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(Yeah. We should hopefully be going home within the hour, because my parents like to go to sleep early.)
Amira opened her mouth to object, but when he squeezed her hand she squeaked and blushed a deep red, only silently nodding before letting go of his hand, her heart skipping a beat as she hadn't expected that at all. "O-Okay.." She said, refusing to look up at him as she played with the skirt of her dress anxiously.

"Thank you Reuben. I-I know it seems weird. But I'm just kinda nervous to be on my own.." She said, feeling terrible for making him do this, but she hesitantly reached out and took his hand, her touch timid and almost delicate feeling, as if she were afraid her soft gentle hands would disgust him just like they had with Rae.
Sara grabbed a hold of the lost boy's hand and kicked out her legs, it sending her body upwards at a faster pace. ~Hang in there for just a bit longer Peter... We're coming for you.~ She thought as she soared through the air with the lost boy at her side.

Holly glanced over at Valen and nodded for him to follow her. "Apparently there's some equipment they need moved to the storage shed that's out in the back field." She explained, going to where there were a few stacks of boxes that had extra unwanted equipment from just about every sport. "It's a pretty long walk. I guess that's why she's making us do it because she doesn't want to walk all the way out there." She said with a long sigh as she bent over in front of Valen and picked up two boxes. As she did so, her shirt came up a bit, just barely showing her lower back and upper waist before she straightened up and turned towards him once again, almost hitting him with the boxes. "S-Sorry!" She said, almost dropping the boxes completely but was able to keep them from tipping out of her grasp.
Colin ordered quickly and then went back over to Amira. "Have you seen the Mississippi River yet? Up close?" he asked before opening the door yet again for her.
Reuben's touch was gentle, as if he were worried Katrina would think him a monster and jerk away. When she didn't, he relaxed slightly and began to lead her down more halls, past the room where everyone slept. There was an old bathroom there that wasn't available to the public, with the division and signs showing which was for women and which was for men. Reuben turned on the light right outside the bathrooms and pointed at the women's . "In there we installed two showers. In the supply closet there should be toiletries." Reuben released Katrina's hand and clasped his hands behind his back as he lowered his eyes to the ground, like a boy admitting his feelings to a crush. "I'll wait out here, Miss."
Amira shook her head as she stepped outside the cafe. "I only saw it once when we were landing while on the plane ride here." She said as she looked over at Colin, her eyes glancing to his hand before she quickly looked back up at him, her mind still replaying the moment where he had touched her hand.

Katrina peered into the bathroom from beside Reuben, as if expecting Raeney to jump out at her at any moment. When he didn't, she sighed thankfully and looked back to Reuben. She put a hand on his upper arm and gave it a squeeze. "Thank you Reuben. I really do appreciate this." She said with a smile before she walked inside the bathroom. After a few moments, she poked her head out from behind the door. "I promise I'll be quick!" She said before ducking back inside, the sound of the showering being turned on able to be heard from the bathroom a few moments later.
Peter still hadn't woken as the Lost Boy, Tink, and Sara set out to find him. He didn't feel cold anymore, with his body sunk deep into the snow. The soft ice crystals crumbled above him and closed the hole that he'd come through. He now was In a warm pocket of air, with water gathering around him. Now it was just a matter of time before he died. Of which, hypothermia or suffocation was the question.

Valen bit his lip adorably and looked away, face flushed to where his freckles were popping out again. He felt a faint tingle go through his stomach, of embarrassment and nervousness. "I didn't see anything, I swear..." Valen hurried and picked up double the boxes Holly had grabbed, and, as he prepared to get more, he remembered that an inhuman show of strength was not something he needed adding drama to his school social life.
As Sara landed in the middle of her old neighborhood, she looked around wildly, her heart racing as she had no clue where to start looking for Peter in such a big town. "Peter!" she shouted, wading through the snow that had risen in piles as high as her knees. She shivered violently as she was still wearing her soaked clothes from before. And the combination of wet clothes with almost below freezing temperature was not a good one. "S-S-Split up!" She called to the lost boy through chattering teeth before went down a random street to begin her search, the snow falling fast around her. "P-Peter! Peter w-where are you?!" She shouted, wrapping her arms around herself in hopes of trying to keep the little body heat she had left.

Holly looked at Valen in confusion, not understanding what he had gotten so flustered about. ~What could you have possibly seen that you're saying you didn't see?~ She thought as she looked behind her shoulder. She gasped to find that her shirt had risen up a bit, her face turning just as red as Valen's had. She quickly dropped the boxes and yanked her shirt down, embarrassed beyond belief. "I-I didn't mean to!" She said before she quickly picked up the boxes she had just dropped and hurried towards the back door of the gym.
(Mk. reply whenever you can. i think im gonna try to get in the shower now so i wont have to do it while you're on the computer)
"Well, you're about to see it for the second time," Colin told her, and he led her on a 30 second walk to the edge of the river. It was a stretch of dark water only a few steps away, kept at bay by the slightest curve of the soil. The moon reflected off of the slight ripples spread across the river, and the slightest bit of the other side of the river could be seen over it. Colin pulled a small square of cloth from his back pocket and unfolded it into a large but thin rectangle. He lay it down like a picnic blanket and sat on one side, putting his Café du Monde purchases in the middle.

Reuben had to keep himself from cringing away from the unexpected contact of Katrina squeezing his arm. When she disappeared into the bathroom without his saying anything, Reuben heard the shower come on and couldn't help imagining the glass of the mirrors fogging up and Katrina slowly stripping down. He flushed and his palms began to sweat as he focused intently on the ground in front of him so the image would disappear. Reuben was terribly embarrassed to have been picturing such a thing. "If you're not going to peek, can I?' a voice said from around the corner, and Reuben looked up to see Raeney leaning against the nearby wall. Reuben glared at the more popular animatronic.

"Don't even think about such a thing, Raeney," Reuben said, sounding more in-command than he ever had speaking to one of the others. Raeney only laughed.

"Oh, Princeton, if only you could see what goes on in my head," Raeney replied, spitting out Reuben's first name as if it were something foul. His feline-like eyes grew hard as he studied the Marionette. "The way you flushed just a moment ago makes me think that you'd enjoy seeing it, too." Reuben blushed harder but didn't answer, only confirming Raeney's theory.
Tink, being connected spiritually to Peter Pan, shouted in her bell-like way in an attempt to get their attention and began to fly off, leading them to the drift Peter had landed in.

Valen realized his slip up and felt like a little of him died. "Oh my God," he muttered and bit his lip harder, to where his sharp canines punctured the skin and made blood bead up into his mouth. Then he followed Holly out, because he was a rule follower.
Amira looked at the river for a moment, a smile finding it's way onto her face before she sat down beside Colin, their shoulders touching as she did so. She looked over at him, a slight blush on her face from the contact, but she tried her best not to frea out as she tipped her head to one side innocently, her hair cascading around her shoulder like a waterfall. "So... Have you lived here your whole life?" She questioned, trying to get to know more about him.

Katrina couldn't hear the voices of Reuben and Raeney outside the bathroom as she quickly took off her uniform she had been wearing since earlier that morning. She sighed as she stepped into the shower, the warm water relaxing her tight muscles as soon as it touched her skin. She closed her eyes in pure bliss as she let the water wet her hair. She hummed softly as she stood there, standing still so she could just enjoy the sensation of the water against her back for a moment.
(Gonna quote the amazing sparky and sayyy.... NOT IT FOR JUST THIS ONCEEEE XD)

Holly walked in front of Valen silently, her face still a bit flushed and the back of her ears even visibly red. ~I knew this shirt came up too short on me.. I just knew that it did..~ She thought to herself in embarrassment as she cast a glance over her shoulder to Valen before quickly looking away. ~I just hope to god that he didn't see anything...~ She thought, shutting her eyes tightly for a moment before opening them and focusing on the task she had been given. After a few more moments of complete silence and walking, Holly let out a loud and dramatic sigh before setting the boxes down on the ground. "I gotta take a break." She said, sitting down on the boxes as if they were a chair. "I've got no upper body strength." She said with a cheeky yet slightly embarrassed grin.
Colin nodded and pulled a to-go cup monogrammed with "Café du Monde" from the bag, handing it to Amira. "I've been to a few other countries, but ultimately I felt that New Orleans is my one home, and only ever will be." He took out another cup and took a sip from it. "Café au lait," he clarified their drinks to be, and then remembered that she was from Kentucky and might not know what that meant. "Coffee with milk. Is that alright?"

"So, you've succumbed to the human's charms?" Raeney mocked Reuben, and the Marionette narrowed his eyes but still did not meet Raeney's gaze. "The very few she has?"

"Why can you not keep your thoughts to yourself?" Reuben snapped, "And your hands and mouth, as well?" Raeney smiled coyly.

"It's fun, Princeton."

"To what?! Screw everything that moves?!?" Raeney stifled another chuckle.

"It's what I'm good at," Raeney stated, untouched by Reuben's words. "So, why don't you let me get on with what I excel at?" Raeney tried to sidestep Reuben, but the Marionette blocked his way, and the flirtatious triplet raised one russet eyebrow. "Oh? You're going to stop me now, are you?"
The Lost Boy understood what Tink was doing and knelt in the snow and began digging until he bared Peter's shoulder and part of his face. "Peter!" the Lost Boy exclaimed, digging faster.

Valen didn't seem tired in the least, even though he wasn't exactly the brawniest guy. "Already?" he managed to force out, attempting a weak smile (closed-lipped, as always) even as his flush seemed persistent. "We've only walked three meters from the gym."
Amira giggled cutely and nodded. "It's perfect." She said before taking a drink. She closed her eyes and hummed, obviously liking the taste. "It tastes amazing.." She whispered in wonder, opening her eyes and looking up at him as if he had given her the secret to happiness.

Katrina sighed sadly, never wanting her shower to end, but she knew not to keep Reuben waiting for longer than she had to. So she quickly washed up and turned off the water, the bathroom around her filled with steam, even the mirrors were fogged up to the point of where you couldn't see your reflection in it anymore. She wrung out the excess water from her hair and went to step out of the shower before she realized something. "Damn it.." She whispered to herself in annoyance. She had forgotten to grab a towel. (CAUSE OF COURSE XD) "H-Hey Reuben?" She called out, opening the glass door to the shower and peeking out from behind it. "Could you bring me a towel? I forgot to grab one before getting in."
Holly looked up at him with wide eyes. "That's a long walk!" She exclaimed defensively before she looked up at the clouds, her eyes closing as she felt the sun warm up her body. "Today's a great day..." She murmured softly, crossing her legs. "It sucks that we have to be stuck in school the whole day while it's like this outside."

Sara fell to her knees beside the lost boy and helped him scoop the snow away from Peter's body, her eyes welling up with tears. "Come on Peter!" She cried, grabbing his shoulders and lifting up his body away from the snow. "Wake up. Please wake up Peter!" She shouted, holding onto him tightly as tears rolled down her cheeks.

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