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Fantasy A Pirate's Life For Me

"I'm not drunk this time, honest." She scowled at Heather. "And I don't believe you're one to be givin' orders around here." The girl gave her an unhappy look for a second more before disappearing back into her chambers.
TheHappyPikachu said:
Nanami jumped slightly as she heard an explosion, "Sorry cap'n, guess I'll be seeing you later! I'll be fine! I don't need help from some stupid men!!~" she called out, her attitude was similar to that of a stubborn child and the happening seemed to cause total disregard to the serious moment that had previously been experienced. She continued running around and sighed as she located Keya on the top-eco sitting on the railing. This was not, however, without walking into more than a few walls on the way there, vision still still significantly blurry and head aching, "And what the hell just happened?~…." she asked the girl with hands on her hips, not showing signs of the symptoms she was experiencing despite her eyes trailing off ever so slightly without her focusing to keep them on the silhouette of the girl.
She swore under her breath slightly though as pain hit her sharply and she stubbled again, catching herself on some ropes thankful and straightening herself up, "What did you explode 'this time'." she continued with a slightly arched eyebrow, her cutlas shimmering in the moonlight.

Keya Fenris

Keya halted her oceangazing momentarily to look up at Nanami when she asked what happend before shrugging. "
You know. Another experimental design failure. Same as usual." She replied before brushing a lock of her purpleish-pink hair out of her face and gazing back over the ocean. "Ships' fine, can't say the same for my table though..gunna need a new one." She told her. She glanced back to her when she stumbled, eyebrow raised. "Are you drunk or something?" She asked her directly before her own question. "Oh. Nothing much. A table, a pistol, and a small bomb. You know how it goes. I was tryna make a gun that fired bombs, good idea on paper, didn't really work." She explained. Though she was mostly concerned about Nanami. Sighing she stood and walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay? You don't look so good." She asked her.
Nanami sighed, nodding and brushing the girls hand off her shoulder, one hand still on her hips, "Yeah, fine. Just some off booze and- other things…." she muttered, blushing slightly again and looking away to hide the fact of her doing so, she coughed once to clear her throat and re-adjusted, "A-Anyway. Try not to make so much of a racket, okay? Some men are heading off to bed and others are on lookout up in the birds-nest, we don't need any casualties from our own crew, correction, 'anymore' casualties, from your 'experiments' or I'm calling mutiny on you, K'ay?~" she teased with a smirk weakly, still holding onto the ropes and trying to focus on the girls silhouette, she was trying hard to act like her usual self, of course she was always more friendly to females than males making a significantly larger amount of discussion with Keya even more so than with their captain, of who she, despite seeming to be the male she trusted most, exchanged few words with.

Her eyes softened briefly at Keya, 'the truth…. is it hurts. and I want to tell them that…. but I can't…. seem weak, I'm already of lower ranking than most, Keya brushes it off so easily…. but there's such a big difference between the way males and females are treated….. especially when it comes to pirate business.' she thought to her, looking towards her cutlas and thinking back to something before re-joining the present and looking back up, "Don't worry…. about me." she added, still smirking but wincing as she did so, holding her side.

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Antonio notices that the main mast begins to crack at its base. The wind was taking its toll on the ship, and Antonio knew it was bad. He yells to the rigger and to all else up above, "Aye! I would suggest hopping down from there before you're shark bait! I'd hate to have any men overboard!" Tony laughs at himself. He begins detatching any ropes connected to the main mast so that it doesn't get tangled and so that the sails don't put up as much resistance. Noticing one man's screams, he looks up to see a crew mate just barely hanging on to the top of one of the sails. "Well what do you think you're doing up there?" He smiles and then begins to climb the mast to help him.

Watching Antonio start to climb the mast Cody sighs with discontent, it would be a nightmare if they lost their Captain but with this crew there's no men left behind by any man if able. Since the mast is cracking the less weight on it the better so Cody can't really climb up there to aid. After a moment of worrying, Cody comes to the realization they have some fortune on their side, so the crew mate, their Captain, and the ship should be alright. Cody isn't exactly a religious man, but he does believe in the many gods (He believes in Greek mythology.) which lets him believe this wind is showing Zeus is howling with excitement as they are.

Crowley set up his hammock in the armory, and uncorked a bottle of rum he had with him, and drank. "Oh, that's the good shit."
Antonio reaches the top of the mast and begins walking across the narrow sail post (whatever it's called lol). He makes it to the dangling man and helps him up. The man scuttles across the post and slides down the mast shakily. All of a sudden, a strong gust of wind blows, causing Tony to slip and fall. Not having much time, Tony quickly pulls his dagger from his boot and sticks it into the sail, allowing him to slide down safely while sacrificing the sail. "Whew. That was a close one!" He laughs, even though he was just in a near death situation. That's the type of fearless man he is. His will to laugh in the worst of situations lets his crew know that everything is fine. Tony looks to the man he just saved. "Why don't ye take a little break. Ya' look paler than me ass! Hahaha!"

@Dude @The Rest of Tynedale
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Losing the sail was a small blow, but having the two alive meant more to Cody and the rest of the crew. Cody laughs at Antonio's comment towards the man he saved, the guy looked pretty white. "That was some good work, Cap'n, glad to see both of you alive." Cody says to Antonio, making his way over to them and the group of crew mates that surrounded the two men. "Well, looks like we will have to do something wild without the sail in one piece. Shouldn't be too hard, right? Maybe we can mend it." He wonders to himself out loud, examining the torn sail above them all.

"Hmm." Antonio repeatedly taps his index finger against his temple. "That does seem to be a slight problem right now, as we are most likely off track." He takes a seat on the middle of the deck. The deck is flooded with a few inches of rain and seawater. The wind dies down slightly. "I suppose we can fix it up after this weather calms down a bit. It seems to be passing, anyway." He looks up in the dark, cloudy sky to see a slight break in the clouds; a silver ray of moonlight shines next to Antonio. "I say we leave things as they are. The cargo is tied down and we've passed the worst of it. I think our crew deserves a rest." He looks at the loyal crew working their asses off.




Chalize kept her eyes on the sea as she walked into her position on the ship - her baby as she called it. The steering wheel. Her compass in one hand whilst the other went to her side. She managed to take a glance at the two woman. The slutty Gun Master and the Feminist Rigger. She said before saying out loud. "Alright ladies this isn't the Theatre, its piracy. If you wanted to cause drama you should've joined the sphinx. The Cap would be glad to have you. So unless you want to leave, stop moping around... Its depressing. " She didn't wait for the others to respond to walk off once again.

She got a feel for the wheel wondering why she left it in the first place. To try chocolate , she recalled to herself. Chocolate was a new discovery and luckily some of the men stole some not too long ago. She could've just paid for it but what fun would that be. She made sure they were headed for the right course, all the while humming to herself 'a pirate life for me'.

@TheHappyPikachu @Mitchs98

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Stryker wipes the strands of hair back from her face, it being slick with rain and seawater. She could taste the salt and on her tongue and frowned in response, running it over her lips and turning to survey the ship. It could have been worse. That didn't mean i wasn't roughed up. But even it could be patched up. Stryker sighed and made her way over to where the captain was along with others listening in. She gently pushed past a couple of crew members and stood a little aways from antonio. She had to admire his leadership skills. His and Cody's were remarkable. She wondered if she could ever be that great at it someday.

@Dude @Nenma Takashi @The Obsever @Kyon

(Sorry I have not posted as much as you all have. And that this post may be tiny and choppy. I've been pretty busy. >~<; ;)
"Too right, Antonio." Cody responds, a small grin still on his face. He was definitely proud of this crew, so far the bunch seemed to be the most promising for a long lasting crew; and on top of that these were the most skilled mates he's run with in his lifetime so far. Watching the sun breach the clouds, Cody could feel it's warmth hitting him and the deck of the ship. Sighing with content he exclaims, "Feels brilliant right now, doesn't it?"


(Do what you need to Stamper, life happens of course! :D )
"That it does. But it will never feel as good as yesterday when we first set sail." He smiles more softly, indicating that he his serious about his statement. His eyes are more relaxed, as opposed to their normal wide position. He thinks about stealing the ship. "Hahaha! We may be the best and the worst pirates ever." Most pirates would at least buy their first ship; if they did steal a ship boarded by a crew, they would normally kill the crew. "I suppose it only sets us apart from the others!" Tony likes to see everything on the positive side of things. That's how he manages to keep his calm and cheerful composure.

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TheHappyPikachu said:
Nanami sighed, nodding and brushing the girls hand off her shoulder, one hand still on her hips, "Yeah, fine. Just some off booze and- other things…." she muttered, blushing slightly again and looking away to hide the fact of her doing so, she coughed once to clear her throat and re-adjusted, "A-Anyway. Try not to make so much of a racket, okay? Some men are heading off to bed and others are on lookout up in the birds-nest, we don't need any casualties from our own crew, correction, 'anymore' casualties, from your 'experiments' or I'm calling mutiny on you, K'ay?~" she teased with a smirk weakly, still holding onto the ropes and trying to focus on the girls silhouette, she was trying hard to act like her usual self, of course she was always more friendly to females than males making a significantly larger amount of discussion with Keya even more so than with their captain, of who she, despite seeming to be the male she trusted most, exchanged few words with.
Her eyes softened briefly at Keya, 'the truth…. is it hurts. and I want to tell them that…. but I can't…. seem weak, I'm already of lower ranking than most, Keya brushes it off so easily…. but there's such a big difference between the way males and females are treated….. especially when it comes to pirate business.' she thought to her, looking towards her cutlas and thinking back to something before re-joining the present and looking back up, "Don't worry…. about me." she added, still smirking but wincing as she did so, holding her side.

Keya Fenris

Keya frowned, clearly unconvinced by her 'being fine'. She clearly wasn't, which only made her worry more when she said she was. She chuckled and nodded and what she said next, "
Of course, no worries there. Won't be doing much until the smoke clears and I get a new table anyway." She replied with a shrug. Her frown only deepend as Nanami kept trying so desprately to hide her pain from her, and she really didn't understand why. "No, no you're not Nanami." She finally told her sternly. Afterwards she moved to throw Nanami's arm over her own shoulder to support her and wrapped an arm about her waist. "You're getting some rest and I'm not taking no for an answer, I'll knock you out and drag you into bed if I gotta. Something is clearly wrong with you." She told her. "Now, c'mon and let go of the rope, I'll help you to your room." She added.
Cody can see why Antonio would say that, yesterday was a truly fortunate first official day for the crew of Tynedale. Since everyone was taking a small break from overworking to fight that storm Cody makes his way down into the berth of the Tynedale. Going into his room, he grabs a bottle of rum he hid inside his makeshift bed, uncapping it and taking a swig he feels the harsh and delicious taste. Cody sits down on his bed and enjoys some more rum, not trying to get wasted but enjoy the downtime with some alcohol.
The sand whistles around that night as Alexis stands near the fire pit in beaches off Umma and sighs lightly, reaching into her satchel to retrieve a weathered pipe.

Alexis stuffs the pipe, and lights it. She takes several long drags from the pipe, looking towards a certain ship moored off the harbor, The Sphinx, its lights slowly moves towards Alexis in a serpentine fashion, and for a moment, she takes off her damning mask to take in the beauty of the ship as it glistens in the moonlight.

She had decided.
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Crowley stumbled up the stairs, and onto the deck. Repairs would be finished tomorrow. The night sky was always one of Crowley's sights. He saw what others couldn't see. When others saw black, he saw deep purple and blue. When people saw white, he saw grey-ish blue and silver. And he loved it.
Heather stumbled back to the ship, slightly intoxicated. "Damn," she muttered as she walked, "What the hell? I don't get drunk?" She walked on the The Sphinx, the men were lounging around. She sighed, and looked up, "Hmm, the sky sure is pretty tonight," she said quietly, her voice but a slurred whispered. The slender woman went to her quarters and pulled out her favorite and only book. A collection of different fairytales. She collapsed in her cot, relaxing against the wall, and began to read.
"Fuck, it's cold." Crowley said as a shiver ran down his spine. "Wonder if they've got any blankets.." Crowley started his quest to find a blanket, opening doors and cupboards, but to no avail. As he approached another door, he saw a faint light coming out from underneath the bottom of the door. This one's got to be a storage closet, Crowley thought, as he opened the door. But it was definitely not a storage closet. Inside he saw Heather reading a book. "Uh, hey. I know that you hate me and all, but would you perhaps have a blanket for me to use?"
Amidst the night, a figure shrouded in secrecy will make its way to the pier closest to where The Sphinx was located. Appearing to be taking puffs from a pipe of some sorts from time to time, it awaits to draw the attention of somebody on board the ship.

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[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Fuck, it's cold." Crowley said as a shiver ran down his spine. "Wonder if they've got any blankets.." Crowley started his quest to find a blanket, opening doors and cupboards, but to no avail. As he approached another door, he saw a faint light coming out from underneath the bottom of the door. This one's got to be a storage closet, Crowley thought, as he opened the door. But it was definitely not a storage closet. Inside he saw Heather reading a book. "Uh, hey. I know that you hate me and all, but would you perhaps have a blanket for me to use?"

She pointed to the small dresser, "Top drawer, left hand side. There's an extra in there," Heather said, smiling at a rather funny part of the story. She gently rocked the cot with the calming sway of the ship. Only the sound of the creaking boards and the quite footsteps of a few men who were still above deck could be heard.
Mitchs98 said:
Keya Fenris
Keya halted her oceangazing momentarily to look up at Nanami when she asked what happend before shrugging. "
You know. Another experimental design failure. Same as usual." She replied before brushing a lock of her purpleish-pink hair out of her face and gazing back over the ocean. "Ships' fine, can't say the same for my table though..gunna need a new one." She told her. She glanced back to her when she stumbled, eyebrow raised. "Are you drunk or something?" She asked her directly before her own question. "Oh. Nothing much. A table, a pistol, and a small bomb. You know how it goes. I was tryna make a gun that fired bombs, good idea on paper, didn't really work." She explained. Though she was mostly concerned about Nanami. Sighing she stood and walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay? You don't look so good." She asked her.
@Robyn Banks[/URL] @Mitchs98

I really wanted to make them sing an Alestorm song, imaging it without the guitar ;)

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Nanami sighed again, putting a hand to Keya and pushing her away quite abruptly and standing up herself, cold look in her eye again before turning to Chalize, "No problem here. Sorry for the disturbance." she replied quickly and walking off, she knew this ship like the back of her hand, after all, a rigger had to know the ship to be able to manoeuvre it with top speed and efficiency, which came in handy with her visions current state as she walked over to her spot at the side of the ship, near the front and sat down, of course this position allowed her to hear the conversation between both the captain and Chalize, she wouldn't say she was to fond of the female, sure, she was better than a man but she said a sense of entitlement that bugged the rigger.

She looked up at the mention of Othrolian by the captain, she hadn't been quite sure where they were heading, after all, it wasn't the riggers job for anything about destination so even if she had it would've probably going in one ear and out the other, ".. Othrolian? huh." she mumbled to herself, the second most popular port, in her opinion it was overcrowded and as such had the divide that generally happened in such a situation, on the side ships came in it was clean and fairly good-spirited, but travel to the poorer area and it was filthy, starved and overall a place of despair. She would know after all, she'd spent a good portion of her childhood there.

And then, as if the night couldn't get anymore chaotic the captain began one of his singalong's, a soft smile fell onto Nanami's face as she opened her mouth and began singing along, 'maybe…. it won't be so bad going back there, as long as these idiots are with me.' she thought to herself as the boat went along its route in the sea's calm waters, the stars shine above them like beacons.




She heard her captain burst out the door wondering who was causing the mess now. Charlize simply shrugged before saying in a nonchalant manner. I just navigate and steer the wheel. Not my job to check on people. Just made some side comments. Why don't you just ask them?" She nodded after his next question. "No captain. After a few turns it will be sweet sailing." Her watch him command a song to be sung.at the moment she heard the loud auditory of the pirates., she shook her head with a smirk on her face , continuing to get them on route. The singing was something she got used to since they sung at least one a day but it always amused her. She glances at her compass before making a left turn. She was about to ask Rein if he had been drinking but she knew she would receive an obvious answer. Most of the people here were alcoholic yet some didn't know how to hold their liquor.

@EMP @TheHappyPikachu

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