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How much do you love Raeney?

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Myra remained still for a while, her body completely frozen before she slowly sat up, the whispering of the basement getting louder. "What about the basement?!" She demanded, her eyes wide as she reluctantly got off the bed and moved towards the door ever so slowly. Once she reached it, she stared at it for a long moment before she yanked it open. When there was nothing outside of her room, she made her way down the stairs, her eyes just barely being able to see what was out in front of her. "Where's the basement even at?" She asked herself, glancing around in confusion.

"Raeney- just stop it already and get off of him!" Katrina demanded, grabbing onto Raeney's arm now and wrapping her own around his, yanking on it as hard as she possibly could. "I'll do whatever in the hell you want! Just leave him out of this!" She tried, her wide eyes looking to Rae as she had never wanted him to get hurt. This was all her fault... if she hadn't of put herself in these kind of situations, things like this would've never happened. "R-Reuben! Reuben help me! Please Reuben!" She shouted, her voice full of desperation.
"You see? He's fine. Now please just leave us be. I need to talk to him about some personal things." Marilyn said, leaning in real close to the guard. "It's about my period. There's a lot more blood than usual. And eveything's just all red down there and it feels like I'm being stabbed from the inside. But even though it hurts real bad, I'm suuuuuper horny. Like a jack rabbit kind of horny. I just want to have sex all day everyday all the time. Wanna know something else?" She asked, looking up at the guard with a devious grin as she hoped this kind of talk would disgust him enough to leave them alone. (I feel like I would actually do this XD)
The scratching sounds started up again, though much softer than it had been before. It started leading the way down the stairs and through the living room into the hallway the bathroom had been in. There was an unlit dead end at the far side of the hallway with a staircase.

There was a beat of silence as Raeney and Rae waited to hear from Reuben. Raeney began to smile when nothing happened, but then Reuben appeared, the shadows bearing him in a puff of black particles. Reuben easily shoved Raeney onto the floor, away from Rae. Raeney leapt up onto a crouch, acting truly like the animal his eyes and cunning resembled.

(Im too socially awkward XD) The guards were visibly disgusted, but they stood their ground. "Sorry, Miss, but you'll just have to talk in front of us." Then Brianna appeared next to Daryn, and he whispered, "Please agitate someone. I need to talk to this girl..." Brianna appeared angry, but she disappeared.

"Showing up at the perfect time..." Datum said to himself just before Lisle started screaming down the hall. The guards rushed away as another guard shouted "BACKUP!"

"So," Daryn said to Marilyn with false innocence in his widened eyes. "Are you really here to talk about sex?" Daryn smiled mischievously.
Marilyn glanced over at Daryn and snorted, barely able to hold in a burst of laughter. "Definitely." She said before she sat back down at the table, motioning for him to do the same. "So what's your story, Crazy Pants?" She asked, still having not once used his actual name as she at least wanted to get to know him a bit before she started worrying about the formalities.

Myra followed the scratching noises down the stairs that led to the basement, her movements slow and careful as she held her breath. "Alright. I'm here. Now what do you want?" She demanded the darkness that surrounded her.

Katrina stared at Reuben for a moment, her eyes wide and full of shock. ~He actually came..~ she thought before she quickly went to Rae's side, pulling him up into a sitting position. "Are you alright? A-are you hurt? Is anything broken?" She tried, looking him over nervously all the while still keeping an eye on Raeney, making sure he didn't try to do anything else.
Daryn's walls came up again, and his smile disappeared. "Why does it matter?" His eyes were emotionless as he peered up at the American girl. "You should use this time we're alone to ask things more valid to what you're trying to get from me."

No scratchy voices responded this time. All was quiet and all was dark. Then a sliver of moonlight coming from upstairs briefly glanced off of a light switch, almost as if a sign.

Rae sat up and pulled away from Katrina, his expression stony. "Nothing's broken. You should have left," he said, voice hard. "I'm a match for my brother. We're exactly the same physically." His eyes went to Raeney, who was in fact a carbon copy of Rae, if not for his bleached hair and slightly different eyes. Reuben stood between Raeney and Katrina, immovable. Raeney saw the dark fury in Princeton's eyes and scoffed.

"You think you're in love, but she'll never choose you, Princeton Reuben! You're too
soft. She wants someone like me, that can make her feel fear. Don't you see how her breath catches when she gets near me?!" Raeney demanded, and Reuben shook his head slowly.

"Shut up," he said softly. "That's not what this is about."
"I'll be fine!" Samuel snapped in a low voice, also trying to keep from attracting any unwanted attention. "Just go northeast and we'll soon find the tree. Then--and only then--will I allow myself rest."
"Who ever said I was trying to get anything from you?" She retorted just as quickly as he had responded to her. "Can't a person talk to another human being just to talk? Why does one always have to be trying to get something from the other?'" She added, crossing her arms comfortably and leaning back in the seat she was sitting in.

Myra's eyes glanced over the light switch and she quickly ran over to it and flipped it on, the sudden burst of light blinding her for a moment.

Katrina looked a bit hurt by Rae's coldness, but she didn't let it get to her as that wasn't what was important at this point in time. She stood up, only a foot or so behind Reuben, and she peeked out from behind him to look at Raeney. And when he said that, her face turned a dark shade of red and she quickly hid herself behind Reuben once more, her forehead resting against the middle of his back. ~I'm sorry Reuben... I'm so sorry that I keep relying on you to protect me...~ She thought sadly, her heart skipping a beat as she kept hearing Raeney's words in her head over and over again.

"A tree isn't going to protect us from any Speeds or Crockpots!" Holly snapped. "So stop trying to be so damn noble all the time and just admit that you're hurt and that you need to rest NOW." She added, grabbing a hold of Samuel's arm and yanking him back to where he was facing her, their faces only a few inches apart. "You're not helping anyone by doing this, Samuel." She whispered, staring into his eyes and refusing to look away. "Please... Let's just find a place to camp for the night."

(XD I'm typing it. I just have been sidetracked and slow at thinking of things. I'm supposed to be studying for another 2 finals tomorrow.)
(Awww that sucks to be you XD I've been done with school entirely since yesterday. I'm officially on summer sucker XD)
(:O I HATE YOUUUU! But lucky for you, I get to come home early both tomorrow and Thursday XD So you won't be bored all day. I'll be home at like 12. So be on. XD)
(It's stupid. -.- I have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning only to go home like 4 hours after getting to school. Class starts at 7...)
(I woke up this morning and wanted to start crying because I'm so ready for school to be over XD)
"Because all the human race does is find weaknesses of the other team and drown them in the hope of winning." Daryn sat completely straight, his piercing silver gaze fixated on Marilyn. "We say that it's just for peace and recreation, but then we find it just gay that others fall for a sweet word or two. But I'm not stupid. I haven't as loose a tongue as you wish I did."

The basement was fairly normal: filled with dusty boxes and uninteresting trinkets, but there was also a locked closet in one corner. Its key was nowhere to be seen.

Reuben stiffened when Katrina touched him, but then he allowed his muscles to unknot. "What is it, then? What is this about, other than you being jealous that she cares of me?" Raeney spoke, a frown pressing itself upon his full lips.

"You plan to hurt everyone to take her maidenhead, strictly because it's become difficult for you to get to it." Raeney stood slowly, a murderous look in his beautiful golden eyes.

"What would you know about her maidenhead, Reuben? Why are you so particularly fascinated with this human girl? She's but a temporary decoration hanging around our home, and yet you've become attached to her. Proposterous, it is!" Raeney stepped closer to Reuben, fists clenched.
Rae stood on the other side of Reuben, flanking him. "It isn't your place to determine what happens to this girl. You're not the only one with claims on her, Raeney. Back. Off." Raeney practically shook with fury.

"Or I'll ruin your face further," Reuben added, and before snapping, Raeney rushed out of the room.

Angel stepped between the two, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "Samuel's right, chica. The tree is the nearest safe place, besides the sewer, and I'm not ready to go back in there so soon after gaining freedom...." Samuel glanced up at the sky.

"And dusk is approaching, so we've got to get going," he said, and Samuel started off, leading them northeast,
Marilyn tipped her head to one side, thinking about what he had said for a moment before nodding. "Well I guess you're right. Fine. I do want something from you." She said, straightening up and placing her hands up on the table before clasping them professionally. "I want your friendship." She said after a while. "And your trust. Because in order for me to get you out of here, you have to trust me."

"I can't believe I'm standing in someone's basement and talking to nothing..." Myra muttered, looking around. "What am I supposed to do?" She whispered harshly, asking the stagnant air around her.

(OOoo cat fight XD) Katrina remained still for the longest time, her breath being held in her chest before she hesitantly lifted her head away from Reuben and backed away from the two brothers. "This is... All my fault..." She whispered, going to the back wall and leaning against it to where she could slide to the floor in a sitting position. "I'm so sorry.. I didn't think... He would go that far... I just.. Didn't think at all." She said, shirt she was wearing with a blank gaze. "Can someone please get me another shirt?" She suddenly said, her voice angry and panicked sounding as she began struggling to take off the shirt, not caring what the two boys saw. "I want this off me!" She tried, hot tears rolling down her face.

"Yeah yeah. Great plan. Let's depend on a tree to protect us." She muttered, reluctantly following them, her whole body hot with anger. "If we get killed, I'm haunting both of you in the afterlife for the rest of eternity."
(And sorry it took me so long to reply. My laptop decided to restart as i was typing XD)
(YESSSS OH MY GOD XD I was like... Okay.. Just keep saying what you had typed over and over so you dont forget it. AND IT WAS STILL THERE AND I ABOUT CRIED XD)
Daryn was startled by her proposition. "You don't know me, Marilyn. Why would you want to help me escape?"

"What're you doing down here?" someone asked, and Zach appeared on the staircase. "It's cold in the basement." He rubbed his arms and gave Myra a concerned look. "You alright?"

(Reuben and Rae aren't related XD) Reuben began to panic when he saw Katrina struggling to undress herself. "N-No, Katrina, wait but a moment..." He gestured for Rae to give up his jacket, and Rae shed the unnecessary layer of clothing. Reuben used the jacket as a curtain for a moment, until Katrina had taken off Rae's shirt.

"Just put the jacket on, and let us know when you are presentable," Reuben said, and both he and Rae turned their backs.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you're dead, chances are high that we are too." Samuel squinted into the darkening horizon. "Look, right there." Samuel and Angel quickened their pace, ready to get inside of the old treehouse.
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