A Piece Of Cake!! {Always Open}

Coo nods and says "I like that", but he thinks:(But I think I would like to be one of those couple things with her later.)
Yoru lifts her head up so she could see better. "No. I don't like clubs or sports that much." She mumbles.

"It's not that I'm uninterested, I just don't like first days." Cari smiles at Lyon and takes another sip of her soda.
Rio smiles at Yoru, "Oooooh I see, well I'll tell you what. Me and a few of friends we ate lunch with are going go this weekend, you know, a night out on the town. I would love if you came along too..."


Lyon chuckles, "Yeah, I know what you mean. It was really brave of you to jump into the middle of a fight to try and break it up."
"You saw me? Were you the one who looked back at me?" C.J. lays flat on the grass and stares up at the sky. A ton of thought flew through her mind.

Yoru smiles cutely. "Sure, as long as your there." Realizing what she just said, Yoru gets up and jogs to the library. Why did I say that?! I just met him!
Coko parks in front of a small building (Probably the size of a hair cut place.) named 'MMA training.' Coko gets out of the car and holds the door open for Cana "We're here..."
Lyon laughs, "Yup that was me.." He looked down at C.J.


Rio sits there a little confused, watching Yoru run off, "I didn't tell her where to meet at.." He says.


Cana gets out the car, looking at the building, "Wow, it's smaller than I thought.."
"I mean the while grafiti thing. Alright, class. Line up!" the other people in the room arrange in three lines of no particular order.
Cana sits down on the wall, watching the people line up, "He knows about my graffiti?" she thinks to herself, "duh, if I tag all over town someone is going to know my work.."
After sets of push ups, crunches, jumping jax, and arm circles, we went to the fighting. A huge smile appears across my face, one you've never seen at school. "Guys, today's the start of wanted weekend, so what do you want to learn?"
Cana watches the class, all moving together, "I could never do that.." She thinks. Smiling as she watches Coko who seems more relaxed and happy which makes her happy.

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