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Fandom A RP

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(Myra Kahtrii || 17 (birthday just happened a week ago)||Deep caramel brown skin(she's Indian. Like Bollywood Indian XD)||Dark brown hair that goes just past the ends of her shoulder blades that appears black in drastic lighting||Plain grey eyes with no special colors mixed into it, but against her darker skin, they look exotic of some kind||Height is just half an inch below average for most girls her age|| Personality is generally quiet but she quickly opens up to people as if she's just looking for someone to attach to as she hasn't seen her parents ever since she left home. (She's going to see her grandparents in the mountains in this situation) and her outfit is basically the thing up there XD minus the fancy boots and then just adding boots you would wear during a blizzard and no fancy bag
Zachary sighed and stepped into the only corner store for miles around, pausing a moment in the doorway as his muscles loosened a bit in the significantly warmer building. He moved over to the shelves, not replying to the distracted cashier's bored greeting. Zach started looking through the offered items, trying to take into account what the cabin lacked.
Myra suddenly burst into the small convenience store, snow flowing inside from the outside with her as she stood in the doorway for a minute, her entire body shaking. She quickly stepped out of the way and closed the door, not wanting to let anymore hot air out than she already had before she sighed and leaned against the cool wooden walls, her entire body seeming to relax as she began to thaw out from being in the storm for so long. Her car had broken down about a mile down the road from the little store, but she had luckily been able to call a tow truck to pick her up and taking her to the nearest inhabitants. She had now been told to wait for god knows how long for them to figure out what was wrong with her car. But she had absolutely no problem with it as long as she got away from the frigid snow storm going on outside. "Got any hot coffee?" She asked, looking to the cashier with wide eyes full of hope as she needed something warm to drink.
The man looked up from his magazine and shook his head before gesturing to the wall behind him, which was covered with different types of alcohol and cigarettes. "No, but we've got Jack Daniels. Should warm you right up." A few seconds later, Zach walked up behind the female customer with some cans and a few large bags tucked into one of his armpits and cradled in that arm. "You ought to have something hot in this weather," Zachary butt in, adjusting his grip on a loaf of bread so that he wouldn't squash it.
Myra jumped slightly as she heard a sudden voice behind her. She glanced around at the boy that appeared to be her age before she quickly turned back to the obvious drunk behind the counter. "I'm underage, sorry." She said flatly, looking back to the boy once more before ducking away from him and going to look throughout the store, hoping to find some sort of item that was at least semi warm.
(The man's not drunk but alright XD) "I won't tell if you don't!" the cashier said before the girl walked away. She was pretty, and foreign, too. It was kind of his thing to sleep with women from ethnicities unlike his own, and maybe he could get this girl interested in him. Sure, it was illegal since she was underage, but if she was willing she wouldn't tell anyone...

Zach paid for his things and put them in plastic shopping bags, since the crappy cashier was too caught up in his own thoughts to actually do his job. Zachary was moving to walk out, and then a wave of faint vertigo swept over him and he paused, waiting for the tingles in his fingers and toes to go away.

Wilson blinked. In a store? He didn't remember walking into a store... He glanced down at the bags in his hands and then looked around briefly before his eyes ended up on a girl in the back of the shop. Her skin was a lovely warm caramel color with gold and red undertones. Her hair was dark and her eyes almost light, encapturing him. He was an artist, and he was falling in love with this young women's appearance. He just had to have her.
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Myra hummed softly to the crappy elevator music that was playing quietly on the speakers hidden throughout the store. She had kept up her search for a warm beverage for a while before she just settled for an iced tea drink that was almost obviously an off brand. But she didn't really mind. Tea was tea. She also grabbed a pack of portable hand warmers that came in small little insolated packets before heading up to the counter and setting her things down in front of the man. "Just this please." She said, glancing up at him for a brief moment before looking down at her bag and fishing out her wallet.
"Alright, sweetheart..." the cashier said sweetly. "But don't worry about paying." He winked at the girl, and that was when all hell broke loose. A pair of masked people ran in, one pointing a gun at the cashier and shouting to put his hands up while the other took out a metal pipe that looked like it had recently been ripped from a wall. Wilson smiled. Things like this he always found amusing.
Myra had been watching the man with eyes full of disgust and confusion as she went to quickly grab her items. But when the people burst in, she gasped and whipped around, knocking the glass bottle of tea onto the floor, it shattering into a million pieces. She crouched down and shut her eyes tightly, her hand and cupped over her ears as she tried to block out all the screaming.
The cashier did as the intruders said and forked up the money, but then he was shot anyway. No witnesses, right?

Wilson watched as the second thief struck the beautiful girl in the side of the head with the pipe, and only then did he do something. "I'll take her," Wilson said, hoping the girl was unconscious. "You don't have to worry about me saying anything. I'm not exactly on terms with the police, either." Wilson blew a kiss to the more slender of the intruders, who was obviously a woman, and the stunned pair let Wilson sling his prize over his shoulder and walk out, both his and the girl's bags in hand.
Myra only let out a soft whimper as she was slung over the boy's shoulder, her body limp as she stayed unconscious from the hit to the head she had received. (Sorry. Was at the vet.)
(Hey, I have this story that i would like you to help me write. In other words, I can make into a story whatever we rp, if you would like to. If you remember Oscar and his siblings, his littlest brother was Hayden. I want to do a rp with him as my charrie, following the story I wanted to make. It's not very detailed, but I have his face figured out: hayden maybe.jpg hayden.jpg )
(Getting yourself a shot cuz you got rabies? XD) Wilson lay the girl across his backseat and took off his top jacket, laying it on top of her even as he immediately began to shiver. He closed the door and went to the driver's side and got in, turning on the car and blasting the heater as he backed out, turning to drive down a covered dirt pathway that would lead up to his aunt and uncle's cabin. The tingles started up again, and he slowed as nausea twisted in his gut.
(I'm just gonna pretend like I remember what that was but I think I do so okay XD what do you want to do the RP about? And I'll find a picture of a girl to pair with him I guess. Cause I don't wanna describe another person XD)
(Putting a dog down actually XD and DONT FEEL LIKE A BAD PERSON I WASNT CLOSE TO THE DOG AT ALL I JUST CRIED BECAUSE MY MOM DID SO CALM DOWN XD) Myra curled up in the back seat, her body trembling as she pulled the jacket towards herself, using it like a blanket the best she could as she began to regain slight consciousness. She blinked her eyes open, everything around her seeming blurred. "W-what.... what happened...?" She asked in a breathless whisper as she tried to retrace what had happened in her mind.
(Aw c'mooooon Rosie XD Don't chicken out now!! Well, I made a charrie for his potential love interest for the story, and I'll post it on here to see if maybe you'd like her enough to use her. You can spice her appearance up and figure out her personality, considering I left a lot to the imagination here: Audrey Patel || 5’9” || 17 || Straight strawberry blonde hair || Brown eyes with long eyelashes || Tan || Quite a few freckles)
(D: I feel TERRIBLE now! Was it your dog? I've had a dog put down before, and I cried for like 2 hours straight... I'd grown up with her.) Zach turned around at the sound of a deep breath and blinked at the girl who'd also been in the store. And when did he get in his car?! Why was this girl in his car, too?!? "Uh, who're you?" he asked, sounding a bit panicked.
(Hayden's appearance matches the pictures, pretty much: Hayden Ruiz || 5’10” || 19 || Wavy/loosely curled ash-colored hair || Shocking blue eyes hinting at gray or green sometimes with very long eyelashes || Slightly pale || Some freckles. Basically, it's a story where on this island (Celys Isle, which lies from 75-100 miles off the coast of Ireland and is also near England) all the boys have their sight taken away. Hayden's older brother, Oscar, was one of the last to die from badly made serums that were being perfected to take away guys' sight.
*copies and pastes* All guys are blind, so they judge and select their significant other through personality. When they get married to that person, they are injected with a serum that allows them sight. Main character meets someone who was forced to be wed. He was able to see, and then he left his wife because she was an abusive drunk, lied about her age, and took his savings, along with college funds. The guy got his sight taken away, and he is suffering because he knows how amazing it is to be able to see. The main character wants to help him. And as for the picture, if we dull down her hair and make it blonder, she'd fit.)
(I guess. But describe her outfit and personality, so that we can get started. Also, please respond to the kidnapper rp. You can choose the colors for it.)
Myra glanced over to Zach, her eyes widening as she realized what was going on. "Who am I? Who are you?! HELP! KIDNAPPER! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Myra screamed, scooting over to the window and banging against the glass, not willing to jump out of a moving car. "SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!" She shouted before Indian jibberish began spouting out of her mouth, her eyes narrowing as she looked back at him, it being obvious she was calling him some pretty nasty words in her first language.
Zach appeared taken aback and a little upset as he turned back to pay attention to where he was driving. One wrong turn and they could go careening off the side of the mountain. "Look, I don't know what you're saying to me, and you freaking isn't going to make me any more calm. But I can't bring you back because the slope's too steep and the pass too thin to turn around. Besides, if I leave you here you won't make it back to the store before the storm hits, and you'll freeze to death. This is bound to be a blinding snowstorm."

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