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Fantasy A Pirate's Life For Me

Corbin De'Luca Leon Agnelli

Ship: Sphinx | Location: Sphinx's Ship | Interacting/Mentioned: Kestrel, (Heather)

"You can call me Leon." He offered with a polite bow, eyes flickering upwards towards Heather as she whispered insults to Kestrel under her breath before walking off. He was beginning to think there was something between the two. Thinking back to, like... not even a minute ago, he recalled the pink-haired woman stating that she's 'Captain Kestrel'. He made a mental note to show this woman respect. "I see. Would you like a drink?" She asked, and Leon's eyes lit up.

"I would very much appreciate a drink, yes." Once again, Leon bowed, but this time it was more of a simple - yet formal - nod of the head. However, upon glancing at the bottle in her hand, he realized she meant a drink, and he motioned as though to reject the offer, knowing he's more so in need of water than alcohol. When he did, Kestrel leaned in, brushing her lips against his ear. Leon stood firm as she whispered, sending light chills down his spin. "I'd like to get to know you a bit more, if possible. Maybe think about helping out the crew." Her voice was soothing, but Leon refused to show interest or arousal, and instead kept up his professional front.

"So... This is a pirate ship... You're the captain..." He grew silent for a second, gaze lowering towards the ground before quickly darting back up towards Kestrel's, "If I'm understanding correctly, what you've just said indicates an invite for me to rest assured as a potential member of this crew that seems to be comprised mostly of women? Correct? To join I must offer my full cooperation and loyalty?" Leon was sort of skeptical as to how Kestrel could just invite someone to join her crew so quickly, but he was also thrilled.

@Sgt Gomez[/URL] @FireMaiden @Crines

ThePumpkinQueen said:
The alcohol finally hitting her like a wave, Kestrel stuck her tongue out childishly towards Heather before turning back towards Leon. "I see. Would you like a drink?" She held up a bottle of gin, a small smile on her face. The girl tilted her head slightly. "I'd like to get to know you a bit more, if possible. Maybe think about helping out the crew." She leaned close to Leon, her lips brushing his ear, "Either way, we should have some fun in celebration of you joining us."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Star quietly sat in the corner watching everyone drink and have a good time. She was never much of a drinker. Her father drank a lot and she hated her father so she swore off the stuff. She was known to have a little now and again, but usually in private. Star stood up as her captain began to get a little too friendly with a crewmate. "Cap'n are you sure you want that?" She put her hand on her shoulder. She knew she was intruding, but they were friends and she was the quartermaster of the ship so the crews wellbeing was in her best interest.
Kestrel smiled, leaning on the side of the ship so she wouldn't lose her balance. "You do need some booze." The girl sighed. "I'd like to see you loose." She grinned at the thought. "Anyway, that is certainly correct. But there is one initiation process. You must kiss your captain to symbolize your connection to the crew." She waited to see how long it took him to figure it out and if he had some sort of a reaction.

@Suzumaki Arakai
ThePumpkinQueen said:
Kestrel smiled, leaning on the side of the ship so she wouldn't lose her balance. "You do need some booze." The girl sighed. "I'd like to see you loose." She grinned at the thought. "Anyway, that is certainly correct. But there is one initiation process. You must kiss your captain to symbolize your connection to the crew." She waited to see how long it took him to figure it out and if he had some sort of a reaction.
@Suzumaki Arakai
"You.. you're fucking kidding me, right? Wow. Just wow." Crowley said, as he finished the rest of the bottle.
Corbin De'Luca Leon Agnelli

Ship: Sphinx | Location: Sphinx's Ship | Interacting/Mentioned: Kestrel, (Heather), Crowley, Star

"If I'm understanding correctly, what you've just said indicates an invite for me to rest assured as a potential member of this crew that seems to be comprised mostly of women? Correct? To join I must offer my full cooperation and loyalty?" Leon asked. His eyes flickered towards another woman with bright red hair. She approached the captain only to place a firm hand on her shoulder. "Cap'n are you sure you want that?" She asked, and Leon noticed the concern in her voice.

Kestrel only added in with a goofy remark,
""You do need some booze... I'd like to see you loose." And Leon blinked, his confusion once again showing on his face - it was plain as day. "Anyway, that is certainly correct. But there is one initiation process. You must kiss your captain to symbolize your connection to the crew." Things grew quiet. Leon was taking a moment to figure out if she was actually serious. He looked around at the others, "...They all kissed her? It must have some sort of sentimentality..." He paid no mind to the few things some others had to say when Kestrel stated the initiation process.

"Then... I'll do as I must." He slowly got down on one knee and took the captain's hand in his own, gently lifting it to his lips and planting a soft kiss before bowing his head, "I hereby swear my loyalty to you and this crew." In a way, his royal servant demeanor was really showing through. After all, it's how he was raised. Once he was finished with his charade, Leon stood up straight and nodded at Star, "I'm Leon. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. And please... do rest easy. I'll not do wrong by you." He looked over at Crowley, then back at Kestrel, "I, too, would like to know of where I'll rest for the night. That is... if I truly am going to be staying here." His clothes were still soaked, and he was really craving a nice cup of water.

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer @Sgt Gomez @(Sorry I took long, lol... I'm a bit of a slower poster.)
"Um, new kid, you didn't actually have to do that ya know," Heather called with a raised eyebrow. She was used to the captian doing weird things like that, she had to dance with every one in a bar maids outfit to become first mate, so.... Heather took the rum back to her quarters, and began to tidy up, and fix a few things before laying back down on her cot to drink and contemplate life.


Keya Fenris

Keya was further confused by Nanami, though she guessed she just wanted her personal space due to her stomach bothering her. She figured she wasn't mad at her so she left it at that. Soon enough they'd reached port, and while everyone else was moving to leave, Keya decided to get some sleep. She'd stayed up all night the last day or so and it was starting to get to her, perhaps it was one of the reasons that she messed up her new design. Either that or guns simply weren't made to fire cherry bombs. Either or, really. "Cya Nanami!" She called out waving while the girl hopped off the ship. Keya herself moved below decks to the now smoke-free lower deck and to her living space.

Laying her guns and things directly beside her bed she quickly climbed in, falling asleep only a minute or two after. Hopefully no one would bother her, for their sakes. No one wants a hole in wherever Keya managed to shoot them.
Avelyn had just finished drawing out a ship route for them to take when she heard the commotion. She left her quarters quickly only to see a man dragged aboard from the ocean. It only seemed minutes later Kestrel was, well being herself. It was obvious she disagreed.

"Let's just let anyone on our ship" she muttered as she watched "Leon" ask for a place to rest, she leaned back against the wall, arms crossed, and an irritated look on her face, watching the two, she hated new people, too odd. Could be a Navy spie, who knew? But once again here we were, allowing more people on the ship. These thoughts ran through her mind as she watched Leon.

@People on Sphinx
Avelyn had just finished drawing out a ship route for them to take when she heard the commotion. She left her quarters quickly only to see a man dragged aboard from the ocean. It only seemed minutes later Kestrel was, well being herself. It was obvious she disagreed.

"Let's just let anyone on our ship" she muttered as she watched "Leon" ask for a place to rest, she leaned back against the wall, arms crossed, and an irritated look on her face, watching the two, she hated new people, too odd. Could be a Navy spie, who knew? But once again here we were, allowing more people on the ship. These thoughts ran through her mind as she watched Leon.

@People on Sphinx
Avelyn had just finished drawing out a ship route for them to take when she heard the commotion. She left her quarters quickly only to see a man dragged aboard from the ocean. It only seemed minutes later Kestrel was, well being herself. It was obvious she disagreed.

"Let's just let anyone on our ship" she muttered as she watched "Leon" ask for a place to rest, she leaned back against the wall, arms crossed, and an irritated look on her face, watching the two, she hated new people, too odd. Could be a Navy spie, who knew? But once again here we were, allowing more people on the ship. These thoughts ran through her mind as she watched Leon.

@People on Sphinx
Kestrel's face felt like it had been lit aflame. It wasn't the most intimate type of kiss, but it was a kiss nonetheless. "That wasn't..." She cleared her throat. "You will, if I can help it. Let's see, there happens to be a very comfortable space right next to me in my bedchambers. It's first class, I assure you." The girl smiled and tilted her head. She did this to Crowley, with unsatisfying results. Let's see how this goes one more time.

@Suzumaki Arakai
ThePumpkinQueen said:
Kestrel's face felt like it had been lit aflame. It wasn't the most intimate type of kiss, but it was a kiss nonetheless. "That wasn't..." She cleared her throat. "You will, if I can help it. Let's see, there happens to be a very comfortable space right next to me in my bedchambers. It's first class, I assure you." The girl smiled and tilted her head. She did this to Crowley, with unsatisfying results. Let's see how this goes one more time.
@Suzumaki Arakai
(You are one cheeky motherfucker, you know that?)
ThePumpkinQueen said:
Kestrel smiled, leaning on the side of the ship so she wouldn't lose her balance. "You do need some booze." The girl sighed. "I'd like to see you loose." She grinned at the thought. "Anyway, that is certainly correct. But there is one initiation process. You must kiss your captain to symbolize your connection to the crew." She waited to see how long it took him to figure it out and if he had some sort of a reaction.
@Suzumaki Arakai
Crowley was walking back upstairs to find some more booze, when he heard Kestrel. "Is that seriously your best pick up line?" He said with a smirk, as he looked at Kestrel and Leon. "Fuckin 'ell. Why not just straight out say 'Fuck me', you know what I mean?"
ThePumpkinQueen said:
Kestrel laughed. "Actually, it is. I'll try that, however. Thanks Crowley." She turned to Leon, three sheets to the wind, and asked, "My dearest Leon, would you do me a favor and fuck me?"
@Suzumaki Arakai @Safety Hammer
Crowley bent over laughing. "Holy shit! I think that we are going to get along swimmingly." Crowley said as he slapped Kestrel on the back and looked over at Leon. "Have fun, mate." Crowley then started to walk back to the galley, but his foot got caught and he tripped down the stairs.
Corbin De'Luca Leon Agnelli

Ship: Sphinx | Location: Sphinx's Ship | Interacting/Mentioned: Kestrel, (Heather), Crowley

"I, too, would like to know of where I'll rest for the night. That is... if I truly am going to be staying here." Leon said, his expression still somewhat stoic. "Um, new kid, you didn't actually have to do that ya know," Heather called out with a raised brow, catching Leon's attention. He blinked and looked back at Kestrel, whose face was once again a bright red. "That wasn't..." She cleared her throat. Leon was confused, "It was a joke?" He had figured that after she'd set the rule, which is why he only kissed her hand.

"You will, if I can help it. Let's see, there happens to be a very comfortable space right next to me in my bedchambers. It's first class, I assure you." She smiled and tilted her head, and before Leon could speak a word, Crowely returned with a few things to say, "Is that seriously your best pick up line?" He smirked. "Fuckin 'ell. Why not just straight out say 'Fuck me', you know what I mean?"

"Actually, it is. I'll try that, however. Thanks Crowley." Kestrel let out a laugh and turned towards Leon, "My dearest Leon, would you do me a favor and fuck me?" Suddenly, Crowley bent over laughing, stating he and Kestrel will get along swimmingly before sending her a friendly slap to the back. Leon was pretty sure she was joking this time. He smiled and bowed, "It would be my pleasure... " His eyes flickered up towards Crowley just in time to see the fellow tumbling down the stairs. "But I'm going to refuse." Leon stood up straight again - He realized he wasn't wearing his gloves, and could only assume they were somewhere in the water. A soft sigh escaped him before he decided on taking a walk around the ship, "I can offer my assistance around the ship, however. Have you a shipwright?" He asked, referring to a boatswain, with dull blue eyes focused on Kestrel.

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer @Sgt Gomez
[QUOTE="Sgt Gomez]Star patted Leon on the shoulder and went after Crowley. "Sir are you alright?" She knelt down next to the man and checked him over before offering him her hand. "I'm star, the quartermaster. Pleased to meet you." She usually wasn't so polite but her formal training came out when she was concerned about someone.

"Oh." Crowley said looking up at her. "How are you doing?"

Instead of getting angry at the boy, she nodded, her eyes welling up very suddenly. Her entire body swayed slightly. "I understand," she choked out. The girl became too ashamed and hid her face, letting out a cry. She crouched down, unable to stand any longer. The woman tried to say something of an apology but was unable to talk.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Oh." Crowley said looking up at her. "How are you doing?"

"I am doing fine sir I usually donot drink so I'm not intoxicated," she offered him a soft smile.
[QUOTE="Sgt Gomez]"I am doing fine sir I usually donot drink so I'm not intoxicated," she offered him a soft smile.

"That makes one of us." Crowley said with a laugh.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"That makes one of us." Crowley said with a laugh.

"I'm star, you must be crowley?" She laughs and helps him up. "Where you going mate? I'll help you there."

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