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Fantasy A Pirate's Life For Me

Heather glared at the new guy, "If you dont want to be thrown overboard, don't call me pissy again. And learn to knock," She said, walking off, back to her quarters. The sound of a few late men stubble g back on board made her laugh, "Those poor sods, don't know how to hold their liquor."
Being one of the first to be on the land, he stands on the dinghy with Antonio and a few other sailors. Excitement and adrenaline are starting to pump throughout his body. "Get ready, mates. Today might be a challenge, but in the end let's fuck them up!" Cody says encouragingly to the other sailors, trying to pump them up for what's to come; which seems to be working as they seem as stoked as he is. Maneuvering to the front of the dinghy Cody stands next to Antonio, taking in the land before him. He has never been to this side of the world before, but he was beyond eager to have his feet hit land and explore.
The Sphinx

A loud thump and the sudden sound of multiple cursing sounded from behind Avelyn's door on The Sphinx. Avelyn was, a very lightweight drinking person and had way to much to drink for the first time the night before, resulting in her stumbling around asking about a "Captain Carrot", and ended in her falling flat on her face.

Avelyn lifted herself off the floor, after rolling off the bed, and panted for breath after her series of angry curses. 5 minutes later she walked out on deck, looking a tad bit hungover. Avelyn rubbed her face from tiredness and went to the side of the deck, ignoring the current interaction around her, and looking over the water, feeling the urge to puke.

@Everyone on Sphinx
Antonio steps off the Dinghy at land and takes in the smell of the land's air. "We've finally made it, men. Let's breathe in the fresh scent of a victory that is soon to come." Antonio begins to look around the Uhandu Plains, his feet remaining stationary. "Well, seeing as we don't know the exact location of the outpost, I say we all split up into groups of three to cover more land." Antonio smiles at his crew. "On that note, I will be with Cody and Stryker for this expidition. The rest of ya' can feel free to split up among yourselves." And with that, Tony breaks off from the crew and begins searching to the left of where they left the dinghy.


(Trying to juggle between three RPs and I'm planning to create another one xD )
DarknessSpirit said:
The Sphinx

A loud thump and the sudden sound of multiple cursing sounded from behind Avelyn's door on The Sphinx. Avelyn was, a very lightweight drinking person and had way to much to drink for the first time the night before, resulting in her stumbling around asking about a "Captain Carrot", and ended in her falling flat on her face.

Avelyn lifted herself off the floor, after rolling off the bed, and panted for breath after her series of angry curses. 5 minutes later she walked out on deck, looking a tad bit hungover. Avelyn rubbed her face from tiredness and went to the side of the deck, ignoring the current interaction around her, and looking over the water, feeling the urge to puke.

@Everyone on Sphinx
Crowley looked at the girl, and walked over to her, and handed her a small flask of rum. 'A bit of the hair of the dog that bit ya, eh?"
Seeing the sight of rum made Avelyn gag, instantly looking away from it. "Ugh get that away from me" she said sickly, then finally taking notice of him, that he was be of course and a guy. She crossed her arms and her eyes narrowed slightly "And you are?" She said a little hostility.
Waving a casual goodbye to the rest of his crew mates, Cody walks off with his Captain and their first mate. Scanning every bit of land in eye sight, Cody looks and waits until either them or another crew member spots the outpost. He's curious about how skilled their opponents will be, and a little impatient to find out. But since he will have his share of combat once they go after this outpost he can wait a little while longer. "Quite a nice look plains if I do say so myself." Cody says making small conversation, still looking around the plains that are in eye sight.

DarknessSpirit said:
Seeing the sight of rum made Avelyn gag, instantly looking away from it. "Ugh get that away from me" she said sickly, then finally taking notice of him, that he was be of course and a guy. She crossed her arms and her eyes narrowed slightly "And you are?" She said a little hostility.
"Alistair Crowley, the new master gunner. Heard the old one was blown to shit." Crowley took a drink from the flask. " And you are?"
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Rifle in hand, Antonio continues walking through the plains, keeping a sharp eye out for anything that seemed like it could be a Navy outpost. "Hmm. I wonder where this outpost could be." All of a sudden, a very, very mischievous smile spreads across Antonio's face. "Well, what do you say for time's sake that we bring the fight to us?" He draws his rifle and points the barrel to the sky, index finger on the trigger. "I figure we can just pay close attention to when they come out from wherever they are hiding. Maybe their footprints will lead us there." All of a sudden, Tony pulls the trigger of his rifle; the smoke from the barrel spreads into the air and the sound of the gunshot resounds through the vast plains.

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Crowley contemplated on what he was getting himself into. A ship full of women might have been an amazing fantasy, but he was wondering if that is all it was. A fantasy. "So, why are you on this ship in the first place? You lose a bet, or are you off to make it rich?"
"Hungover" she said in a blunt, dead tone. "Yeah, blown to pieces, itsy-bitsy pieces. Hope you don't suffer the same fate" She said in fake cheeriness with a sarcastic grin. "Names Avelyn." She pondered on his last question, but decided to let it rest, like the others who asked her about it. "It's complicated." Was all she said.
DarknessSpirit said:
"Hungover" she said in a blunt, dead tone. "Yeah, blown to pieces, itsy-bitsy pieces. Hope you don't suffer the same fate" She said in fake cheeriness with a sarcastic grin. "Names Avelyn." She pondered on his last question, but decided to let it rest, like the others who asked her about it. "It's complicated." Was all she said.
Crowley chuckled. "So, do you like to play cards?"
Nanami stared at her blankly from the ground, "And what exactly do you mean by 'for now'?~…." she muttered, sighing again as she sat up, "And ever heard of sarcasm, we're on a ship in the middle of the ocean, where exactly are ya' gonna leave meh'!?" she continued, she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, "Seriously though, I ain't interested in ya' in whatever way your explosion-filled minds thinkin' of, seriously I don't know where ya' got that idea and as much as I hate ta' say it I'd rather kiss one of these idiots than you~" she said whilst gesturing at the men dancing and singing loudly behind her in a semi-drunk state, some more so than others, she was making a disgusted expression before giggling a bit, "Save your tricks for someone who wants it, K'ay?~" she continued teasing, ruffling Keya's hair before standing up and staring out over the ocean, "My stomachs a-…. little sensitive…. at the moment." she continued.

DarknessSpirit said:
Avelyn pursed her lips in thought for a moment before answering "Yeah, I do actually" she said truthfully.
Crowley pulled out a deck of cards from his pocket. "It's a long journey, you know. Might as well have some fun, eh?"
Smirking at Antonio, Cody draws his two flintlock pistols that were sitting on his hips from the makeshift leather holsters he made a while ago. "Good idea, Cap'n, I was just thinking myself how I want a fight. Hopefully the Navy sailors at the outpost have some balls, huh?" Looking around carefully, Cody waits for any sense to ring of their new enemy's presence. He also wonders how the other groups of their crew mates are holding out, hopefully they haven't found any excitement before Cody, Antonio, and Stryker do.

Crowley shuffled the deck in his hands. "I am not going to lie to you, I am one of the best players I know."

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Avelyn narrowed her eyes a moment, looking him over with suspicion. Did he have maybe another meaning then being just a gunner?? Brushing off her paranoid side, she looked to be thinking before saying "Sure why not. But it I throw up on the cards, it's your fault" She said with a grin.
DarknessSpirit said:
Avelyn narrowed her eyes a moment, looking him over with suspicion. Did he have maybe another meaning then being just a gunner?? Brushing off her paranoid side, she looked to be thinking before saying "Sure why not. But it I throw up on the cards, it's your fault" She said with a grin.
~Hours Pass~

"Shit." Crowley said, as he lost another game. "Where did you learn to play?!
Crowley took another large drink from his bottle of rum. "Navy, huh?" Crowley said as he pulled up his sleeve, showing a tattoo of an anchor and an eagle. "Ever since I was 16 years old. Left after a.. never mind." He didn't want to delve into those memories. "What about you?"

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Crowley took another drink from the bottle. He was a little tipsy, even though he had downed a full bottle of rum.
TheHappyPikachu said:
Nanami stared at her blankly from the ground, "And what exactly do you mean by 'for now'?~…." she muttered, sighing again as she sat up, "And ever heard of sarcasm, we're on a ship in the middle of the ocean, where exactly are ya' gonna leave meh'!?" she continued, she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, "Seriously though, I ain't interested in ya' in whatever way your explosion-filled minds thinkin' of, seriously I don't know where ya' got that idea and as much as I hate ta' say it I'd rather kiss one of these idiots than you~" she said whilst gesturing at the men dancing and singing loudly behind her in a semi-drunk state, some more so than others, she was making a disgusted expression before giggling a bit, "Save your tricks for someone who wants it, K'ay?~" she continued teasing, ruffling Keya's hair before standing up and staring out over the ocean, "My stomachs a-…. little sensitive…. at the moment." she continued.
Keya Fenris

Keya only grinned when she asked what she meant, "
You'll see~. And, I could toss ya into the ocean on the dinghy." She replied jokingly before chuckling. Though she frowned slightly when she got outright rejected in one of the harshest ways possible by Nanami. She was more upset that she'd misread everything than the rejection. She hoped she didn't make things awkward or anything. She'd mostly on did it due to the fact she thought that's why Nanami was acting funny. She pouted when she ruffled her hair, swatting her hand away gently like an angry cat. Then she told her the real issue and it all made sense. The weird acting, the sudden adversion to being touched at all, the wanting to make distance.

Yep. Perfect sense. "
Ohhhhh...I see. I kinda misread that entirely didn't I?" She told her before laughing nervously. "I'm so sorry Nanami. I leigtamately thought you felt that way, I was only being friendly to start with I promise. Forgive me?" She asked, looking to her with pleading eyes. She really didn't want her to hate her now. Though, it did make sense when she said she couldn't fix what was really wrong with her.
"Since 17 actually. And as you can see, I left" Avelyn said blankly. She was a very personal person, Avelyn hated people who asked.
DarknessSpirit said:
"Since 17 actually. And as you can see, I left" Avelyn said blankly. She was a very personal person, Avelyn hated people who asked.
"Ah." Crowley said, realizing he had hit a soft spot. "I understand not wanting to open up to strangers." Crowley stood up and drank more of his drink. "It's getting pretty late. You want some?" Crowley offered her the bottle.

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