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Fandom A RP

How much do you love Raeney?

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(Yeah, I pretend to be all innocent because saying some words makes me uncomfortable, but then I'll spend a straight hour listening to "Or Nah" on loop XD)
(XD creeper XD And just imagine that, but with a bit shorter hair. got it trimmed since that picture. NOW I SHALL REPLY BECAUSE I HAVE GOTTEN RID OF MY FRIEND WHO WAS DISTRACTING MEEEE!)
(Is that an insult? Idk XD || Continuing the thing about me sitting here listening to Raeney's theme song on loop... My family says I'm ghetto at heart, just because I like trap music and stuff like this. But I like all music! My mom's more ghetto than I am. XD I mentioned Snoop Dogg and she pulled out a Snoop album and started rapping all the songs.)
(I'm insulted that you've called me a creeper. I showed you my picture before you showed me yours so technically YOU'D be the creeper. That's not how that works, is it? XD I would hope you wouldn't know, because that would mean you're really a creeper.)
(Jesus just shush you're confusing me XD and give me a sec, I'm on my phone at the moment because my computer decided to spazz out on me)
(Ummm...I'm not about to kick a laptop that just costed a thousand dollars XD you crazy)
Could you post all of your replys on here?? I don't wanna go back to look at them XD I'm too lazy to go back to find them))
(BOI you rich or something? Mine is a Lenovo. Whatever brand that is. Sounds cheap, though.) Valen sighed as the coaches called everyone inside to dress out so that they could go to 2nd hour soon. Already scared away the only person who cared enough to try and be my friend, he told himself solemnly as he made his way back to the boys' locker room. When he made it in, he was prepared for another volley of bullying, which did come, but at least he knew what to expect. He left the locker room feeling worse than he had this morning when he walked into the gym knowing no one.

Peter was flushed just as Sara had and he sat up when she was beside him. He pressed a hand to his chest, hoping there was nothing broken in there. "You say that, but this is something I've never done before. I'm not exactly completely at terms at what I've just..." A tear escaped from one of Peter's eyes as he closed them again, and then Peter stood abruptly even as his bruised ribs ached when his muscles stretched. "The Hideout's that way," Peter said, opening his eyes and pointing, and then he lifted up and flew faster than he'd ever flown in the direction opposite the Hideout.

(For the Vampy RP you wanted me to make something happen, but I said you should get Amira to tell Ashley how unsettled Colin doing that made her so that Ashley can storm backstage and get his attention.)
(Not rich. I just really needed a new computer and my parents both chipped in)
(Lucky you XD I asked for a laptop and they gave me a tablet with no keyboard. So, a year later, I told them I still wanted a laptop, and they got me one. I literally never get off this PC. Oh, and my fat ass knocked my tablet off of a place onto the ground. So that has had a shattered screen for, oh, 3 months now.)
(Also, I forgot to repost Raeney's: ) "I'll give you a moment to come up with a believable excuse, and then we can go back and forth arguing about what you were truly doing," Raeney said, amusement coloring his voice. He turned onto his back again, still partially propped up as he crossed his arms behind his head and watched the human with a lazy look, his eyes half-closed.
From the girl's locker room, there were shouts from numerous girls able to be heard, along with the sounds of bodies slamming into lockers. Teachers immediately rushed inside and dragged out Jessica, who was practically foaming at the mouth. Something had apparently gone down in there. Something serious. A few moments later, Holly came out with a bloodied lip and a pretty badly bruised hand with cuts in between each knuckle. She said nothing as she passed Valen, only flashing him a thumbs up and giving a weak smile before she vanished into the girls bathroom to clean up, knowing she'd at least be safe in there since it was only a single person bathroom.

Sara went to ask Peter if he was coming with her, but as she turned around, he was already gone. "Peter!" She shouted, watching him fly away. She sat there, motionless for what seemed like hours before she buried her face into her knees, tears beginning to roll down her own face as she thought he hated her now. "I didn't mean to.." She whispered to herself, her voice trembling helplessly as she came up with scenarios in her head, telling herself that it was all her fault over and over again.
Amira stood in that hallway for what seemed like hours before she finally built up the courage to go back outside and face Ashley, knowing she had probably made her best friend worry beyond belief. "H-Hey... Sorry about that.." She said awkwardly as she sat beside her friend once more, them now being the only ones in the rows and rows of pews. She sat silently after that, staring at the stage at where Colin had been standing, her body trembling lightly as she replayed the scene over and over again in her head, seeing what he had done and trying to analyze it.

Katrina's face blushed an even darker red as she sat up more, trying to glare at him and seem as if she wasn't completely flustered. "I don't need an excuse because I wasn't doing anything." She said simply, crossing her arms and turning her head away from him slightly so she wouldn't have to look at him. But she couldn't help herself as she glanced back over at him, biting her lower lip without realizing it, her hair falling into her eyes slightly, creating an innocent look as she still continued to blush.
Valen stared wide-eyed at the door of the girls' bathroom. What had that been about? Why did Holly seem so pleased with herself for what looked like beating up on the most popular Senior girls. And what did Valen have to do with the fight? Why'd she flashed him a thumbs-up?

Peter flew to the edge of Neverland and lay on one of the clouds, which were able to solidify. Peter's emotions had always affected Neverland, and now they did as they always had done. The clouds gathered together into one churning, dark cumulonimbus, and then the heavens split open. Not only figuratively, but literally. While everything below the cloud was drenched in rain, everything above was sucked away into what was practically a vacuum. Peter was not spared.
"Hey, you two," someone said, and Ashley glanced up to see the white girl that had acted today was approaching them. The girl looked a lot more intimidating now when she was dressed in ripped skinny jeans and had some heavy makeup on, along with a spiked collar. "We're only showing one performance today, so you gotta get out." Ashley rolled her shoulders back.

"Before we leave, could you get your actor out here? The redhead one?" The older girl frowned but eventually gave in after a moment of contemplation. The girl disappeared into the back, and Colin soon came out.

"Can't take your eyes of me, huh?" Raeney laughed and swung his feet off the booth seat and onto the ground. He sat up and leaned toward the human. "I like your eyes on me, but it's starting to get boring. How about we add your hands into the equation, so that we're all happy here."
~Timeskip to a class period where valen and holly will have another class together XD just gonna say 6th period~ As the second bell for sixth period rang, the teacher at the front of the room began to call role to make sure everyone was accounted for. When Holly's name was called, there was no answer. The teacher looked up from her list. "Holly O'Haira?" She called, looking around the room from over her glasses that sat on the edge of her nose. "Has anyone seen Holly?" She questioned, looking at the students. A girl in the front row raised her hand and the teacher nodded for the girl to speak. "Apparently Jessica attacked Holly in the girl's locker room. The whole fight was about some new transfer student or something. I saw the whole thing happen. Holly got pretty messed up. She didn't even fight back. She just kept saying that she didn't want to hurt Jessica. But in the end she got a sweet hit on Jessica. Right in the mouth. That's when the teachers came in. I saw Holly go into the girls bathroom to clean up. Haven't seen her since though." The girl said with a shrug, seeming pretty nonchalant about the whole thing. Just then, the school's secretary came into the room. The woman quickly walked up to the teacher and whispered to the teacher that Holly was in the nurses office. Apparently someone had found her in the girl's bathroom unconscious.

Sara wandered around through the pouring rain blindly, not knowing where she was or how far she was from the hideout. Her clothes were completely soaked through and she was shivering so badly she could hardly walk. "P-Peter!" She called through chattering teeth, leaning against a tree and looking around for any sign of the boy. But she was completely and hopelessly lost. And she had no clue as to where Peter had gone.

Amira tried to stop Ashley, trying to get her to just let the both of them leave, but it was too late as Colin was already standing in front of them. She squeaked and blushed a deep shade of red, glancing away from the boy as she couldn't even bring herself to look at him. Her heart rate that had been relatively slowed had now spiked back up to a million beats per second as she gripped the skirt of her dress nervously.

Katrina sucked in a breath and leaned away from Raeney as he leaned closer to her, her heart beginning to race as she scooted away from him slightly. "N-No thanks.." She stammered shyly as she brushed her hair out of her face, her teeth digging so hard into her lower lip that it visibly drew a bit of blood.
Valen froze as he heard about what had happened. He listened to the whole thing without taking more than one breath, staring at his hands while feeling only horror. They fought over... me? Valen stood up and, ignoring the teacher's protests, he started weaving through the halls, looking for the nurse's office. When he eventually found it, he opened the door and saw that the nurse wasn't there, but Holly was, and, for the first time in a long while, Valen was angry.

Princess Tiger Lily stepped out of the brush with two young men that appeared to be in their early twenties flanking her, each man supporting a large animal-skin umbrella. "Come here," Tiger Lily shouted over the pounding of the rain on the treetops. "You'll catch an illness out here!"
Holly sat on the only bed in the nurses office. It was only about the size of a twin bed and it had plain white sheets on them that were cheaply made. They were more so there for decoration instead of comfort. Holly had heard the door open, and she had already guessed that it wasn't the nurse that had come in. She said nothing as she silently wrapped up her hand with bandages, pulling them tight to the point of where it hurt before unwrapping it again, her eyes dull and her lip still bleeding. "Don't be angry..." She finally said, refusing to look up at the boy as she could almost feel his anger, it coming off of his body in waves.

Sara shook her head as she pushed herself off the tree. "I d-don't care!" She shouted back. "I-I've got to find P-Peter!" She tried before she stumbled into the brush Tigerlily had came out of, continuing her blind search for Peter, not listening as Tigerlily shouted after her. She had to find Peter. She had to make sure he was okay.

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