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Fantasy A Pirate's Life For Me

Within minutes, Antonio notices a few armed soldiers running across the plain. Tony is sure to mark where they came from in his head. "Let the games begin," he says after reloading his rifle. He shoots an officer in the foot and he hits the ground, grasping at his foot in pain. He would save him to ask questions later. As other officer's file in, armed only with swords, Antonio drops his rifle and draws his cutlass from his side and begins by parrying the attacks of the soldiers in an odd, clumsy, and albeit effective manner. His recklessness throws them off a bit.

Nanami continued looking out over the ocean as Keya talked, glaring as she mentioned the dingy, "You better not even think about that~…." she muttered back in reply, sighing ounces she shifted her position to that of one with her chin sitting in her hands as he elbows leant on the edge. However, as Keya started apologising she suddenly blushed again, "I- I-…. Have no idea what you're talking' bout'~" she said, obviously lying and completely embarrassed again, it made sense that the woman who despised all men would hide the fact but it was hilarious at her attempts of straight-out denying it. Her vision was getting at least a little better, so the off rums effects were wearing-off at least. She stubbornly shuffled away a bit with puffed out cheeks, "…. No idea~…." she mumbled again in reply.

Swiftly and with no hesitation Cody raises his flintlock pistols, waiting a few seconds for the officers to get closer. Once they get into range Cody releases both of the triggers, which results in two dead officers with a hole in their noggin. Cody then drops his flintlocks to his side, pulling his cutlass out of it's sheathe and waits for one or more of the officers to make a first move. Noticing one of the officers moving in on Cody he laughs loudly, especially seeing the sight of the Navy officer's face. "Mate, you look like you're about to shit yourself. Ever see real pirates before?" The officer replies stammering, holding his sword up with a shaky hand; but before a word could even leave his lips Cody plunges his cutlass into the officer's throat. Feeling the body lifeless after a moment he puts a boot on the corpse's chest and pushes it off his sword. Quickly ducking down Cody misses a swing from another officer by only a couple inches; he realizes he may have pissed them off with his harsh action. But seeing as they were a bit too slow for them, he gets an easy opening to cut their throats. "This is shit, come on you fucks, fight us!" He states looking over at the remaining officers with clear disappointment on his face.

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Crowley woke back up in his hammock, with his head hurting something fierce. "What the fu-" Crowley mumbled, as he went to touch his head. But as soon as he sat up, he fell out of his hammock. "SON OF A BITCH!"
The crew arrive at Othrolian...

The captain, could see Othrolian in the distance, they would be reaching in mere minutes. The crew were looking ahead, some were already getting ready to gather their things. They were there to resupply and gather more information, Rein approaches his first mate, Sade. "Sade, I want you to accompany me to the bar, along with Lyovkin over there. We might stir up some trouble for ourselves." Rein then walks towards Lyovkin, "Quartermaster, how is the journey looking for the crew." Rein smiled as Lyovkin nodded, even though no one could see it. "Anyway, I want to you come with me to the bar, tell the crew that they're free to do whatever they want but must assemble back at the port tomorrow. Tardiness will not be tolerated"

The Mileham was now docked at the port, as they got off the ship, people were talking in whispers and looking at them funny. Rein didn't care, he and his 2 most trusted crew members headed for the bar for drinks and information.

@Ninja God @CALLA
Crowley walked up the stairs and onto the deck. He was the first one up. "Welp, I guess I'll wait to put up the puckle guns." Crowley said as he walked back downstairs, and made himself breakfast.
Nanami slowly woke-up, stretching and rubbing her head, she wasn't 'hungover' so to say more- half-asleep. She got up and changed into a fresh pair of clothes and fixed her messy hair into a slightly less messy hairstyle, putting in the two beads as usual and carefully timing the red head-band, cloth, fabric-thingy onto her head, most on the crew weren't actually sure what it was yet all knew if you favoured not-being-in-pain that you shouldn't dare touch it, it seemed to be spacial to the peculiar girl. She went up to the deck and sighed as she looked at the port, her eyes glancing over the area, "It's-…. been a while I guess…. But- it still looks…. so similar…." she muttered under her breath, climbing up the ropes quickly and checking all the sails were safely put in the correct position for being at port and secured properly before coming back down and watching as the captain left after announcing that they were free to wander as they pleased.

She jumped over the side and landed on the docks perfectly in the centre, quite an impress jump, the crowds parting slightly as she did so and began walking down it as if she owned the place, getting to one of the clearings and into the town, she seemed hesitant to put her foot onto the ground for the first step but after doing so seemed quite confident with herself in doing so.

Crowley looked out onto the horizon, as he drank from his canteen. A sharp pain shot into his shoulder, making him spit out his water. "Fucking hell." Crowley said as he touched his shoulder. Blood. His cut had opened back up. He didn't know if there was any surgeon on board either. Wait, what if that Avelyn girl could, Crowley thought as he hurried downstairs and knocked on the door to her quarters.

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Avelyn sat looking into a mirror, it was an old antique dresser, her face was straight, dead cold. After he had asked about the past she had gotten up and slammed the door shut to her quarters. Avelyn's general reaction, every crew member for the same reaction. Avelyn swore out loud when Crowley pounded on her quarters, still not getting up from her seat, she yelled "Oh for gods sake what now?!" She screamed angrily.
DarknessSpirit said:
Avelyn sat looking into a mirror, it was an old antique dresser, her face was straight, dead cold. After he had asked about the past she had gotten up and slammed the door shut to her quarters. Avelyn's general reaction, every crew member for the same reaction. Avelyn swore out loud when Crowley pounded on her quarters, still not getting up from her seat, she yelled "Oh for gods sake what now?!" She screamed angrily.
Crowley stood in the doorway, holding his shoulder. "I cut my fucking shoulder pretty badly. Can you-" Crowley winced in pain. "Can you patch it up for me? I'll pay you if I have to."
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Cortana scanned the horizon, watching the ship rise and fall on the waves. Her hair blew out behind her as she regarded the sun's position in the sky, before calling over her shoulder, "Cap'm, where to?" She gently guided the ship in a straight line, constantly adjusting and scanning the water and sky.

@Angel Lucifer
Corbin De'Luca Leon Agnelli

Ship: Sphinx | Location: Somewhere on the ocean | Interacting/Mentioned: Sphinx Ship

The feeling of the ocean's waves gently knocking against the side of Leon's stolen sail boat gave him a sense of comfort. He held his eyes lidded, staring up at the sky as he lay there in the middle of said boat's deck. It hasn't even been an entire month since he up and deserted his life as a royal guardian/servant after his mother's execution. The thought of it sent cold chills down his spine - He furrowed his brow and sighed. How long has it been since he's eaten? For a while after his departing, he was doing fairly well at keeping up with the stolen provisions he managed to snatch before actually setting off. "Nine days." Right - That's right. It's been nine days since he's eaten.

Sitting up slowly, in which his hood fell from his head, Leon stood to his feet and glanced around with a sigh, brushing a hand through his hair. Had he not been wearing his gloves, he might have noticed the greasy texture hinting on how long it's been since he's bathed. With a blowing breeze, Leon took notice of the boat suddenly beginning to luff. He took a minute to tighten the sail sheet until it stopped, then once again returned to where he'd been laying before. When he decided on running away from where he'd been living before, he expected much more... adventure... not this. Right as he was thinking about taking a nap, he suddenly remembered to check how much water he had left. And by water, I don't mean the ocean.
"...Not enough to last me." He bit his tongue and stepped away from his supplies, thinking of what he's supposed to do.

Off in the distance, a growing figure could be seen - one resembling that of a large ship. Leon, of course, didn't notice it until after he finished thinking of how he's supposed to
not die from dehydration. His furrowed brow relaxed and his eyes lit up a bit upon spotting the potential life saver. Then again... it could be dangerous depending on who it was. Quickly, Leon slipped his gloves off and began climbing the boat's main mast, using the gritted bottoms of his shoes as support. He managed to make the feat look easy despite it actually requiring a lot of skill. Once up high enough, he began waving an arm in the air to catch the attention of whoever might be on the oncoming ship.

@Sgt Gomez @FireMaiden @Crines @( :P if there's anything I should fix just let me know, I'll fix it.)

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Kestrel leaned against the side of the ship and drank. And drank some more. Then some more. She set the bottle down, limiting herself. The woman ran her fingers through her pink curls and looked at the water.

"By God!?" She whispered. Immediately resuming her position as captain she ordered her crew to head towards the man in the water. The Sphinx came as close as possible before ropes were thrown down for the man to climb up. Kestrel waited at the top to greet him. If he was too weak to climb, she would get him herself.

@Suzumaki Arakai
"What the-" Crowley said, as he looked away. "Cap'n needs our help!" Crowley ran up the stairs to the deck with his rifle laded and ready. "What do you need, Kestrel?"

Heather had been asleep most of the day, waking up on a few occasions just to maybe get a drink or a small bit of food. This time she was up for real. She walked out of her quarters to see the men gathered on one side of the ship. "What the hell?" She muttered walking over and looking over the edge to see a man over board. "Are we gonna help him Captian?"
Corbin De'Luca Leon Agnelli

Ship: Sphinx | Location: Sphinx's Ship | Interacting/Mentioned: Crowley, Heather, Kestrel

After a few minutes of waving in order to catch the attention of the nearing ship, which he hoped was home to people willing to spare a glass of water, Leon allowed his arm to dangle as he leaned back, still tightly gripping the mast with his other arm, as well as squeezing his legs around it so as to avoid falling. "...I wonder if they've noticed me..." He thought to himself as he waited.

Suddenly, before he was given a chance to slide down to the deck of the small boat, a harsh wind blew, sending the entire vessel to the side. As it fell, Leon lifted his grip on the mast and descended towards the water back first. He cringed before even smacking the water, knowing just how bad it was going to hurt once he did. Then, with a loud smacking sound, he inhaled a large amount of the salty ocean and choked out in disgust.
"Well this isn't what I had planned..." His thoughts complained. By the time the boat settled, the oncoming ship was close enough for him to touch.

He thought for a moment about whether or not he should climb up.
"They could be hostile..." I mean... with how little he's eaten and drank, I doubt he'd be able to hold his ground in a fight at the moment. Leon grit his teeth. "What's the worst that could happen?" And with that, he began climbing the side of the boat, slipping once or twice, only to be met by a rather stunning pair of women, and one stout looking man. "Um... G-greetings?" The confusion could be heard in his voice as he tilted his head.

@Sgt Gomez @FireMaiden @Crines

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](Stout?! Who the fuck are you calling stout?)

(I'm calling Crowley stout as in he's muscular and heavily built.)
"'Ello." Kestrel's face slowly turned a brilliant bright red as she looked him up and down. "This is the Sphinx. I'm Captain Kestrel. Great to meet you." Usually with a man with his appearance, she would have tried flirting, but for some reason Kes couldn't bring herself to do it.

"These creatures are Heather and Crowley, my crewmates. Human, I assure you, despite their grotesque looks." Her teasing tone was light, reminding all that heard it of a bell.

@Suzumaki Arakai @FireMaiden @Safety Hammer
"Did you just...oh my god!" Heather groaned at being called a creature. She put her hand on her hip, "Why do insist on calling me things like that?" Heather questioned, looking at the captian.
ThePumpkinQueen said:
"'Ello." Kestrel's face slowly turned a brilliant bright red as she looked him up and down. "This is the Sphinx. I'm Captain Kestrel. Great to meet you." Usually with a man with his appearance, she would have tried flirting, but for some reason Kes couldn't bring herself to do it.
"These creatures are Heather and Crowley, my crewmates. Human, I assure you, despite their grotesque looks." Her teasing tone was light, reminding all that heard it of a bell.

@Suzumaki Arakai @FireMaiden @Safety Hammer
Crowley lowered his rifle and looked at Kestrel with a disapproving glare, and grabbed the bottle from her hands. "Hm. I'll be back in the armory if you need me. And how about you sober up for whoever o'er here."
Corbin De'Luca Leon Agnelli

Ship: Sphinx | Location: Sphinx's Ship | Interacting/Mentioned: Crowley, Heather, Kestrel

"Um... G-greetings?" Leon addressed the group with the tilt of his head, sounding somewhat confused as he looked them over, crouching down on the side of the ship. "'Ello." The attractive woman's cheeks flushed red. "This is the Sphinx. I'm Captain Kestrel. Great to meet you." She said, and he glanced back at Crowley and Heather, sending the two individuals a firm nod. "These creatures are Heather and Crowley, my crewmates. Human, I assure you, despite their grotesque looks." Kestrel joked, but Leon didn't understand it and instead to it literal.

"Oh... Nice to meet you, I suppose." He slowly began stepping down from the banister of the ship and stood firmly in front of them. When Heather groaned, he flinched a bit, blinking a few times as she spoke, "Did you just...oh my god!" The girl placed a hand on her hip and continued on, "Why do insist on calling me things like that?" Leon was taken back a bit, thinking that maybe a fight was about to go down. He watched Crowley take a bottle from Kestrel and begin heading off, "Hm. I'll be back in the armory if you need me. And how about you sober up for whoever o'er here." His eyes followed the man for a second before he decided to introduce himself, "You can call me Leon." He gave a polite bow with a hand over his chest.

@FireMaiden @(Gotta hop off for a second, but I should be on again soon. I'll catch up then if you guys go too far wi

"You insufferable little brat," Heather muttered, glaring at Kestrel. She walked off, grabbing a bottle of rum. She walked to the place she normally stands when the captian was on deck and relaxed again the railing, watching the men on deck.
The alcohol finally hitting her like a wave, Kestrel stuck her tongue out childishly towards Heather before turning back towards Leon. "I see. Would you like a drink?" She held up a bottle of gin, a small smile on her face. The girl tilted her head slightly. "I'd like to get to know you a bit more, if possible. Maybe think about helping out the crew." She leaned close to Leon, her lips brushing his ear, "Either way, we should have some fun in celebration of you joining us."


@Suzumaki Arakai

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