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How much do you love Raeney?

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(Yes, excuse you! XD Who do you know that has a cold tongue? Where the hell are you getting your information?? XD)
Holly smiled brightly and followed Valen to his car, not even caring that it wasn't a particularly nice car. It was way better than her nonexistent one. "This is gonna be so much fun!" She said, jumping into the passenger seat happily. "Where do you wanna go first? The mall? The arcade? The park? The pool building?" She asked, practically vibrating in her seat at how excited she was to skipping school for the first time in her entire life.

It practically killed Sara to pull herself away from Peter, but she got up and quickly lit the fire, throwing large logs of wood into it that would keep it burning for hours. She went back into the bed and pulled the blankets over Peter. She then went to the closet and grabbed all of the other blankets she could find, wrapping them around his frozen form in hopes of warming him. She stood at the foot of the bed for a moment, looking at him with worried filled eyes before she carefully climbed under the covers with him, wrapping her entire body around him, wanting to share her body heat with his, knowing it would get him warmer quicker.
Reuben seemed a bit upset that she cared how Raeney was doing when he'd gone into the bathroom to rape her. "Why don't you get dressed, Miss? Then you can go searching out Raeney and ask about his wellbeing," Reuben said, and how he was feeling showed in his voice. He went back to his post outside of the bathroom and crossed his arms, wishing she'd hurry at this point.

Colin made a low sound in the back of his throat, almost like a purr. "You smell so good... I can't help myself," he whispered into the base of her neck, where it met her shoulder. "Do you not like it? The way your heart is racing says that you do..." Colin was losing the last bits of his control. He hadn't met with a donor in days, and the thirst was only growing stronger as he listened to and smelled and felt her pulse.
Valen blinked at Holly, feeling a little intimidated by her excitement. "I guess you can choose where we go, since you seem way happy to be doing this." Valen gave her a moment to think about what their first destination should be as he started the car.

"This feels nice," Peter joked, and he sounded more like himself, except for the fact that his words quaked, and he paused after each syllable.
Katrina quickly went back into the bathroom and looked around for some new clothes to put on, not wanting to put on her dirtied uniform she had left on the now wet floor from where she had walked. She was luckily able to find some clothes in what appeared to be a laundry basket. All she was able to find though was an over-sized long sleeve black shirt and a pair of ripped up jean shorts that seemed to fit okay since they were probably Raena's or Pandora's. She walked out of the bathroom, her hair still drenched and leaving little puddles wherever she walked. "Do you know where he could've gone to?" She questioned, looking over at Reuben. And as she did so, the shirt fell off her shoulder a bit as it was at least three times the size of her body, her bare shoulder and a bit of her upper arm now exposed.

Amira only continued to blush as she tried to lean away from Colin, her heart beating even faster at the fact that Colin could feel it. "M-My heart's not racing... A-And I don't like this.." She tried to protest as she pushed against him once more, causing herself to fall back and lay against the grass. She looked up at Colin with her wide grey eyes, her chest rising and falling at a rapid pace as she had frozen up, too terrified to move now that she was able to see Colin's face.
"Nooooo!" Holly whined, letting the back of her head rest against her car seat. "This was your idea. Which means you gotta make the rules!" She said, crossing her arms and facing forward to show him that she wasn't going to contribute at all in planning what they were going to do on their escape away from school.

Sara's face flushed as she wanted to smack him, but she kept herself from doing so as she didn't want to hurt him more than he already was. "S-Shut up.." She stammered shyly, letting her head rest on his upper chest. "I'm just getting you warm.." She murmured, closing her eyes as she felt his warmth soak into her body, the same with hers to his.
Reuben's eyes, on their own, fixed themselves on the slightest bit of the human's bra that was showing. "No, but, if I know Raeney at all, he's licking his wounds in his room. He doesn't respond well to people doing things he doesn't support." Reuben turned away from Katrina and stepped into the shadows. "Go ahead and find the coward. I'm sure he'd appreciate a distraction from his shame," Reuben said, and then he dissolved into the same particles that had been in the bathroom earlier when he'd appeared behind Raeney.

Colin looked down on Amira with desire in his eyes, lips parted slightly to allow faint moonlight to glint off of his fangs. For a moment, he didn't move, and then he caught the scent of Amira's fear carrying along with her blood as her veins dilated. The smell was easier to catch when her blood pressed right up against her skin. Colin jerked back as if the realization of her fear had burned him.

"I-I..." Colin stood abruptly, panic on his face. He couldn't think of anything to say for once, and, though he wanted to run, Colin walked away without another word.
"I mean, I could kick you out the car," Valen offered with amusement in his voice, and then he couldn't help a grin. To hide it, he looked out the window until he was able to flatten his smile. "So, what do you say?"

"Ye-ah... It fe-els nice b-both ph-ysically and m-mentally." Peter turned onto his side very slowly, draping an arm over Sara's waist so that they were practically embracing. "I l-like knowing... that you're he-re... w-with me..."
"Reuben-!" Katrina reached out for where Reuben had been, but all she was able to grasp was air. She sighed and pushed her hair out of her face before turning towards the hallway. "Raeney..?" She called out, walking down the hallway hesitantly. "Are you there?"

Amira sat up quickly and watched as Colin walked away, wanting to call out to him, but her voice was trapped in her throat as she laid back down and curled up into a tight ball, her entire body trembling. ~You always have to ruin everything..~ She thought to herself, causing tears to form in her eyes and roll slowly down her cheeks. "I'm such an idiot.." ~Timeskip to whenever~
(You have to get her to Raeney's room yourself, because I'm not about to have any other charries appear XD)

(WTH ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?! XD When should they meet again? Will Amira walk up to Colin and apologize and ask if he'd go with her on another date? Does she know he's a vampire now? XD)
(Okay the the raeney thingy XD and for amira thingy... no she doesnt know he's a vampire, and i think i have an idea of how they can go back on another date. ashley could force amira to go to the theatre to see another one of colin's play when hes just doing a solo thingy and when he's all quiet during one scene, amira could stand up and be like "colin however you spell his last name, please go on another date with me" really cutely and stuff and he would get off the stage and something and say he'd love to or whatever and bleh bleh bleh)
(Ooo me likey. Well, I'm guessing you gotta leave. Sleep well, mon ami! And you'd better show up tomorrow. I'll check a few times early, because it seems like you've got a running trend of thinking you've got more stuff to do than you actually do. Good luck tomorrow.)
Holly sucked in a loud gasp as she placed a hand over her heart, trying to look offended. "You wouldn't dare kick me out of the car!" She said before she laughed lightly, having seen just a glimpse of his smile before she closed her eyes. "Let's go toooo.... The mall!" She said, suddenly pointing forward and sitting up straight, her eyes now open and wide. "Onward!"

Sara snuggled against Peter's chest, her hands holding onto his shirt as he draped his arm around her. "Where else would i be?" She questioned, opening her eyes and looking up at him, a bright and relieved smile on her face. And then she did something. Something sudden and out of nowhere. She didn't even care that a lostboy and tinkerbell were still in the room with them as she leaned up and pressed her lips softly against his, her eyes shut once more as she kissed the boy. And after a few moments, she pulled away and let her head rest against his chest once more. "Don't ever scare me like that again.." (and okay scooby doo say XD)
(Rosie you irresponsible student! Get off the computer and go to bed! You have school tomorrow! XD)
Katrina kept down the same hallway until she came across a door. "Raeney?" She called out quietly, not wanting to startle whoever was in the room behind the door if it happened to not be Raeney. She hesitantly took a hold of the door handle and turned it, the door opening as she pushed on it gently. "Raeney are you in here?" She whispered as she stepped into the room, looking around for the boy. (OKAY OKAY IM GOIN XD GOODNIGHTTTT SEE YOU TOMORROWWWW)
(Shame on you sparky. You could've replied cause ya know... youre on BREAK XD but noooo. Gonna make me check this allllll dayyyyy XD see you tonight at 8. And probably bits throughout the day!)

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