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Rae's smirk disappeared and he continued just looking ahead, not even glancing at her when he responded. "I'm only a Sasquatch to you, because you're like three foot tall."

Valen sighed and didn't follow Holly. He took the dress off of the rack again and purchased it before walking out of the store with it in a bag.

Colin, of course, did hear Amira's words. The sound of her pulse, after all, was something that haunted him when they were together. His smile turned sly. "Well, thank you. That's quite a compliment, coming from a gorgeous young lady such as yourself." Colin sat next to Amira, a flirtatious look in his eyes.
"I'm five foot and six inches thank you very much." She retorted with a smirk before she jumped up to be almost the same height as him for a split second. "How's the weather up there, Squatchy?" She asked in a teasing tone, having already made a nickname for him. "Oh I bet you give amazing piggy back rides. Since it'll make whoever's on your back feel like they're flying." She observed, her eyes wide with wonder as if she was a kid genuinely asking for a piggy back ride.

Holly didn't notice the bag in Valen's hand as she was too busy thinking about what their next move was. "Hmm... I think they have a little movie theater in here somewhere.. Anything you've been wanting to see?" She asked, glancing back at him for a split second before she faced forwards once more, on the prowl for the movie theater. "What about a.. Scaaaary moooovie? IF you can handle it that is."

Amira's cheeks flushed an even darker red and she suddenly punched him in the arm. Or, she at least told herself she did. As it barely felt like a nudge to Colin. "S-Shut up!" She stammered, looking down at the river, a flustered expression on her face as she pushed her face out of her hair, her heart rate quickening at being called gorgeous. She felt as though her entire body was on fire as Colin sat next to her, her blood feeling as though it was broiling inside her veins.
"Yeah, you said you're not a kid, therefore I'm not giving you a piggy back ride. You did this to yourself." Rae led Katrina into the kitchen of the pizzeria. He moved behind the counter and slid a plate with four pancakes on it over to the human. The pancakes were golden with a touch of brown, and there were a variety of berries scattered across the tops of them, along with banana slices on the side and some peanuts on top. "Luckily for you, I like to cook." Rae also handed over a bottle of syrup and a fork.

"I dunno," Valen said in a joking voice. "I might have to go hide in the bathroom for the second half of the movie if it gets too intense."

"Why're you flustered? It's only the truth."
Katrina climbed up onto the stool that was located beside the counter and picked up the fork gratefully. "T-thank you.." She stammered, looking at the plate in surprise as Raemond hadn't seemed like the cooking type to her. Before she even took a bite though, she leaned over the counter, her eyes slightly narrowed. "So about that piggyback ride..."

Holly scoffed and crossed her arms heroically. "No need to fear, I will be there to protect you from all the scary monsters." She said as if she were babying her little sibling before she laughed. "So that's a yes to the movies?"

Amira shook her head, her eyes shut tightly before she buried her face into his shoulder. "T-To you maybe!" She squeaked, holding onto his arm tightly as she tried to get her blush to go away.
Rae narrowed his eyes right back. "Just because I didn't let you starve to death doesn't mean I'm going to let you crush me, alright?" For the first time since Katrina arrived, he smiled, if only slightly. The faintest glance of his one gold canine could be seen as he turned and started washing the dishes he'd used to make the human's breakfast.

"Yeah, I won't pass up a chance to let my emo soul get its fill of darkness while people die on a screen in front of me."

"Aaaand your coping method for embarrassment is to go ahead and smush your face into their shoulder? Sounds veeery effective. I'll have to try it out sometime," Colin continued to tease.
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(STAHP SLACKIN ON ME WOMAN XD) Katrina let out a small whine before she quickly ate her pancakes silently, having not eaten anything since the morning before. "I wouldn't crush you.." She muttered after she was finished, propping her head up with her hands, her elbows going up on the counter to do so as she washed him do the dishes. "I don't weigh that much you know!" She added, being completely and utterly serious about getting a piggyback ride. If not now, then maybe sometime soon. "Since I'm so short and all."

"Yeah, like, totally dude." Holly said, doing her best impression of a skater boy's voice before she led him into the theater, paying for both of their tickets on the way in before she ran into the seating area, wanting to get a good seat before all of the rest were taken. "Now just remember, if you get scared, just hold on to big sister Holly." She said in another teasing tone as the trailers played out in front of them.

"Y-You're not helping you know!" Amira tried as she suddenly looked up at him, having not realized how close their faces would be if she did so. And she froze as their noses were almost touching they were so close. "H-Hi there.." She whispered, her voice trembling slightly in embarrassment as her cheeks were still a vibrant red, her eyes shining brightly in the moonlight and her hair framing her face as it fell over her shoulders.
(XD Sorry I was ordering books from the library) "Reuben's even taller than me, so why don't you go ask him for a ride?" (a ride on his disco stick XDD quoting Lady Gaga. And probably some porn somewhere) Rae pointed out, glancing over his shoulder at her. "And if you eat portions like you just did every day, I'm pretty sure you could crush me."

"Oh my God, is that Justin Bieber? I'm going to have nightmares!" Valen whispered when the singer came up on the previews talking about his new music. "I'm feeling bad about this... If the previews are already terrifying, I'll have a heart attack before the end of the movie."

"Hey," Colin said softly, still smiling. He leaned forward quickly and kissed her once, barely more than a brush of their lips. He did want to do that, but it was going to be a perk to see how much she freaked out.
(Ooooo i wanna do something to colin... XD and make HIM freak out XD MUAHAHAHAHAH XD AND STAHP QUOTING PORN XD)
(XDDD I was trying to sing along to a song and then I read that and I laughed so hard that my nose made a fart sound XD)
Holly couldn't help but laugh at Valen's sarcasm before she got comfy in her seat, expecting the scary movie to be just like the rest. The rest to her being not scary at all. "I'm guessing you don't get scared much either?" She questioned in a soft whisper, the movie's title started to show on the screen.

(Wtf chloe XDD)

"I don't eat like that everyday!" She exclaimed, sitting up and sucking in her stomach until she felt her ribs poking her skin. "I just hadn't eaten since yesterday at five in the morning, so excuuuse me for being SOMEWHAT hungry." She added, puffing out her cheeks in a sulking manner before she hopped off the stool, dropping to her knees in a begging manner. "PLEAAAAAASE Raeeeee?" She pleaded, looking up at him, giving him the puppy dog face, her eyes widening as far as they could go as she poked out her lower lip.

Amira did get flustered for a moment, but she thought that it was time she finally got him back for teasing her all this time. "Hey," She answered back before she leaned upwards, tugging down on his shirt to give her some leverage as she pressed her lips against his, her eyes shut tightly as she kept her lips against his longer than he had before she pulled away, trying to keep a triumphant smirk on her face even though she was practically having a heart attack on the inside.
"Nope." The movie started, and Valen proved to himself to be unaffected by the movie, as he had said he would be, even as the plot kicked into action and started racking up the death count.

Rae made a face and drained the sink, which was now empty of dishes. He flicked soap bubbles at Katrina's face before wiping the rest on a nearby dishtowel. "Why do you want me specifically to give you a piggy back ride? Raeney'd be more than happy to. Reuben's too awkward to say no. I'm the prickly one--metaphorically speaking." As much as Rae tried to act indifferent, he was starting to think about doing as she wished.

Colin stared at Amira for a straight three seconds without blinking. Then he snapped out of it and grinned. "I'm surprised my charms finally got through to you," he said, and then he tilted his head adorably. "Now, how about we do a retake? Now that I'm expecting it."
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Even though Holly had acted as though scary movies hadn't effected her in the past, as soon as the first jump scare popped out she was screaming like a baby. "I hate you so much! Why would you ever let me do this?!" She screamed before she covered her face with her hands, only to peek through the spaces in between her finger and scream again. "Abort mission- ABORT MISSION!!!" She shouted, wanting to run out of the theater right then and there but she was able to manage just grabbing onto Valen's arm and having a death grip on it.

Katrina flinched as a bubble landed perfectly on the tip of her nose. She glanced up at it and blew upwards with her mouth, easily popping it before she stood up and leaned on Rae dramatically as if she were about to faint, the back of her hand on her forehead. "But alas, none of them are anywhere in sight! Which means it has to be you!" She said in her most snobbish voice before she looked up at Rae, her eyes as pleading as they could be. "I swear I'm not heavyyyy..."

Amira squeaked and blushed a deep red, pushing him away. "Y-You were supposed to get flustered!" She tried, pulling her knees to her chest and letting her chin rest against the caps of them as she tried to regain her composure.
"Ow!" Valen managed to keep his cry of pain to a whisper. "Jesus Christ, Holly, I thought you said you weren't easily scared by these types of movies." Valen tried to gently pry her fingers off of his arm, or at least loosen them.

Rae sighed wearily. "Only because it'll get you to leave me alone..." He turned around and set the dishtowel aside. "But only for 10 seconds, max."

Colin put his face next to hers again after stifling a bout of laughter. "I'm an actor. Even if I am startled or flustered, you'd never know." He took her face in his hands and kissed her again briefly, but this one was a few seconds long before he pulled back. "But you feel free to play my part as the flustered one."
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"T-They've updated since the last time I watched them!" She tried, the last time being when she was five and the movie was Casper. As another jump scare appeared on the screen, she cried out and buried her face into Valen's shoulder, her body shaking ever so slightly. "You know what... T-This is a great view! Yeah! I can see the movie sooooo clearly from here!" She said, refusing to look at the screen again as the screams of people being murdered echoed throughout the theater.

Katrina squealed in happiness and crouched down, ready to spring on his back. "Whaaaatever you say!" Katrina said, obviously not listening to his '10 seconds max' rule before she launched herself on his back, her legs easily wrapping around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. She giggled happily as she held onto him for dear life, it feeling as though she was actually flying since she was over a foot taller than what she normally was while being on the floor.

Amira felt as though she were going to pass out from how fast her heart was racing. "Y-You suck..." She muttered, biting her lower lip as she looked away from him, her cheeks heating up even more, if possible at this point. She refused to look at him as she tried to calm herself, her brain feeling as though it were complete mush as she tried to comprehend that she had been kissed three times in the past three minutes.
"Well, this was a bad decision," Valen said, and he shifted his arm so that it was around Holly's shoulders, and then he stood up, bringing her with him. He led her out of the theatre, and when he dropped his arm he started laughing so hard his face turned pink.

Rae swayed, having not expected her to actually jump on his back. "Fuck!" he exclaimed as his face nearly smacked into the counter. "You could've given me a warning or something!" He didn't let her off, though. He moved his arms to where his elbows were supporting her legs, and then he walked around the counter before stopping. "I have a feeling you're not going to obey my 10 seconds request, so where do you want to go?" he asked, sounding totally ready to just leave and go back to sleep, as if being around Katrina was too tiring.

"In my defense, Julius Caesar has practically all gay characters," Colin said. (In case you don't get it, Colin's saying that he acted out Julius Caesar the play, and everyone's gay, so he's insinuating that he literally sucked XD He really didn't, but it's a funny joke)

(I want Colin to bite Amira, but I don't know if that'd be moving too quickly or what. What do you think? XD)
(XD The screaming of profanities? And ok, well, that's quite a timeskip. I'll say Ashley left, because she was going to fail school if she stayed longer, but her parents paid for Amira to stay there. Gotta go eat, though, so do your response and then I should be back soon)
Holly's face flushed in embarrassment as she watched him laugh, her arms crossing in a sulking motion. "I wasn't that scared..." She muttered, looking down at the ground in shame. "I could've made it all the way till the end!" She added, flustered at the fact he was laughing at her.

Katrina couldn't help but burst out into giggles at his reaction, almost falling off of his back all together as she lost all of the little strength she had in her arms and legs to hold onto him while all of her energy was being spent on laughing. "I-I'm gonna fall!" She gasped out in between laughs as she tipped over to one side limply, making Rae lean with her. (I just made myself laugh by imagining her say "im gonna pee" cause of how much she's laughing and rae being like, awe fuck that and dropping her flat on her ass cause he wasn't gettin no pee on his favorite shirt XDD BUT THATS NOT HAPPENING SO DONT YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT XD and mk to the whole ashley leaving thingy)

~Timeskippy to a few months later~ Amira sighed as she curled up on the couch located in the quite spacious living room of Colin's apartment, her eyes closed blissfully as she waited for Colin to get out of the shower so she could take one, the two having planned to go to dinner together. "Hurry uuuuppppp slowpooookeee!" She yelled in the general direction of the bathroom, too lazy to get up and not in the mood to see a naked Colin. After a few more agonizing moments of waiting, Amira got up and went to the kitchen, her stomach having been growling the entire time as she had wanted to wait to eat something until they got to the restaurant, but she couldn't take it anymore. It felt as though her stomach were trying to eat itself from how hungry she was. She hummed softly as she opened up one of the cabinets that was located above the counter where the plates were. And as always, they were just out of her reach. But she had gotten used to this and easily climbed on top of the counter, ready to grab a plate before she knocked over a glass with the back of her bare foot while she wasn't paying attention to what was behind her, it shattering onto the floor. She let out a yelp and slipped off the counter, landing on her hands and knees, causing the shards of broken glass to stab through her skin with ease. "JESUS CHRIST HOLY COW MOTHER OF GOD FUDGE NUGGETS SNOT BOOGERS!" She shouted in pain, blood starting to trickle from her now cut up palms and knee caps.
(Is it okay timing if Holly discovers Valen's a werewolf? Or at least, has freaky-sharp canines?)

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