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How much do you love Raeney?

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"Y'all look nice," Colin observed, ignoring the fact that the scent of Amira's blood was thickening the air and making it hard to breathe. He took shallow breaths to keep from either running or grabbing the girl and draining her on instinct. "So, what'd you want to talk with me about?"

"What did you mean by that little show you put on up there?!" Ashley demanded, and Colin raised both of his eyebrows high.

"I meant to make money by doing what I love. Got a problem with that?" Colin said, and, though his words were hostile, his tone was not. He still was acting like a perfect gentleman. Or whatever you called a blood-drinking monster when he was being nice.

"The 'I love you better' crap! You know what I'm talking about!"

"Oh, that." Colin grinned and made his eyebrows do the wave, which was quite impressive in Ashley's eyes, and she almost physically swooned. She chastised herself for that, because it wasn't even a hot thing! It was just goofy. "I thought I'd add a little flair to my act. It helps to invigorate the crowd, yea?"

Raeney pushed his bleached hair out of his face, leaving it disheveled, but somehow it still worked for him. "Are you sure? Because that face you're making is only making it harder to keep myself from doing as I wish with you." Raeney tapped his fingertips against his mouth and then bit the corner of his lip in an almost sultry sort of way.
Amira tugged on the sleeve of Ashley's dress desperately. "He didn't mean anything by it Ashley.... Please.. L-Let's just go, okay?" She tried, her blood feeling as though it was boiling inside her veins at how embarrassed she was.

"I-I'm not making a face!" Katrina tried, her blush spreading across her cheeks as she looked away from him, trying to calm down as she reached up and went to wipe her lip, only wincing when she realized she had actually broken skin and made herself bleed. ~Damn it...~ She thought, glaring over at Raeney slightly, trying her best to look angry instead of flustered.
"How can I not be angry?" he asked in a low, strained voice. Valen wasn't one to get loud when he was angry. He got quieter and quieter the more furious he grew, and some people think that the quiet are more of a threat than the loud ones. "You got in a fight with some petty bitch because she talked crap about me? You don't even know me, Holly, so why do you think you should have to protect me?" Valen's golden eyes were both sad and fiery at the same time, like he was warring with himself.

"Go after her," Tiger Lily told one of her warriors, and the younger one ran over the sodden vegetation until he caught up to Sara and had her pinned to his barely-clothed body with one arm.

"Tiger Lily says you must come, so you must come," the man said, and he dragged Sara back to the Princess.
Raeney darted forward with inhuman speed and, landing on his knees in front of the girl, grabbed the human's wrist before she could wipe the blood from her lip. He watched as the liquid bubbled up from the cut, almost as if mesmerized. "That's something my body doesn't do," he said with wonder. "Fascinating, you humans are." Then he leaned forward and kissed the human hard. He was tired of being interrupted, so he figured to take the chance while he had it.

Colin turned to Amira and his expression flattened to become emotionless. "Amira, I request that you join me tomorrow evening at Café du Monde for supper. We'd meet here and I would walk you to the Café."
"She just... Kept saying things... Such... Mean things.. Such cruel things..." Holly said, her voice trembling with with more sadness than anger. "I wasn't going to just stand there and let her talk about you like that... She was just doing it to be cruel... And when I told her to stop she.. Just got so mad and kept swinging at me. There was nothing I could do." She said, tightening the bandages around her bruised hand as much as she could, causing her to cry out slightly and drop the bandages completely, her hand shaking.

"Let go of me!" Sara screamed, struggling and kicking to get free from the boy who had grabbed her. "We have to find Peter!" She shouted, tears rolling down her face as she was terrified that something had happened to him.
Amira stared at Colin, wide-eyed before she looked to Ashley and then to Colin again and back and forth and back and forth, her eyes full of fear and confusion. "A-Ashley.." She stammered, not knowing what to do, what to say. how to react. She had just been asked out by a boy she had only met the day before. This was the first time she had been asked out at all. She felt as though she were about to pass out right then and there.

Katrina didn't even have time to gasp before Raeney's lips were suddenly slammed against hers. She stared at his face, her eyes full of complete and utter shock as she had thought that all this time he had only been teasing about doing such things and that he wasn't actually going to go through with any of them. She went to push him away, but his hand still had a strong grip on her wrist and she wasn't able to move as he was much stronger than she was. And over half a foot taller than her. So that easily gave him dominance over the situation.
Valen's nurturing genes forced him to sit beside Holly on the bed and pick up the bandages on his own. "You don't have to defend me, Holly. Next time... Just let them say what they're gonna say. It won't hurt you any." Now his voice sounded just sad as Valen took Holly's hand and slowly, painstakingly wrapped it, but he did quite well. He tucked the end of the bandage into the folds holding it to Holly's hand and looked up at her. "I'm not worthy of anyone's pain except my own."

The man's grip couldn't be broken by Sara, and he brought her all the way back to Tiger Lily. The four--the Princess, her two soldiers, and Sara--all traveled back to the Indian camp, where Sara was deposited in a wood and straw structure with warriors posted out to be sure that she didn't escape. Tiger Lily entered the structure and sat cross-legged on the dirt floor, a sad look on her face. "We must wait out the storm, Sara."
"If we wait out the storm it might be too late! Don't you get that!?" She demanded, kicking the wooden structure angrily before she curled up on the ground, shivering violently as she was completely frozen to the bone with the rain still continuing around her and her clothes still being soaked. "It'll be too late.." She whispered, closing her eyes, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.

"Don't say that!" Holly snapped, yanking her hand away from Valen's touch roughly, causing her to almost tear up at how much it hurt. She bit her lower lip and buried her face into the single pillow on the bed, her unhurt hand holding the bandaged one as she trembled, trying to act as if the excruciating pain she felt were nothing. "You are worth it." She muttered into the pillow, her voice being hard to make out but still able to be understood. "So don't you dare ever say that you aren't."
Ashley gave Amira a look that said "Oh my God, say yes," and then before Amira could think of what to do, Ashley answered for her: "She'll be here." Colin grinned.

"Midnight," he said, and then he went back into the hallways leading behind the "stage."

Raeney enjoyed the fact that she was trying to fight back, but she wasn't insistent enough for his tastes. He pushed her back onto the floor of the visitors area, pinning her in with his body: a hand planted on either side of her head keeping him above her. "Fight your urges; please do," Raeney whispered huskily against the human's lips.
"Onaconi, ask Woya if she can spare some clothes," Tiger Lily told one of her soldiers, peeking out the structure to do so. Tiger Lily then glanced back at Sara with pity in her eyes. "There's nothing we can do. Peter has always been out of the reach of the rest of us, and that would not change strictly because you've come to Neverland."

"Holly, I'm going to tell you something that only a few select people know, alright?" Valen moved closer to her, sad to see that she really believed he was worth her own suffering. She didn't even know that he was nineteen instead of eighteen, so how could she expect him to trust words like the ones she's said?
Amira stared at Ashley, her eyes the size of saucers. "A-Ashley!" She shouted helplessly before she buried her face into her hands, too embarrassed to even speak. ~Timeskip to whenever~

Katrina's entire body felt as though it was on fire. Like every single touch... Every single word... Was sending her closer and closer to the edge of loosing herself. She kicked out her legs, trying to make contact with something of his, anything to get him off of her. But it never happened. She cried out helplessly (it sounding oddly sexual XD ringing any bells? quoting SPARKY) as she tried to shove him off of her, her eyes shut tightly as she refused to look at him, her heart hammering in her chest as she tried to do something, anything to get out from under him. "S-Stop it...!" She tried helplessly against his lips, a small squeak escaping her lips.
Holly didn't respond. She only laid there with her head still buried among the pillow, not wanting to look at him,

"We have to find him..." Sara whispered, hopelessly looking up at Tigerlily before she closed her eyes once more and curled up into a tighter ball, trying to keep herself warm until she got some new clothes.
(There we go with the shadily quoting each other again XD) Raeney smothered her cries by kissing her again, lowering himself onto her. A moment passed where his fingers plucked at the edge of her shirt, and then, "Get the hell off her, Raeney!!" Raeney made a surprisingly animalistic sound to show his distaste as he rolled off of the human. "You okay?" Pandora asked, rushing over to help the human up.

~Timeskip to the follow night, around midnight~ Colin waited for Amira to show up, and he was beginning to get a little impatient when she had yet to appear.
"I'm an orphan, and no one's ever done good trying to keep me from being hurt. My mom's dead because of it, and the woman who raised me is surviving on the barest bit of food because she spent all of her money raising me. My little sister died because my real mother was trying to keep me safe in the first place..." Valen grimaced and propped his elbows on his knees, burying his face in his hands. "You're only going to hurt yourself trying to protect me, and I hate that it's my fault everyone who deals with me ends up struggling in some way, or dead."

Onaconi came back with a change of clothes for Tiger Lily's friend, and the Princess handed the clothing to Sara. "Change, and we'll worry about Peter later. Like I've said, there's nothing we can do right now." || Peter was lying prone on a mound of snow on the Mainland. Or, rather, in a mound of snow. He'd come hurtling down from Neverland all the way down, but, luckily, it was winter in England--where he'd landed--and the recent blizzard had saved him with snow drifts. The current blizzard, actually. Peter's emotions had made Neverland's weather go so far out of its norm, the weather on the Mainland was sporadic as well.
Katrina sat up and quickly scrambled to her feet, holding onto Pandora with a death grip as she stared at Raeney, her eyes wide and her lips red and slightly swollen from how roughly he kissed her. It was as if his mark had been left on her. "I-I.." she trailed off, not knowing what to say as she looked from Pandora to Raeney, still trying to process what had just happened.

(Is it okay if i make it to where Amy didnt wear a dress the night before? she just wore like a normal outfit because she didnt really care XD cause i wanna make her wearing a dress now like oh my lordie shes wearing a dress instead of oh shes wearing a dress again) Amira hesitantly stepped into the theater, wearing one of Ashley's dresses. She was just going to go on... whatever this was, wearing what she'd normally wear. But Ashley wouldn't let her leave until she put on a dress. "C-Colin?" she called out timidly, looking around as she trembled lightly, her entire body cold as she wasn't used to being so exposed.

Holly remained absolutely silent for the longest time, her body still and motionless as she didn't know what to say. But after a few moments she suddenly sat up, tears rolling down her face as she had never heard a story so sad and heartbreaking. "You're still worth it!" She shouted, looking away from him quickly as she wiped her eyes. "It's my choice to get hurt. It was there choice to get hurt. Because we all thought you were worth it. So respect us enough to let us make that choice!"

Sara said nothing as she just laid on the ground, not even wanting to change at this point. If Peter was suffering right now, she was going to suffer with him. She had to find him... She just had to.
Raeney lay splayed on his back, an expression of pure disgust on his face. "It was just getting good..." His eyes slowly travelled from the ceiling to the human's face before drifting down and back up. "I was getting excited." (Excited. You know what I mean by that Rosie. I'm too much of an innocent to put the actual word. XD) Pandora scoffed.

"I swear, if you start masturbating in front of us I'm going to shave your head while you're asleep," Pandora said, and Raeney nodded solemnly before standing up smoothly. He brushed past the two girls, flashing a smile at the human. "See you around love," he whispered just before he passed. Pandora made another annoyed sound before looking at the human.

"So, you alright?"

(Sure.) Colin lifted a hand and waved, jogging over. He was just in jeans and a semi-formal button-up. "Oh, you dressed up..." Colin smiled at Amira. "You look good. But if I would've known we were dressing formal, I'd have passed on the button-up," he joked. Then he bent at the waist and offered Amira his hand. "May I escort such a beautiful young woman to our destination?" he asked, taking up the 'I'm so cultured because I act Shakespeare' thing again.
Valen straightened abruptly and glared at Holly. "I'll not have more people die because of me," he said in a rough whisper, and then he stood and walked out of the nurse's office.

"Sara?! You in there??" someone called from outside the little building they were in. One of the Lost Boys charged in, a golden ball of light hovering above his right shoulder. "We gotta get to Peter! He's in trouble!"

(So what do you have to do tomorrow?)
(Such an innocent child XD) Katrina stiffened as Raeney passed her, a shivered going down her spine as he said that before she turned to Pandora. "Y-Yeah... Sure.." She said, glancing over her shoulder to watch as Raeney went down the hall. "T-Thank you... For coming to my rescue." She said, turning her attention back to the girl beside her.

Amira blushed a deep shade of red, embarrassed beyond belief at the fact Ashley had forced her to dress up even though her date was wearing casual clothes. "Y-You can blame Ashley for the dress.. It really only looks good on her.." She stammered shyly before she hesitantly took Colin's hand, her blush worsening at being called beautiful when she felt so awkward and out of place in such a beautiful dress with such a beautiful guy,
(Just got a crap ton of family stuff to do for easter. And then homework. You?)
(I'm dirtier than you'd think in person, but when I have time to think about what I'm typing before I send it, it makes me uncomfortable. XD) "Convenient timing," Pandora replied. "It's what I do. Apparently." She smiled at the human and held out her hand. "Seem like we'll be seeing each other around quite a lot, so let's go through some introductions. I'm Pandora."

Colin laughed softly. "No, I can't imagine that she looks better than you do." He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "You don't mind me saying that, do you?"

(I have all next week off, so if you want to come on in the evenings let me know and I'll be able to. But for tomorrow I have to go to my dad's side of the family's Easter, then after that to my mom's ((I don't really like my dad's side)) side's Easter celebration. I think I have to go to church at like 9 AM tomorrow, but you rarely come on so I'm going to suffer tomorrow for you XD)
Holly stared after Valen silently, wanting to say something, anything to get him not to leave. But he was already gone. She sighed and laid back on the bed, her entire body feeling sore as she closed her eyes, easily being able to loose consciousness in seconds. ~Timeskip to the next day~

Sara quickly sat up, her eyes wide open as she looked up at the lost boy. "in trouble? What kind of trouble?" She demanded, quickly standing up and grabbing the change of clothes she had been given.
Valen walked into first hour and immediately was made fun of for needing some girls to protect him. He just let the insults roll right off of him. He never let words hurt him when he could help it, and this was one day he'd need to try his best.

"I dunno, ma'am, but the weather's all sixes and sevens because Peter's emotions is all messed up! He's missin', too!"
Katrina looked down at Pandora's hand and quickly took it, not wanting to be rude. "My name's Katrina.." She said, shaking the girl's hand before letting go. "It's nice to meet you. Despite the circumstances." She said with a light laugh before looking away. "Do you know where I could go to get a shower? I just feel... Dirty after that, you know? Just want to wash it all away."

Amira only continued to blush as she looked down at the ground shyly. "I-I don't mind... Though I think you're absolutely and completely wrong... I don't mind..." She said, glancing up at him before looking towards the door. "S-Should we get going?" she asked nervously, not wanting to seem like she was in a rush. She just wanted to get some air after having to carry on a conversation with an extremely attractive boy on her own.
(After you respond to vampy and fnaf, ill respond to everything and then i've got to get to bed. im exhausted and i have to get up early XD)

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