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How much do you love Raeney?

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Colin was relieved she was a coffee drinker like he occasionally made himself to be, and his happiness showed in his smile. "They're known for their café au lait, but if you think that's fantastic, just wait until you try the beignets." He then pulled out the foam container and opened it to reveal its still-warm contents. They smelled just like the Café had, looking like large golden Pizza Rolls loaded with mountains of powdered sugar. Colin took one out and then handed Amira the container. "There're no plates, so you can hold it and use it to keep from dirtying your dress."

Raeney's grin grew wider, and, before Reuben could do anything, shoved the Marionette to the ground. "Of course!" Raeney called into the bathroom in a spot-on impersonation of Reuben's voice. Raeney moved into the bathroom and, as soon as he was in Katrina's line of sight, Reuben appeared behind Raeney in a sudden flash of black particles that soon cleared. Before a second could pass, Reuben grabbed Raeney by the back of the neck and flung him face first into the stone wall furthest from the shower Katrina was in. Raeney hit the wall and then sat up, covering his face.
"I have a car," Valen suggested, and, realizing that he'd just suggested breaking a rule, was surprised at his own words. He was rule follower, for God's sake! He set down the boxes and found that he really didn't feel all that bad about skipping class when he imagined what it'd be like.

Peter's head dropped back as Sara lifted him slightly, but his eyes stayed shut as he coughed, sucking in the oxygen that had begun to run out in his little snow burrow. It's so cold here... but at least I can breathe... he thought. Then his eyes snapped open and he jerked forward, suddenly alert as his muscles froze up from staying so long in the frigid weather.
Katrina let out a scream at the sudden crashing noise that had just sounded only a few feet away from her, causing her to slip and fall onto the floor of the shower, the glass door suddenly slamming shut since she had let it go in the process of falling. She pulled her knees up to her chest in a defensive manner as she tried to keep herself covered. "Reuben!?" She called out, wide-eyed from the little box like room made of glass. "What happened??" She demanded, refusing to see for herself.

Amira held the container and looked at the contents inside like a child would looking into a candy shop. "I've never seen food that's looked so beautiful before.." She said, carefully picking up one of the beignets and taking a small bite out of it before setting it down, feeling a bit of powered sugar on her upper lip. She quickly wiped it off, her face flushing in embarrassment before she looked up at Colin. "They taste great." She said with a sheepish smile.
Holly sat there for a moment, silent as if she hadn't heard him before she quickly straightened up and stared at him in shock. "S-Seriously?!" She demanded, standing up and leaning close to him, her eyes slightly narrowed. "Are you seriously suggesting we skip school?" She questioned in a hushed whisper, as if she were afraid someone would hear them even though they were the only ones outside. "Even though you threatened to turn me in for sitting under trees just YESTERDAY?" She questioned before she squealed adorably in excitement. "I'm so in!"

Sara yelped as Peter suddenly sat out, causing her to almost fall backwards. But she kept herself from doing so as she gasped in shock. "Peter!" She shouted, practically launching herself at the boy and tackling him back into the snow, her arms wrapped around him tightly as she completely lost it, continuous streams of tears rolling down her cheeks as she buried her face into his chest. "You're such an idiot!" She said, crying into his shirt as she trembled terribly from the fear she had of him dying. "You scared me to death.." She whispered, refusing to let go of him as she cried.
Reuben refused to look in the direction of the shower where Katrina was, knowing he'd be able to see through the glass door. "I must apologize for the noise, Miss..." he said, ignoring her question. "Give me a moment to bring you a towel, and then I'll go back outside." Reuben went over to the closet and took out a neatly folded towel before closing the door and leaving Raeney sitting on the floor with his face in his hands near the entrance. Reuben closed his eyes out of respect for Katrina as he handed her the towel.

Colin took a bite of his own beignet, feeling the sugar melt on his tongue when he bit into the doughnut-like pastry. "I completely agree," he said, following another sip of his coffee. When he glanced up at Amira he froze. "You missed a bit of--" he cut off his own sentence and leaned closer, wiping sugar off the tip of her nose with a napkin.
Amira flushed a deep shade of red, her eyes dropping to the blanket they were sitting on as she quickly wiped nose, as if he hadn't just done it for her. "I can't even eat without making a mess of myself." She said with a light laugh, trying to make a joke out of her embarrassment yet her heart continued to race at the fact she had powered sugar on her nose. ~I probably look so stupid right now..~

Katrina took the towel and quickly wrapped it around herself before stepping out of the shower. "Now what in the world-" She cut herself off as she saw Raeney sitting across the room from her. "Happened...?" She finished her sentence and looked from Reuben to Raeney, her wet and now curled hair falling in front of her eyes as she stood motionless, trying to put together what had happened.
Valen blushed again, which had become a fairly normal thing at this point, but he smiled. "Well, if we're going to risk trouble anyways, let's just leave the boxes here." He walked to the chain-link fence at the edge of the school property and paused, glancing back at Holly. "Would you like me to help you over the fence?"

Peter hugged Sara back, shivering fiercely. He closed his eyes again, suddenly feeling better now that Sara was here. Then, before he even realized it himself, the Lost Boy saw that Peter was falling asleep. "Sara, ma'am, we need to get Peter inside! He's not looking well!" Peter's skin was pale, flushed only in the places that would easily get frostbite, such as his ears, the tip of his nose, and his fingers. Peter's lips were blue-tinted, and there were violet smudges under his eyes as if someone had smeared paint there with their thumb.
(Okay, so we already know from the Diabolik Lovers RP that getting all horny-vamp kissing down your neck is awkward for us as friends, but it's gotta happen XD Alright?)
Holly scoffed, stretching like an Olympian would before an event. "I don't need help to get over a fence." She said cockily with a green before she ran at the fence and jumped up, catching herself on it and being a few feet off the ground. It was a great start to getting up the fence, but she just stayed there. "Ooookay... So maybe I need a little help.." She said sheepishly as she looked over at Valen, it now being obvious that she was stuck.

Sara wanted to lay there with Peter for hours, never wanting to let him go. But she knew that if he stayed out in the cold for much longer he might not ever wake up again. "I-I know a place where we can go." She said through her tears as she sat up, hastily wiping her face before she stood up, pulling Peter's body up with her the best she could. "Help me carry him!" She said to the lost boy as she almost dropped him. ~Timeskip to where Sara has brought peter to her house where her entire family is gone because theyve been out looking for her and stuff~ "L-Lay him down on the bed." She instructed the lost boy, the two of them having just made it upstairs with the still unconscious Peter in their grasp.
Colin's thoughts went to moving back to his spot, but the sweet smell of Amira's blood mixed with sugar and café au lait caught him. Colin found himself leaning even closer, dropping the napkin he held in his lap and lifting his hand to make her face him. His fingers still resting under Amira's chin, Colin lightly kissed the tip of her nose, where the sugar had been. "You're not capable of making yourself look like a mess," he murmured before pulling Amira to his chest and placing another kiss on her jaw, just below her ear.

Reuben sighed wearily and moved over to Raeney with his eyes open when he heard Katrina step out of the shower, wet feet making little sounds on the tile floor. "It matters not, Miss. You're clean and still have your dignity, so all is well," Reuben stated emotionlessly, bending down and lifting Raeney up at the waist. Raeney, indignant, pushed away from Reuben and stormed out of the bathroom still covering his face with one hand.
Valen attempted to stifle a laugh but couldn't help letting it out. He reached up and grabbed Holly's feet, pushing up so that she'd be able to scale the fence. "Swing over, but make sure your feet can make it under you before you land back on the ground."

The Lost Boy got Peter halfway onto the bed before collapsing with exhaustion. "Just... lemme... take a... breather..." he wheezed. The cold air wasn't helping the Lost Boy's asthma. The thing was, he'd not felt the effects of his asthma since a few dozen years ago when he left the Mainland for good. This wasn't a good sign. Peter barely stirred as Tink flitted around above his feet, using pixie dust to lift them.
Katrina watched as Raeney stormed out of the bathroom and she quickly looked at Reuben. "What happened?" She demanded, crossing her arms, mostly to look firm but it was also to keep her chest covered from his view. "Tell me. Please." She pleaded, having a genuine concern about what had happened between the two of them.

Amira gasped sharply at the sudden contact with Colin, the darkest blush she had ever had in her entire life spreading across her cheeks as she placed a hand on her shoulder to balance herself, her eyes shut tightly. "C-Colin.." She whispered, her voice trembling as she gripped his shirt, too stunned to push him away but also too scared to act like she was enjoying what he was doing.
Holly swung her legs over the fence like Valen said, doing it none too gracefully, but she did it. And she carefully jumped down, landing on the ground hard and having to grab onto the fence to keep herself from falling flat on her ass. "And she sticks the landing!" She said breathlessly as she held up her hands triumphantly, a wide grin on her face as she looked at Valen through the fence that was now in between them.

Sara fell to the floor beside her bed, her hand quickly reaching up and grabbing Peter's, her entire body shaking as he didn't wake up. "Peter... Peter please wake up..." She whispered, letting her forehead rest on his upper arm as she intertwined her warm and gentle fingers with his rough and frozen ones. "Please Peter... You can't leave.. Not like this.. You can't leave me..."
Reuben averted his eyes because he had morals, unlike some of the animatronics. Specifically Raeney. "If you really care that much, Miss," Rueben gave in. "Long story short, Raeney tried to come in here and defile you, and that angered me." Even while only reflecting back on what had happened, a hint of anger took up residence in Reuben's voice as he continued. "I lashed out and hurt him. That's what the ruckus was."

Against his better judgement, Colin took in a shaky inhale full of the scent of Amira's blood. His thoughts all kind of merged together and his fangs extended as his own blood pounded. Colin buried his face in Amira's neck and drew his tongue along her skin, searching out her pulse. (Not like all *bleh bleh -slobbers everywhere-* but kind of like with the tip of his tongue. Ya know? XD)
Valen smiled and then scaled the fence in a few smooth movements, landing on his feet hard, but he didn't stumble. "Now, let's get to my car, my fellow MIA student." He led Holly to a silver Toyota Camry parked down the road. It wasn't a glamorous vehicle, but it got him places.

"I'm awake, Sara," Peter slurred, sounding almost drunk, but his lips felt like ice cubes. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't even feel most of his body. Nearly all of Peter was numb. Tink tugged at Sara's hair and pointed at the fireplace standing unlit in the corner.
Katrina stared at Reuben, surprised that he had cared so much about what could've happened to her. "Hurt him? Is he alright?" She questioned, going to the door to the bathroom and looking down into the halls, trying to find any visible signs that gave her an indication of which way Raeney went. Though he practically assaulted her only an hour before, she was still worried about his well being. He was still a person. Or at least that's what she thought. And she wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt too badly. "Raeney?" She called out before she vanished into the hallway to look for him.

Amira flinched at the sudden warm wetness that dragged across the sensitive skin of her neck. She bit her lower lip roughly as she tried to keep herself from crying out. (Not in the sexual way XD In the way like shesk kinda freaked out because shes getting licked by an amazing hot boy XD but not freaked out like grossed out... but yes that. but not really... UGH XD THIS IS SO HARD TO EXPLAIN) "C-Colin!" She tried, her heart rate quickening by the second. "P-Please.." She tried, lightly pushing against him, trying to get him to realize what he was doing if he hadn't already.

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