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How much do you love Raeney?

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(Do you think you could come on at like 6 again tomorrow? 6-7 we try to meet up and we'll only stay online until you need to go to sleep for school?)
Pandora sucked in a breath, sounding not-too-sure about telling Katrina where the showers were. "I don't think it'd be a good idea to take a shower where Raeney is, and I've gotta get to work soon, so you should probably ask either Raena or Reuben to keep anyone from getting in. They're pretty trustworthy."

Colin started leading Amira down sidewalks and pathways. "So, is this your first time coming to Louisiana?"
(But I'm thinking if we could try to meet at like 8-8:30 on the weekdays I'm off, would it work for you? When do you normally go to sleep for school?)
(I normally go to sleep at like 9:30. so it could work. I'll just see what I can do, okay? if I cant get on my computer ill just tell you so on my phone so you dont have to sit and wait for me)
(I'll also try to respond to your posts tomorrow so that if you check back while bored on your phone, you'll have something to respond to XD)
(Okay. I'd appreciate that. I was just figuring 8 or 8:30 would have given you some time to do homework and associated junk XD)
(And is it okay if reuben is the one that is her shower guard? XD I think it'd be funny to have a guy guard her while shes taking a shower. and it'll give me a chance to see if reuben can be in the race for her loooooove XD)
(Idk either XD But i atleast wanna get to know his character before i shut him down completely, ya know? XD)
(At least you're giving him a chance, cuz normally you're super judgmental all of a sudden XD)
Katrina stepped out into the hallway and glanced down either ways, not seeing a single trace of Raena or Reuben. "Do you have any idea where they would be right now?" She questioned, looking back at Pandora as she hoped the girl would at least have a clue as to where the others were.

"First time out of Kentucky." She said, it becoming apparent that she was just ever so slightly becoming comfortable around Colin as she had been able to stop stuttering as much as she had been. "It was all Ashley's idea." She added, looking over at Colin, having to tilt her head back just a bit to make eye contact with him. "It seems like I'm always getting sucked into her ideas..." She said with a smile as she looked back down at the road in front of her. "N-Not that I really mind." She quickly added, not wanting to seem like she hated her friend. "I love that she always gets me out of my comfort zone... It gives me hope that maybe I'll be able to be like her one day."

I'll respond to wolfy and pan tomorrow. i dont have enough brain juice to try and figure out what sara and holly can do XD Ill try to get on here tomorrow as much as i can! Goodnight.)
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"Raena's usually wandering around and socializing, but Reuben is easily found by calling his name down halls." Pandora grinned at Katrina. "He's got a weird talent for sneaking around." (It's kicking off for Easter celebrations, so I'll try to post Vampy later when I have time)
Katrina shivered slightly at the thought of Reuben being so close to them without either of them even realizing it. "R-right... thank you." She said, dipping her head slightly at Pandora before quickly disappearing down the hall, her heart racing as she looked around for any sign of Reuben or Raena as she passed through the empty halls, but there were none. She sighed and stopped suddenly, her hand reaching out so she could touch the wall as she looked around timidly. When there was no one around her she closed her eyes tightly and called out. "Reuben?" She tried, refusing to open her eyes so that if he did in fact, just appear, she wouldn't be scared to death. "A-are you there?"
Sara looked from the lost boy to Tigerlily, her eyes pleading as she crouched beside the princess. "I have to go." She said, looking into her eyes. "If we wait out the storm, we could all die. And so could Peter." She whispered low enough so only the Princess could hear, not wanting to frighten the lost boy. "Stay here. If Peter comes back you'll know what to do." Sara instructed before she quickly got up, taking a gentle yet firm hold on the lost boy's arm. "Come on!" She said quickly before she ran out into the storm. (Can it be like, Tink gives her last bit of pixie dust for Sara to fly to the mainland once they find out Peter is on the island? And Sara finds him and he's grown up like...two years? Like he was 15 on neverland but the time difference is completely out of whack between the two places and though it's only been a few days in neverland, it's been two years for the mainland. And when Sara finds Peter, she hasn't realized it yet but she's aged two years too. She was only like 15 and now she's 17 and like Peter can be 18 or something idk XD I just think it'd be funny for them to be older and Sara be like "I didn't have boobs two seconds ago wtf happened" and then they can't go back to neverland cause it's only for kids and blah blah blah idk but i just want them to suddenly age two years)
Holly walked into her first class silently, her lower lip still slightly swollen for it being busted the day before. She said nothing as she heard the whispering of her name across the gymnasium. She only walked up to the gym teacher, handed her a note that she couldn't participate in any physical activity for the rest of the week while her hand healed up before she walked over to the bleachers, going to the very top one so she wouldn't have to interact with anyone. Once she reached the top, she sat down, alone, and just read a book she had carried in with her.
(I'm practically dying right now XD because I had more free time then I thought and you're not here and it SUCKS. I'm still on my phone and still not home, but not much is happening so I've been checking on here every five secondsssss)
(Well, I'm on the phone temporarily probably to post once and then later again, but I likely will be on permanently by 7:30. At least, ill try to be.) Reuben opened his eyes and stepped out of the shadows, his glowing pale blue eyes almost the only part of him that could be seen. "Miss Katrina?" Reuben said, announcing himself to her and proving that he had been listening to her talk to Pandora, as Katrina had only said her name to what kids knew as "Bonnie."

"Why would you want to be like your friend?" Colin asked, and he held the door of Cafe du Monde open for his date. That was what this trip was, after all. There was an undercurrent of the smells of sugar and frying grease as they walked in. "You're your own person, and a not-too-shabby one as far as I've seen." Colin flashed Amira a mischievous smile. "At least, for coming from Kentucky."
(Sorry, but that's not how aging works XD I was planning to have Tink donate some dust to the cause, though.) Tiger Lily shouted to her warriors to let Sara leave, and then the Lost Boy ran after the older Brit. "Ma'am, Tink can't talk to you! You can't understand her, so she requests that I come along!" Tink agreed with a small tinkling sound, and then she flew in front of Sara's face so that she'd stop.

(I'm always the one that has to solve problems of why our characters can't interact, so I say NOT IT, and it's your turn. Just this once XD)
Katrina flinched lightly at the sudden sound of his voice, her body tensing for a moment before she relaxed and opened her eyes, knowing that he wouldn't be able to scare her now that he had made his presence known to her. She blinked her eyes a few times, letting them adjust to the darkness before she looked up at Reuben. "Would you mind showing me where I could take a shower? A-and maybe stand guard outside?" She questioned nervously, feeling as though him having to do this for her would only be a bother to him. "I'll promise I'll take a quick shower." She quickly added.

Amira blushed lightly and quickly stepped into the cafe before Colin, nodding in thanks to him for holding the door before she turned around to face him once more. "It's not that I don't like the way I am..." she tried to explain, clasping her hands behind her back nervously as she tried to explain herself. "I just... sometimes wish I could be as outgoing as Ashley, ya know? Be able to do all of the things she does. And I wish I could have her looks sometimes..." Amira said with a sigh. "She's so much more attractive than me. And quite a bit more popular with the boys than me." She said, glancing up at him before pushing her hair out of her face and off to the side like she always did. It being a cute little nervous tick of hers.
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Sara quickly ducked so she wouldn't run into Tink and she glanced behind her at the lost boy. "Alright." She said, panting lightly as she turned back towards Tinkerbell. "Is it possible that you could give us some of your pixiedust? Just enough to get to the mainland." She pleaded, looking at the ball of light and then to the lost boy to see what her response was.

Holly quietly on the bleachers, flipping through the pages of her book aimlessly as she had already read it a million times before. And as she was about to get out her earbuds to listen to music, she jumped as she was suddenly getting shouted at by the gym teacher. The woman yelling something about carrying equipment to the storage shed in the back field that was a good distance from the school. She sighed and stood up, quickly making her way down the bleachers so she wouldn't keep the annoyed teacher waiting. "And take that Valen kid with you. He's not doing anything anyway. So it'll give him some exercise." The woman said with a snort before she turned away from Holly and went back into her office. Holly sighed and glanced over at Valen who was across the gym. She smiled and gave a sheepish wave, signaling for him to come over to her.
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Reuben was hesitant in his answer. "Um... I suppose." Reuben went to turn around and then paused, realizing she couldn't see in the dark as well as the other animateonics. "Take my hand, Miss," he said softly, holding out his own.

Colin gave Amira a doubtful look. "If anything, she's more sought after because of how outgoing she is. Her courage might be found attractive to some." He asked her to wait near the door. "I'll order us something, and then we'll leave. I have plans for us tonight." He squeezed her hand reassuringly before releasing it. He knew she'd be uncomfortable standing alone, but he hoped she'd agree to what he asked.
"Tink says yes," the Lost Boy translated for Sara, and then Tink was shaking herself like a tiny, sparkling dog over Sara. Pixie dust came down slowly on top of the girl's head, and she began to lift off the ground. Tink repeated the process for the Lost Boy, and he also began to hover above the grass. "Let's go!"

Valen sighed softly and went over to Holly. "What do we have to do?" he asked almost in a whisper, having heard only part of what the coach wanted.

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