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How much do you love Raeney?

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Marilyn's uncle Dave huffed as his temporary charge ran off. "Social butterfly, that one is..." he said to himself with a chuckle.

"Maybe. I haven't checked the weather since last night," Tori said between bites. She stood and opened the curtains beside the dining table, revealing a white landscape and a clouded sky still sending down flurries of snow. "I stand corrected. It is definitely not lightening up."

(Let's not even mention this girl I don't know saying she can smell my fear! Totally normal XDD) Raena grinned and clapped her hands giddily like an excited little girl. "Very! Spin for me!" Raena moved to stand behind Katrina, admiring the way that the thin material hugged the human's curves. Raena herself was slender and had your average tall-girl's modest curves.

Angel was exhausted, and he didn't wake when Holly tensed in his arms. His brow furrowed the slightest bit, but otherwise his expression was peaceful and unguarded--much unlike it was when the Latino was awake. In the little bit of late-morning sun that made it through the petrified tree's limbs and then the treehouse's windows dappled Angel's face with light, highlighting his olive skin and long eyelashes with gold.
(You're about 9 hours late XD So I'd say you were pretty busy. AND OMG AISLIN I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY. I got an 88 and a 93 on my finals, which is really, really good for being unable to study for one of them.)
(Also, I have another art thing to show you. So, my English teacher has a whole bunch of intricate coloring pages for her students to grab if they want one, considering freakishly smart kids ((it's an all-Gifted class, so we're all nerds, basically)) get antsy when we're bored and have to sit still for too long. So I got one and used a friend's extensive variety of pens to color one in, varying from glittery to shimmery to normal pen ink. I used... *counts* 11 to 14 different pens on it, and I'm really proud of it, so I'm going to attach a pic: 20170524_210917.jpg )
(Oh my god that looks so good!! And sorry, just got home. I'll be on my laptop in a little bit so I'll reply then so I can get ready for bed now)
(I'm going to be going to bed soon, so you'd better hurry. Tomorrow's my last day of school!!! This year passed by really fast.)
Marilyn slung the straps of her bag over her shoulder as she ran across the road and headed down the short cut she had found a few years ago that led straight to the mental hospital. ~If I keep running at this pace I'll be able to make it there just at 1:00..~ She thought to herself as jogged down the little dirt trail shaded by the tree branches that hung out over it.

Myra quickly went over to where Tori was standing and stared out into the plain white landscape in disbelief. "This can't be happening.." she groaned, rubbing her face with a long sigh as she went back to the dining table and sat down beside Jacob. "I just want to go home." She said, laying her head down on the table. "Not like you guys aren't great and all. I just want to see my family again."

(and i'll mention something about it later XD I WAS ON THE PHONE OKAY AND JUST TRYING TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO RESPOND TO) Katrina sighed and crossed her arms across her stomach, hating how it looked in the tight fitting dress even though it was completely flat and had no extra baby fat sticking out whatsoever. "You couldn't have just given me a t-shirt and some shorts..." She said, covering her face with one hand in embarrassment. "What's Raeney going to think? Or Rae and Reuben?" She tried, her face flushing as she had never been one to wear girly things to get the opposite sex's attention.

Holly stared at Angel's peaceful expression, almost not wanting to wake him up. She just wanted to act like a normal girl who was just having a peaceful and normal morning with a boy who she'd call her boyfriend in a normal situation. But this wasn't a normal morning and this wasn't a normal boy. "A-Angel.." Holly tried, attempting to nudge the older boy away, but his body didn't budge an inch. "Angel wake up!" She said in a hushed whisper, not wanting Samuel to see them like they were. If he saw this, he'd never let them live it down.
(Keep in mind that Marilyn doesn't live in England. She's only spending the summer there with her uncle.)

Jacob, finished with his food after like 3 minutes, looks at Myra with concern. "At least you're safe and warm. If Zach had left you out in the snow, you wouldn't be feeling up to par, right about now... You'd probably have gotten lost in the snow and frozen to death."

"Wow, Jake, that's exactly what she needs to hear," Tori said sarcastically, chiding the younger boy. Jacob shrugged as if to say, 'Hey, I tried!'

"That you're hot, obviously!" Raena exclaimed with a dramatic eye roll. She rushed over and pulled Katrina's hands from her stomach. "Stop being shy, okay? You look great." Raena pressed a finger to her lips, pensive. "But you're going to have to give the dress back eventually, alright? It's, like, my fave."

Angel blinked his eyes open halfway, vision blurry for a moment because of the light shining straight into his eyes, lighting up their amber tint. When he realized what was going on, he sat upright immediately, releasing Holly and banging his head on the ceiling. He lay back down, clutching his forehead. "Ay! Hijo de hostia, cono! Mierda!" Angel let loose a few more curses before lowering his hands. "Lo siento, chica. No quero ser tu novio." Angel realized he was talking in Spanish, and also not making very much sense. "I mean, I didn't mean to hold you. Pretend it never happened." He closed his hands again, frowning.
(Welp. she knew about the short cut because her uncle brought her through there yesterday then XD)
Myra glanced at Jacob, not phased at all by what he had said before she looked to Tori. "Do you mind if I take a shower? I haven't taken one since yesterday morning." She asked politely as she stood up, her hands clasping behind her as she waited for Tori's answer.

Katrina quickly took a step away from Raena. "Yeah, you won't have to worry about me keeping it." She said before wrapping her arms back around her stomach. "But thank you for letting me borrow it. I would rather have to wear a dress than be naked." She added, giving Raena a greatful smile before she moved towards the door. "I'm going to go back to my room now. Maybe get a little sleep. Everything's been really... Exhausting lately."

Holly still lay on the floor beside Angel, just kind of staring at him as he freaked out. And when he laid back down next to her, she blushed more and quickly turned onto her other side to where her back was facing him. "Y-Yeah. Sure... I-It never happened." She stammered as she curled up into a ball, her eyes shut tightly and her arms wrapped around herself. ~Why is my heart beating so fast?~ She demanded herself silently, her body trembling ever so slightly at the sudden loss of body heat. ~It's not like I liked him holding me or anything... Right...?~
"Need clothes?" Tori asked, and Jacob winked at Myra jokingly before smiling at Tori.

"Make her walk around in some lingerie or something." Zach snorted, trying to hold in laughter.

Raena's expression became pitying. "You slept in my room twice already, so it doesn't hurt to stay again. I'll go walk around; maybe but in a stern word with Raeney about how he should treat a woman." Raena opened the door and walked out, waving over her shoulder at Katrina before allowing the door to latch and lock.

Angel rolled over, too, but he shifted to be parallel to the wall, resting his forehead on the wooden planks. He sighed softly. Now this gringa is gonna think I have a thing for her, he thought wearily. Then he dozed off again as his worries pelted him. They melted away.
Myra was about to take Tori up on her offer for clothes, but then she blushed lightly at Jacob's input. "Remember that I helped make the food. It could be poisoned for all you know." She said, punching him in the arm before going back to Tori. "Some clothes would be great, thank you." She said, casting an amused glare back at Jacob before she and Tori went upstairs.

Katrina watched Raena leave, extremely grateful of her kindness before she went over to her bed and hesitantly sat down on it. As soon as she touched the soft mattress, her entire body seemed to relax into a puddle of exhaustion. She pulled the rest of herself up onto the bed before tugging the sheets over her. She closed her eyes with a long sigh, her body trembling as she tried to relax all of her tensed joints. She turned over onto her right side to where her back was facing the door, her face burying into one of the many pillows on the bed. She wrapped her arms around the pillow, as if it were a person, her legs curling up to her chest. She couldn't help but think of Raeney as she did this. How it would feel if he was actually holding her gently in his arms, letting his body heat warm her... Katrina quickly sat up, her eyes wide and her face flushed. "What's wrong with me?" She demanded herself, holding her face in her hands.

Holly glanced over at Angel, glad to see he had just fallen back asleep before she silently scooted over to where she had originally been laying, far away from him and Samuel. ~Now he's going to think that I think he has a thing for me.... Greaaaat..~ Holly thought in annoyance before she closed her eyes and tried to doze off again as Angel had. But she just couldn't get her heart to stop racing.
(YAAAAAAAAAAY XD sorry you're gonna miss your peeps... but YAY FOR MEEEE)
(You're so self centered XD) In that case, grant a dying man's wish!" Jacob shouted up after them before standing, grabbing the dishes, and beginning to wash them.

Tori led Myra into a fully furnished room that was much more than than the guest bedroom. The bed had a frame carved from expensive cyprus wood, with tall posts veined with white gold. There were thin turquoise cloths shading the bed (whatever they're called). The sheets were blues and greens, while the pillowcase was black. Paintings were hung on the walls, and a fluffy purple rug shaped like an oval almost covered the entire floor. Tori opened the door to a walk in closer.

Raena did as she had said she would and searched out her more feminine brother. When she found him, he was in his room, tracing the edges of his wound. He had a pitiful expression on his face as he stared at the torn synthetic skin.

" I'm unhappy as is, there's no need to patronize me," he said wearily as his only sister silently opened his door. He took a moment to look up at her, anger and sadness warring in his feline eyes.

" So why'd you do it, KEEP doing it, if you know it's going to get you into situations you don't like?" Raena asked, flattening her dress against her hips and bottom primly before sitting on his bed. She crossed her legs and sat straight, the perfect example of the word ladylike.

"None of the others have challenged me like they do with this girl. I don't know why they think she's any different from the others." Raeney pushed his hair partially behind his ear like he normally did, baring his marred face in its entirety. Raena frowned at her brother and waved him over. He sat next to her, hands folded in his lap. Raena reached over and hugged him, resting her head against his shoulder.

"You'll have to get used to it, then, Raeney. They're not letting you get to her, so I guess you'll just have to let this one go," she said softly before tipping her chin up to look at him. Raeney lifted his arm and wrapped it around his sister, pulling her into a side-hug.

"You know I can't do that, sis," he replied in a low whisper, portraying how much being rejected by his family and friends really hurt him. Raena sighed and pulled Raeney down to wrap her arms around him him a real hug. Raeney rested his forehead against her cheek, and Raena propped her chin on her brother's shoulder.

"Yeah, I know..." Raena squeezed her eyes shut so she wouldn't cry. This was the most sentimental she'd ever been with either of her brothers in such a long time.

"I love you, sis," Raeney spoke, and Raena smiled wearily.

"Love you, too," she said. And black tears fell from Raeney's eyes, leaving smudges of gray across his cheeks.
(Are you on your computer? I'm still on my phone, but I'll get on my laptop whenever you get home and stuff)
(Mk. I gotta eat, but I'll get on my laptop and reply when I'm done)
Myra peeked inside the closet from behind Tori, her eyes full or wonder and amazement. "Sheesh..." she said after a moment of taking everything in. "This closet is bigger than my room back home." She said, looking to Tori before laughing lightly. "You don't have to give me anything special. Anything would be fine, really. As long as it's not lingerie." She quickly added, stepping back and letting Tori get into the closet.

Katrina buried her face into her knees, tears of her own silently rolling down her face. "I don't even know him... and I already care about him so much..." she whispered to herself, hating the way she was feeling. "It's pathetic." She added, angry that she had worn her heart on her sleeve. But she just... couldn't deny the feelings she had for Raeney. He was right. Whenever she was with him, her heart skipped a beat and she could barely function. ~But that's how he wants me to feel.. in a few days, he'll forget I even exist.~
Tori laughed. "Haven't been in a relationship in a while, so I'm lacking in that department anyway." She started sorting through clothes. "I'm a little... thicker than you are, so things might be baggy." Tori gestured to her amble bosum (I wanted to write something that said ample bosom XD) and voluptuous waist-to-hip ratio. She pulled out a men's T-shirt with a skull on the front, baggy black jeans, and some tight thermal underclothes.

Rae swung open the door to Raeney's room, having been planning to chastise his brother in a less nice manner than their sister did. When he saw the dark streaks on Raeney's face, Rae froze. Raeney hadn't ever been a crier. When Rae and Raena would cry or throw fits when they were young and immature, Raeney would always have a smart comeback and a smug smile ready. Raena's sad look as she glanced up at Rae convinced him to join them on the bed, but he didn't hug them.

"You guys alright?" Rae said awkwardly, and then Rae pulled him into the hug, chuckling.

"Don't be antisocial, Raymond! We shared a childhood and a "womb" together," Raeney said softly, and the triplets broke apart laughing. They sobered quickly, glancing between each other with sincerity.

"I miss when we were close like this," Rae said, and Raena nodded, twisting a lock of hair around two fingers. "What happened to you, Raeney? Why are you like this?" Rae asked. Raeney shrugged, looking away.

"I guess it's a coping method." Raena and Rae shared a look.

"It makes sense, but you could have chosen to do something less painful to yourself," Raena said.

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