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Valen glanced up at Holly, still laughing, and gradually forced himself to stop. "I'm sorry... It was just..." Valen couldn't think of a way to describe why it was so funny to him, so he just continued to smile at Holly. And then he remembered that he didn't smile in front of people because they might see his fangs. His eyes widened and he turned away, hoping she hadn't noticed, but there was a very, very small chance that she hadn't.

(Btw, fuck is Rae's favorite word from this point forward) Rae felt himself losing balance and started to let go of Katrina, but when he let her go, losing her weight offset him even more and he fell onto his side. He grunted and rolled onto his back, and then Katrina fell on top of him, weighing less and therefore spending more time airborne.

Colin heard the crash and Amira yelling and he hurriedly buttoned up his pants before opening the door. He was toweling his hair when he walked into the kitchen and the scent of fresh blood hit him like a punch. He stopped and blinked a few times before he could force himself to take the last few steps to get to Amira. "Are you alright?" he tried, voice a rough whisper. He bent over and wrapped one arm around Amira's waist, lifting her up. His towel fell to the ground, covering the glass, and Colin shifted slightly so that Amira could stand on the covered area.
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Holly stared at the back of Valen's head as he turned away from her, a confused expression on her face. "Jesus Christ Valen, did you seriously get your canines sharpened?" She demanded, walking to where she was standing in front of him. "I just thought you had crooked teeth and that's why you never really smiled. Not because you're a full on emo kid."

(That moment when you set your open can of Dr. pepper down after you drank out of it and as you pull your hand away you almost knock it over and have a heart attack XD)

Katrina yelped as she was suddenly tossed in the air, her eyes shutting tightly as she prepared herself to land on the hard linoleum floor, but what she landed on what much softer than what she had anticipated. She lay still for a moment, the impact having shocked her a bit before she hesitantly opened her eyes and looked down, her eyes widening to find that she had landed on Rae. "R-Rae!" She tried, pushing herself up to where she was sitting on his lower waist. Once she realized what had happened she had to put a hand over her mouth as she started laughing again, her entire body shaking as she tried to hold it all in, but giggle after giggle kept escaping past her hand.

Amira's whole body was shaking as it was practically agonizing to stand straight, the way her knees moving causing the shards of glass to dig deeper into her skin. Only tiny pieces of glass lay embedded in her palms, but they fell away from her hand as she moved them, her own blood seeping down her arms and lower legs. "Y-Yeah I'm fine-" She cut herself off as she winced, her teeth gritting as her legs almost gave out, causing herself to place both of her hands on his bare chest. She gasped and quickly pulled her hands away, bloodied hand prints staying behind on Colin's chest. "I-I'm so sorry!" She squeaked, her face turning a new kind of pale as she hated the sight of her own blood.

"Um, that's not it..." Then he glanced up at her, trying to distract her but not too obviously. "And that'd be terrible if I had to hide my smile because of being self-conscious about never having gotten braces! I'd look awful with crooked teeth..."

"Sure, it's funny for you, since I'm the one you landed on," Rae grumbled, and he sat up, bringing their faces close together. He was doing it as a nice way to tell her to get off, but he didn't consider the chance that she'd get flustered at the proximity and miss the memo.

Colin glanced down at his chest, where Amira's blood remained. "I-It's alright..." He wasn't wearing a shirt, anyways, so it would wash off. He swallowed hard and lifted his gaze to Amira's hands. "Is there still... glass stuck in your skin?" he asked, trying to keep himself from disturbingly dropping to the ground and licking the blood from her shins like a rangy dog.
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"Then what in the world is up with your teeth dude? Those things looked razor sharp!" She said, grabbing onto his shoulders so he wouldn't turn away. "Open up!" She said, looking up at him expectantly.

Katrina continued to laugh, trying her best to keep herself from doing so, but she really had found it quite funny. But she suddenly stopped laughing, her face flushing lightly at how close his face was to hers. "J-Jesus!" She stammered, quickly scrambling off of him and now sitting beside them, their faces at least three feet away from each other's now as she stared at him, wide-eyed. (I was gonna make her stay there but i dont want her to kiss anyone else for the time being XD And then maybe later raeney can come up behind her and act all jelly cause she saw him straddling rae and he thought something went down and bleh bleh bleh XD)

Amira nodded silently as she held onto her own shirt tightly, unable to move at all since every little movement caused another sharp pain in her knees, her blood continuing to run down her legs and spill onto the floor. "I didn't mean to...I really didn't mean to..." She whispered, her eyes welling up with tears from embarrassment and also the excruciating pain she was feeling. She looked up at Colin with wide eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks, her face getting paler and paler by the second as she felt as though she were going to throw up if she kept looking down at the bloody sight she had created.
(I gotta get in the shower. same drill as light night, ill respond on my phone once or twice before i go to bed. and ill see you tomorrow whenever i can and then not see you from 7-8:30 XD AFK WHILE I GO GET CLEANNNNN!)
(You'd better actually be able to get on your phone! XD) Valen froze up. He looked down at Holly with fear in his expression, lips slightly parted but only the barest bit. He would have begun to plead, but he'd never planned for this. He'd expected to have no friends and therefore not have to worry about someone accidentally finding out his secret. "I can't..."

(I didn't want him to kiss her, honestly. I wasn't going to make him do it, either XD) Rae stood up stiffly, still aching a bit from the fall. And the human landing on top of him, which accounted for some of the pain he was feeling. "Yeah, that was about as fun as I'd expected." He dusted off his jeans and took a slow breath. "You're not going to be asking for another piggy back ride anytime soon, are you?"

"Just... come here. I'll clean you up," Colin said, and he used the leverage he had with his arm around her waist and lifted her just barely up, keeping her feet from putting down any pressure, but they still touched the ground. Colin carried her over to the couch and sat her down. For a moment he admired the image of her covered in red, and then he remembered that she was in pain. He went to the bathroom he'd showered in and took out some gauze. He didn't have any peroxide--he was lucky to have any First Aid supplies, being that he didn't get hurt almost at all, and it always healed quickly.

Colin went back to Amira and knelt down in front of her, also having retrieved the blood-stained towel from the kitchen and brought it to keep Amira from bleeding onto the couch or floor. He wiped what was on the verge of dripping onto the upholstery and then started to unravel the gauze, but when he took Amira's hand and got ready to wrap it, he found that he couldn't control the urges he always had to fight. Besides, Colin didn't really want to resist. He was tired of hiding who he truly was from Amira. So he brought Amira's hand to his mouth and licked a drop of blood off of the tip of her finger. His fangs immediately lengthened, responding to the small taste he'd sampled. Colin looked up at Amira to see what she thought thus far. Did she think he was a creep? A disgusting person who enjoyed seeing her in pain?

What would she think when he showed her his fangs?
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(Same colors again XD)

Amira winced as she was sat down on the couch, every little thing hurting her at this point. She watched as Colin cleaned away the blood, her body flinching away from his touch every time it just barely grazed against her skin. And as she remained still enough for him to wrap her hand up, she froze as she watched him bring her bloodied hand up to his mouth and drag his tongue across the gashes that were scattered across it. And she seemed to stop moving completely as she saw fangs extend from his upper teeth, her eyes widening as realiziation hit her in a wave that was enough to drown and suffocate her completely. All these months.. she had always seen how he had reacted to her every time she got injured. Every little paper cut, every scrape of the knee, she had seen it all. And of course she had her assumptions thanks to Ashley's crazy obsessions rubbing off on her over the years, but it had never crossed her mind that he was a.. "V-Vampire." She whispered, her voice barely if even at all audible. Though everything in her told her to run, that this monstrosity was going to kill her if she didn't, she remained completely and utterly still, only staring at Colin. And for him, that was possibly the worst thing she could've done. Because he had no idea what she was thinking. If she ran, he'd at least know she was afraid. But she just... sat there silently. Not moving a single muscle or hardly even breathing.

"Y-yeah... I mean no... s-sorry..." Katina stammered nervously as she quickly stood up as well, practically stumbling out of the room. "B-Bye Rae!" She called before disappearing down the hallway, the last thing him being able to see was her blushing face as she tried to calm herself down.

"Awe c'mon, Valen. You afraid that I'm going to find out that you're a.... VAAAAAMPIREEE?!" She asked, letting out a dramatic gasp at the end before she leaned in close to him. "I wouldn't tell a SOUL if you were a vampire, Valen." She whispered, her eyes narrowed as she glanced around, looking to see if anyone was listening in on their conversation as if it were top secret. (WRONG RP AND WRONG SUPERNATURAL CREATURE HOLLY XD GREAT JOB)
"You're afraid," Colin said softly. He didn't want to frighten her more. "And I understand why. But I won't hurt you." Colin's eyes went back to the blood still moving through the creases of Amira's fingers. "If you want to leave, I'll let you, but I beg that you don't tell anyone."

(What should happen now? XD)

(XD Hey, but it wasn't a bad guess.) "Are you joking?" Valen asked, sounding unsure. "And I'm not a vampire. I'd have offed myself by now if I was." He shuddered. "Drinking the blood of the unwilling? Sounds like a nightmare."
Amira didn't know what to say, she only stared at Colin, trying to take everything in as she let out a shaky breath. Moments passed silently, those moments feeling like eternities before Amira finally built up the courage to say something. "I...I know... that you won't hurt me..." she whispered, looking up into Colin's eyes, her own still obviously showing fear, but not as much as they had seconds before. "And I don't... want to leave you... but I just.." she trailed off as she hesitantly lifted her right hand that had less lacerations than the left, her fingers trembling as she reached up to touch his fangs. As she touched it, she flinched slightly, as if they had cut her before she slowly relaxed, her entire body still stiff, but she was trying her best to remain calm.

(I dunno XD Katraeney time? Like I said? Raeney suddenly finding Katrina and interrogating her because he saw her on top of Rae and OOOOO I HAVE A GOOD IDEA FOR THATTT OOOOO OO OOOOO DUUUUDUE XD)

"Then just show me your teeth, Valen. Seriously, I'm not going to judge you just because of what your TEETH look like. I just wanna see them." Holly pleaded, reaching up and poking his cheek repeatedly.
Colin began to smile, but he ducked his head to cover it. "This is going to sound really weird, but the smell of your blood turns me on." He cleared his throat and glanced back up at her, his lips covering his fangs. "And, well, I honestly have the intense urge to lick you all over... And I mean all over..." He let go of Amira's hand and moved away about a foot, blushing. "I didn't mean to say that."

(XD Go for it)

"Not here," Valen said, and he walked off, deciding that if she really wanted to see, Holly would have to wait until they got to the car. God, he hoped she would decide that she didn't want to see.
Amira stared at Colin, her eyes wide and her blush darkening by the second. And since her face had gotten so pale from the sight of blood, the flushing of her cheeks really stood out. "I-I... a-ah.." she stuttered, glancing away from Colin, having no clue as to what to say to that. "D-do you.. w-want to...?" She trailed off, not exactly sure of what to say as she held out her had to him, palm up as her blood dripped from her wrist and onto the towel below her. She herself didn't know exactly what she asking him. But she still held out her hand to him, knowing that the smell of her blood was practically like a drug to him.

Holly whined before following Valen in a pouting manner, her feet dragging across the floor as she really did want to see what was up with his teeth. They looked pretty cool to her. She just wanted to know what the story was behind them. "You're so meaaaaan!" She wailed, her voice echoing across the mall, causing people to stare.

(I dunno how to start katraeney cause I don't want her to just run into him. I want him to seek her out cause he was just going to tease her for caring about him the night before and then he like stops in his tracks when he smells Rae on her)
("sweet holy Jesus that was some smexy Colin" HE WAS SMEXY ALL THE TIME XD Oh, and here comes my awkwardness again! I'm uncomfortable knowing this is going to you to read XD) Colin's blush faded and he closed the space between them again. He tentatively took her hand again and, glancing up at her once, he took his time cleaning each of Amira's fingers of blood. Colin exhaled softly, almost like a breathless moan as he licked the blood from her palm. "It's not enough," he said in a whisper, eyes traveling to her other hand. A vampire's saliva had both clotting and thinning properties depending on the intent of the vampire as he or she fed. Colin had the intention of healing Amira's wounds and so, even though he was parched, he clotted the cuts on her hands so she wouldn't bleed more. He planned to do that to the rest of her wounds, too.

"Could you please not draw attention?" Valen tucked his hands in his pockets and hunched his shoulders almost up to his ears as he tried in vain to disappear as a tall, awkward guy. "Remember? Total wallflower here..."

(Well, my laptop battery's almost dead and my family won't let me go inside because I'm supposed to be helping my brother clean.)
Amira's eyes were shut tightly as he cleaned the blood off her hands, her body trembling as it tickled the sensitive skin on her hands. When he stopped, she was able to open her eyes and look up at him. Her blush worsened as he looked at her other hand, seeing the look he had in his eyes. "R-right..." she said in a hushed whisper, lifting up her other hand carefully and holding it out to him, this one being more lacerated and bloodied than the other one, blood spilling off the sides of her fingers as she moved it. "J-just... be careful..." she tried, glancing away from him. "I-it still hurts." She explained, trying to explain to him that she wasn't afraid of him actually hurting her by cutting her more with his fangs. She was just afraid that it would hurt for him to touch it.

"Am I bringing attention to us?" She asked, her voice getting louder as she looked around as though she didn't have a clue. "I HAD NO IDEA THAT I WAS BRINGING ATTENTION TO US OH MY GOD!" She shouted before trying to hide the fact she was laughing as she followed after Valen, her hands going over her mouth.
Colin took Amira's other hand and gently released the first. "It shouldn't hurt for much longer," he said, gesturing to her hand which he'd released, as the cuts it had had were now scabbed over. Then he repeated what he'd done on Amira's healed hand, and slowly her wounds began to shrink. While Colin's arousal continued to grow.

Valen didn't say anything, instead lengthening his steps so that he'd outpace Holly. His legs being longer than hers, she'd have to make up for her shorter steps by taking more. "Are you going to continue to be loud?" he asked without turning around, his voice much softer than her own had been.

Someone pressed up against Katrina's back, covering her eyes with their hands. "Guess who it is, love," Raeney said in a light-hearted tone.
Katrina sucked in a quick breath, her heart having seemed to stop for a split second before she realized it was just Raeney. "Ha ha, very funny." She said, trying to act as though there wasn't an obvious blush spreading across her face as she ducked away from his hands and turned around to face him. "It looks like you're back to your normal self." She said with a smile as she tilted her head back slightly to look up at him.

Amira only watched Colin silently as he licked the blood away from all of her cuts, her blush worsening the more he did it. She had to draw the line at him licking her knees though as they had only barely been cut, the glass shards poking into her skin having hurt the most. "T-thank you... for.." she trailed off as she looked at her hands, still not being able to quite process the fact that they had been so cut up only a few moments ago and now the cuts were vanishing before her eyes. She glanced up at Colin, the faces only a few inches apart as she hadn't realized she had been leaning forward all this time to watch him as he had cleaned the blood from her hands. "S-sorry." She squeaked, pulling away from him quickly as she thought he wouldn't want her near him while she was still slightly bleeding.

"I'M NOT BEING LOUD! JUST SHOW ME YOUR TEETH FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" She shouted, everyone in the mall having become to think she had actual mental problems, some even getting their phones out to take videos. "THIS MAN-" She yelled, gesturing to Valen as she ran to catch up with him. "REFUSES TO SHOW ME HIS TEETH!"

(Getting in the shower)

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