" Zach exclaimed exasperatedly, lifting his hands palm-up in front of him almost as if pleading. "I really don't know how you got in my car!" Tori glanced between them before her gaze settled on the other girl again.

"My cousin here isn't the type to kidnap. He does have short term memory loss, though, so I can't say he didn't at one time know why you were in his car."

The guys, on the other hand, stayed quiet, all wondering what the new girl looked like. Not one of them had seen the face of another person in as little as 3 years. For one, Hayden Ruiz was dying to be able to see again. By now the others had gotten used to their dark world, but Hayden had gotten a brief taste of heaven recently, and then he was faced by the devil and cast back down. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Myra covered her face as she tried to remember why she had been in the boy's car. But the only thing she could see was herself at the counter before everything went black... "I just... I can't stay here. I can't. I have to get to my pare- grandparents house." She said, looking up and the girl and then to the boy whose name was apparently Zach. "Is there anyway you could take me there?" She asked, her voice pleading and her eyes full of desperation. And as if the heavens themself had answered her question, more snow started falling to the ground, much more quickly than before, the ground being covered in a fresh blanket of white snow.

While the rest of the girls in the room began whispering and gossiping among themselves, the teacher slammed a ruler down on the desk, causing the whole room to go silent. "Me. Patel, please stand in front of the class and introduce yourself. And give a description of yourself as well for your fellow male classmates." The teacher said before sitting down. The girl sighed and stood up, going to the front of the room quickly so she could get this over with quickly. "My name is Audrey Patel. I'm a transfer student from Britain and I moved down here because my father thought it would be a great idea to take a job down here." The girl, who was now known as Audrey said, her arms crossing casually as the teacher cleared her throat. "And how what you look like." The woman said before beckoning Audrey to continue. "Ah... I have... brown hair? And... kinda pale skin.. my eyes are grey I guess. But sometimes they kinda turn blue?" She said awkwardly, looking at the teacher in confusion before she went back to her seat.
Tori glanced up at the coming flurries and frowned pityingly. "It's not safe to go anywhere now. Zach's car can barely make it up without too much snow, and you'd be just as likely to go free-falling off the side of the mountain as to get safely to your grandparents' house."

"And the other cars are all for Tori's 'rents," Zach added before ducking back into his car and picking up his jacket, which for some reason was on the floor in the back. He shivered, snow clinging to his dirty blond hair as he pulled the coat on and locked the doors of the vehicle.

The more sexually active of the class's guys made whistling noises. "Sound like a cutie," one commented, and a lesbian sitting next to him whispered her agreement to the boy. "Plenty of us here experienced Celys guys willing to show you a few things," another dude said.
Myra sighed in defeat, her body beginning to tremble like Zach was. "So I'm guessing I'm stuck here till the snow stops?" She questioned, her once darker skin now turning a pale brown as her body got colder and colder.

Most girls would've blushed and fled the room at such comments, but Audrey had experienced much worse back in Britain. "No thanks. I don't need any lessons from
amateurs." She said flatly, all the girls in the room giving her death stares as all of them were practically already "in love" with most of the boys in the room. "But maybe I could show you a few things later." She added, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat as the teacher demanded that everyone be quiet.
"Yeah," Tori said softly. Then she gripped the girl's shoulders and started her towards the door. "Get inside; you're looking faint. Besides, it's freezing out here." Zach followed them in, shoulders hunched against the cold. That's when Jacob came around the corner and saw this strange young woman.

"Hey. I'm Jacob," he greeted her before his smile fell as he saw her expression. "You okay?"

"Sounds like a challenge," the nearest guy said to Audrey. And one I'm definitely up to." Hayden squeezed his eyes shut, even though he couldn't see with them open.

"Shut up, Adam," Hayden snapped, and every other student immediately stopped talking. Hayden never spoke in class, even when called on to answer questions. The teacher stopped trying to get him to talk after a while, but here he was. Defending the new girl.

"Why should I listen to you, freak? Your grandpa thinks he can talk to your dead brother, so you're probably insane like the old man. Keep your mouth shut like the coward you really are, and we won't have problems." Hayden's lips thinned and his face blanched with anger except for the small bit of pink on his cheeks showing his struggle to keep his words in. But he didn't say anything else.
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Audrey gritted her teeth, hating the fact that she needed someone to stand up for her, but also hating that he was getting yelled at for doing so. She quickly stood up, her chair falling backwards behind her before she reached over and grabbed the boy's collar, yanking him upwards a bit. "Shut your fucking mouth before I sew it shut so you won't only be able to not see, but you won't be able to talk either. You got that, you piece of shit?" She snarled, staring into the boy's blank eyes before letting him go, her legs kicking his chair out from under him. "And don't you dare talk about someone's dead family memeber, asshole." She muttered before the teacher was suddenly beside her. "Young lady!" The teacher shouted before slapping Audrey hard across the face. "Don't you ever speak that way to a man!" The woman screeched before grabbing her arm roughly. "Principals office. NOW." She yelled before shoving Audrey towards the door. Any other girl would've cried and begged for forgiveness. Then again... any other girl would've never said that in the first place. "Can't even hit that hard..." Audrey whispered under her breath before leaving the room in complete and utter silence, everyone too afraid to move a muscle.

"Cold." Myra responded, not looking up at the boy. "Just cold." She murmured, going to the couch and awkwardly sitting down, not knowing what to do in a situation such as this.
(I realized that they're freshmen in college, so you kind of have to change the age of your girl.) Students began to whisper, guys asking what happened, girls gossiping about Hayden's family, which had always been a topic of interest since Oscar's death 8 years ago, when Hayden was 11. He couldn't bring himself to go to school for around 9 months, but then he went back, a fragile boy having lost his role model as a 6th grader.

" Hey, Adam, don't worry," Hayden heard a girl whisper, probably Adam's lesbian wingwoman, Hayden thought. Then the wingwoman helped him up, he knew, because shoes scuffed on the ground. Then people began throwing crumpled papers at Hayden. "Little bitch! Getting someone with sight to fight for you!" the males shouted, and the girls didn't even speak. They just joined in, giggling as they gained the favor of their crushes. Hayden crossed his arms on the table and lay his face down on them, giving in. He wouldn't be able to knock the paper balls out of the air, anyways.

"Well, we've got a fire going, so that should be fixed in no time," Jacob replied as Zach joined him on the twin sofa opposite of Myra. Tori sat in a leather recliner identical to the couches.

"So, what's your name?" Tori asked, kicking up her feet and then flicking the blanket so it settled over her fuzzy-sock-covered toes.
(I never made an age for her. You're the only one who made the ages XD)
(Oh! XD and sorry it didn't alert me that you responded... Do anyway they are 19 and freshmen in college.)
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"Myra..." she said reluctantly as she curled up on the couch, her body still shivering lightly but she was slowly starting to feel the heat of the fire soak into her body. "Myra Kahtrii." She quickly added, thinking she should involve her last name since it'd be rude not to.

The teacher said nothing as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. She let it go on for a while before she clapped her hands. "Quiet down everyone." She instructed, the whole room going silent within seconds. "Hayden, why don't you join your new friend in the office?" The woman suggested in a voice so sweet it was sickening. And though her voice was so gentle and kind, her eyes were burning into Hayden with a strong hate in them. "Now."
(It's my birthday! And we got a half day off of school because of a miniature hurricane.) "In case we didn't say each other's names enough, I'm Tori. The guy who brought you here is my cousin, Zach, and the other guy is Jacob." Jacob sighed exasperatedly.

"The other guy. Jacob's not important," Jacob said forlornly before grinning. "Nice name through, new girl. Myra. Fits you."

I didn't even do anything wrong... Hayden thought, but he nodded slowly and stood, carefully making his way out of the room, nearly tripping over someone's feet as they purposely attempted to trip him. He cautiously made his way to the office, hoping he was going the right way. Hayden extended his arm and found the door, opening it with a depressed look on his face.

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