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Fantasy A Pirate's Life For Me

Lyovkin Agafon Aleskeevich

Location: Mileham.

Socializing with: Currently nobody.

Lyovkin had already returned yet he did not feel like making his presence known to the people. He preferred staying on the background now and thought about the stuff that they stole from the cargo. It was not nothing so that was good, however he really craved for some relaxation now and just felt like falling asleep right then and there. He leaned against the edge of the ship as he looked into the distance, the scenery of the sea meeting his eyes, mesmerizing him in the process as if he felt like he could be pulled into the water. Tapping his finger against the wood as he heard the men singing their hearts out on the main deck.

However he did not make any attempts to go to them and just stood there. Honestly, he sometimes wondered how he even came to a ship like this but never regretted it. Not even once. Unlike usual, his smile was nowhere to be seen as he just looked in front of him. His soul seemed to have seeped out of his body and was flying of only to return back later if he needed it. He licked his lips as he felt some drops of water splashing onto his face. They were salty yet he liked them. If only he could become one with the sea, everything would be so much more simple.

Crowley awoke to falling out of his hammock, and hitting the hard wood floor of the ship."Mother of-" Crowley said, rubbing his forehead.
@Ninja God

Keya Fenris

Keya glared at Charlzie as she came over telling them to stop the drama. Quartermaster or not she was about ready to slap her considering Nanami was clearly sick. That was, at-least, until Nanami shoved her off of her rather abruptly. She nearly tripped but regained her footing, by the time she had Charlzie had walked off. She'd definetely tell her off later, Quartermaster or not she didn't care. If someone didn't care for their crew they really shouldn't be in the crew, especially somewhat incharge of one. She frowned as Nanami walked off to the front of the ship, debating on following her. If she got worse she WOULD need help, whether anyone else approved of giving it to her or not. In the end she decided to walk over and sit beside her, silently looking out to the ocean. She had nothing else better to do, after all. Might as well try to be helpful and show concern for Nanami since no one else was. "
Nanami, I mean it. I'm not going to make you go to your room or anything, but, if you get worse you tell me okay? She might not care about you but I do." She told her quietly, giving her a reassuring smile.
Crowley picked himself up off of the ground and walked up to the deck. The sun shone down upon The Sphinx as the waves crashed into the hull of the ship. Seagulls cawed overhead, and the taste of salt was fresh in the air. Crowley took a deep breath, and knocked on the captain's door. "Oi, rise and shine. Repairs are done. Where are we going?"

Heather, who had fallen alseep with the book on her face, sat up. Instead of falling off, it stayed on. "Oh my god! Im-oh the book," she mutyered, taking it off and putting it up. She popped her neck and left her cabin. She squinted as the sun glared down at her, but she smiled at the salty sea air and the bright blue sky.
Nanami had spaced out to a certain extent as Keya spoke, giving her a small nod as she continued to think about the past, her mind trailing off to the days she'd spent at the port still from the mentioning of it, "….. the pirate queen….." she mumbled quietly to herself in the daze before slapping her cheeks lightly and coming back to the present, "Yeah, yeah~ I got it, don't get yerself' all worried bout' it~" she replied with a dismissive hand movement, "It's not like the real issues somethin' ya' can fix anyway, trust me." she muttered in a stubborn tone under her breath, cheeks slightly pink again as she pulled a small blanket over herself timidly whilst mumbling, it seemed to have appeared miraculously from her 'stash', her spot was right next to some stairs and she'd taken full usage of this fact by storing who knows what under there, in fact, there were rumours she slept there most nights instead of in her makeshift hammock downstairs, she was an odd one, that was for sure.

@Mitchs98 @EMP @Robyn Banks (I guess you two are nearby?~ xD *Shrugs* just kinda, tagging you if you are, since my character overheard your previous discussion of their destination I would assume so~ xD )
FireMaiden said:
Heather, who had fallen alseep with the book on her face, sat up. Instead of falling off, it stayed on. "Oh my god! Im-oh the book," she mutyered, taking it off and putting it up. She popped her neck and left her cabin. She squinted as the sun glared down at her, but she smiled at the salty sea air and the bright blue sky.
"I think your captian might be in another drunken stupor." Crowley said to Heather. "Ship's repairs are done too."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"I think your captian might be in another drunken stupor." Crowley said to Heather. "Ship's repairs are done too."

"Most likely. Some of the men aren't back yet so we'll stay here in port for a bit," Heater said walking up to the door and knocking loudly. "Oi! Wake up captain! Repairs are done, and you need to decide where we go!" She shouted.

Waking up from his makeshift bed in the cabin he claimed when they first hijacked the ship, Cody stands up, stretching his body with a yawn. Immediately he makes his way above deck; straightaway he can smell the sea, with the everlasting hint of salt. Cody does his routine walk around the ship in the morning, making small talk with every crew member. It was important to him to make sure every crew member was alright, without a sound crew they will be weak. Also, he genuinely enjoyed these people so far.

@ Anyone on the Tynedale
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Crowley looked at the group with a smirk. "You guys are hopeless, you know? Also, is it just chicks on this boat, or what?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley looked at the group with a smirk. "You guys are hopeless, you know? Also, is it just chicks on this boat, or what?"

"Just the ones that are in chrage," Heather smirked, walking away.
TheHappyPikachu said:
Nanami had spaced out to a certain extent as Keya spoke, giving her a small nod as she continued to think about the past, her mind trailing off to the days she'd spent at the port still from the mentioning of it, "….. the pirate queen….." she mumbled quietly to herself in the daze before slapping her cheeks lightly and coming back to the present, "Yeah, yeah~ I got it, don't get yerself' all worried bout' it~" she replied with a dismissive hand movement, "It's not like the real issues somethin' ya' can fix anyway, trust me." she muttered in a stubborn tone under her breath, cheeks slightly pink again as she pulled a small blanket over herself timidly whilst mumbling, it seemed to have appeared miraculously from her 'stash', her spot was right next to some stairs and she'd taken full usage of this fact by storing who knows what under there, in fact, there were rumours she slept there most nights instead of in her makeshift hammock downstairs, she was an odd one, that was for sure.

@Mitchs98 @EMP @Robyn Banks (I guess you two are nearby?~ xD *Shrugs* just kinda, tagging you if you are, since my character overheard your previous discussion of their destination I would assume so~ xD )
@EMP @Robyn Banks

Keya Fenris

Keya smiled softly at Nanami as she agreed to tell her. She valued Nanami as a friend, heck, most of the crew were great friends to her. She didn't know what she'd do if any of them got seriously sick, or even worse, died. She frowned ever so slightly when she mentioned 'the real issue'. She had no clue what it was, but whatever was wrong she was determined to at-least TRY to help her with it. After all, what kinda friend would she be if she didn't? Once she was settled in Keya gently leaned against her and brought her into a hug. "
Of course I'm gunna worry! We're in the same crew, aren't we? It'd be shitty if we didn't worry about each other. Might was well not even be on the same crew. And as for whatevers' wrong with you you're damn right I'm going to at-least try." She told her. "You're my friend, so, of course I'm going to help you. Whether anyone else likes it or not. If they say to much against it I'll shoot 'em in the foot." She added with a grin. One could argue Keys was flirting with Nanami, and they'd be entirely wrong. Right now, Keya was just being friendly towards her for all intents and purposes.
Nanami stared blankly forward and shuffled slightly away from Keya, "Please don't shoot anyones foot, it'll add more money for surgeon fees to our budget." she said in a rather straight-forward way, "And the touching is not appreciated, but the words are." she continued, she seemed like a cat that was sensing the fact that they were about to get a bath, she moved away more and winced again, sighing and randomly pulling her gun out, shooting an empty bottle on the other side of the ship before lowering the gun back into place, still blushing a little despite her rather bland reaction, muttering some strange swear words against men for some unapparent reason, amongst the noise of the ship and other guns being fired into the air every once and then the shot went fairly noticed and for the most part little reaction was given by the rest of the singing crew as they continued, Nanami buried the lower half of her face in the blanket on her knees and continued to look like an annoyed cat.

TheHappyPikachu said:
Nanami stared blankly forward and shuffled slightly away from Keya, "Please don't shoot anyones foot, it'll add more money for surgeon fees to our budget." she said in a rather straight-forward way, "And the touching is not appreciated, but the words are." she continued, she seemed like a cat that was sensing the fact that they were about to get a bath, she moved away more and winced again, sighing and randomly pulling her gun out, shooting an empty bottle on the other side of the ship before lowering the gun back into place, still blushing a little despite her rather bland reaction, muttering some strange swear words against men for some unapparent reason, amongst the noise of the ship and other guns being fired into the air every once and then the shot went fairly noticed and for the most part little reaction was given by the rest of the singing crew as they continued, Nanami buried the lower half of her face in the blanket on her knees and continued to look like an annoyed cat.
@EMP @Robyn Banks

Keya Fenris

Keya watched as Nanami once again reacted awkwardly to her touching her. Her only question was why. All she did was give her a nice friendly hug...oh. Ohhhh. She grinned mischieviously as Nanami curled up in an annoyed fashion in her blanket. She saw how it was now. Or at-least thought she did. Chuckling to herself she snaked her way around behind Nanami and brought her arms around her stomach, resting fully on her back and being sure to press her chest up against her. "
Ohh. I see. You should of just told me that's what it was Nanami, I wouldn't of said anything. I swing that way too you know~." She told her teasingly, fully convinced that was the issue.
Nanami froze as she felt Keya moving and turned bright red at her words, "Hey!? what the heck!-" she cut off as the girl wrapped her arms around her stomach and began talking, hitting the girls arms weakly, "O-Ouch, pain, please, not the stomach, let go, now, please, halp, someone, I'm being sexually harassed by the weird explod-y lady, halp~…." she mumbled, her words bland and blank expression still, even if twitching slightly in what seemed to be a mix of pain and embarrassment, eventually turning around, whilst flustered, hitting Keya on the head rather mercilessly. "Bad Keya." she said as if the girl were some stray dog stealing her food, she really was cat-like. She shuffled right into the corner of the stairs, blanket covering her and knees up to her chest, her head peeking out through a hole as she glared stubbornly, "I do not swig that way! I do not 'swing' anyway!?" she yelled in reply, wincing again and wrapping her arms around her stomach, "Okay, I'm done~……. Sail on without me…. I'm gonna…. just take a quick break." she mumbled awkwardly and in an over-dramatic way.

TheHappyPikachu said:
Nanami froze as she felt Keya moving and turned bright red at her words, "Hey!? what the heck!-" she cut off as the girl wrapped her arms around her stomach and began talking, hitting the girls arms weakly, "O-Ouch, pain, please, not the stomach, let go, now, please, halp, someone, I'm being sexually harassed by the weird explod-y lady, halp~…." she mumbled, her words bland and blank expression still, even if twitching slightly in what seemed to be a mix of pain and embarrassment, eventually turning around, whilst flustered, hitting Keya on the head rather mercilessly. "Bad Keya." she said as if the girl were some stray dog stealing her food, she really was cat-like. She shuffled right into the corner of the stairs, blanket covering her and knees up to her chest, her head peeking out through a hole as she glared stubbornly, "I do not swig that way! I do not 'swing' anyway!?" she yelled in reply, wincing again and wrapping her arms around her stomach, "Okay, I'm done~……. Sail on without me…. I'm gonna…. just take a quick break." she mumbled awkwardly and in an over-dramatic way.
@Robyn Banks @EMP

Keya Fenris

Keya only giggled at Nanami's words, not aware she was being serious about her hugging hurting her. And then she was whacked on the head, causing her to shout in pain and grab where she was hit with a hurt pout on her face. "Hey! What did I do?!" She shouted, clearly upset. All she was trying to do was tell her it was alright if she had a crush on her, jeez. She was thoroughly unconvinced by her act of her not swinging anyway. It was decently obvious to her what the problem was, as far as her awkwardness around her that was. She's rarely been wrong before, so she doubted she was now. And then she grabbed her stomach, wincing in pain, causing Keya to gasp. "I'm sorry Nanami! I didn't mean to hurt you! I'll stop touching you...for now." She told her. "And no, we aren't leaving you either." She added.
Crowley looked around the ship. It was not the biggest he had been on, but it was big enough. "Is there any other crew members I should know before we get going?"

Kestrel shrugged. "I think not. Set sail for Ayimeth." The girl finally left her chambers for fresh air, sitting down on the deck to watch her crew. She was mostly sober now.

@Safety Hammer
"Alright men you heard the captian!" The men started scurrying around getting red to set sail. "Ayimeth huh? We haven't been there in awhile. Didn't you actually manage to get kicked out of the loudest tavern there?" Heather asked with a sly smirk.

ThePumpkinQueen said:
Kestrel shrugged. "I think not. Set sail for Ayimeth." The girl finally left her chambers for fresh air, sitting down on the deck to watch her crew. She was mostly sober now.
@Safety Hammer
Crowley looked at Kestrel. "Why there? I mean, I'm not complaining, but if I am going to be on a crew of a drunkard captain and a pissy first mate, I'd like to know that there is a reason, besides from the gold, I mean." Crowley pulled out a bottle of rum, and threw it to Kestrel.
Kestrel tried to appear innocent. "I don't recall that. Perhaps you're mistaken." She narrowed her eyes at Crowley, catching the bottle. "I have friends and family there that may be able to help us out."

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer
A slender women walked down the streets , She had just got out of an orphanage she stood still taking in her surroundings noticing a bar , she entered and was greeted by what seemed to be the manger " Hey there littl lady ! " Willa bobbed her head "Hello , it's a pleasure to meet you. sir ? " the bartender noticed that the girls language was that of a noble scratching his chin he eyed Willa " Are you a noble ? call me dales " Willa brushed her hair out of the way and sweetly smiled " I'm flattered you think that Sir Dales but i'm just an orphan . " dales nodded in understanding " i see my mistake than. so what are you here for ? " Willa fidgeted in her seat " This might sound crazy but I'm looking for a pirate ship , i heard that they always hang around here. " Dales snickered at the girl " now where did you hear that from. " "i read it in a book, is it true? " he nodded " At times, yes but i think you should go to the harbor, there are many pirates there. " The bartender rushes out the young lady through the door shutting the door, Willa walks down to the harbor searching for a ship she could maybe sneak on.

Heather rolled her eyes, and leaned over to Crowley, "She got Sgt faced and street three bar fights naked," she then slapped on the back of the head, "I'm not pissy!"

Antonio walks out on deck to hear, "Land ahead! Land ahead!" He runs to the front of the Tynedale to see the sandy shore of the Uhandu Plains. The sun shines just behind it. Seeing as the crew would be docking soon, Tony commands the crew to prepare the anchor and the dinghies to stop the ship and bring them into shore. Before long, Antonio finds himself in a dinghy himself while a few mates on board row the boat.
FireMaiden said:
Heather rolled her eyes, and leaned over to Crowley, "She got shit faced and started three bar fights naked," she then slapped him on the back of the head, "I'm not pissy!"
"Sure you aren't." Crowley said, rubbing the back of his head. He sat down on a crate and started to clean his gun.

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