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How much do you love Raeney?

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"People acting flattery in baby voices personally gets on my nerves, human. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't treat me like a three-year-old," Danica said with a smile, and then she took Katrina's hand and began leading her through the halls with half-walls. Conversation could be heard in a few of them, and then Danica stopped right outside one of the entrances to a room and pointed. "That's Raeney's room. I'd recommend having a chaperone, but that's your decision." Danica giggled, let go of Katrina's hand, and ran down the hallway into the blackness.
Sara laughed lightly and nodded, her eyes closing as she let out a sigh. "Yeah.." She murmured, burying her face into his shoulder as she curled up against Peter, her body still shivering lightly, but she seemed to ignore it as she said nothing about it. "You're starting to warm up.."

Holly giggled adorably and pushed herself off of the arm rest to where her back was resting against the car door, her head against the cool window. "I solemnly swear that I shall not force you to look at shoes." She said, holding her right hand above her heart before she sighed happily, her eyes closing as the AC kicked it, it blowing her hair ever so slightly.
Katrina stared after the little girl, a confused expression on her face before she shrugged and hesitantly opened the door that was in front of her. "Raeney..?" She questioned softly as she stepped into the room, carefully closing the door behind her and looking around. "Are you in here?"
(Looking for stuff for the Vampy RP. That's why it takes me so long for the plays and stuff is because I check for correlation and read through the plays to find parts that work.)

"Because you're hot." Peter blinked up at Tink and they shared a wide-eyed look. They both were equally startled by his words. "I mean-- not-- you--" Peter snapped his mouth shut and listened to Tink laughing her butt off.

"You seem like a shoe kind of girl, though," Valen teased. "We can stay for a little while if you really can't resist. Don't hurt yourself for my sake." Valen's words dropped off into the air with a solemn note as it sunk in that he'd said practically those same words the day before in the nurse's office when Valen word-vomited his entire life story.
Sara quickly sat up and stared at him with a shocked expression, her face a deep shade of crimson. She let out an embarrassed squeak and flipped over onto her other side to where her back was pressed into Peter's chest, her face burying itself into the pillows as she tried to calm down her fastening heart rate. ~Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD!~ She thought to herself, flustered beyond belief as she kept her face covered, refusing to look at him.

Holly stiffened up a bit, but quickly tried to act as if she hadn't heard what he just said or that she recognized it from the day before. "I'm really not a shoe person." She said hastily as she lifted up her shoe, showing him that they were just plain tennis shoes, nothing at all like what most girls wore at their school. "I just get a pair, wear them till they're completely dead and there's no hope of saving them before I get a new pair." She explained before she dropped her foot. "So we really don't have to look at shoes."
Raeney was lying in bed on top of his blankets, propped up on the headboard. He seemed out of character, not even smiling at Katrina as she walked in. There were no noticeable injuries on his face, at least out of what was visible. His hair was not tucked behind his ears like normal (remember, his hair is parted, and the front side with more hair is kinda long, so he tucks it behind his ear. There are little pieces that escape, but usually that's how it looks), instead hanging over his forehead and shading one of his eyes. "Why are you in here?" he asked monotonously.
"I meant... like, y-you're warm... not the o-other way..." Peter stuttered, blushing. "Sorry again. Hopefully when I'm feeling good again I won't say weird things anymore." Peter frowned suddenly. "Now that I think about, some even weirder stuff than my bad choice in words happened back in Neverland..." His eyes widened. "We need to figure out what's going on. Neverland and I are connected, so Neverland must be sick. That's why bad stuff has been happening to me."

"Then what're we going to be looking at?" Valen asked, figuring that if she were going to play off his repetition, he would have to attempt it as well. "There's really no point to going to the mall if you're not planning to buy something."
Katrina timidly walked over to him, pushing the sleeve of the shirt she was wearing back over her shoulder only for it to fall back down again. "I just... W-Wanted to see if you were alright." She stammered, carefully sitting on the edge of his bed where his legs were located. "I didn't get to see much of what happened... But I saw you in the wall and it just kind of... Scared me." she said, sounding a bit confused as to why she herself even cared cared what happened to him.
Holly wiggled her eyebrows at Valen, making a goofy face before she turned away from him. "Guess you'll just have to find out~!" She teased as she rolled down the window on her side, sticking her hand out and letting the wind blow against it.

Sara flinched slightly, remaining silent for a moment as she was hurt by his choice of words. ~ 'Some even weirder stuff than my bad choice of wors happened back in Neverland.' ~ His words echoed in her mind. ~Oh god... What if he didn't even mean to kiss me? What if he didn't even want to? And then I just..~ She stopped herself from thinking any further before she quickly got up, not even casting a glance at Peter as she walked to the other side of the room and gathered up some clothes she could change into. "Y-You can go ahead and start discussing it with Tink while I go change." She said before disappearing into her bathroom, the door locking behind her.
Ashley had dragged Amira to another of the Theatre du Coeur Saignant showings, but this time Ashley decided that if Amira didn't want to go to anymore after this, she wouldn't force her.

The lights flickered on and off, and then they shut off, like they always did at the beginning of the acts. This time, though, when they turned back on, there was only one actor standing on the "stage." And it was Colin, dressed unlike anyone had ever seen him during a showing. He wore a quarter-unbuttoned white button-up tucked into his black jeans, and a blood-colored scarf tied around his neck like a 70s rollerblader.

"Tonight there won't be a play acted out, and neither will it be by Shakespeare," he announced, and his rich voice filled the church like spoken by God's own mouth. "I'll be reciting a poem by Edgar Allan Poe." Colin cleared his throat and began:

"From childhood’s hour I have not been

As others were—I have not seen
As others saw—I could not bring
My passions from a common spring—
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow—I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone—
And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone—
Then—in my childhood—in the dawn
Of a most stormy life—was drawn
From ev’ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still—
From the torrent, or the fountain—
From the red cliff of the mountain—
From the sun that ’round me roll’d
In its autumn tint of gold—
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass’d me flying by—
From the thunder, and the storm—
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view."

When his words dropped off, silence was all that could be heard. Even the cicadas that always made noise just outside the cathedral were silent, as if they understood Poe's pain carried past Colin's lips.
"You know, I'm starting to realize that you remind me of a dog. A really, really hyper dog."

As soon as Sara was gone, Peter sat up slowly and faced Tinkerbell. "Do you know what I'm talking about, Tink? Neverland's decaying! For years now it's gradually been dying, and that's why everyone's slowly begun to grow older." He gasped and then broke into a coughing fit, his diaphragm still not up to par. "Tink, you've got little time left... We have to fix Neverland so we can get you back!" Pixies only lasted a few years, and Tink would be rather old by now if what Peter was saying was true. Pixies didn't age visibly, but they did die, and if Tink died, Peter would fall into a severe depression that would be too deep to get out of, and that would finish off Neverland.
"I don't like that you're scared for me. I'd much rather you being afraid of me..." Raeney's voice began to take up some emotion, but none were very good. A frown began to press down upon his lips.
Amira sat there in silence along with the rest of the crowd, her mind seeming to have blanked as she hadn't expected anything like that. She had expected just another play that she wouldn't have been able to understand. But that's not what happened at all. And as the crowd remained silent, she hesitantly stood up from her seat that was located in the very back of the church. Her body shook violently as she held onto the bottom of her shirt, a dark blush on her face as she shut her eyes tightly, refusing to look at Colin as she said this. "C-C-Colin D-Doucet!" She squeaked, her voice barely able to reach the stage. She tensed up as she felt everyone's eyes fall on her and she sucked in a breath, her blush worsening. "I request that you... T-That you.." She trailed off in embarrassment, her words faltering as she was terrified. "I request that you go on another date with me!" She yelled, her words echoing softly across the pews, her eyes snapping open as she did so and she stared at Colin, barely able to breathe as she didn't move a muscle.
Holly only snorted in response, giggling to herself as she found the joke quite funny. "S-Shut up!" She tried before she burst into giggles again until they got to the mall. ~Timeskippy~

As Sara got changed, she stared at herself in the mirror, feeling completely and utterly heart broken. She sighed and leaned over the counter, turning the faucet on and washing her face with cold water to try to snap herself out of it. "What did you expect to happen? He was in love with Wendy. And he always will be." She murmured to herself before sinking to the floor, wanting to just sit there for a while.

Katrina sighed and looked away from him, her arms crossing in slight annoyance as she had been concerned about his well being. Had being the key word. "Well you'll be happy to hear that I'm both." She said in retort, looking over at him, her low leveled anger showing in her eyes before she closed them and laid back on the bed in the small space where his feet wouldn't reach. "I don't understand why you act like that all the time..." She murmured.
All eyes turned back to Colin as the crowd awaited his answer, but, unlike Amira, Colin welcomed the attention. "And now we're back to Shakespeare, ladies and gentlemen!" He smiled at Amira and met her where she stood, taking her hand and turning them both to the audience.

"Were beauty under twenty locks kept fast,
Yet love breaks through and picks them all at last!"

"You must be stupid, then, love." Raeney shifted to where he was able to lay down on his side, stretched out in the direction of Katrina, ending up with his face in the general vicinity of her own. "I act like this because that's who I am. And frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn if you don't like it."
Valen tucked his key ring into his pocket as they crossed the parking lot. "Are you going to tell me yet where we'll be shopping, or are we switching roles, and I become the dog that walks along at your heels?" Little did Holly know, even if he wasn't following someone, he was still a dog. And not even in a symbolical way.

(Dunno what you want me to do with Petey. He can barely breathe, so he's not walking into the bathroom to comfort Sara)
Amira blushed an even darker red and covered her face with her hands, not wanting any more attention on her than there already was. But that seemed impossible at this point as Colin had made a big show out of everything. "C-Colin!" She squeaked, able to turn her body within his grasp to where she was facing him, her forehead resting against his chest to keep her face covered from the crowd.

"I never said I didn't like it." She muttered before she blushed and quickly sat up to where she was leaning over him slightly. "A-And I also didn't say I liked it either!" She exclaimed before she turned away from him, her cheeks darkening by the minute. "I just meant... That I don't think it's the real you." She murmured before she glanced back over at him, her hand almost touching his arm as she continued to lean over him.
(I dunno what to do either XD That's why I made her do that cause i didnt know what to make her say if she came back out there with petey and tink)

"Just come on!" Holly tried, taking Valen's hand and running into the mall, pulling him behind her the whole way before they were suddenly inside an old little thrift store full of old clothing. Some of the merchandise looking as though it dated back over 50 years. It was pretty obvious that the place wouldn't be in business much longer, but to Holly, it looked as though she had just found the holy grail. "Isn't this stuff amazing?" She asked, grabbing an old fedora and putting it atop his head, her hand still holding his without her even realizing it.
(Should we give up Petey Boy RP? I love him, but maybe we could come back eventually when we've got more ideas.)

Valen didn't want to be rude and snatch his hand away, but he couldn't ignore the contact. He just stared at their hands as he responded: "Are you sure you aren't fifty years old? Because you act pretty strange for a teenage girl."

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