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Fandom A RP

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(Well XD Oh, and would you like to continue that rp with Carson and Carter and Aviir? The demon you loved? XD) "Don't be so sensitive, love. Besides, you don't know what goes on in my mind. Therefore, you've no reason to worry that pretty little head of yours." Raeney smirked, watching as a flush spread across Katrina's face. She pretends that she doesn't want me around, but I can tell she does, he thought.
( Rosura Rosura Ok, so why aren't you answering? I see that you've been coming on and looking through threads, but you don't reply on here.)
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(Cause I've only been able to come on for a minute or so to look at things and I have no idea how to respond to short replies on the fly. And then I've been trying to remember who Aviir is and I can't)
(You could just let me know that you're not going to be on for an extended period of time... I feel like you're blowing me off when I see you go on and off without responding. I don't want to get angry at you for no reason, cause you're awesome XD But, anyways, here's an update on my life: I FINALLY GOT A PHONE. OMG XD It came from a bad situation, but now I've got one. Freaking Galaxy S8, too! Oh, and I'll post the rp with Aviir.)
(Well, the RP's actually 19 pages long, so I'll only post the beginning. If you still can't recall it, I'll post more.)

Carson || 17 || 5’11” || Straight platinum blond hair that is not covering his eyes, instead side-swept across his eyebrows like hot good boy || Hazel eyes with more brown than green and also dark brown, not light brown || Girlish eyelashes || Almost tan with freckles all over his cheekbones and nose || Wears button up shirts and V-necks, blue almost-baggy jeans, and expensive running shoes (He is in track and swimming) || Has glasses but wears contacts

Tyler || 17 || 5’8” || Wavy dirty blond hair that is spiked up with lots and lots of gel || Pale blue eyes that kind of look like glass || Redhead-amount of freckles. Like, EVERYWHERE || Wears turtlenecks, black almost-skinny jeans, and high tops (He’s in basketball even though he’s short and swimming)

This is a rich kid school in Florida, near Lake Okeechobee. Used to be an all boy's school but recently got converted into just an expensive private school. It has a pool, tennis court, huge track, electronic boards for teachers, and cushioned chairs for students along with couches. It also has good quality toilet paper and good-smelling bathrooms with nice products for after showering. But you can bring stuff for showering if you want. At the school there is soccer, basketball, football, and cheerleading as the rest of the sports

Carter Jones || 16 || 5'7" || Light blue wavy hair that she parts to the right side || Dark blue eyes that have a ring of light blue around the iris that stands out more depending on the lighting and stuff || Long eyelashes || Pretty normal skin with no freckles whatsoever except for under her eyes and along the bridge of her nose || Wears jock styled kind of jacket thing with hood on it. Like the sleeves are grey and the non sleeve part is black and the cuffs of it are black. Has grey tight fitting t-shirt on underneath that says, "I'm not antisocial i just dont like you." written in white letters. Skinny jeans with rips but has black tights underneath cause she 'cant show skin'. and she has black sneakers that guys would normally wear that have the 'hidden' heels in them

Carson sat in first hour biting at his thumb nail. It was a nervous habit of his. He could feel the demon writhing inside him, ready to force his consciousness away. /Leave me alone,/ he snapped at it, and the demon's laughter echoed in his head.

Carter muttered words of annoyance under her breath as she walked down the empty and silent hallway. Her dead beat father had forgotten to wake her up ONCE again and she was late yet again for school. She'd set an alarm clock if only her father wasn't such a cheapskate and would buy her one. She sighed as she went to her locker and got out her books for the first class of the hour before hurriedly ducking inside, trying to slip past the teacher. "Late again, Mrs. Jones?" The teacher called while facing the board. Carter sighed and stood straight once more, some of the preps laughing. "Yeah..Sorry Mr. Fredrick.." She tried, having known the man almost her whole life since he had always been friends with her father and had been trying to help them out. "Don't let it happen again." Was all the man said before Carter quickly took her seat that was behind and diagonal one row to Carson's.

Carson tapped his fingers on the back of his left hand then, able to feel that he'd bitten too far on his nail. It was bleeding; he could feel warmth dripping down his thumb, but he ignored it. Carson could feel the demon teasing him, pretending to take over for a moment before shrinking away. Every muscle was tensed, but a blond boy sitting in front of the late girl reached over and set a hand on Carson's shoulder. He immediately relaxed.

Carter tried her best to focus on her work, but her attention kept drifting back to the boy in front of her as he held onto another guy's shoulder. ~What's up with them?~ She thought to herself before she sighed and shook her head, trying to clear everything from it that wasn't work related. ~C'mon Carter! FOCUS. It's none of your business if they wanna have a relationship with each other!~ She told herself, thinking it was some sort of intimate relationship thing between the two boys.

Carson took a deep breath as the demon in him hissed and shrunk into a small ball, still present, but scarcely so. "Thank you," he mouthed to his friend. Tyler raised an eyebrow but nodded and took his hand back, turning his gaze to the front again. Carson glanced down at his thumb and rubbed it against his forefinger, wiping off most of the blood. He winced when the sensitive part began to sting fiercely.

Carter sighed and went to raise her hand, needing to ask a question about the assignment they had been given before a loud, almost ear shattering alarm started to go off. She jumped and looked around, her eyes wide as she dropped her pencil. "Everyone- this is not a drill! I repeat! This is NOT a drill! Students, get into your lockdown safety positions now! We have an intruder entering the building!" Someone said over the intercom before the teacher began yelling at the kids to get up and start moving. Carter only sat there, her eyes blank as everyone around her began screaming and rushing to get into the little cubby hole room so they could hide. "Move it!" Someone shouted before she was suddenly yanked out of her seat and shoved in a small corner that she herself could barely fit in.

The blond boy that Carson was so close to was yanked out of his seat by his arm and tugged into the cubby room. The boy stared back at Carson with wide eyes and tried to pull away but the false back panel that hid them in the cupboard was slid closed and locked him inside. Out of the other four people left out of the secret hiding spot, Carson still sat in his spot. A taller boy shoved him towards where the late girl was hidden, and Carson fell to his knees beside her. He winced at the pain in his kneecaps and tried to move as far from her as possible in the corner but it couldn't be done, and his whole side was pressed against hers. He stared down at his hands, which were trembling in his lap. Carson looked fragile yet strong at the same time, eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched. Then the door made a clattering sound. Something heavy was being thrown against the door, making it rattle on its hinges. At that point, Carson closed his eyes, though his expression did not change. The demon inside of him decided that that was the moment it could escape, for its host was distracted by hidden fear. Carson's body flared with sudden heat and his human conscious was sucked into the back of his head as the demon took over. /Havoc, stop!/ Carson screamed in his head but only tensed in real life. The demon shivered when it finally took all control from the human boy. It turned Carson's head to look at the girl beside him, expression changing completely. Aviir tilted his head the slightest bit, an almost-unnoticeable sly smirk on his face.

Carter yelped as the boy she had been watching earlier was suddenly shoved into the small space beside her. She blushed and squirmed slightly, trying to give him as much room as possible as she had never been so close to another boy before! Even if that boy was g@y. She flinched as she heard someone start to bang on the door, the wall her back was pressed against beginning to tremble lightly with how hard the person was hitting the door. ~That's it. We're dead. We're all gonna die here.~ She thought as she shut her eyes tightly and covered her ears, her forehead going onto her knees as she didn't even notice Carson's sudden change in expression. She was too busy hoping and praying that someone wasn't going to come in with a gun and kill them all without a second thought.

Aviir made his voice soft and low in a sensual kind of way. "It'll be okay, Doll... Don't be afraid." His fingertips grazed her upper arm, trailing from her shoulder to elbow softly. Carson forced his way back into control. His eyes widened when he realized what was going on. /Dammit, Havoc!/ he snarled inside his head, and Aviir gave a barking laugh as a response. Carson pulled his hand away and faced the opposite direction, murmuring an apology.

Carter flinched away from his touch, her eyes wide as she quickly sat up and stared at the boy, his cold and emotionless expression scaring her more than what was happening around them. And when his expression suddenly changed, she was left confused and frightened. ~What..Just happened?~ She thought as she hugged herself tightly, giving them maybe an extra centimeter of distance between them while rubbing her arm furiously, acting as if his touch was toxic.

Carson squeezed his eyes shut, focused on keeping the demon hidden within him. The person outside had moved on and there was more throwing against doors but somewhere else down the hall. After a moment, the sound stopped, and then there was a gunshot.

Carter jumped at the sound of the gunshot and shut her eyes tightly as well, her hand going up to her mouth as she cried out. She knew they had to keep quiet so she made sure muffle herself out. Her body shook terribly as she heard the screams of terror from students that ran down the hallway, more gunshots being heard. She turned her head away and buried her face into the boy's shoulder, unable to help is as she just needed to do something to calm herself down. Even if the boy sounded like a complete creeper only moments before. She didn't care. She just needed a shoulder. It didn't matter who it belonged to.

Carson didn't move except for turning his head to look at the girl. She must have been absolutely terrified to touch him after Havoc had had some time in his body. Carson didn't know if it was not right to comfort her, but he tried anyway. "It'll be okay," he said, unknowingly quoting Aviir, to the demon's amusement. Carson's words, however, were kinder and more comforting.

"How can you say that?" Carter demanded in a trembling whisper, tears filling her eyes. It took a lot to make this girl cry. She was normally tougher than titanium. But hearing the screams of her former classmates as they were shot to death was a pretty good reason to her to be able to cry. "Everyone's dying out there...Nothing'll ever be okay again.." She said, her shaking hands gripping the ends of his shirt tightly. Tight enough to where her knuckles turned white. But she didn't care. She just needed something, anything to hold onto.

Carson slowly, hesitantly, turned to face her, keeping his expression from becoming pitiful. This girl wouldn't like that, he knew, just from the way she held herself earlier this morning. Carson sometimes forgot that no one really know how bad it could be. He'd never really had an easy life. Havoc, his demon, came to him before he'd even made it into double-digits. Over time, as he grew stronger, so did Havoc, and so he'd never really gotten used to the demon's presence. Carson's eyes, though, asked if he could hug her, even though his expression seemed so impermeable to anything that could come to him in life. "/You/ will be okay. Those people out there, they don't have to suffer. Even if they don't... They wouldn't want to haunt your thoughts. Everything will be okay again."

"Like I care what happens to me! What about all those people out there? Huh? Are you really okay with just sitting here and letting them die?!" She demanded, sitting up and looking at him with anger in her eyes despite the tears that ran down her cheeks. "I've known these people ever since I was born! And I don't know about how /you/ feel about them, but I know that I never mattered to them! That still doesn't mean I'm okay with them dying!" She tried before she quickly turned away from him and wiped her eyes furiously as she hated for people to see her cry. She hadn't cried in years. So this was a VERY big deal to her. She flinched as she heard more gunshots, her ears ringing with how many she had heard so far. ~They're all dead...There's no more hope..~ She thought sadly as she buried her face into her knees once more.

Carson sighed. "You don't /know/ them for real," he muttered. Aviir suddenly pushed aside Carson's consciousness and took control of his body. The demon crept along his hands and knees to where the girl had sat down again. His voice had again changed its tone to that of how Aviir spoke, rather than Carson. Aviir brought his hand up and pushed her knees down softly until she looked at him. He was smiling, barely more than a smirk. Aviir wiped one of her tears away with his uninjured thumb. "Don't cry, Doll. I can't stand to see such a beauty sad." Aviir leaned forward and placed a kiss at the corner of her mouth softly, tipping her chin up with his fingertips. He then moved slightly to the left and kissed her, this time not so chastely.

Carter went to say some smart remark before she froze, her eyes wide as she watched him come closer to her. Her body stiffened completely when she felt his lips touch the corner of her mouth before she suddenly felt a warmth pressed against her lips. ~He's...He's kissing me..~ She thought, her eyes full of shock and confusion as she couldn't move. She was frozen. Like a deer in headlights. She blinked after a moment and sucked in a breath as she finally came to her senses. She shoved him away from her, her eyes still wide as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand. "Y-y-you just..." She tried, unable to hardly speak as she stared at him. ~My first kiss..~ She thought in horror and anger.

Aviir grinned, rocking back on his haunches. One of his hands was by the girl's. "Kissed you? Yes, I believe I did." Aviir ran his tongue over his bottom lip as if tasting her.

Carter blushed more as she heard him say it and she quickly turned her head away in disgust as she wiped her mouth furiously. But no matter how hard she tried to wipe off the feeling of his kiss, it just continued to linger on her lips. She sighed and touched her lips lightly, the kiss replaying in her mind over and over again before she quickly shut her eyes and shook her head, trying to get it out of her head. But she..She couldn't just FORGET her first kiss! It was her FIRST KISS! I mean c'mon! You can't forget that!! ~Of all people..It had to be with him..~ She thought as she now covered her eyes with the back of her hand, completely and utterly flustered. She didn't want to look at him and she didn't want him looking at her. That's why she covered her eyes.

Aviir shrunk away into Carson, and the boy cringed once he had control of his body. He could see occasionally what went on when he was concealed inside his body in Havoc let him, and this time the demon had. Carson pressed against the cold stone wall and squeezed his eyes shut. /You really act like a demon,/ he told Havoc, and Aviir cackled.

Carter moved her hands away from her eyes just the tiniest bit to where she could look at him, a dark blush on her face before she quickly turned away from him completely, her back now facing him, her eyes shut tightly as well as she tried to get him out of her head. But you can't just forget the person who had stolen your first kiss. It's practically IMPOSSIBLE.
(Yeah, that's a cool idea for a RP and all but they kissed in the first 5 minutes of it and idk what else could happen in that RP besides sexual teasing moments all the time, ya know? And I feel like we're both kinda loosing interest in all the rp's we're doing right now due to the short responses. I think I wanna try and salvage the fnaf RP, since we still need to see who wins Katrina's heart in the end, but with the others, there's not much left to happen and the responses just feel stagnant.)
(Well, it seems like you also don't remember we were killing off Carson and going to go along with how Aviir would survive and stuff, but nah, no story there -says sarcastically- :/ But as for the Vampy and Werewolf rps, I sadly have to agree. We could replace the 2 with the Aviir one and the remake Liam-Cassidy one. Also, sorry if I come off as moody. I'm nauseous, and I also think I'm PMSing.)
(Well there would be a story. But that's story would only consist of sexually teasing moments like I said. So I just seriously don't think there's much more we could do with that. Same with Cassidy and Liam as I just wanted to redo the RP because I didn't want to let them go because I wanted the story to continue. But there's no way to continue something that's already ended.)
(How would there be sexually teasing moments if the demon's host is dying? Typically you don't see a guy on his deathbed trying to get some, Aislin. And I'm feeling, honestly, like you're tired of me at this point. It's like you're rejecting everything, even though there's potential for half of the things you're rejecting! I wanted to redo Cassidy and Liam's rp because it was written like garbage the first time. At least we'd have something to preoccupy us if you're not feeling any of our other role-plays. I never figured us to be continuing it, because I thought we were only rewriting it.)
(I'm not tired of you. I just... want to do something new, but I can't think of anything and it's a bit frustrating, and then I'm trying to think of what to do with Aviir and Carter and then Cassidy and Liam and I can't and that's frustrating and I just don't want to let you down or disappoint you but I just UUUUUUGH)
(Impacting people's lives since 2002!! I'm not irritated anymore, since I've had time to sleep it off and I no longer feel like I'm going to puke. XD We could do a RP resembling that. I have a rp i once tried to do with someone, but it literally got nowhere. So I've already got a charrie)
(How did I just click on here and know you were on here?? CREEEEEPPYYYY XD and what was the poor RP that never had a chance?)
(Sorry about not responding... I had to take a shower and spend a long time practicing with my friends for my quinceanera again. So basically the rp was this dude, his cousin, and the guy's friend (my charries) who were staying at a log cabin the parents of the cousin owned. The guy had split personalities, though, and he had 2 for sure, but as the rp went on I figured I'd be adding on more personalities. The main personality was your average guy, but the split was a kleptomaniac of sorts, but instead of stealing random objects, he stole young and attractive girls. I'll post what happened of the rp here and you can take over the girl, or we can restart it.)

kidnapping maybe? My character could be one of the people that kidnapped your character? It could be like this book I read where they're trapped in a cabin on a mountain top and the kidnap-ee can't escape cuz they'll die in the cold or from hunger/thirst. it begins where one of my characters and your main are in a gas station at the bottom of the mountain right before a huge snowstorm

Jacob || unkempt dark brown hair || hazel eyes with a bit of blue around the edge of the iris || wears at this point in time a black and charcoal gray ski jacket, thermal underclothes, a black knit cap, matching snow boots and gloves, and insulated gray sweatpants that aren't loose enough to fold over the edges of his boots

Zachary || dirty blond || hazelnut-colored eyes || wears a brown snorkel[?] coat, black gloves and snow boots, thermal underclothes as well, and of course insulated pants of some sort || Has split personalities

Victoria || dirty blonde || brown-gray eyes || wears a thick white pea coat with-- you know it-- thermal underclothes, black snow boots, some warm bleached jeans, white gloves, and a black scarf with an oversized, matching knit cap

Harper || Slightly messy charcoal black hair || Blue eyes || Wears, right now, a long sleeved shirt that matches the color of her hair, covered by a light jacket of the same color. She wears jeans that are ripped in the knees from falling. She also wears black snow boots and a black beanie.

Zachary sifted through items on the shelf of canned goods, wondering what the cabin needed.

Harper trooped down the street, shivering and rubbing her hands against her arms, trying to warm up. It seemed that no one else was stupid enough to come outside when this weather was so cold, and Harper was beginning to think that it was way too cold for her to be outside.

He rolled his eyes, remembering what Victoria would say. Tori and Zach were distant cousins. At least, they thought so. Jacob was just Zachary's friend, and the three of them had traveled into a different state just to stay at the cabin Victoria's parents owned. It just so happened that there was a blizzard coming soon, and there wasn't enough time to do anything but purchase whatever else they needed from this little store about thirty miles away from where they were going to hole up.

Harper walked into the nearest building with heat - very small, dingy store, basically a gas station shop. Somehow, it was almost colder in the store than outside. Since it was better than the eerie streets outside, Harper decided to buy something. She picked up a very small packet of mini-doughnuts off of a rack that was nearly empty from others buying food in a rush to prepare for the oncoming snowstorm. She brought the packet to the storekeeper and handed him two dollars to pay. The shopkeeper smiled at Harper. "You have hair in your face. I'm guessing the wind out there is bad." He said, trying to start up conversation as he took her money and gave her the change. "Yeah, it's pretty bad out there. I heard there was a snowstorm coming. Do you think that's true?" Harper asked the shopkeeper.

Zachary felt a sort of numb tingle in all of his limbs and paid no attention to it, for it happened all the time. Wilson rubbed his face, fingers burning as feeling returned to them. He carried whatever he was holding to the cash register since he needed to pay.

The shopkeeper nodded. "With this weather? It has to be true." He said. Harper moved aside to let any more customers passed.

Wilson had always had a strange thing for pretty girls. Some people collected coins, some stamps, but he just wanted to collect girls. His mom had always been a bit creeped out by him, which was kind of saddening to Wilson, but he got over it. He smiled at the girl by the counter, stepping up to set his items on the counter.

Harper smiled back slightly, still shivering to the bone. The shopkeeper smiled sympathetically. "There's a heater in the back of the store. You can go sit by it for a while to warm up." He told Harper. Harper smiled gratefully. "Thank you." She said, heading to the back of the small store.

Wilson lay a twenty as the cashier rang up his charges. The man put the cans in a plastic bag and then handed it to Wilson, who then set off towards the back. As he caught sight of the girl, he slowed down. "You don't think that this weather calls for winter clothing?"

"What?" Harper asked, looking up. "This is all I have as of now." She then said, realizing what the man had said.

He frowned. "I apologize for bringing it up. So, what are you at the base of a mountain for? Meeting up with someone?"

Harper shook her head. "No. I'm trying to get to my mom's house. She lives up in the mountains." She said. "I'm hoping it'll take two days at the most to get there."

"The coming blizzard's supposed to be here at dusk, so that wouldn't be good. A pretty girl shouldn't be stuck out in a snowstorm by herself. Who knows how the people out there might react."

"I'm sure if I get caught in it I'll be fine. I'm betting there won't be anybody outside." Harper said, completely ignoring the 'pretty girl' comment.

Wilson laughed. "You're probably right. Either way, you shouldn't be stuck out in a storm by yourself."

Harper wanted to say, 'It doesn't concern you what I should and should not do!', but as the man in front of her seemed so nice, she decided to say, "Well, I'll be alright. I'm going to try to get to my mom's house, like I said."

"If you're going to even hope to outrun the snow, I recommend going on your way right now, before it even gets near here." Wilson is totally all ^-^ right now, plotting how to take her

Harper stood up. "Probably right. It was... nice meeting you I guess." She stuck her hands in her pockets and headed towards the door.

A drugged up man came bursting in through the doors, swinging a wooden plank. The cashier started to freak out and stumbled around the counter as Wilson watched the man, finding him funny.

I guess she gets hit, why not. As Harper got to the door, she felt a hard piece of wood collided with her face. She fell backwards onto the floor in front of the door.

The cashier rushed forward and tackled the man, pinning him down, while Wilson gave a faux gasp and walked forward, picking Harper up. He carried her out the door and to his car, grinning. you didn't even seem to care that your character is getting HIT in the FACE with a piece of wood He lay her down on the back seats before going into the driver's and starting the car.

Not exactly. If she gets hit in the face, she gets hit in the face. XD Harper groaned slightly, though she didn't wake up. She curled up in the back seat, shivering.

Wilson glanced back and saw the girl shivering, so he turned up the heater. Even if he was technically kidnapping her, he still could be remotely courteous.

Harper stopped shivering in a matter of seconds, though she did stay curled up in a ball. Technically kidnapping? I'm pretty sure it's more than technically

he doesn't want to kidnap her, only collect her. so technically since it's unintentional; timeskip two hours-- Wilson felt that annoying loss of feeling in his limbs and pretty much everywhere else.

Harper blinked open her eyes "Whaa..." She muttered, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. "How did I..."

Zachary turned around and his jaw dropped. Why was the girl recovering from being knocked out in his car??? He turned back to the snowy trail stretching before him, saying nothing.

Harper looked up silently, and she had the same reaction - her jaw nearly dropped. "Who're you?" She asked in a panic.

"Uh, can I ask the same thing?" His voice was on the verge of shaking since he was extremely unnerved by this.

Harper didn't know how to reply to this. Instead, she said, "Before I answer any of your questions, where am I, how did I get here, and why the hell is it so cold?"

"You are in my car for reasons unknown, and it's kind of the winter."

"I swear I was just in a store. And alone." Harper muttered. "I guess I must've done something or..."

He glanced at her in the backseat for a moment. "I honestly have no idea why you're here with me, but whatever store you were in we can't go back to." Zachary checked the rearview mirror and confirmed that dark clouds were closing in behind them. "The blizzard's coming faster than was predicted and we have to find shelter."

Harper looked out of the back window. "Well, sh!t, those look bad." She muttered.

"Well, there's something we agree on." He recognized a fallen tree that meant they were about halfway to the winter cabin.

Harper tugged on the end of her beanie, trying to keep the fabric hat over her freezing ears. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened." She said quietly, giving up and holding her hands to her ears instead.

"Um, since it appears we will be companions for some time, let's introduce ourselves. I'm Zachary."

"I'm... I'm Harper." The girl muttered, still flicking her eyes towards the windows anxiously. The sky looked scary.

"We're on our way to a stocked cabin where my cousin and friend are, so don't worry about the storm," he told her, practically able to feel the anxiety as a tangible thing in the car.

Harper almost laughed at the idea of their reactions to her after seeing Zach's. She wondered if Zach would know how to explain her presence. "Once again, I'm sorry. I don't know how I got here."

"Don't apologize. I should probably know how you got here myself, so if anything it should be me saying sorry." Zach pulled off the frost-coated side road onto a faintly visible dirt path. He drove a little further until a two story cabin with roughly 3000 square feet per floor. There was a huge stone chimney in the front of the cabin, and it extended about five to ten feet above the roof. The entire building was made of logs and happened to have an elegant sort of offput to it.

"Seems like you've been prepared for this storm for a while..." Harper muttered. "One question. Once you saw me, why didn't you kick me out of your car?" She asked quietly, staring at the back of Zach's seat.

"You'd be stuck in the middle of nowhere and soon stuck in heavy snow," was his response. There really was no other reason. He didn't want to leave her out there where she'd pretty much starve or freeze to death before she could find shelter.

"I don't understand why that would be a problem for you." Harper said.

"You're a person...?" Zach didn't know what else to say. "Is that really not answer enough?"

"I didn't think... nevermind." Harper said. "Thank you."

"It's just common courtesy," he said to himself. He shut down the engine and tucked his keys into his pocket, opening his door and stepping out. Ice crystals crunched under his boots as he took a step and opened Harper's door. || Victoria stood in the doorway of the cabin. "Zachary what are you doing out there? The storms right behind you, stupid!" she yelled, a thick fleece blanket draped over her shoulders and wrapped tightly around her body.

Harper ducked her head and got out of the car, wrapping her hands around her sleeved arms. Her gloved hands were clenched to her arms as if glued.

Zach closed the door and circled around to the trunk where he'd put the things from the gas station. He started towards the cabin, shoulders hunched against the biting wind. As he passed Victoria, she spoke. "Who's that? Got yourself a girlfriend now, did ya?" Tori asked. He rolled his eyes.

Harper squeaked and her head zipped up to locate the voice. Her face went pink.

"Ignore Victoria," Jacob said, walking into the mudroom where the others were. "She means well."

Harper sighed slightly. 'That's a better reaction than I thought.' She thought to herself, her breath coming out in a white puff of air.

Tori closed the door and gave an exaggerated shiver. "Brr it's cold." Zach shed his gloves and coat, wearing normal clothes underneath, excluding the thermal underclothes that weren't visible.

Harper stayed near the door, her hands still clutched to her arms. Her eyes were wide, and she was silent. She found this extremely weird.

"I'm Jacob; Zach's friend. Nice to meet you." Jacob tilted his head slightly. "You seem cold. C'mon." He stepped out of the mudroom and into the huge living room, which had four leather couches, a plasma TV, chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, and a crackling fire in the middle of the wall.

Harper paused for a minute. She then decided to follow him. It was too cold in the other room. She was thinking of calling her mother to tell her where she was, or to ask her if she could possibly pick her up, but she decided against it. She wouldn't even be able to get a text out in such a heavy storm.

Jacob sat down on the couch farthest from the fireplace while Victoria snuggled up on the closest, tucking her legs beneath her. Zach sat on one not too far away, hoping that Harper would bet more comfortable and actually converse with them, otherwise it would be awkward.

Harper sat on the last couch, folding her hands in her lap. "Your house is pretty." She said, looking around.

Victoria glanced at the new girl. "It's actually my parents' winter getaway lodge. They want to sell it for a beach house in Florida, but I won't let them."

"Oh." Harper said, looking back down at Victoria. "I guess it's a good thing they didn't sell it yet, hm?" She muttered. "I'm Harper, by the way."

"Victoria, but I prefer Tori. Vic, Vicky, whatever. You met Jacob and I'm assuming you know Zack by now." She glanced over at her cousin, who was lost in Underworld, which was playing on the television.

"Sort of, I guess." Harper said with a shrug. "I'm surprised you can get the T.V. to work in a storm. My parents always have to make a makeshift signal."

Tori shrugged. "Mom and Dad have the highest priced stuff that actually works. They have some weird way that they install-- the people that work in that company."
(Maybe it's just because it's 6:30 in the morning and that's why I don't get what's going on at all, but I don't get what's going on at all in all of that XD so you can use your character or whatever if you want to, but I'm going to make up my own and you're gonna like her cause I'm finally having a character that's not white!! XD you should be very proud of me. I'll create her and stuff later when I'm not on my phone on a bus that feels like it's going to tip over at any second XD and then you can explain to me which characters are even yours cause that whole thing just got me all messed up)
(No, it's not just you. On the Google doc it's separated by italics and stuff and bolded, but it didn't keep the format when I pasted it in. And alright. My charries are Jacob, Zach, and Tori. And wow I'm proud. Finally gonna spice it up. XD took long enough. How many non-white charries have I had by now? -counts on fingers- Ashley, Tia, Oscar, George, Hayden, Asia, Cyrus, Angel, and I'm assuming more that I can't remember. XD)
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(Oh hush. At least I'm starting to go out of my comfort zone!! XD and I just wanna start over the RP completely I guess. And change the girl's name drastically because I absolutely despise the name Harper XD)
(XDD your comfort zone!! You're literally just changing the level of pigmentation your imaginary character has! XD and ok, but you should know that I might use the same beginning, as in the situation. Unless you don't like the idea of their being in a corner store on top if a mountain.)
(Yeah that's good. Cause it needs to be a secluded area so she can't espcape once she's been taken and stuff XD)
(And how come your characters aren't as detailed? Do you not detail them as much with this other person you tried to do this with?)
(I mean, this was an attempt made like the summer before 8th grade. I wasn't so obsessive about details as I am now. So! Start with your charrie and I'll turn my laptop on and rewrite mine)
Jacob || 17 || white || 5'9" || unkempt dark brown hair; is getting a little longer than he likes, covering the tops of his ears and his eyebrows. He gives his "bangs" a little swoop to the side because he doesn't like to be able to see his hair || kind hazel eyes with a bit of blue around the edge of the iris || wears at this point in time a black and charcoal gray ski jacket, thermal underclothes, a black knit cap, matching snow boots and gloves, and insulated gray sweatpants that are a little loose but too tight to untuck from his boots || Personality: laid-back most of the time; genuine; nice

Zachary || 17 || white || 5'10" || dirty blond hair that is pretty short; like a crew cut but a TIIINY bit longer || hazelnut-colored eyes || wears a brown snorkel[?] coat, black gloves and snow boots, thermal underclothes as well, and of course insulated pants of some sort || Personalities:
  • Zach - your average guy
  • Wilson - 21; white; 2nd in command of Zach's body; kind of a stalker, but has just a weird form of kleptomania; a little jumpy; easily alarmed
  • Cajsa - 15; Grecian, but still technically white; sarcastic and tough; emotional on the inside; bulimic
  • More personalities TBD

Victoria || 19 || white || 5'4" || dirty blonde hair with bleached ends that is down to waist; straight and usually in a ponytail || brown-gray eyes || wears a thick white pea coat with-- you know it-- thermal underclothes, black snow boots, some warm bleached jeans, white gloves, and a black scarf with an oversized, matching knit cap || acts tough but actually is pretty worrisome. She's jumpy sometimes and thinks too much into things.
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