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How much do you love Raeney?

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(Rossiiiiie... I should be back for 8:45 to 9:30, if you'd be willing to RP then. I should also be on up until maybe just before 7, if your shower doesn't take too long.)
Raeney smiled at her. "More-or-less," he agreed, but his hair still was covering his forehead and one of his eyes like it had been after Reuben fought him the night before. "So, how about--" Raeney stopped abruptly and a crease of confusion appeared between his eyebrows. His smile disappeared. "Why do you smell so strongly of my brother?"

Colin followed Amira up onto the couch and wet his lips, coloring them slightly red, tinting them with her blood. "Why are you apologizing? This is the best thing you've done since we met..." Colin didn't sound exactly like himself, but more like a drugged-up guy who'd met up with a girl that he had his eyes on for a while.

Valen flushed red and wished he had his favorite hoodie on, so that he could cover his face. He grabbed Holly's wrist without turning and just kept walking, pulling her along with him as he tried to get out of the public eye.
Katrina gave Raeney a look of confusion as she hesitantly pulled her shirt up to her nose, lightly breathing in the smell and realizing that she did smell faintly of cologne. "Oh." She said, dropping her shirt and looking at Raeney with a smile as if nothing had happened. SINCE nothing HAD happened. "He just made me breakfast and stuff." She explained, crossing her arms casually. "And I talked him into giving me a piggyback ride, which was AWESOME. But he dropped me and we both ended up falling." She said, letting her arms fall as she rubbed the side of her thigh tenderly. "I didn't know I smelled like him though."

Amira blushed harder and continued to lean away from Colin. "I-I think you should go lie down or something..." she tried as she got off the couch, ducking away from his arms as she made her way to his bedroom to get a wet washcloth ready to place on his forehead.

Holly yelped and stumbled along behind him, not being able to help herself as she busted out laughing. "That's all folks! See ya same time next week!" She shouted at the small crowd that had formed behind them before she focused her attention on trying to keep up with a Valen. "Slooooow it down cowboy, you're breakin' my arm here."
Raeney's eyes drifted to where Katrina was rubbing her thigh, and he took it for something that it really hadn't been. "You're lying to me. He touched you, touched you in places that I've been trying to get to for far longer than he has." Raeney's eyes narrowed. "You let him, didn't you?"

Colin slid off the couch and followed Amira, a dreamy look on his face. "Lie down? Why? But I'm feeling so good..."

Valen let go of Holly and, head still ducked, walked out of the mall. "I can't believe you just did that."
Katrina took a step away front Raeney, her eyebrows furrowing in shock and slight anger. "He didn't touch me ANYWHERE!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms once more, but this time in annoyance and not just as a casual stance. "He made me breakfast. I got a piggyback ride. We FELL that's ALL that happened!" She said, turning away from him, her body trembling she was so shocked that he would ever think of such a thing. "I know you think of women as just your play thing that you can mess with until you get tired of them, but I'm not that easy." She said, reffering to the fact that was was still quite obviously a virgin. She let out a huff before she turned around, going to walk past him and go down the hallways from which he had come down.

"I can see that. And THAT'S why you're going to lay down." Amira said, glancing back at him and reaching back, grabbing his hand and pulling him forward, as if she were afraid he would get lost on the way. "Just lay down, okay?" She tried, turning him around to where his back was towards the bed, both of her hands on his chest as she backed him up so that he could just fall back on to the bed.

"But I didn't do anything!" Holly whined innocently as she trailed after Valen, not understanding what the big deal was. "So a few people looked at us? Who cares?" She tried as she caught up to Valen, having to jog lightly just to stay side by side with him.
Raeney wrapped his arms around Katrina from behind, like a hug where his arms circled her shoulders. "If you're not that easy, then why did you screw Rae?" He slid his arms down slightly, to where they were at Katrina's elbows, and she couldn't lift her arms. Raeney lifted her off her feet and started carrying her an inch above the ground like that. "I really don't like that image of you... A real Jezebel, sleeping around..." Raeney whispered in her ear. (Hey lil mama let me whisper in your ear, tell you somethin' you might like to hear )

Colin flashed Amira an easy smile--which was slightly unsettling with his fangs still out--and let himself be pushed onto the bed, but he grabbed Amira's forearms and pulled her down on top of him. He loosely looped his arms around her waist and pulled her up so that he was positioned to effortlessly be able to press a kiss to her collarbone, which he did. "I'm laying down..." he said, like he truly was doing what she'd wanted.

"I care!" Valen unlocked his car and moved into the driver's seat. "I wasn't exactly hiding it, either!"
Katrina cried out as she was suddenly lifted off the floor, her eyes widening as she kicked out her legs helplessly. "What the fuck Raeney?!" She shouted, struggling in his grasp as she tried to get free. "I didn't screw anyone so put me down already god damn it!" She yelled, gritting her teeth as it was practically useless for her attempting to get free, his arms around her feeling like bars of metal that refuses to let go.

Amira blushed a dark red and glanced away from him, having to bite her lower lip as hard as she could to keep herself from doing something she might regret. (Like giving into the SMEEEEXY Colin XD) "Colin- t-this isn't what I met and you know it." She tried as she attempted to pull away from him and get up.

Holly sighed and put her hands in her pockets, silently following him to his car. "Sorry then..." she murmured, looking at the ground like a child that had just gotten scolded.
"No," Raeney said simply, and he only let her go when they were standing in the women's bathroom. Raeney turned on the nearest shower and shoved Katrina in.

"Please don't fight me, Amira..." Colin pushed her shirt off of one of her shoulders and kissed where it had been. He knew where this was going, and was absolutely ready to go through with it. "You know you like it..."

Valen sighed and rubbed his hands over his face once. "Are you still intent on seeing my teeth?" he asked.
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Katrina stumbled into the shower, her clothes getting soaked all the way through in seconds, her hair going past her shoulders more than usual as it was now soaked too. "What the hell Raeney?!" She shouted, pushing her hair out of her face as she glared up at him, her eyes narrowing to keep water from getting in them. She tried to get out of the shower, but he was standing in her way and she wasn't able to shove her way past him. "What's your fucking problem?!" She demanded, practically furious at this point.

Amira's blush spread to her ears as she shut her eyes tightly in embarrassment. "C-Colin..." she squeaked, her breathing becoming shaky as she grabbed onto his shirt tightly, her body beginning to squirm as she refused to admit that she was actually anxiously awaiting to find out where this was going. "Please..." she tried, she herself not knowing whether or not she was pleading him to stop or begging him to continue.

"You don't have to if you don't want to..." Holly muttered, getting into the car silently as she sighed, her head being propped up with her hand as she let her elbow rest on the armrest. "Let's just forget about it."
"What problem?" he asked innocently, shutting the glass door in her face. "Use the soap."

Colin nuzzled her neck, then, and he licked her once before biting into the soft skin of her throat.

"No. We left so that you could, and I'm not going to let our friendship be ruined by something so stupid." Valen turned to Holly and sighed. "And I'm not emo, I swear."
Katrina slammed her hand on the glass as hard as she could, causing herself to cry out before she glared at him as he stood on the other side of the door. "I didn't have sex with Rae." She said simply before she turned off the shower, her body trembling as water dripped off of her. "And if you're so hell bent on thinking I'm some sort of slut, fine. I don't have to prove anything to you." She muttered, turning away from him and letting her back rest against the glass as she slid into a sitting position. "Just go away." She whispered, hot tears of embarrassment forming in her eyes. "Just go."

Amira gritted her teeth, her entire body flinching as she felt his fangs pierce her skin. It hurt for a split second before everything became numb. She laid against Colin's body, her eyes remaining as tightly shut as they could as she felt her own blood being sucked from her veins. It was a weird sensation. But it didn't hurt to the point of where it made her want to pull away.

Holly just glanced over at Valen silently, her eyes only half open as she waited for him to show her his teeth.
"Don't cry," Raeney said from the other side of the door. "Your tears won't get me to go away." He smiled at her and entered the shower, glancing down at her before he took her hand and held it between them.

Colin reveled in the power he always felt while drinking from a live source, and then he pulled away. "Ya know what? I am feeling a little drowsy," he said, and his fangs shrank back to become normal canines. Colin kissed Amira once, tasting of the copper of her own blood, and then he gently rolled her off of him and closed his eyes.

Valen blushed abruptly. "Okay, so I tried to be serious about it, but if you're gonna be like that I'll be too uncomfortable to do it. It'll be easier for me to do it if you, like, make me laugh or something..." he rambled.
Amira stared at Colin as she now laid beside him. She remained silent for a moment, a dark blush still on her face because she suddenly climbed back on top of him. "Y-you can't just go to sleep after doing something like that!" She squeaked, looking down at him, her eyes wide. She moving her body in a bouncing motion, her weight lifting off of him for a split second before returning and then being lifted over and over again. "W-wake up!"

Katrina yanked her hand away from his grasp, as if his touch had shocked her. "Then what will?" She asked, refusing to look up at him as she scooted into the other side of the shower, trying to keep as much distance between them as possible.

Holly stood up, now standing on the step up platform that was connected to the car, her now being the same height as Valen and their faces only centimeters apart as she continued to stare at him silently, her eyes narrowing slightly like a kid would during a staring contest. She said nothing as she watched him turn into a blushing and flustered mess. She just continued to stand there, waiting for him to show her.
"If you keep doing that, I won't be able to ever sleep again," Colin said, opening his eyes again. "And it's not because you're heavy."

"Well, I'll leave should you continue acting like a bitch. But I'll also lock you in here, so I wouldn't recommend it, love." Raeney sounded pissed, but in a resigned sort of way, like he knew how to deal with his anger.

"Jesus, be agreeable for once, please." Valen grimaced for a second before lifting his upper lip slightly and showing his canines. "Are you happy now?"
(Why such the short responses?? STAHP SLACKIN ON ME )

Amira blushed, reconsidering on whether or not she should keep going, but she decided to go ahead and go through with it anyway. "W-Wake up!" She exclaimed, biting her lower lip as she kept shifting her weight on and off of him, her hair bouncing over her shoulders with each lift upwards. She tried her best to make a sultry looking face, this being her first attempt to try to look even remotely sexy. And it... didn't quite work. It just made her look more cute and innocent than anything.

"You call me a slut, throw me in a running shower, and then expect me to be all okay with it?" She demanded, looking up at him, her eyes full of pain more than anger before she looking away again, tears rolling down her face slowly one by one. "I didn't sleep with him..." she murmured, staring at the puddle of water that was forming beneath her soaked clothes she was wearing. "We just fell... I didn't... think you would react like this. At all."

Holly suddenly gasped and leaned in closer to him, her hands reaching up so her fingers could carefully brush against the sharpened end of his canines. "Woah..." she whispered in amazement, a small smile of wonder forming on her face, her eyes wide. "They're amazing..." she said, pulling away ever so slightly so that she could look up at Valen.
(XD Sooorry XD And omg Rosie you're super excited to get Amira and Colin to *bow shika wow wow* aren't ya? XD)
"I'm awake," Colin said softly before sitting up abruptly and kissing Amira hard. "God, am I awake..." He went to take off her shirt and ripped it in half by accidentally using his vampiric strength. Colin ran his fingertips down the side of her neck, pausing at the two puncture marks he'd left, and then they traveled over her shoulder and kept going further down. (I'm telling you right now, I'm not willing to go much further into detail with this. So, either they stop soon or we've gotta timeskip eventually when she gives in.)

Raeney's expression showed disgust for a moment, and then flippancy. "Do you recall, Katrina, that I've never actually spent a second exchanging pleasantries with you. You don't even know my exact age, so how could you expect to correctly predict my actions?" He had to keep himself from humoring the image in his head of kicking the human like a pitiful dog.

"Awesome?" Valen repeated before taking a half-step back. "Hardly... And did you just touch my tooth? That's not what I expected you to do." He sat in the driver's seat, signaling that she should get in the passenger's as he pondered why she would think they were cool.
Katrina just shrugged silently, her chin resting on her knees. "I just didn't think you'd care so much..." she murmured, not looking up at him at all. "Like you said... I don't know anything about you. And you don't know anything about me. So you're not supposed to care this much..." she tried, glancing up at him for a split second before looking away again, the tears in her eyes slowly starting to dissipate.

(I just want them to have a cute scene together XD and we'll timeskip to the morning after then) ~Timeskippy to the next morning~
(and yes this is my reply cause I'm trying to do homework really quickly XD)

Holly quickly sat down in the passenger's seat, continuing to stare at Valen. Well, to be more specific, his lips that blocked her view from his teeth. "They are awesome." She said, blinking a few times before looking up at him directly. "They're different. Unique. And that's what makes them so special. Just like they aren't like mine or everyone else's doesn't make them such a terrible thing, Valen. It's okay to be different. It's okay to not be like everybody else."
"I only care about who you're sleeping with, because you're supposed to be mine. Only mine." Raeney didn't sound apologetic at all, and he really wasn't. Raeney had taken interest in Katrina--as he had anyone who'd been unlucky enough to be stuck with him, be they male or female--and so now she was for him to have his fun with. At least, until he got bored. Then Katrina and any of Raeney's other playthings were up for grabs.

(Wow. Totally kept the RP going right there. XD) Colin woke the next evening, since he was a vampire and all. He blinked up at the ceiling and yawned before realizing that he wasn't wearing a shirt, and that his blanket was barely covering him. Colin glanced over to see Amira curled up like the blanket-stealer she was, and the night before came back to Colin. Whoa. Amira had seemed way too innocent to do some of the things she had done.

Valen couldn't look at her. Holly had no idea what she was talking about, and Valen wasn't going to inform her about anything. Well, maybe.
No! he told himself. I'm not going to tell her everything! Already she knows about being an orphan, so I don't need her to pity me more. Valen started the car. "Are you tired of me yet, or is there somewhere else you want to go?" he asked, changing the subject.
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"Oh my dear Valen, I could never get tired of you." Holly said, looking over at him with a smile before she thought silently for a moment. "How about we go somewhere you want to go?" She asked, looking over at him as he drove them out of the mall parking lot.

Amira had a permanent smile on her face, even while she slept. For a while, the only movements she made were the slight rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, her body curled up comfortably before she stretched out with a small sigh, the feeling of her tight joins being stretched out feeling amazing. Then she rolled over onto her other side to where she was facing Colin, her forehead touching his upper chest as she blinked her eyes open, a blush suddenly appearing on her face as the memories of last night began to flash in her mind as well. "M-morning!" She suddenly exclaimed sheepishly, her body jolting upwards as she sat up, her face a bright red.

Katrina looked at Raeney for a moment, her eyes a bit wide in surpirse before she quickly pushed herself off of the shower floor. "U-until you get tired of me and throw me away like the rest of your toys." She murmured, her eyes dulling as she stared at his chest, not wanting to look at his face as a blush spread across her cheeks, his words echoing in her mind over and over. Though it made her heart skip a beat to hear him say something like that to her, she knew it wouldn't last. He'd grow bored of her sooner or later and drop her to find something better and newer.
"If I'm being quite honest, I'm feeling rather peckish," Valen replied, attempting a half-hearted British accent. "What do you say? Any suggestions?"

"Yeah, it is a pretty good one," Colin said, smiling up at Amira from his pillow. "It's been a while since I've felt so... satisfied, I guess you could call it." Colin reached up and trailed one finger down the center of her spine, as the blankets were puddled around her waist, except for where she held them to cover her chest. "By the way, your blood is rather excellent. I can't say many other people's have affected me so much." He raised an eyebrow at her and pressed his lips together for a moment before grinning back up at Amira, except this time with his fangs out. He was going for the whole creature-of-the-night reminder. "What type are you? I'm feeling... O-positive."

(Um... Raeney didn't say those things out loud... It was the reflections/explaining of the narrator, aka moi.)
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"They're a burger joint up the street that's to die for." She suggested, glancing over at him with lifted eyebrows in a suggestive way as she really loved the place. Sure, there were plenty of fancy restaurants all around town. But she wasn't about to waste $60 on just one meal alone that was only subpar to her average palette.

Amira's back arched upwards as she felt his gentle fingers run along her spine, it sending a shudder through her body. "O-N-Negative actually..." she stammered, pulling the sheets closing to her chest as she looked at Colin, biting her lower lip sheepishly as she couldn't believe they had actually... done IT last night. It was her first time ever even ATTEMPTING to do it. Let alone go all the way through with such a thing. Though she was over the moon that Colin was her first, she felt a bit of sadness in the back of her mind at the thought she wouldn't be even close to his first. She obviously didn't want to ask about it, because it was his business. But she still wondered about it. After she regained her composure, she hesitantly lay down beside Colin, her head resting on his stretched out arm, their noses brushing against one another's as she stared into his eyes. "I think... I might... I-I don't know... ah.." she tried, flustered beyond belief at the words she was trying to get out to him.
(If you're reading a book in 3rd person, the stuff out of quotes is things that the author put in for extra info. That's what I was doing. Raeney didn't actually say those things. This is the only thing he said: "I only care about who you're sleeping with, because you're supposed to be mine. Only mine.")

"I'm actually not a big fan of burgers." Valen lifted one hand as if to fend off her imaginary punches. "So could you pick something else, if you don't mind?"

Colin waited for her to put the words together. "I can't say I know what you're asking, but I know that you're hella cute when you're blushing."
(I know... but she can obviously tell that he's a player so she said "toys" because that's what most douchey guy calls the people they use until they're done with them)

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